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December 11th, 2019, 19:25
Whilst reading the Thai press, from a wet and windy East Sussex, I slipped into a series of daydreams, recalling the 'good' old days of Pattaya and Bangkok, and by 'old days' I mean (from my point of view) 1993 - 2000, although I have been visiting Pattaya and Bangkok every year since 1993.

What vivid memories of people/clubs/go-go bars/ incidents etc., have you to share?

Let me start the ball rolling:

1. Ian, owner of Le Cafe Royale, shouting "FISH!!!!!", every time a female walked from the street into the bar. He was always asking the waiters, adorned in their pink shirts and white shorts, what colour underwear they were wearing when they passed him. "What colour, darlin'?" They all responded, of course.

2. The Yaba wars (as I call them) centred around Sunee Plaza, with sudden outbreaks of gang warfare. Boys in the clubs and beer bars would suddenly become very animated, run to the doors and look up the street, along which thundered a gang teenage boys armed with sticks and clubs, hell-bent on hunting down the enemy!

3. The chubby lad in Throb, (now Copa), who would pull a few cartwheels out of the bag and stun the audience!

4. The Aquarius Guest House in Bangkok and Kuhn Witchai the owner.

December 11th, 2019, 21:15
Greetings from equally wet and windy Bristol - though from Sunday I shall be enjoying the warmth of Pattaya for a month.

I also first visited Pattaya in 1993 and have returned every year - at least once and sometimes up to four times annually.

The sheer diversity of the bars over the years is what comes to mind. A few favourites included: (1) Cockpit (across the road from - and a slightly downmarket version of - Boys, Boys Boys which was spelled with Ss in those days before they changed to Zs, (2) Star Boys Boys (on the east side of Second Road - I was there on opening night, as I was for A-Bomb), (3) the Sky Bar (on the roof of Mr Mac's Hotel on the road to Jomtien and probably the best-run of all the bars that I've known - apart from the week when the owner went away and I replaced him as temporary manager!), (4) Ball Park Pub (again, on the east side of Second Road, but much further north - just over the intersection with Pattaya Klang) which had wonderfully entertaining shows of all sorts every night. (5) Adam & Eve - later Madame Ed's - offered a unique experience in its massage (which I seem to recall was known as a Special B and involved a lilo and lots of soap suds!)

Fond memories of so many young men encountered at all of them and others...

December 11th, 2019, 21:33
I was thinking of Khun Oh from Cockpit only a couple of weeks ago so thanks, poshglasgow, for mentioning him (her?). This was because I was listening to Monserrat Caballe singing Tosca when I suddenly recalled Kun Oh's performance of that dreadful "Barcelona" song- the one in which Caballe unbearably did a duet with Freddie Mercury- and how he/she would knock punters off their stools. Yes, in those days, Throb needed stools to accommodate the huge audiences who came to see the shows. When I say "knock" I don't mean literally; what happened was that at one point in the song she would suddenly turn her large frame to those on the front seats and loom over them. Everyone enjoyed the moment, even those who knew it was coming, as the females nearby would lean backwards on their little stools and need to be prevented from falling.
Quite a performance.
And then there were the cheeky monkeys who would occasionally haul gentlemen onto the podium and express themselves the way that monkeys do. One of them attached himself to an elderly gent whose wife was sitting near me. When the monkey tried to achieve rear entry, his missus nearly wet her knickers with laughter.
What a tale she had to tell at her local Darby and Joan club when she recounted her experiences of Pattaya..

December 11th, 2019, 23:58
Greetings from equally wet and windy Bristol - though from Sunday I shall be enjoying the warmth of Pattaya for a month.

I also first visited Pattaya in 1993 and have returned every year - at least once and sometimes up to four times annually.

The sheer diversity of the bars over the years is what comes to mind. A few favourites included: (1) Cockpit (across the road from - and a slightly downmarket version of - Boys, Boys Boys which was spelled with Ss in those days before they changed to Zs, (2) Star Boys Boys (on the east side of Second Road - I was there on opening night, as I was for A-Bomb), (3) the Sky Bar (on the roof of Mr Mac's Hotel on the road to Jomtien and probably the best-run of all the bars that I've known - apart from the week when the owner went away and I replaced him as temporary manager!), (4) Ball Park Pub (again, on the east side of Second Road, but much further north - just over the intersection with Pattaya Klang) which had wonderfully entertaining shows of all sorts every night. (5) Adam & Eve - later Madame Ed's - offered a unique experience in its massage (which I seem to recall was known as a Special B and involved a lilo and lots of soap suds!)

Fond memories of so many young men encountered at all of them and others...

Indeed, I too recall the time when BOYZTOWN was, as it should be, BOYSTOWN. It was shortly after a run of negative publicity by the UK tabloids that Pattaya, in panic mode, changed the sign.

Star Boys Boys. I remember its location. Wasn't it run by an Irishman?

Boys, Boys, Boys. I wonder if the custom of presenting the orphans with gifts on Christmas Eve, when the artificial snow machine was activated from the roof of the Ambiance, still happens each year? Maybe that too has fallen foul of the 'over-cautious' brigade? It was a great gesture and the kids loved it. I'm sure Father Ray was still alive when the practice of presenting gifts from the gay community was first introduced.

Another things has come to mind while typing: the Rolls Royce that used to swing into PL Soi 3 in the evening and drop Fasbind (have I spelt name that correctly?) off at BBB. I think he was a senior player up at the Royal Cliff.

December 12th, 2019, 00:02
Louis Fassbind.....


December 12th, 2019, 01:39
Funnily enough I was thinking along the same vein only the other day strolling through BT.

Unhappily I was counting the number of Gogo bars remaining. Discounting BBB (on my no go list) there are only 2 left in BT and 3 in the surrounding Sois...Toyboys, Cupidol, ABomb, Dynamite and Xboys.

In 2010 thee was probably another 7-10 making a total of about 15.

Then I reflected on Sunnee Plaza. Only 9 years ago gay maps show that there were 10, now only 3 remain. Nice Boys,Winners, and Power Boys.

So Pattaya now has a grand total of only 8 Gogo bars....as opposed to nearly 25 less than a decade ago.

Mind you the same applies to girlie bars. Take a stroll down the small Sois adjacent to Walking street and you’ll see practically all of them in those Sois are closed.

Alas, I too loved those shows...remember the “cat” that used to run through Throb rubbing it’s leg and pretending to pee up against members of the audience!

December 12th, 2019, 06:02
I first came to Pattaya in 1997.Cocobanana was my first bar to visit.Now its Panorama.Charly Boys was my favourite go go bar.It was run by Mike.And I stayed in La Cafe Royal.Ian Robbie and Ian McKnight were great hosts.All changed now.

December 12th, 2019, 06:58
I remember Charley (sp?) Boys being a good bar.

I guess that it was where the failed bar formed by joining two together is located.

Ah yes, the good old days, when there were a string of boy bars next to Dream Boys.
In its day, Dynamite was good, with Rose in charge before he went to Funny Boys.
And Lucky 777. And was it Classic Boys up above?

December 12th, 2019, 11:43
Star Boys Boys was founded in, I'd guess, about 1996 or 1997 by a guy named Frank - a chain-smoking civil servant, I seem to recall, evidently intending to let his hair down in LOS.

Charlie Boys was, so I understood, owned at one point by a collective of farang - about 20 of them had bought in, so I was told. Supposedly it was a way of fulfilling their fantasies of being bar owners at minimal capital cost while also incurring only a minimal hit in case of losses. However, with that many shareholders - no doubt all expecting not to have to pay for drinks or offs - I can't imagine that making decisions about the business was ever easy or straightforward...

December 12th, 2019, 12:18
The Sky Bar, meanwhile, was run in the early and mid 1990s by a genial Ulsterman whose name momentarily escapes me. He was succeeded by Allan (memorably described by the News of the World as "the vile vicar" and since deceased) and his business partner David. A delightful old American ex-military man, Don, had virtually permanent residence in accommodation there.

December 12th, 2019, 13:35
Star was twink-heaven for me in the late 90s. Its only minus was being on the wrong side of Pattaya 2nd....and in those days, the amount of traffic meant crossing was a slow business, particularly if you had company and were itching to get back to your room.

It was the only bar I visited where a "menu" of offing-prices was placed on each table. Not just gogo dancers but waiters, cashiers, doormen... and the mamasan. She/he was, predictably, by far the most expensive. As well as being the oldest and least attractive item by a country-mile.

December 12th, 2019, 16:24
My first time was on 1999 my favourite bars all gone The Boy Bangkok with the explicit fuck shows,Throb in Boyz Town with many beutiful boys and lovely coyote shows, Amigo Bar and the Corner bars in Sunee Plaza .My Way and Boat Bar and Connect Geustouse in Phatong were Lively and full of customers snd boys snd today are barely struggling to make business.gay westerns comming to Thailand declined dramatically on the past decay no wonder it's not what is used to be in the past.

