View Full Version : Cats and dogs

December 6th, 2019, 11:06
A recent post by neddy3 expressed amazement at the notion of Scrodinger's cat (https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?21161-Mac-Guide-Bangkok/page3). It's an example of quantum physics, that basically says you can't know anything at the quantum level unless you observe it - and the mere act of observing it changes its nature. In the quantum world there are many odd "strange" ideas such as entanglement which has been advanced by some believers of the "organic" produce cult as a justification for their strange belief (which has no independent evidence in scientific literature)

The past 150 years has produced many insights in science and medicine. Take Pavlov, for example, who was able to show that animals (in his case dogs) could be "conditioned (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_conditioning)" to react to certain stimuli. It's proved an interesting insight, especially for those of us who enjoy yanking chains merely by mentioning certain words or phrases

December 6th, 2019, 11:59
"Take Pavlov, for example, who was able to show that animals (in his case dogs) could be "conditioned" to react to certain stimuli."

For example when MFAS mentions 'fem boy's and someone gets up on a high horse and screams 'homophobia'.

Nirish guy
December 6th, 2019, 16:17
Or when someone mentions "Bavaria" and ......... :-)

December 6th, 2019, 16:41
Guiltyaschargedm'lud. Next case.

December 6th, 2019, 16:42
Or when someone mentions "Bavaria" and ......... :-)

December 6th, 2019, 16:55
24 hour service from our favourite Bavaria located correspondent. What's not to enjoy.

December 6th, 2019, 19:44
Are you speaking of Ludwig?

mr giggles
January 21st, 2020, 16:15
[QUOTE=frequent;262917]A recent post by neddy3 expressed amazement at the notion of Scrodinger's cat (https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?21161-Mac-Guide-Bangkok/page3). It's an example of quantum physics, that basically says you can't know anything at the quantum level unless you observe it -

Actually No! It means that two different states can exist at the same time (the cat can be both alive or dead or in the quantum state-
something may or may not occur at the same time).

January 21st, 2020, 19:43
the great thing about quantum physics is the jokes:

Heisenberg and Schrödinger get pulled over for speeding.

The cop asks Heisenberg "Do you know how fast you were going?"

Heisenberg replies, "No, but we know exactly where we are!"

The officer looks at him confused and says "you were going 108 miles per hour!"

Heisenberg throws his arms up and cries, "Great! Now we're lost!"

The officer looks over the car and asks Schrödinger if the two men have anything in the trunk.

"A cat," Schrödinger replies.

The cop opens the trunk and yells "Hey! This cat is dead."

Schrödinger angrily replies, "Well he is now."

Khor tose
January 22nd, 2020, 00:16
Guess what, they now know how to save the cat.