View Full Version : Tattoos

December 7th, 2019, 02:21
Tattoos on guys - and maybe anyone - are a divisive topic on the Forum. I always associate tattoos with the criminal elements in society - the Yakuza of Japan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irezumi), for example. There were stories in the media prior to the recent Rugby World Cup in Japan of various players "covering up" (https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/sep/18/rugby-world-cup-all-blacks-cover-up-tattoos-japan-culture-yakuza) so as not to offend the host country

I always check for visible tattoos on any guy I invite around, but there's always the risk of a concealed one lurking (below the "bikini line" for example). It's too late by then, so I stiffen my upper lip and get on with it. But there's no inclination or invitation for a repeat performance

What do other posters do? I'm aware of one of our number who gets a raging hard-on every time at even the mention of his tattooed hero but I suspect that's an anomaly. Or do tattoos turn you on?

June 2nd, 2020, 09:50
Tattoos are definitely a turn on for me.

June 2nd, 2020, 10:19
I'm of the same opinion.
I simply couldn't resist the colourful tattoos on the youthful and healthy bodies...

June 2nd, 2020, 12:39
really depends how tastefully done it is

June 2nd, 2020, 18:48
I love them. They look stunning and they're a fantastic topic of conversation. Also, you can sensually stroke the tiger or snake or dragon, sniff the lotus flower, read the words and discuss what else they might get and where.

June 2nd, 2020, 20:26
It's a good starter for a conversation and it gives you the opportunity to get a better look at the guys at beer bars, just ask them to have a look at all their tattoos.
I don't like tattoos on the face or neck, but more often than not they are a turn on. Some are real pieces of art.

fe: 10011

June 3rd, 2020, 13:00
This is a great read.

June 4th, 2020, 03:38
For the tattoos I see in Thailand, those done by the boy to be tattooed getting the idea of getting a tattoo while he was drunk, and the person who performed the tattoo while being drunk, outnumbers those of artistic value.

Can be a subject of conversation and a way to identify boys.

Ten years ago I was averse to all tattoos, but now I can tolerate most. There is little rhyme or reason.

These two are hideous and I wouldn't touch the boy with a barge pole:



Whereas these two are no problem at all:



June 4th, 2020, 08:57
The first guy is ok - I'd love to follow that vine and see where it leads!

The others are a total turn-off.

The worst one I've ever seen was just one word -"INDEED"- tattooed in a weird script across the chest of the guy with the 12 inch cock at BBB. Not that many had their eyes on his chest!

June 4th, 2020, 10:10
I adore the colour scheme on his Calvin Kleins. The yellow and blue blend beautifully and well marks the way for one to enter. Nipple placement is well done and it seems it's holding up a painting of his mother.
WTF is up with Thais and nipples?

June 5th, 2020, 00:50
@dinagam. Those are beautiful boys you shared.

Nirish guy
June 5th, 2020, 23:59
Hmmm Tattoos, always hated that after nearly getting punched one night when leaving Sunee and all over a bloody tattoo - was walking home past a bar that was closing up late LATE one night and heard a rough looking type of guy shouting at me with a "HEY you, N.Irish guy ( ok not ACTUALLY that of course), but as I was wary of and didn't like the drunk tone of the voice plus I knew it was going to be shit he was talking AND as he was sitting with a rough looking bunch of drunk guys I just waved a bit nodded politely and walked on.

Of course that wasn't enough for him and he then started giving it the whole shouting after me "HEY so you want to fuck me again ?" routine. To which I instantly launched into my well practiced "oooh I'm sorry I have SUCH a poor memory now" line of defensive ( which to be fair is not at all far from the truth actually) and bluffed my way as I usually do in such situations with a "ohhh I'm sorry I didn't recognise you there, how the hell are you" line of bullshit etc....trying to be all nice and friendly.

WELL, the "Sorry I dont recognise / remember you" line just seemed to annoy him even more and he turned and whipped his shirt off, displaying a massive tattoo that literally covered half his torso with some sort of meandering snake design thing. I looked at it and (genuinely) said again "hmmm sorry no, I dont remember, but dont be offended as I have SUCH a bad memory always " which just seemed to make him even madder again then as "apparently" his tattoo was his pride and joy and his trade mark and "apparently" I had previously said very nice things to him about it whilst fucking him - or so i was told ! I hadn't the heart to tell him he could have had a sheeps head growing out of his belly and I'd of said nice things about that too to ensure I got laid if I was horny but decided perhaps that keeping that to myself was perhaps the better option !

But no, my lack of memory of his apparently wonderful tattoo was enough to offend him deeply it seems and it went from "so you want to fuck me tonight or not to more of an aggressive drunken "Ok, ok , FUCK YOU, you fucking stupid Farang anyway" - which I took as my cue to depart the scene rapidly before the follow up punch in the face that was growing ever more likely was delivered !

So, now anytime I see a guy with a tattoo ( whilst fucking at least) I either try to at least make a mental note of it ( waste of time ) or preferably I just TOTALLY ignore it so they'll never ask me about it again and I'll not get caught out ! :)

June 6th, 2020, 13:45
stop drinking and posting...yes irish...talking to u

Nirish guy
June 6th, 2020, 18:07
What from the above gives you the idea I was drinking at 6pm ? Although to be fair that sounds like a reasonable enough way to pass the afternoon.