December 12th, 2019, 17:14
The cost of drinks,,,off fee's ,,the amount the boys want for short time/long time, massage entrance fee's plus larger tips for the boys...It is ok and fine for
guys who visit Thailand once or twice a year, as they have funds in their budget for all the above..for Retiree's living in Thailand, I tend to think the cost of
good times has diminished, as they do not have the extra amount of money to enjoy as much as they used to...I personally think the drink prices and off fee's
are a bit too high,,anyway, just me.

December 12th, 2019, 17:41
Funnily enough I was thinking along the same vein only the other day strolling through BT.

Unhappily I was counting the number of Gogo bars remaining. Discounting BBB (on my no go list) there are only 2 left in BT and 3 in the surrounding Sois...Toyboys, Cupidol, ABomb, Dynamite and Xboys.

In 2010 thee was probably another 7-10 making a total of about 15.

Then I reflected on Sunnee Plaza. Only 9 years ago gay maps show that there were 10, now only 3 remain. Nice Boys,Winners, and Power Boys.

So Pattaya now has a grand total of only 8 Gogo bars....as opposed to nearly 25 less than a decade ago.

Mind you the same applies to girlie bars. Take a stroll down the small Sois adjacent to Walking street and you’ll see practically all of them in those Sois are closed.

Alas, I too loved those shows...remember the “cat” that used to run through Throb rubbing it’s leg and pretending to pee up against members of the audience!

These are depressing stats.

I wonder if the rule preventing go-go bars from operating in Jomtien will be relaxed? I think the gay future of Pattaya lies in Jomtien. Certainly, my own trips now focus on Jomtien, although I do like to have a couple of beers in Boyztown (Panorama) and a couple more at the Sunee Plaza bar to catch up on the local gossip, courtesy of mama Pai.

The last time I was in Sunee (March) I spotted a lad who has been on the scene for years, playing pool in the Sunee Plaza Bar. He seems to have recovered from his mental illness, undoubtedly brought about at the time of the Sunee Yaba Wars, when he went completely off his head. He would wander the streets aimlessly mumbling to himself. Coming to think of it...I've seen a number of Farang do the same, casualties of the Singha Wars!!

I'm surprised to hear that the girlie bars are in decline: good thing! They attract louts. The most civilized farang are to be found in the gay community; 'twas ever thus! Not that I would ever venture into a girlie bar for fear of being hit by a dart or empty Singha bottle fired from a well lubed fanny - Yuck!

December 12th, 2019, 17:52
I first came to Pattaya in 1997.Cocobanana was my first bar to visit.Now its Panorama.Charly Boys was my favourite go go bar.It was run by Mike.And I stayed in La Cafe Royal.Ian Robbie and Ian McKnight were great hosts.All changed now.

I remember that Robbie used to sit outside on the patio reading a book each afternoon until dear old Ian ("Awight, Girl?") arrived on the back of a motorbike driven by one of the boys in pink. How the f*** the bike didn't collapse with the weight of Ian on the back, I'll never understand. I recall also the time when Robbie disappeared for a while with 'food poisoning'. When he returned he looked dreadful: gaunt, pale, dangerously thin. He died not long after.

Remember all the freelancers that haunted the piano bar at Le Cafe Royale? They were a bigger nuisance than the mosquitoes! However, at least you could get cottage pie at 3.00 a.m.!

December 12th, 2019, 18:03
Go Go bars in Jomtien will be never aloud
because it's defined as a residential area .go go bars aloud only at entertainment zones.

December 12th, 2019, 18:10
Funnily enough I was thinking along the same vein only the other day strolling through BT.

Unhappily I was counting the number of Gogo bars remaining. Discounting BBB (on my no go list) there are only 2 left in BT and 3 in the surrounding Sois...Toyboys, Cupidol, ABomb, Dynamite and Xboys.

In 2010 thee was probably another 7-10 making a total of about 15.

Then I reflected on Sunnee Plaza. Only 9 years ago gay maps show that there were 10, now only 3 remain. Nice Boys,Winners, and Power Boys.

So Pattaya now has a grand total of only 8 Gogo bars....as opposed to nearly 25 less than a decade ago.

Mind you the same applies to girlie bars. Take a stroll down the small Sois adjacent to Walking street and you’ll see practically all of them in those Sois are closed.

Alas, I too loved those shows...remember the “cat” that used to run through Throb rubbing it’s leg and pretending to pee up against members of the audience!

I love this old photo of the dancers from Throb. Art (boy front right) was a great favourite of mine! He ended up as manager of the Kitten Club at Penthouse, PL Soi 2.


December 12th, 2019, 18:24
BOY69. There is currently a girly go go bar in Jomtien so maybe a boy one might follow soon.

December 12th, 2019, 18:37
I loved any place that was sleazy in Sunee, in BT I liked Thai Boys and Gentlemen Club....both gone.

December 12th, 2019, 18:54
Gentlemen Club, owned by a Swiss guy, I seem to remember. It was in PL Soi 1. Full of twinks.

December 12th, 2019, 19:22
He was Swiss and I think his name was Robert. All sorts of rumours circulated at the time he left Pattaya, but are probably best not repeated here.

December 12th, 2019, 19:45
Holiday 2 bar on Soi VC opposite the entry to the Krazy Dragon bar.

When I look back on it, it was a little scary; too sleazy even fir ne.

Here’s how I described it back in 2014:

On the few occasions I visited Holiday 2, the guys didn't just stare at me; they had their cocks out and were wanking themselves silly, while giving me the eye and wanting to come over and sit with me. One night, a guy sat with me, wanked himself and then immediatel;y went and sat with another customer who proceeded to wank him. This guy came twice in 10 minutes!! Another night, a guy came in the whisky of a German guy who then drank it.

December 12th, 2019, 20:33
Holiday 2 bar on Soi VC opposite the entry to the Krazy Dragon bar.

When I look back on it, it was a little scary; too sleazy even fir ne.

Here’s how I described it back in 2014:

The same owner had a place called “Butt Boys”......It was a beautiful thing as was the GoGo on Soi Yensabai “All Boys”.

December 12th, 2019, 20:36
Butt boys turned into Holiday 2. They were in the same place.

Or was it vice-versa?

December 12th, 2019, 20:46
They weren't rumours about the Swiss guy as a little googling will show.

Holiday 2 had some lovely boys and offs from there were invariably wonderful. They had to unlock the door to let you in and cctv cameras were trained outside. But as far as I know all boys were legal.

December 12th, 2019, 20:49
Was All Boys the place run by a rather podgy Belgian guy with glasses (Michel?) who groped or slapped the ass of each boy as he passed by the stage? That was a fun place.

Yes, I think Butt Boys was the original name of the other place and then it became Holiday 2. Very small place (made even smaller by the installation of a snooker table at one point) but very raunchy.

I'm surprised that no-one has yet mentioned K-Boys (was that the name?) - biggest bar in Sunnee Plaza at the time, all red and chrome inside and very brightly lit with a huge number of boys. Every night at a set time the boys would put on a naked conga dance through the bar, with customers invited to join in (the same thing used to happen in Escape bar in Prague).

PS I've remembered the name of the first owner of the Sky Bar - it was Ken.

December 12th, 2019, 21:31
Go Go bars in Jomtien will be never aloud
because it's defined as a residential area .go go bars aloud only at entertainment zones.
Technically it might be residential, but in practice there are no more people residing in the complex than in Sunee. And no more hotels than Boyztown.

Also a bar like Winner Boys probably makes less noise than The Venue.
The worst noise pollution is when one of the host bars has a party, with external speakers and the volume cranked up.

I would hope they could do some intelligent rezoning.

December 12th, 2019, 22:20
Was All Boys the place run by a rather podgy Belgian guy with glasses (Michel?) who groped or slapped the ass of each boy as he passed by the stage? That was a fun place. .

I believe you are referring to “Boys Studio”.......On the same Soi where Mosaic was later built.

December 12th, 2019, 22:34
I believe you are referring to “Boys Studio”.......On the same Soi where Mosaic was later built.

You are quite right. But didn't it then move (after Michel had left) and become All Boys? I may be wrong...

The trouble is, all these events are getting on for 20-odd years ago and memories get blurred a bit (or a lot!)

December 12th, 2019, 23:18
Butt boys turned into Holiday 2. They were in the same place.

Or was it vice-versa?

Stopped in for a look around and ordered a beer.
They were playing a CD with the Scorpions "When the Smoke is Going Down"
and the Cd had a scratch and kept repeating as the guys kept masturbating.
Quite the surreal experience and an old favorite song.


