View Full Version : Time like an ever-rolling stream

December 7th, 2019, 02:42
You can sing along to the words on the screen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHEp08ESDi0

I was reminded yesterday of how our own perspectives shape time - it's one of the key concepts of quantum theory too - but this was more of how 20:20 hindsight suggests things to us that simply were not obvious at the time. I was chatting to someone about the new electric cars being rolled out by Mercedes-Benz here in Bavaria (one of their factories is at Regensburg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regensburg)) and he was trotting out the usual objections, mostly of the "won't travel a useful distance between charges" variety, so I remarked that similar arguments were being used 130 years ago when motor cars were being introduced. "Oh no" he replied "they were grateful they were getting rid of all the horse shit from the streets". We know, with hindsight, that that was one of the effects of replacing horse and carriage with motorised transport but I'd be interested if anyone can find evidence from that time of a widespread belief that that was the benefit it would bring

Time too has been the theme of some great literature of recent times, from Proust to Anthony Powell. Even lesser writers, such as a few posters on this very Forum, project their own somewhat limited versions of time onto others, just like my friend and his 20:20 hindsight