View Full Version : Double speak

December 14th, 2019, 14:38
I learned a new phrase in the world of the Orwellian double-speak of the Limousine Left - “plant-based meat”. This is not as any logical person would think, meat from grass-fed cattle or sheep, but a “vegieburger”

It’s now been added to “organic produce” - you can’t actually digest anything inorganic. And there’s “aerobics” which is a fancy word for exercise. It’s not possible to exercise anaerobically, you’ll die

Star Date 14/12/19, 9:37 Bavaria time

December 14th, 2019, 15:55
Bavaria time is of no interest to either of us methinks Mr Mitty.

December 14th, 2019, 17:21
I've never understood the purpose of making veggie food taste like meat. Why try to make food taste like sh*t ?

Nirish guy
December 14th, 2019, 18:47
I've never understood the purpose of making veggie food taste like meat. Why try to make food taste like sh*t ?

Alternatively of course the ACTUAL reason is that meat to most people DOESN'T taste like shit and so they have to try every trick they can to make that bland veggie diet taste like something that most people actually like eating !

December 15th, 2019, 02:05
one word...margarine

December 15th, 2019, 06:59
Restaurants in the UK these days seem to have gzillions of different menus.

A la carte
Tasting gastronomique
Vegetarian tasting
Vegan tasting
Set lunch
Pre and post theatre

And each dish comes with a code of letters Alan Turing would struggle to decipher.


December 15th, 2019, 12:15
More and more Germans are adopting the vegan religion - https://www.netbase.com/blog/germans-are-leading-a-vegan-revolution-check-out-the-sentiment-analysis/. Here's a blogger whose name is, apparently, "Chickpea", who writes about practising the vegan religion in, of all places, Bavaria - https://veganchickpea.com/vegan-gluten-free-travel-reviews-in-bavaria-germany/. The blog has a few shots of the Rhine including that indispensable vehicle for river travel, the barge

Munich is also famous for the number of "organic" produce retailers - https://www.organictraveller.de/organictraveller-munich-supermarkets

Now it's back to my black sausage breakfast. His name is Devon - pronounced De-von

December 15th, 2019, 12:57
Of course he is. Interesting title of this thread. Double speak. Double 'likes' too judging by the screencap below. It's almost as if.....

Anyway. Enough of this shooting fish in a barrel. Time to move on.

December 15th, 2019, 13:20
Enough of this shooting fish in a barrel.The vegetarian diet + fish is known as the "pescetarian" diet. That's not the same as the "seafood" diet - see food and eat it

Brad the Impala
December 15th, 2019, 16:04
Restaurants in the UK these days seem to have gzillions of different menus.

A la carte
Tasting gastronomique
Vegetarian tasting
Vegan tasting
Set lunch
Pre and post theatre

And each dish comes with a code of letters Alan Turing would struggle to decipher.


I can understand how this is intellectually challenging for you.

December 15th, 2019, 17:54
At your age your grateful to be able to see anything I should think.

December 15th, 2019, 19:12
Nothing so it seems is sacred. Even cats and dogs may be subjected to creeping vegetarianism - Whiskas and Pedigree maker developing meat-free pet food amid concerns over environmental impact of farming https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2019/12/14/whiskas-pedigree-maker-developing-meat-free-pet-food-amid-concerns/

Imagine your favourite fox terrier, the one that's forever running around endlessly yapping vacuosly, may be subjected to this cruel and unusual punishment. Can anyone like this once, let alone twice over?

December 15th, 2019, 19:48
"the one that's forever running around endlessly yapping vacuosly,"

A self assessment? A delightful moment of clarity from our man on the Bugle Strasse.