December 12th, 2019, 23:47
Where to begin? My remembrance of things past would start I guess with those two fine Bangkok institutions of the late Eighties, Telephone Bar founded by a fat American called William, who later started Sphinx Restaurant in the early Nineties after he sold Telephone to Richard and the execrable Yot and sat out his non-compete clause, and Barbeiry Bar, a go go bar on Suriwong opposite Twilight. But then there were the two “host bars” in Soi 2, Harry and Garden. Those were also the days when age of consent and legal age for drinking laws were simply ignored - I don’t recall them ever being discussed

Then there was that other fine institution Dairy Queen on the ground floor of Robinson’s on the Silom/Rama 4 corner where money boys would discretely ply their trade both inside and outside on the street. The restroom at Dairy Queen holds fond memories. It later became a McDonalds but was never the same. It was in Dairy Queen on New Year’s Day 1993 where I read in amazement the Bangkok Post’s front page headline that has remained my favourite for all the years since

Rome Club (back to Soi 4) was the first gay disco that I recall; it went rapidly downhill as a business once its owners decided a gay clientele was not their preferred business model

I think everything else went downhill once the gogo bar model became widespread. Prices in those bars were always much higher than elsewhere without a corresponding increase in value but they seem to be what the punters wanted

But was that really “the good old days”? Certainly analogue has its attractions but the digital Apps are destroying the old business models, especially gogo bars, and I’m not sure that’s a bad thing for the consumer of young male flesh. As I’ve remarked elsewhere I’m paying today exactly the same price as I was paying in 2008 and I suspect gogo bars were a major contributor to price inflation in the Nineties and Noughties

December 13th, 2019, 01:31
Holiday 2 bar on Soi VC opposite the entry to the Krazy Dragon bar.

When I look back on it, it was a little scary; too sleazy even fir ne.

Here’s how I described it back in 2014:

...."Another night, a guy came in the whisky of a German guy who then drank it."

Ah, so that's how they make Baileys Irish Cream!

December 13th, 2019, 01:40
Was All Boys the place run by a rather podgy Belgian guy with glasses (Michel?) who groped or slapped the ass of each boy as he passed by the stage? That was a fun place.

Yes, I think Butt Boys was the original name of the other place and then it became Holiday 2. Very small place (made even smaller by the installation of a snooker table at one point) but very raunchy.

I'm surprised that no-one has yet mentioned K-Boys (was that the name?) - biggest bar in Sunnee Plaza at the time, all red and chrome inside and very brightly lit with a huge number of boys. Every night at a set time the boys would put on a naked conga dance through the bar, with customers invited to join in (the same thing used to happen in Escape bar in Prague).

PS I've remembered the name of the first owner of the Sky Bar - it was Ken.

...'Every night at a set time the boys would put on a naked conga dance through the bar, with customers invited to join in...'

Why, when reading this comment, do I think of a gay version of the film: The Human Centipede ?

December 13th, 2019, 02:21
Where to begin? My remembrance of things past would start I guess with those two fine Bangkok institutions of the late Eighties, Telephone Bar founded by a fat American called William, who later started Sphinx Restaurant in the early Nineties after he sold Telephone to Richard and the execrable Yot and sat out his non-compete clause, and Barbeiry Bar, a go go bar on Suriwong opposite Twilight . . .

Interesting post, frequent. I have a rather vague memory of going to a bar opposite ‘Soi Twilight’ on Surawong Road, but had forgotten its name. The bar may have been accessible by going upstairs, although I am not 100% sure, and it may have had a long, narrow stage by the entrance which, at the time, accommodated 15-20 go-go boys. Do you think it was Barbeiry Bar, frequent? And, I wonder where they got the name? I don’t suppose it could it have been an oblique reference to 22 Barbary Lane?

And when I searched for “Barbeiry Bar”, I found the following four page thread from 2011 entitled, Does anyone know? Gay History, which may be of interest to members:


December 13th, 2019, 03:20
Interesting post, frequent. I have a rather vague memory of going to a bar opposite ‘Soi Twilight’ on Surawong Road, but had forgotten its name. The bar may have been accessible by going upstairs, although I am not 100% sure, and it may have had a long, narrow stage by the entrance which, at the time, accommodated 15-20 go-go boys. Do you think it was Barbeiry Bar, frequent? And, I wonder where they got the name? I don’t suppose it could it have been an oblique reference to 22 Barbary Lane?Yes Mr Jellybaby, that was Barbeiry Bar and it was an upstairs room. However, you entered via a smaller bar on the ground level and, as I recall, you could get a drink (though rarely a boy) in the late afternoon there. Golden Cock was my first "matinee" in Bangkok around the same period; it's always been a host bar open in the afternoons with only latterly one or two boys prancing around on a small stage in their knickers from time to time in the evening. The upstairs room as far as my memory goes was even more basic than it is today - ditto the "showering" facilities

As for the "Barbeiry" name I doubt its origin lay in Barbary Lane although the early gogo bars, Twilight especially, were managed if not actually owned by katoeys. Checking with my dear friend Mr Google I find that "barbeiry" is a variation of the name of a plant "barberry" or berberis which possibly has thorns that, as you know, lead to pricks - maybe all totally irrelevant to the choice of the name, or indicative of an English owner with a whimsical sense of humour (somewhat like ourselves, Jelly old bean)

December 13th, 2019, 04:00
My own memory of Barbeiry at that time was that it was on the ground floor. I recall fixed rows of seats with racks for one's drinks attached to the back of the row in front - so that when someone sat down heavily in front of me on one occasion, my drink was splashed all over me.

One bar in Suriwong Road that definitely had (a) a narrow entrance, and (b) stairs taking you upstairs to the bar/boys was the original Tawan (before it moved to its current location). I went there in, I think, 1993 and still have a little ceramic figurine of a horse given to all customers that night to mark the bar's 6th (I think) anniversary.

December 13th, 2019, 04:50
My own memory of Barbeiry at that time was that it was on the ground floor. I recall fixed rows of seats with racks for one's drinks attached to the back of the row in front - so that when someone sat down heavily in front of me on one occasion, my drink was splashed all over me.

One bar in Suriwong Road that definitely had (a) a narrow entrance, and (b) stairs taking you upstairs to the bar/boys was the original Tawan (before it moved to its current location). I went there in, I think, 1993 and still have a little ceramic figurine of a horse given to all customers that night to mark the bar's 6th (I think) anniversary.You’re undoubtedly correct. As any fule kno (lonelywombat will confirm) I’ve never been to Thailand or Pattaya and all my information comes from Internet searches or searches of this Forum plus (see my latest post in steviewonder’s thread) entirely concocted through guesswork and Google Maps. A tour de force I’m sure you’ll agree

December 13th, 2019, 05:33
I made my first trip to Bangkok in 1984. Barbeiry was on the second floor and had a very narrow entry: You basically, entered and then immediately hit the stairs. By 1986 they had a third floor for a period of time....

December 13th, 2019, 05:50
Barbiery was definitely upstairs. The entrance was through a narrow bar to a flight of stairs.
At night it was not unusual to see a policeman or three, in uniform, drinking at this bar. Never saw anyone else there.
Upstairs was a huge space with two large central stages.
I don't remember a third floor, but that was 30 years ago.
Marcilius is correct about the drink racks on the backs of the sofas.
Many boys, all Thai, great shows. Those were the days.
Later Barbiery moved to a building near Nature Boy. A strange choice which did not work out.

December 13th, 2019, 07:43
The Thai always named it Bar Beery-like bar beer. It was about the first major GoGo saloon with boys, even before that soi opposite opened and has since closed and fenced off now. Thus this also means that it was not gogo bars rhat destroyed the scene, they were first and only later followed on by other type bars. or rather all existed happily together. IMHO price gouging was mainly set by the wages police frequenting other fora, possibly inspired by trade-union PC activists. In the everyday Thais places there has not bene inflation to that scale.
It started here in BKK in the sois were now aiilng SuperA and still GoldenCock survive, with a kind of classy Japanese run gogo on also 1st floor by a mr. Lek Matsuda. On the corner where there is now an ailing all-night late hours bar (aiming both barboys and bargirls after 2.00 who did not find any customer yet) have been several quite nice gogobars, one soon replacing the other, King Diamond is one I remember.
Thai police were on duty and stopping by for a free drink.or 2. TITs.
THE other famous bar was always hotmail/hotmale just across from old Barbeery, packed full to the brims most nights.
Bit strange that all those massage+more places only started later-kind of cheaper alternative with immediate satisfactory result without all that fuss of seeking out guys, buying them beers, satisfying annoying katoeys working as mamasan etc.

December 13th, 2019, 09:34
The Thai always named it Bar Beery-like bar beer.I've heard almost as many variations for how to pronounce "Barbeiry" as there are from ignorant farang attempting to pronounce "Pattaya"

December 13th, 2019, 10:21
Gently moving the thread back to its original meandering pleasantness. Wild West Boys was a great bar to start off the evening, even with the fuckmonster Leila as mammasan.

