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View Full Version : Double Entry Tourist VISAs = 6 months still?

November 3rd, 2019, 01:21
Just checking on a friend's behalf. Are the double entry tourist VISAs still available, allowing 6 months of residency in Thailand?

At least when I was there, I could go to Vientiane, cost 1900, took one day, and I walked out of the Thailand embassy with a double entry VISA in my passport. This have me two entires where I'd be stamped in for 60 days, and each entry I was able to extend by 30 days within country at a local immigration office for 1900 baht, giving me a total of 6 months in Thailand.

Does this still hold true? Or did the dickhead General who decided he'd like to be PM via military coup change the rules on us?

November 3rd, 2019, 01:58
" ... Just checking on a friend's behalf ... "Yep, right. And you think anyone on this board still belives you have a skerrick of veracity left?

November 3rd, 2019, 01:01
Yep, right. And you think anyone on this board still belives you have a skerrick of veracity left?

Hi Grumpy! How have you been? :)

November 3rd, 2019, 05:35
Seriously though, does anyone know the answer? Please don't make me goto ThaiVisa, as that forum is a nightmare to navigate via screen reader.

Are double entry VISAs, extendable by 30 days per-entry within country, still availabe in Thailand? I'm actually asking on Leo's behalf, because for some unknown reason, him and Barry decided to move to Hanoi. Leo sounds dpressed out of his mind though, and won't stop calling me. Not sure why they don't just pack up and move to Udon Thani or somewhere, as Leo does speak fluent Thai, hence can find friends, a job, and all that good stuff...

November 3rd, 2019, 06:12
No - double entry Tourist Visas are a thing of the past. They were replaced by the Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV) which can only be obtained from a Thai Embassy or Consulate in the applicant's country of residence -- check with Embassy/Consulate where application will be made to determine what documents they require for the METV. The Single Entry Tourist Visa is the only one available from Thai Embassies & Consulates other than that of the applicant's residence.

Also, there have been several reports that the holders of the METV have been denied entry at the airport IF they have had several visits to Thailand in a short period (using METV, TV, or Visa Exempt).

November 3rd, 2019, 07:46
To my favourite dumb ass canuck: 2lz2p almost always gets it correctly and on the button regarding Immigration/visa stuff.
Cndmatt's main dilemma is that (1) he has no friends, and (2) he's already on the Thai Imm books as an visa/cheat. Bottom line, he's fucked on every level imaginable. His last stay in Thailand was in jail.

November 3rd, 2019, 08:02
Are double entry VISAs, extendable by 30 days per-entry within country, still availabe in Thailand? I'm actually asking on Leo's behalf, because for some unknown reason, him and Barry decided to move to Hanoi.The METV has the same effect - each 60-day entry can be extended another 30 days when in Thailand. HOWEVER an METV is only issued by a Thai consulate in the country where the passport holder is "ordinarily resident". Barry not being ordinarily resident in Vietnam, is (and this is a technical immigration term) fucked. The best he can hope for is an SETV which is also extendable once by 30 days

November 3rd, 2019, 10:26
No - double entry Tourist Visas are a thing of the past. They were replaced by the Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV) which can only be obtained from a Thai Embassy or Consulate in the applicant's country of residence -- check with Embassy/Consulate where application will be made to determine what documents they require for the METV. The Single Entry Tourist Visa is the only one available from Thai Embassies & Consulates other than that of the applicant's residence.

Also, there have been several reports that the holders of the METV have been denied entry at the airport IF they have had several visits to Thailand in a short period (using METV, TV, or Visa Exempt).

Oh, so they did change the rules? I remember getting a double entry tourist VISA from Vientiane before, but this was before the military coup, so I guess the rules have changed since then. Thanks, appreciate it.

And no Gumpy / Smiles, I'm not looking to get back in Thailand. Well, if there's still any gogo bars left come mid 2023 I might have to go ravage those, but for all intents, plan is still vientiane. It's been a long journey, but almost there.

