View Full Version : Where are they now?

December 18th, 2019, 12:12
I've been wondering whatever happened to Nigel Farage after he sabotaged his own Brexit party's chances in the UK election by unilaterally withdrawing the party's candidates in Conservative seats in response to wily Boris Johnson's siren song (https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/siren-song/)/Pavlovian slogan "Get Brexit Done". You remember NIgel, of course you do. Bowler hat, umbrella, standing in front of Big Ben - the caricature Englishman. I was going to say "gent" but let's not get carried away. Often on the turps
It seems that poor Nigel is caught up in his own ego, with a spat going on with the Conservative Party on the Isle of Wight. They've accused Nigel of making a "knee-jerk response" (https://onthewight.com/alan-wells-accuses-nigel-farage-of-launching-knee-jerk-political-attack/) - that's the one that's not a Pavlovian response. If you're not a university man (and Nigel isn't (https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nigel-Farage)) it's probably too subtle a distinction for you

I read that they've nastily suggested that he's done this all "from your European office in Strasbourg". Munich, here in Bavaria, is less than a 4-hour train ride from Strasbourg on excellent Deutsche Bahn Intercity Express. You'll recall that DB recently transported Saint Greta of Thunberg, and jolly ungrateful she was too. I might just catch the 12:28 and be with Nigel in time for tea