At 8.00 three boys would run around the bar naked splashing water. Perhaps 25 boys on stage.

December 13th, 2019, 10:39
I first came to Thailand in 2009, so I have no personal memory of the good old days. Only what people who have been here for longer tell me and posts like this:

December 13th, 2019, 12:55
Holiday 2 bar on Soi VC opposite the entry to the Krazy Dragon bar.

When I look back on it, it was a little scary; too sleazy even fir ne.

Yes, it was a sleazy bar! I recall a lad laying on the bar as a rather rotund gentleman samoked him to completion. Those were the days.

December 13th, 2019, 13:23
There was some sort of mezzanine floor too, i think. I never knew what, if anything, went on up there - but it had to have been pretty extreme to beat what was going on down on the ground floor!

December 13th, 2019, 16:57
Gently moving the thread back to its original meandering pleasantness. Wild West Boys was a great bar to start off the evening, even with the fuckmonster Leila as mammasan.

At 8.00 three boys would run around the bar naked splashing water. Perhaps 25 boys on stage.

A FUCKMONSTER! My God! What if they're breeding? What if there's a nest of them? In each nest there's a queen. One such monarch haunted Cupidol until he/she/ buggered off to haunt Jomtien Complex. "Allo Dahling, wot boy you like. He samoak yoo."

Now, should David Walliams happen upon this site, there is a gift waiting: the name for his next children's book: The Fuckmonster. The name alone would ensure it flew off the the shelves in Waterstones - that's if you could get near it for gangs of pubescent boys pissing themselves with laughter at the originality of the title.

"Mummy, can you read me a story?"
"This one looks good, darling. Once upon a time in a far off land called Pattaya..."
"Is that where Uncle Tommy goes, each year, mummy?"
"Eh, (slight pause) once upon a time in a far off land called Pattaya."
"Mummy, what's that on the cover?"
"It's a mamasan, darling."
"Is the mamasan a Fuckmonster, mummy?"
"It is; they breed and live in nests on wasteland near Soi Buakhao."
"Mummy, has Uncle Tommy ever seen a Fuckmonster?"

To be continued...

December 13th, 2019, 22:25
I feel sorry for Chris PFC......he came 2009 what came before could have filled 2 blogs...Lol

December 13th, 2019, 23:25
Indeed, I too recall the time when BOYZTOWN was, as it should be, BOYSTOWN. It was shortly after a run of negative publicity by the UK tabloids that Pattaya, in panic mode, changed the sign.

Star Boys Boys. I remember its location. Wasn't it run by an Irishman?

Boys, Boys, Boys. I wonder if the custom of presenting the orphans with gifts on Christmas Eve, when the artificial snow machine was activated from the roof of the Ambiance, still happens each year? Maybe that too has fallen foul of the 'over-cautious' brigade? It was a great gesture and the kids loved it. I'm sure Father Ray was still alive when the practice of presenting gifts from the gay community was first introduced.

Another things has come to mind while typing: the Rolls Royce that used to swing into PL Soi 3 in the evening and drop Fasbind (have I spelt name that correctly?) off at BBB. I think he was a senior player up at the Royal Cliff.

Star Boys was owned by Frank from Dublin.He is still in Pattaya.

December 13th, 2019, 23:29
Star Boys Boys was founded in, I'd guess, about 1996 or 1997 by a guy named Frank - a chain-smoking civil servant, I seem to recall, evidently intending to let his hair down in LOS.

Charlie Boys was, so I understood, owned at one point by a collective of farang - about 20 of them had bought in, so I was told. Supposedly it was a way of fulfilling their fantasies of being bar owners at minimal capital cost while also incurring only a minimal hit in case of losses. However, with that many shareholders - no doubt all expecting not to have to pay for drinks or offs - I can't imagine that making decisions about the business was ever easy or straightforward...

Correct.It was my favourite place.you could hold a conversion and still enjoy the go go experience.Mick was a great manager..Excessive rent I believe finished it.

December 14th, 2019, 02:05
everything changes and whilst its sort of fun to reminisce on times gone by there is no good in complaining. Amsterdam is a shadow of its former gay self...but Madrid which hardly registered a dozen years ago probably has the best gay pride in europe. I do miss soi twilight in its hey day when every bar had twice and some thrice daily full on fuck shows ...and MB were as cheap as chips...but as an adaptor of modern technology I do enjoy ordering in too

December 14th, 2019, 04:52
...but Madrid which hardly registered a dozen years ago probably has the best gay pride in europe.Wait until you see the Gay Pride event Olly is organising for Ramallah in 2020. It may even overshadow Tel Aviv's Gay Pride on June 12th

December 14th, 2019, 12:18
You are quite right. But didn't it then move (after Michel had left) and become All Boys? I may be wrong...

The trouble is, all these events are getting on for 20-odd years ago and memories get blurred a bit (or a lot!)

I am too struggling to recall all those details but where Mosaic is now were 2 bars facing each other and a male sauna. The bar on the beach side was a hotel, 2 floors accomodation and the fourth floor was a german sponsored underage playroom/bar. To get there you had to get the lift from the hotel foyer and they strictly controlled access to the lift.

Several years later the bar was raided by Bangkok police with army soldiers in support. The troops gained access from the roof through rooms on either side and entered through the windows catching many Germans in an embarrassing situation.

I had became aware when the former daytime manager of BBB hotel side ,left to set up a restuarent in Jomtien. It was located opposite the Blind Massage parlour.
He closed and opened to a new site between the Grottina coffee lounge and Mosaic. I followed him there.
His restuarent maybe lasted a year or two and probably closed when Boys Studio was forced to close.

December 14th, 2019, 13:30
I had became aware when the former daytime manager of BBB hotel side ,left to set up a restuarent in Jomtien. It was located opposite the Blind Massage parlour.
He closed and opened to a new site between the Grottina coffee lounge and Mosaic. I followed him there.
His restuarent maybe lasted a year or two and probably closed when Boys Studio was forced to close.

Filling in a few blanks - accurately, I hope - the Jomtien restaurant opposite the blind massage place was called the Pagoda. I liked the food a lot, even though some others may not have done (see here https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/450454-pagoda-restaurant-closes/). It was run by a very friendly German named Helmut who had, I think, co-owned Poseidon Hotel with Heiko (spelling?) but had given that up in order to open the Pagoda. It seems to have closed in 2010/2011 and subsequently became part of East Suites premises. It was, first of all, the ES restaurant (with excellent food, though the service left something to be desired) but has more recently been converted into accommodation. Helmut's second restaurant that only lasted a year or two was called Luxor and, although the food was once again pretty good, I think that, as lonely suggests, its out-of-the-way location with little passing trade killed it off.

[PS I'm flying to Thailand via Helsinki later today. I'll be in Jomtien/Pattaya for a month, so hope to find a few new good places to eat while I'm there.]

December 14th, 2019, 19:32
Oh you will, or ask the suomenlainen on board for a smorgasbord of tasty bites.
As for BKK, I realised that in fact only Golden Cock and Telephone have outlasted all those years in the very same spot. DJ was not there yet, and though others were, they have moved shop. Plus it also seems that the very same faces are still working in such long established places. Gay life must give eternal youth!

December 14th, 2019, 20:01
I first came to Pattaya in 1989 on a Cathy Pacific tour and stayed at the Siam Bayshore for 5 nights. My first boy bar was Bar 69 just around the corner from the hotel. The next year (on my own) I stayed at the Cafe Royal Hotel. I had a terrible time explaining to the songtao driver where to take me. Finally his face lit up and he said, "Oh, Cafay Loyen, OK".
For the next 3 visits, I stayed at a wonderful place that hasn't been mentioned yet. The Homex Inn located north of the Dolphin Circle half way to Naklua. Buildings on 3 sides surrounding a pool with a high wall streetside giving the place total privacy. Managed wonderfully by 2 twink brothers for a Bangkok owner. It had a small cafe and a gogo bar which closed the year before I arrived. In the late afternoon most of the farangs sat around the pool to gossip about the days activities. The farang's boys would frolic in the pool, play games or watch TV dragged out of the office. Also boys from the area were welcome to come and play in the pool. Some of the "play" was quite explicit. This activity most often was surpervised by a gregarious European named, Hans" He was dating the two managers. A small bar was setup and snacks could be bought from the cafe. Very nice homey atmosphere.
For dinner, many went up the the main road to Kiss Restaurant. Then, after 8pm, a 5 minute walk brought you to Memories Gogo Bar. I rate it among the top boy bars in Pattaya. If you arrived early you could watch the happy boys practicing for the evening's show. Never professional but always entertaining. Everything about the place was relaxing and never pushy. Many evenings after closing, the fun continued then the customers would treat the boys to a meal at Kiss.
Sadly on my 4th visit, Homex looked uncared for, the managers were gone and the pool resembled a swamp. I walked away but retained some great memories.
Anyone else remember Homex and Memories Bar?

