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View Full Version : Nits! Time for a trip to Louse!

December 20th, 2019, 23:09
Sitting at @Home Bar, Jomtien, one evening during my last visit in March, I was watching a couple of Cambodian freelancers sitting at the bar across the soi. A visit to Nitty Nora (the fine toothcomb mamasan) for treatment should have been a must. Their fingers were never out of their hair, frantically scratching for prolonged periods.

What made me think of this? Reading a few posts written by members this week on the topic of.... crabs!

So, what to do if a lad who has caught your attention, such that an offer to off is on the cards, begins to attack his head with the ferocity of a determined carpenter smoothing down a rough piece of wood with fine sandpaper? While your temporary partner is in the shower do you creep up behind him with a bottle of Prioderm? Do you wait until he's asleep and venture into his hair, armed with fly spray, for a closer look? Do you examine the pillowcases?

Suddenly the attraction of choosing a graduate monk for a bit of company becomes all too clear!

December 20th, 2019, 23:43
Visit the bar next evening.
Have a small cocktail (gin and tonic?).
Leave a tip and small bottle of nit shampoo?

Nirish guy
December 21st, 2019, 03:31
Me - run a mile to get as far away from him as humanly possible in case he infects next with the buggers too !!

December 21st, 2019, 03:46
It certainty gives a fresh dimension to the phrase “head job”. I do recall making a phone call once to the manager of a brothel I had visited the previous day to suggest he educate his most recent recruit (who had just finished high school) about crabs

I don’t understand the prudish nature of the reluctance to discuss such things openly

December 21st, 2019, 09:31
Suddenly the attraction of choosing a graduate monk for a bit of company becomes all too clear!

Do monks shave their pubes as well as their heads? If not, what you might take to be a signal of sexual interest might well be a sympton of marine life down below. I'd still be concerned about those crabs.

December 21st, 2019, 11:50
Do monks shave their pubes as well as their heads? If not, what you might take to be a signal of sexual interest might well be a sympton of marine life down below. I'd still be concerned about those crabs.


December 22nd, 2019, 14:53
I also saw some of that in Jomtien Complex whilst walking back from the beach. Since they all have fancy phones, you think they would Google a solution to the problem instead of frittering away time on Facebook and Tik Tok.

I used to pack a fine comb, but having never needed it in SE Asia, this got rationalized out of my luggage for this trip.

December 22nd, 2019, 17:18
I'm aware of the infestations of pediculosis pubis and pediculosis capitis affecting humans. Are those crabs depicted above belong to the species of pediculosis frequenti?