View Full Version : One of life's absurdities

November 28th, 2019, 13:51
The Theatre of the Absurd (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatre_of_the_Absurd) abounds with fictitious (and some real) examples - Waiting for Godot being one of the better known (although there are some posters here that make it a close-run thing). Nothing approaches, however, the communist dictatorship in China who, atheists to a man, have decided that they alone can determine who is the legitimate reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans have rejected their claims, with "the 14th Tibetan Religious Conference convened at the seat of the exiled Tibetan government has produced the special 'Dharamsala Declaration' that sets out policy for the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama"

Sodomites everywhere will recall that despite the best efforts of "gay activists" the 14th Dalai Lama has never condoned same sex activity for believers - something given the monastic life of junior and senior Tibetan monks living together must fly in the face of actual practices. "They want me to condone homosexuality. But I am a Buddhist and, for a Buddhist, a relationship between two men is wrong. Some sexual conduct in marriage is also wrong" speaking regarding masturbation and oral sex. Also saying that "If an individual has no faith, that is a different matter... If two men really love each other and are not religious, then that is OK by me." http://www.hawaiifreepress.com/ArticlesMain/tabid/56/ID/10443/Dalai-Lama-ldquoThey-want-me-to-condone-homosexualityhellipa-relationship-between-two-men-is-wrongrdquo.aspx

But I digress. We're here to celebrate a totalitarian, atheist government asserting their right to determine who is and who isn't appropriately reincarnated. You couldn't make it up


Nirish guy
November 28th, 2019, 15:51
in China who, atheists to a man]

Hmmm which sparked my first random thought of the morning.....so, if and as it's common in the West for people to say "Oh my God" when something shocks or surprises them and likewise Thai's etc have their "oh my Buddha" equivalent, what I wonder then is the Chinese like for like saying ?! I was going to say perhaps a mere "Holy Fuck" but I guess that wouldn't work either - maybe just a casual "FUCK me !"? :) So, anyone know ? A447, that sounds like a question that's right up your Soi perhaps !?

November 28th, 2019, 16:43
Mmmm...not sure about what they say in China.

But I can help you when you get a surprise in Japan - as you will, all day, every day!

Ee? (pronounced "air" with rising voice.) Honto? Uso!

It literally means "Eh? Really? You're lying!"

Swearing, as we know it, does not exist in the Japanese language. It's very tame compared to English.

November 29th, 2019, 01:14
u must circulate in very hiso circles....EVERY language has swear words...maybe what u mean is that its not commonly heard the way its done in some societies where the word fuck is used so often that its lost shock value

Nirish guy
November 29th, 2019, 05:20
I think I'll go with A447's knowledge on this one Latin if it's ok with - what with him living there and what not......oh a very quick google search which no matter what you read says "Japan has no words that we would consider wear words".....

Here's a quick link or two so you can brush up on that ... and you'll see even the sites saying "here's Japanese swear words" are coming up with the likes of "stupid" and "foolish" etc.



Mind you, as I'll be there in April is very possible that they may not know any NOW but they may know a few AFTER I leave ( especially after my getting asked to leave the 40th bar in a row perhaps ! :-)

November 29th, 2019, 05:53
u must circulate in very hiso circles....

I doubt there is any connection between social position and swearing.

I recall Prince Philip famously telling a dithering photographer to "just take the fucking picture!".

November 29th, 2019, 06:10
I doubt there is any connection between social position and swearing. I recall Prince Philip famously telling a dithering photographer to "just take the fucking picture!".Quite so, a447. Reading latintopxxx's posts my earlier comment about Jonathon Livingston Seagull comes to mind, but I think it's more that latintopxxx, so used to lying here about his sexual exploits, habitually relies on misinformation for his world view. It's important online not to be naive. I take as my bible Sun Tzu's Art of War (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Art_of_War), where he distinguishes between the uses of misinformation and disinformation (https://scienceofstrategy.org/main/category/strategic-principles/2-perspective/21-information/213-misinformation-and-disinformation). As I grow older it's one of my techniques in Not Giving A Fuck (https://markmanson.net/not-giving-a-fuck)

November 29th, 2019, 06:59
To add to the absurdities, here's my favourite story out of Japan this week - female employees wearing special identification when it's their Rags Week - https://www.sbs.com.au/news/this-japanese-store-considered-having-employees-wear-badges-when-they-re-menstruating

November 29th, 2019, 08:34
nah...never been to japan but every language has swear words...and insults...on that topic I love the chinese for ugly which translates " difficult to look at"...isnt that just lovely

November 29th, 2019, 18:04
I love the chinese for ugly which translates " difficult to look at"...isnt that just lovely

Japanese, not Chinese.

The word is "mi-nikui."

December 1st, 2019, 02:26
I should know chinese afterall I once transited thru shanghai on the way to europe and was called "nankan"

December 1st, 2019, 07:28
My apologies. You are 100% correct.

I just googled it and there indeed is a word for "ugly" which consists of the characters for "difficult" (難) and "look, see" (着).