December 14th, 2019, 21:25
I remember the Memory Bar in Naklua and took off a guy called 'Lat' from there in 1993. I believe the former owner from the north of England died some years ago. He was a patron of the "Corner Bar" in Sunee. I understand that it developed a sleazy reputation. Now closed of course, like so many.

December 14th, 2019, 21:33
I remember the Memory Bar in Naklua and took off a guy called 'Lat' from there in 1993. I believe the former owner from the north of England died some years ago. He was a patron of the "Corner Bar" in Sunee. I understand that it developed a sleazy reputation. Now closed of course, like so many.

Corner bar back then was called Sports Bar and was owned by a Thai called Deng......it was delightfully sleazy and was actually open 24 hours. Often amongst the sleaze would be the BIB stopping for something to drink on their break.

December 14th, 2019, 23:21
I feel sorry for Chris PFC......he came 2009 what came before could have filled 2 blogs...Lol

I came first in 2014. So I have missed even more of the good old days.

But each generation has his own good old days. I will witness the rise of the gay sex tourism industry in Laos and Cambodia. And in 30 years when it will go down there I can tell the then new generation: "Oh, you missed the gay gogo bar and entertainment heydays in Laos and Cambodia. What it is now anno 2050 can not be compared at all with 30 years ago. I went there already in 2022 when it first started and have visited for almost 30 years now. But it can not be compared at all to 2022".

That is what I will write in the Laos and Cambodia gay forums in 2050.

December 14th, 2019, 23:42
I will witness the rise of the gay sex tourism industry in Laos and Cambodia
Don't count on it.

The Cambodia scene has declined since I first went there over a decade ago. Both Phnom Penh and Siem Reap had bars with numerous freelancers.

Laos once had boys cruising by the Nahm Phu fountain, plus a couple of lively gay bars. And a massage shop full of hot young lads.

Now one is better off trying to use a phone app in both countries. Or, better still, look for Lao or Khmer lads in Thailand.

December 15th, 2019, 05:53
For the next 3 visits, I stayed at a wonderful place that hasn't been mentioned yet. The Homex Inn located north of the Dolphin Circle half way to Naklua. Buildings on 3 sides surrounding a pool with a high wall streetside giving the place total privacy. Managed wonderfully by 2 twink brothers for a Bangkok owner. It had a small cafe and a gogo bar which closed the year before I arrived.

Then, after 8pm, a 5 minute walk brought you to Memories Gogo Bar. I rate it among the top boy bars in Pattaya. If you arrived early you could watch the happy boys practicing for the evening's show. Never professional but always entertaining. Everything about the place was relaxing and never pushy. Many evenings after closing, the fun continued then the customers would treat the boys to a meal at Kiss.
Sadly on my 4th visit, Homex looked uncared for, the managers were gone and the pool resembled a swamp. I walked away but retained some great memories.
Anyone else remember Homex and Memories Bar?

I never stayed at Homex but there was a bar outside Homex that I visited in the early nineties. As you came in Homex on the right and the bar on your left. That was not Memories.
Memories was a favourite bar of mine for a long time. If my memory is not slipping they had the first underwater show with naked swimming and sex. The boys were natural ,friendly and uninhibeted.
One night I was only member in the bar, there was a storm outside and I had a floor show of boys having cock fights , taking it in turns to hit the other boys erection with their own.
Guess as the day goes on will recall a few more details.

Just a query on Kiss restaurent. I used to go to dinner at a gay bar near by. Owned by a then well known gay man maybe Indonesian . I think he was the first Pattaya reporter for the Spartucas magazine.Memories was 100 yards away from his restaurent and the distance from Homex was more than double that.

PS .Homex was further north of North Pattaya rd. This restuarent and Memories were before the roundabout. Maybe someone has the old Spartucas still that could check up for me

December 15th, 2019, 06:53
Memory Lane - I'm trying to recall when the gogo bars in Soi Twilight started entertainment other than fuck shows. Was it around 2000? One bar started the trend and the others all felt they had to follow suit. It involved some dance choreography rather than the usual impromptu "poke'n'moan" of the fuck show. It wasn't for another few years that bars (or at least the ones I went to) started having the fucking couple pass among the audience, collecting tips along the way. I never though much of that as "entertainment"

I can't recall the last time I went to a gogo bar - Classic Boys in 2014 maybe, although perhaps I went once or twice more with a visiting chum. Ah yes - I offed a boy from Fresh who was an utterly useless performer in 2017. I had intended to visit one or two before they moved to Mammary Lane but never got around to it

December 15th, 2019, 09:00
PS .Homex was further north of North Pattaya rd. This restuarent and Memories were before the roundabout. Maybe someone has the old Spartucas still that could check up for me

I think the restaurant you refer to was run by Dolf Riks, a well-known Dutch Indonesian gay who was present from the earliest days of the Pattaya gay scene. Almost next to it was a gay bar called Nautilus which had an underwater show with naked swimmers. Both Memories bar and Homex were the other side of the dolphin roundabout along the Naklua road.

December 15th, 2019, 10:12
I think the restaurant you refer to was run by Dolf Riks, a well-known Dutch Indonesian gay who was present from the earliest days of the Pattaya gay scene.A Google search on the name reveals many references and photographs

December 15th, 2019, 11:13
I think the restaurant you refer to was run by Dolf Riks, a well-known Dutch Indonesian gay who was present from the earliest days of the Pattaya gay scene. Almost next to it was a gay bar called Nautilus which had an underwater show with naked swimmers. Both Memories bar and Homex were the other side of the dolphin roundabout along the Naklua road.

Thanks Snotface for bringing me up to date.
It was Dolf Risks Restaurent and yes it was Nautilius close less than 100 yards away.
My memories of Memories is obviously the bar near the entrance to Homex.
That got more than a little naughty, obvious boy/visitor relations similar to a few bars in Sunee later.

December 15th, 2019, 12:59
This thread should be read to a Max Bygraves LP.

Brad the Impala
December 15th, 2019, 15:34
This was Dolf Rik's second restaurant, and was never as atmospheric as his first which had been perfectly located at the junction of Beach Road and South Pattaya Road. He sold up the original, planning to retire, and passed much of the proceeds to his long time partner and boyfriend to open his own restaurant, which he did successfully.

However retirement bored him so he opened a new and smaller restaurant, which was conveniently just around the corner from Nautilus. The two together made for a most enjoyable evening. The Nautilus design theme was underwater with portholes all around, and there were two particularly large portholes where young mermen swam and performed acrobatics.

December 15th, 2019, 15:41
I assume that this was the inspiration for Splash and Classic? On the other hand , my memory of the gay guides I read then suggest that the the underwater shows in Nautilus were more erotic True?.

December 15th, 2019, 15:58
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FLuh0lr8ro. Re: Dolf Riks (in Dutch)

Also I found this link with a great write up and pictures of Pattaya history(nothing gay):

Brad the Impala
December 15th, 2019, 17:21
I assume that this was the inspiration for Splash and Classic? On the other hand , my memory of the gay guides I read then suggest that the the underwater shows in Nautilus were more erotic True?.

To me it was more interesting and created a better ambiance for the whole bar in Nautilus as it was more informal. It was less about "Here is an underwater show, everybody should look at the tanks" and more that the guys could disappear and reappear in a tank at any point throughout the evening, as I recall. There were small single person, or two at a squeeze, dancing podiums scattered through the seating, and they would not empty just because someone had decided to do a display in the tank.

So more erotic, not necessarily, but more pleasing definitely.

December 15th, 2019, 17:25
I assume that this was the inspiration for Splash and Classic? On the other hand , my memory of the gay guides I read then suggest that the the underwater shows in Nautilus were more erotic True?.

Yes the Nautilus often had couples with good breathing control do some wonderful sex underwater. You mention Splash and Classic [Was this the BKK one?]
There was another, slightly uphill in second road.This was an open air pool and the boys obviously enjoyed it in summer but when it got cooler and the pool was not heated, it became a labor of love. Not many erections in the water then and I think closed within a year.

December 15th, 2019, 20:07
I think the restaurant you refer to was run by Dolf Riks, a well-known Dutch Indonesian gay who was present from the earliest days of the Pattaya gay scene. Almost next to it was a gay bar called Nautilus which had an underwater show with naked swimmers. Both Memories bar and Homex were the other side of the dolphin roundabout along the Naklua road.

Yes, in Wongamat.

