View Full Version : Climate strike

December 1st, 2019, 12:49
I've always maintained that Saint Greta of Thunberg's "movement" is primarily of First World middle-class white kids. Remember that Saint Greta has three basic beliefs:

climate change can itself be changed by human action
The vegan diet is the best diet (morally)
Consumerism is bad

To that end she has:

behaved as a typical 15yo girl by stamping her foot and screaming "You have totally ruined my life" (at the United Nations)
bullied her parents into adopting a vegan diet
{and this is a hope} persuaded her followers that they don't need Xmas presents this year. If you have teenagers in your extended family you can use this as your excuse for not giving them Xmas presents

In Bangkok her limited appeal (to First World middle-class (mostly) white kids) was on display on Friday. Check out the attendees in the photograph that accompanies the story. In the end it was our old friend that muzzled the protest (read the story and figure out who our old friend might be)

December 1st, 2019, 17:02
From what I see, most youngsters, including the University educated ones do not act as though they care about the environment.

There is a generally wasteful mentality, for example:
Lights get left on.
They dry clothes in the drier, when the weather is fine for drying outside.
Those with cars drive on journeys as short as 50metres, when they could easily walk or cycle.

They like their foreign travel just as much as I do.

They don't raise issues like needing global birth control as part of the environmental package.
They don't think about protesting in China, which is apparently building more ADDITIONAL coal fired power stations than Europe has in total.

December 2nd, 2019, 10:49
They don't raise issues like needing global birth control as part of the environmental package.You're way out of date with this thought. The Chinese population, for example, will implode in the next few decades and the smart money is on China's economy becoming like Japan's - stagnant

December 3rd, 2019, 01:22
You're way out of date with this thought. The Chinese population, for example, will implode in the next few decades and the smart money is on China's economy becoming like Japan's - stagnant
For China, Japan & Europe, I agree.

However, India, Pakistan, Bangldesh & Africa still have rapidly growing populations. The planet is projected to put on a few more billion people before we see sense or the sh*t hits the fan.

December 3rd, 2019, 02:52
For China, Japan & Europe, I agree.

However, India, Pakistan, Bangldesh & Africa still have rapidly growing populations. The planet is projected to put on a few more billion people before we see sense or the sh*t hits the fan.So ... the middle class white kids you say you see who don’t embrace population control for themselves ... how will that impact the population of India, Pakistan & Bangladesh, all countries where as far as I’m aware Saint Greta is an irrelevance?

December 3rd, 2019, 03:45
Ok, if you're not interested in listening to a 15 year old girl from Sweden, how about the Pentagon? They keep coming out with reports every year saying climate change is the largest single threat to the national security of the United States.

December 3rd, 2019, 06:17
Ok, if you're not interested in listening to a 15 year old girl from Sweden, how about the Pentagon? They keep coming out with reports every year saying climate change is the largest single threat to the national security of the United States.Yes but do they stamp their foot and exclaim "You've totally ruined my life"?

December 4th, 2019, 10:03
I thought I'd review the background of those sturdy Australians who gave Saint Greta a ride on their boat from North America to Portugal. What a rich vein of humour it opens up. They are not (of course) vegans but - and remember Saint Greta is totally opposed to all fossil fuels - they bought their first boat from fossil fuel savings
For eight long years, I worked offshore on oil rigs and in the mines of Western Australia, saving every dollar possible to be able to afford a halfway-decent YachtHow do they survive now? Scrounging is possibly one word for it, although the Australians have a more expressive term - bludging (https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/bludger)
Nearly 200 people have decided that they like our YouTube movies, way of life or whatever; enough that they will donate anywhere from a few dollars per month to support what we post on youtube and subsequently to PatreonYes folks, they're "influencers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influencer_marketing)". Saint Greta is both a vegan and totally opposed to consumerism - but apparently not so principled about either. You can buy their tasteful consumerist products here (https://shop-lavagabonde.com/)

December 5th, 2019, 17:05
Jeremy Clarkson, a British TV broadcaster, was interviewed on Australian TV talking about Greta Thunberg and was reported on the British media this morning.

A link to the Evening Standard newspaper website is below:

December 6th, 2019, 00:04
Jeremy Clarkson, a British TV broadcaster, was interviewed on Australian TV talking about Greta Thunberg and was reported on the British media this morning.

A link to the Evening Standard newspaper website is below:
https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/jeremy-clarkson-greta-thunberg-get-back-to-school-tv-rant-a4305286.htmlI prefer his opinions of vegetarians

December 7th, 2019, 05:22
Some have compared Saint Greta of Thunberg with Saint Joan of Arc. One immediate dissimilarity is that Saint Greta admits to a form of autism (something not unknown in many families) whereas Saint Joan's voices may have been as a result of a disease contracted by drinking unpasteurised milk. Both however can be characterised by their dislike of dissent. I found the following comment about Saint Joan while digging around and I'd have to say it seemed apposite:

4. Joan of Arc had a famously volatile temper
... And personal attacks by the English, who called her rude names and joked that she should return home to her cows, reportedly made Joan’s blood boil. The Maid’s short fuse is evident in transcripts of her court hearings; when a clergyman with a thick regional accent asked what language her voices spoke, for instance, she retorted that they spoke French far better than he did.

December 15th, 2019, 20:15
Poor dear Saint Greta, all her huffing and puffing has come to naught https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/14/un-climate-talks-drag-on-as-rifts-scupper-hopes-of-breakthrough

So reminiscent

December 15th, 2019, 21:26
"The Maid’s short fuse is evident"

Indeed. As all know how many times you cry-baby to the God mods.

December 15th, 2019, 21:29
Anyway. It's been fun today but I'm off for a while so you and little Brad can carry on jerking each other off in your lederhosen.