December 16th, 2019, 08:54
I think I can help make the time-line more precise. On my first trip in 1993, I went to Nautilus on the Naklua Road. Maybe a little raunchier than later swimming shows in Boyztown. I also went looking for Homex Inn but found it virtually derelict, as previously reported - so I guess its heyday was late '80s / early '90s.

On the subject of "swimming" boy bars, am I the only one who visited the one at the bottom of Pratamnak Hill before it changed its business model to employ only girl swimmers?

December 16th, 2019, 09:17
when it got cooler and the pool was not heated, it became a labor of love. Not many erections in the water then and I think closed within a year.

significant shrinkage?

December 16th, 2019, 09:20
Yes the Nautilus often had couples with good breathing control do some wonderful sex underwater. You mention Splash and Classic [Was this the BKK one?]
There was another, slightly uphill in second road.This was an open air pool and the boys obviously enjoyed it in summer but when it got cooler and the pool was not heated, it became a labor of love. Not many erections in the water then and I think closed within a year.

I mentioned this in passing #70 I was unsure whether the girls lasted very long as the cold water had a similar impact, swimming in very cold water unpleasant.

December 16th, 2019, 10:24
significant shrinkage?

Something to worry about those days.
Nowadays that can easily be overcome with realistic mechanical contraptions.

December 21st, 2019, 10:28
My Biggest Bar Disappointment.
I remember my excitement when it was announced that a gogo bar named, Jungle Boys, was going to open after a couple of months renovation of the space. (I can't remember if it was replacing NokNok Bar or if NokNok came after). I had always be a huge childhood fan of all the Tarzan movies and TV shows and I was the same age as Johnny Scheifield who played Boy.
I imagined this new bar with a jungle motif and the gogo boys in loin cloths, swinging on ropes and hanging from a jungle superstructure above the customer's tables. Alas, when it opened, it was quite tame and poorly laid out. My dreams were crushed.

My Most Exciting Bar
That had to be the aptly named, Kaos Bar. I don't think there was ever a more active, entertaining bar in Sunee. The boys, of all ages, were hyped every night. The off stage antics were crazy fun. Pulling pranks on each other, teasing the customers and harrassing the mamasan always caused me to have more drinks there than any other bar. And, there the wonderful story of the surprise police raid where the boys escaped up the stairs, onto the roof, jumping across to the buildings on the other soi, and dropping down from Memories Music Bar awning in only their tight whities to the surprise and amusement of the patrons. Great times!

What's your biggest disappointment in a bar and your most exciting bar?

December 21st, 2019, 14:13
I didn't think much of the short-lived Jungle either. It's lay-out was bizarre, as I recall, a series of small, door less cubicles. No gogo I can remember- but I may be wrong about that.

Kaos was certainly interesting. It is the raunchiest bar I've ever been to....I have abiding memories of oral sex being performed around me and squirming to keep falang legs of me.. But my most abiding recollection is of the dirtiest toilets I've ever encountered in Thailand. I didn't dare touch the flush mechanism....I doubt if it would have worked anyway. I'm not sure if it qualifies for "my most exciting bar" but it is undoubtedly memorable.

Another interesting place in the 90s was Superboys in Patong, where there was a lot of nude dancing and the guys would, on occasions, wear fluorescent briefs (more accurately Tudor-style codpieces) which would glow enticingly when the bar lights were switched-off. It was a cozy place...less than a dozen dancers. In those days, there were many small bars in Bangkok, Pattaya and Patong. Much better, in my view, than the large glitzy places of today with their preening (and stationary) straight "models."

December 21st, 2019, 17:42
I remember one visit to "Gentlemen's Club" in Soi 1. Everything seemed normal when there was a loud clapping outside. Fully 75% of the boys in the bar shot up the spiral staircase at the rear of the bar. Nothing happened and after about ten minutes little faces began to peer through the structure of the staircase as the boys gradually returned. I assume it was a warning of a possible raid that never happened.

December 21st, 2019, 18:49
I remember one visit to "Gentlemen's Club" in Soi 1. Everything seemed normal when there was a loud clapping outside. Fully 75% of the boys in the bar shot up the spiral staircase at the rear of the bar.

raids on bars these days are mainly for drugs and illegal migrant workers, in the "good old days" there were other reasons for raids - on the night you were in Gentlemen's Club and "everything seemed normal" what do you think the common characteristic was of the "75% of the boys" that would have made them wary of a police raid?

December 21st, 2019, 21:01
My most disappointing bar is the current “Nice Boys” nothing ever seems to change here year after year, even the occasional holiday makers have agreed that from trip to trip the boys are the same only a bit older.

The best memories of bars was All Boys, Krazy Dragon in its early days, and of course the unforgettable Kaos GoGo.
Not a GoGo but also have fond memories of the pool in Sunee when Monty ran it.

December 22nd, 2019, 10:48
Well it's really only in the last 6 months that Nice Boys has failed to replenish. Possibly running down the stock prior to closure. I hope I'm wrong.

December 22nd, 2019, 11:40
Talking about Kaos I remember that most evening a bucket was passed round and customers added tips 100 or 20 notes for distribution to the boys. The whities used to come off and cocks got wanked to erection. Customers then proceeded to play or even suck. deleted

December 23rd, 2019, 21:31
I have been going to Bangkok since before Soi Twilight. My longest memory was of Golden Cock in its heyday, busy, lots of boys, action everywhere, clients being sucked off on the sofa, at the bar. Boys mostly sporting erections! I used one of the rooms upstairs a lot, early basic but quite clean. The handrail in the stairs as you went up to the right was always loose! Certainly, those were the days!

December 24th, 2019, 08:23
Talking about Kaos I remember that most evening a bucket was passed round and customers added tips 100 or 20 notes for distribution to the boys. The whities used to come off and cocks got wanked to erection. Customers then proceeded to play or even suck. deleted

I can remember 2 locations and my friend thought there was a third on the beach side, before these two
I used to watch the mamasan call for 100 baht donations and often got more than the 100 baht per boy, she distributed to 20 selected boys. Boys were enthustistic but only 20 at a time could sit on the edge of the small stage.
My last night there I counted 33 x 100 bahts donated , a nice profit for mamasan.

Cannot recall why it moved to new premises but it maybe with the close of Krazy Dragon bar next door. We entered at street level for the second bar and had to move downstairs to the show area. A number just stayed upstairs to watch as it was always full

One regular used to be a shopper of the largest cocks available and went to all cock shows. When I asked why he went to Kaos, he said from acorns to full trees he likes to watch the growth and potential, looked but NEVER took one off

December 24th, 2019, 13:50
Wasn't Kaos called Villa Rouge when it moved opposite Sundance?

December 24th, 2019, 13:53
Wasn't Kaos called Villa Rouge when it moved opposite Sundance?

Yes! Owner was a Frenchman named LuLu.

December 24th, 2019, 13:56
As expected this thread has strolled down memory lane occasionally stopping to glance at the passing of time.

There is no doubting the demise of the gay bar scene although it's worth pointing out that in those days Jomtien was a pale shadow of what it is today with bars rarely lasting long under the same owner.

December 24th, 2019, 14:07
As this thread amply demonstrates, nobody does nostalgia like a gaggle of old queans

December 24th, 2019, 14:30
For many old queens the past is all they have to look forward to.

December 24th, 2019, 15:21
As this thread amply demonstrates, nobody does nostalgia like a gaggle of old queans

Interesting Freaky. Have you retired? People seem to think your travelling seems to be a long way from thrashing boys who fail their latin classes.
That puts you in with all the gaggle of old queens.

December 24th, 2019, 15:35
Thanks to Oliver2 for the link to Villa Rouge and to MFAS, the info re the Frenchman owner Lulu

December 24th, 2019, 15:43
Quote Originally Posted by frequent
As this thread amply demonstrates, nobody does nostalgia like a gaggle of old queans

quean (kwēn)
1. A woman regarded as being disreputable, especially a prostitute.
2. Scots A young woman.

December 24th, 2019, 15:59
That puts you in with all the gaggleof old queens.

I believe a coterie of old queens sounds more élégant. :air_kiss:

December 24th, 2019, 16:08
Judging by the feelings demonstrated by the members here towards each other I think the collective noun for crows would be appropriate.

December 24th, 2019, 16:54
The reason why the thread has been so popular may be that the gay-bar scene today is such a pale shadow of what was available twenty years ago ...which is not to deny that today's Pattaya, with its abundance of restaurants, shopping opportunities (may the Lord help us) and the afternoon sanuk available via the apps, is preferable in so many ways. Apart from my being twenty years older, naturally.

December 25th, 2019, 06:17
I believe a coterie of old queens sounds more élégant. :air_kiss:Elegant perhaps, but "gaggle" is usually applied to geese


December 25th, 2019, 11:53
"fluffle" (rabbits) sounds nice

December 26th, 2019, 01:43
...judging by some of the comments on this board...I was thinking...yes occasionally I do....that a nest..... as in a nest of vipers would be most appropriate

Khor tose
December 27th, 2019, 00:55
Divine Comedians

December 27th, 2019, 03:30
Divine Comedians
Is SGT Inferno, Purgatorio or Paradiso?

December 30th, 2019, 23:46
...judging by some of the comments on this board...I was thinking...yes occasionally I do....that a nest..... as in a nest of vipers would be most appropriate

A nest of vipers would accurately describe the farangs on gay Thailand forums but for gay farangs on Jomtien Beach the apt descriptor has always been a school of whales.

December 31st, 2019, 10:32
What vivid memories of people/clubs/go-go bars/ incidents etc., have you to share?

Favorites (circa early 1990's)


Bar Biery, Suriwong Road. Excellent staff. Professional quality shows & centerfold quality men. Top notch services.

Super A (upstairs), off Soi Tantawan. Atmosphere: Industrial sleaze
Inter Mustache's House, host bar, Sukhumwit Road. Handsome, welcoming & gentle bar men. Mostly Thai-4-Thai.

Adam (original), Pradiphat Road. Male model quality men. Mostly Thai-4-Thai.

Volt Health Club / Sauna, off Sukhumvit Soi 21. Great looks, quality massage skills & complete satisfaction.

Babylon (original), off Sathorn Tai. Traditional bathhouse ambiance & (too many) hot men.

Malaysia Hotel, Soi Ngam Duphli. Cheap. Just up the street from Babylon - short walk.

Pattaya City

Boys, Boys, Boys (original spelling), Pattaya Land Soi 3. Go-go show - cute dancers.

Le Cafe Royale, Pattaya Land Soi 3. Great service. Handsome staff in pink shirts & tight, white shorts. A chance to relax from other activities.

Cockpit, Pattaya Land Soi 3. Quality show by hot men, good service.

Nautilus, Soi Regent Marina Hotel. Good looking men viewed through port holes. Novelty of underwater show.

Adam & Eve, Pattaya Second Road near Soi 2. B-course massages. Damn hot!
"The Men of Thailand" (1988) by Eric Allyn, guidebook to the gay Thai experience. Most helpful!

December 31st, 2019, 13:27
The Cockpit show introduced me- a Thailand tyro- to the wonders of ladyboys. It was The first show I visited (1996) though I was there to off one of the dancers. I thought the Marlene Dietrich "Underneath the Arches" episode was professionally done and, though not interested in the female contributors, I enjoyed watching the cute guys.

The next day, I was sitting outside my hotel (le Cafe Royal) when rehearsals were beginning. The staff arrived one by one and one of the LCR waiters provided me with a commentary as they entered Cockpit, identifying the various members of the show...."Ladyboy....ladyboy....he's a Ladyboy..." and so on. It suddenly dawned on me that the the girls I'd watched the night before were boys.
Such was my innocence in 1996.

December 31st, 2019, 17:08
The Cockpit show introduced me- a Thailand tyro- to the wonders of ladyboys...The staff arrived one by one and one of the LCR waiters provided me with a commentary as they entered Cockpit, identifying the various members of the show...."Ladyboy....ladyboy....he's a Ladyboy..." and so on. It suddenly dawned on me that the the girls I'd watched the night before were boys.

Such was my innocence in 1996.

"Innocence" is one word for it.

January 5th, 2020, 03:39
Hi folks, this is my first post, so thanks for the add
I've lived in Thailand for some years, now in Bkk, but been visiting Patts for about 20-25 years
I've almost always gone with GGs or LBs but occasionally I've gone with guys too cos I've known for a long time that I'm also that way inclined.
As David Bowie said, "I'm tri-sexual... I'll try anything."
I don't like the big muscular guys, more the twinks and femboys, so I've wandered to Boystown and Sunee on and off.

Strangely, having visited Sunee a few times over the years I've very rarely indulged there - more is the shame that now I'm interested in indulging more than before it's been almost deserted the last 2 times I've been there, most recently about a month ago.
Not sure why someone here said there are 3 go-go bars now open - I could only see one last time, a few doors from where the dark and shady place was (Eros?), where it was truly no holds barred.

One very pleasant memory I had in Sunee was getting to know one elderly bar owner, Duk (I think it was actually called Duk's Bar?), about 10 years ago. He put me on to a delightful femboy but more than that, we had a few nice chats and one day he very proudly served me a fantastic home-cooked lunch. I enjoyed the normality of it, since I was still not 100% comfortable in that area. Sadly, when I tried contacting him on Line or Whatsapp he didn't reply - and I later heard he'd passed away some time ago.

On my last visit I was having a drink in a bar/cafe near Eros and recognised one of the regular boys from it - he told me it had shut a few months ago. I didn't fancy him but bought him a drink for old time's sake. We chatted for a while - he told me about his 2 kids and a 3rd on the way - when I got up to check bin, he offered to come back and give me a seeing to (don't know what language is allowed on this forum) and was quite upset.surprised when I politely declined.

Since I live in Bkk and I'm only 90 minutes by bus or taxi from Patts I will be returning very soon and I'm curious - is there still any action in Sunee, apart from the one go-go bar I visited recently? All I saw was 1 go-go and a few bars/cafes. On one of my rare visits to Boystown it seemed to be full of the big muscular guys, the very types I don't like! I've also visited the near side of Jomtien (is that Dongtan?) but didn't take much notice of what was going on there. Cheers!,

January 5th, 2020, 14:50
There are 3 gogo bars in Sunee. The one near Eros is called Winner Boys and the other two are Nice Boys and Power Boys.
The latter two are on Soi 17 which is the road from which you enter Sunee Plaza if walking from Boyztown. They are next door to each other.
Only Nice Boys is worth visiting

January 5th, 2020, 15:02
Only Nice Boys is worth visiting

Nice Boys is worth visiting if that type of manly-guy appeals to you.
Winner Boy appeals to those who prefer gay/more twinking types.
Power Boys doesn't seem to appeal to anyone.

January 5th, 2020, 15:04
Only Nice Boys is worth visiting
I presume you mean that's the only one on Soi 17 worth visiting ?

Winner Boys is certainly worth a visit.

Nice Boys has a motley selection, not really to my liking, but some like it.

Power Boys has about 6 lads, one of whom has small breasts. They seem to have given up trying to run a bar, with everyone mooching around barely awake. Difficult to recommend.

After that, fire up Grindr or head to Boyztown.

January 5th, 2020, 15:13
Strangely, having visited Sunee a few times over the years I've very rarely indulged there - more is the shame that now I'm interested in indulging more than before it's been almost deserted the last 2 times I've been there, most recently about a month ago.
Not sure why someone here said there are 3 go-go bars now open - I could only see one last time, a few doors from where the dark and shady place was (Eros?), where it was truly no holds barred.

On my last visit I was having a drink in a bar/cafe near Eros and recognised one of the regular boys from it - he told me it had shut a few months ago. I didn't fancy him but bought him a drink for old time's sake. We chatted for a while - he told me about his 2 kids and a 3rd on the way - when I got up to check bin, he offered to come back and give me a seeing to (don't know what language is allowed on this forum) and was quite upset.surprised when I politely declined.

Since I live in Bkk and I'm only 90 minutes by bus or taxi from Patts I will be returning very soon and I'm curious - is there still any action in Sunee, apart from the one go-go bar I visited recently?

assbandit, The place for you to try is Winner Bar which is located just a few doors from the now gone, Eros Bar. The beer bars of interest are all located close by, Diamond Bar, Eden Bar, Euro Bar, Green Bar and Double Shot, all within seconds by walking.

January 5th, 2020, 19:24
I presume you mean that's the only one on Soi 17 worth visiting ?

Quite right , my bad.
Yes of the two in Soi 17 only Nice Boys is worth a visit.
Winner Boys is of course worth visiting.

January 5th, 2020, 19:39
Every go go bar is worth a quick look as you never know who's working that night. A couple of trips ago I offed the lovely O from Power Boys on consecutive nights.

The next night as I was passing the ever friendly doorkeep shouted "young boy, young boy" to me while pointing into the bar. I laughed and asked him not to do that as it could be construed in a certain way.

Cue super duper oh so clever frequent posting his current favourite word, c.t.m.t. onto the board again. He's mummies biggest bestest cleverest boy isn't he.

January 5th, 2020, 20:33
The beer bars of interest are all located close by, Diamond Bar, Eden Bar, Euro Bar, Green Bar and Double Shot, all within seconds by walking.

Is there nice boys who can be off from the beer bars mentioned above ?

January 6th, 2020, 02:08
cheers folks, are there any bars similar to Winner Bar, offering the more feminine types, in Jomtien or Boystown?

January 6th, 2020, 11:04
Is there nice boys who can be off from the beer bars mentioned above ?

There are boys who can be offed; but up to you to decide if they are nice or not. Some guys like them slim while others like than not so slim. Euro, Eden and Diamond, are the best choices, at least in my opinion.

In Jomtien Complex there are a great variety of lads available at the many bars to suit any taste.

January 6th, 2020, 11:10
cheers folks, are there any bars similar to Winner Bar, offering the more feminine types, in Jomtien or Boystown?

In Boyztown area there is Cupidol Bar which has the gay, more fem, twinky types along with other types.

In Jomtien Complex there are no go-go bars but many, many bars offering anything you could want.

January 6th, 2020, 14:45
Nice Boys is worth visiting if that type of manly-guy appeals to you.
Winner Boy appeals to those who prefer gay/more twinking types.
Power Boys doesn't seem to appeal to anyone.
I agree with that assessment.

I vaguely remember some years ago the offerings at Power Boys and Nice Boys were similar, and I had to think about which bar to visit. When and how did that change (that Power Boys lost it)?

January 7th, 2020, 21:58
Only six years ago (approximately), Nice offered a varied menu of go go dancers. I even recall rather young ladyboys wriggling their bottoms to a crowded bar. And a number of twinks, as well including a couple of stunners. Its present policy of niche -marketing seems to work, though I wonder whether it was a management decision to follow that path or it "just sort of happened" over a period of time?

January 8th, 2020, 03:13
Only six years ago (approximately), Nice offered a varied menu of go go dancers. I even recall rather young ladyboys wriggling their bottoms to a crowded bar. And a number of twinks, as well including a couple of stunners. Its present policy of niche -marketing seems to work, though I wonder whether it was a management decision to follow that path or it "just sort of happened" over a period of time?

Not sure what that’s supposed to mean but the boys at Nice Boys are an acquired taste. Not for everyone .

January 14th, 2020, 01:29
I loved any place that was sleazy in Sunee, in BT I liked Thai Boys and Gentlemen Club....both gone.

I was intrigued by the name of this Gentlemen Club which MFAS "liked" as I was under the impression that there were no gentlemen in Pattaya and searched for this bar on the forum and found several threads on it.

Apparently this bar had a dubious reputation of having boys who may not have been of legal age. My question is: The Good Old Days for whom? Surely not the boys involved in the sex trade. Wonder what has become of them, if they're still alive as the 80s and 90s were also the peak of the AIDs crisis. Don't take my word for it; read it for yourself:




January 14th, 2020, 05:20
Wonder what has become of them, if they're still alive as the 80s and 90s were also the peak of the AIDs crisis.

I can only speak about one guy who worked at Gentleman’s Club. After it closed he worked as a waiter at two bars in Boyztown. The last time I actually saw him was as a waiter at Panorama (or perhaps it wasn’t called that then?) and I took his photo. However, I’ve kept in touch via Messenger and Facebook. He now works behind the scenes at a condominium in South Pattaya dealing with administration, bookings etc. He’s a regular at late night Gay Clubs and likes “G-Star” where I’ve never been and know nothing about.

January 15th, 2020, 18:43
I was in the neighbourhood and decided to drop in.
Now we will have some fun. ah the good old days!!

January 15th, 2020, 19:06
cheers folks, are there any bars similar to Winner Bar, offering the more feminine types, in Jomtien or Boystown?

I was in Jomtien Complex recently, yes they are there, but you have to look around a bit...its worth the effort and the boys sure could do with the money. Pattaya is a sad reflection of what it used to be but still probably the best place for a gay man interested in Asian guys.
No gogo bars in Jomtien,but thats a mere technicality, the end result is the same.

January 15th, 2020, 22:14
Pattaya is a sad reflection of what it used to be but still probably the best place for a gay man interested in Asian guys.

I saddly agree.

January 16th, 2020, 10:18
cheers folks, are there any bars similar to Winner Bar, offering the more feminine types, in Jomtien or Boystown?

There are so many bars in Jomtien that it is difficult to pick any particular one with fem types. But Lucky Bar (across from Man Bar) does/did have more twinky types.

January 16th, 2020, 11:22
I have found the two bars down near the Venue show bar, have a high variety of boys mainly from Cambodia with the Home bar, and opposite the Sun bar has mostly boys from Laos.
It has been pointed out that these boys have a limited time in Thailand and cannot afford the phones that allow them to look for phone sex. Good mixture of fem and manly types. To me they seem younger than in other bars.

I have found the numbers in the Complex increase from about 10 or later
A recent post indicated there was nothing around early, but it does highlight going at the right time.

January 16th, 2020, 11:58
LW wrote.
"I have found the numbers in the Complex increase from about 10 or later
A recent post indicated there was nothing around early, but it does highlight going at the right time."

I don't entirely agree. Many boys doodle in at about 5.00pm while others come after 10.00pm. One of the huge advantages of having a motorbike, being confident riding at night and not drinking is the quicksielooksieness of boy hunting. A typical evening will see me make 3 or so visits to each of the gay areas because boys come and go throughout the evening.

Loads of great sex with loads of hot boys is still available in Pattaya and in many ways I actually prefer that one has to look a little harder to find it. It makes for a most interesting night out that can last from 8.00pm till 4 or 5.00am.

January 16th, 2020, 12:37
" I actually prefer that one has to look a little harder to find it. It makes for a most interesting night out that can last from 8.00pm till 4 or 5.00am.

Exactly!. After viewing many of the available guys and not finding what you like....then all of a sudden you see that face,that ass,that everything that checks all the boxes....its really exciting. Then to get his attention ....without drooling at the mouth....and seal the deal!! It genuinely adds to the whole experience,i think its part primal like a hunt or something. But its a real feeling.

January 16th, 2020, 12:49
Exactly right back at you Zebedee. And when for whatever reason THE boy wasn't available that night so you arrange to off him the next night it can be impossible to think about anything until you've got him in tow.

And yet the same boy on your next trip can hold so little interest for you.

Pattaya. No where else like it on Earth.

January 16th, 2020, 13:41
I first visited Pattaya in 1996. I think I stayed in a Soi Buakhao gay guesthouse, it was owned by a nice English guy whose name I cant remember. However I do remember he used to have a regular thai guy visitor to come and... as he put it .... " service his washing machine " it was his euphemism for sex. I was so naive it went right over my head...eventually the penny dropped.
When I wanted to go out on my first night but had no clue about anything, transport, bars, gogos, certainly nothing about guys on a stage for hire just take your pick,... nothing!
The owner would go outside and clap his hands and say something in Thai, in an instant a motorbike taxi would appear, with a huge smile on his face. He took me to Krazy Pub in sunee ,i think it was Sunee. Its difficult to explain the complete shock!! It was as if I had been transported to a parallel universe. My eyes / mind simply could not take it all in, to see near naked guys actually signalling me to off them was too much. Later they had a " Show" ...not what i expected. the boys formed a kind of circle and began to wank,whoever "came" first won a prize, when the floor was covered in cum a waiter would mop it up as if someone spilt a drink!!!!
And the bizarre thing is all the other customers...and it was packed....would be completely normal, having a drink with friends and chatting as if it was a bingo hall! Well I had arrived! From that moment on I was hooked,all the western bullshit I was forced fed in my home country left me, it was a con to dupe me , to keep me in line, to miss all of this wonderful decadence ...well no more! I wanted it all and more, heaven on earth. I have been a regular visitor ever since.

January 16th, 2020, 14:04
Another night I was taken to a place called ....i think..."Muttllies" , but I was warned by another guest where i was staying that , that place ( Muttlies ) was dodgy ie a lot the guys were not over 18! I do not recall the street where it was, I had only been there on two occasions...but being a complete newbie and kinda naive as well, I count myself lucky that other guest pointed it out to me.
I think it was a good while before I became a regular visitor to Pattaya after my first visit. But the world was never the same after my first visit!

January 16th, 2020, 14:33
Quote Originally Posted by sglad
"Wonder what has become of them, if they're still alive as the 80s and 90s were also the peak of the AIDs crisis."

I saw BOY GOD as he was referred to by a member, on a porn site recently. The clip seemed to be a private recording i.e. BG was not acting in a commercial porn movie and I suspect it was uploaded without his knowledge. If this is the case I feel very sorry for him, to have his privacy violated in this manner. I offed him years ago ,I think he worked in Jimmy Jimmy's or Euro boys cant recall exactly. But I do remember him being a nice guy and not deserving this. I believe he still lives in Pattaya and has a partner and child or so I was told.

January 16th, 2020, 15:11
I suspect many of us share Zebedee's view that our first experience of Pattaya changed our lives.

As far as Jomtien Complex is concerned, there are a fair number of attractive masseurs around from 1300 onwards. There must be about seven or eight parlours within a few metres of The Venue; the guys sit outside, eager to oblige.