November 3rd, 2019, 16:49
Oh, so they did change the rules? I remember getting a double entry tourist VISA from Vientiane before, but this was before the military coup, so I guess the rules have changed since then. Thanks, appreciate it.The conversation over the breakfast table in Hanoi must have been fascinating. Maybe it went something like this:
Barry: “I’m such a loser I can’t even do a simple internet search about visas for Thailand”
Leo: “I’ll ask my ex-boyfriend who you stole me from and who has been deported and blacklisted from Thailand for not having a visa and is therefore a bit of an expert for his advice”

November 3rd, 2019, 18:21
The conversation over the breakfast table in Hanoi must have been fascinating. Maybe it went something like this:
Barry: “I’m such a loser I can’t even do a simple internet search about visas for Thailand”
Leo: “I’ll ask my ex-boyfriend who you stole me from and who has been deported and blacklisted from Thailand for not having a visa and is therefore a bit of an expert for his advice”

No, it's just because I happen to be an empathetic soul like that. Leo's the one calling me nearly every day because he's sad and dpressed, hates Hanoi, and has yet to find his way in this life.

November 3rd, 2019, 18:31
Gotto make a new plan Stan.
No need to be coy Roy.
Just slip out the back Jack.
Hop on the bus Gus.
Drop off the key Lee.
Catch a plane out to Rio Leo.
Leave a note on the mat Matt.

November 3rd, 2019, 18:41
Gotto make a new plan Stan.
No need to be coy Roy.
Just slip out the back Jack.
Hop on the bus Gus.
Drop off the key Lee.
Catch a plane out to Rio Leo.
Leave a note on the mat Matt.

How was the amazing $3 breakfast at whatever the fuck restaurant in Pattaya today?

November 3rd, 2019, 18:54
That's a strange question. It was amazing and cost $3.00 of course.

November 3rd, 2019, 19:21
I don't know, you're the one constantly going off about how amazing the cheap breakfasts and lasangagas are in Pattaya,

November 3rd, 2019, 19:39
A delicious pasta dish eaten to the music of a quirky but enormously talented American singer songstress. What's not to like.

November 3rd, 2019, 23:35
Gotto make a new plan Stan.
No need to be coy Roy.
Just slip out the back Jack.
Hop on the bus Gus.
Drop off the key Lee.
Catch a plane out to Rio Leo.
Leave a note on the mat Matt.I especially love the "Just slip out the back Smiles" line. You should make up a line having to do with this topic and it's "double entries".
Have you sent this to Simon yet ... he'd be amused?

November 4th, 2019, 04:05
Well Smiles, I'm sorry to have to tell you that Simon (the one on the left) died after only a few days. Garfunkel however is still going strong. Ironically these two didn't seem to get along either.

November 4th, 2019, 04:12
No, it's just because I happen to be an empathetic soul like that. Leo's the one calling me nearly every day because he's sad and dpressed, hates Hanoi, and has yet to find his way in this life.Much too empathetic to alert him to the phrase “What goes around comes around”? How’s Barry’s Thai language skill level progressing? Has he advanced to “If you tamper with my hose pipe you may get a gusher” to keep the fireman theme?

November 4th, 2019, 15:08
Much too empathetic to alert him to the phrase “What goes around comes around”? How’s Barry’s Thai language skill level progressing? Has he advanced to “If you tamper with my hose pipe you may get a gusher” to keep the fireman theme?

I have no idea, but considering they live in Hanoi, I'm assuming Barry's Thai language ability isn't progressing very weell.

November 4th, 2019, 16:45
Leo's the one calling me nearly every day because he's sad and dpressed, hates Hanoi, and has yet to find his way in this life.
The obvious move would be to get his arse on plane or bus back to Laos or Thailand.

November 4th, 2019, 17:32
The obvious move would be to get his arse on plane or bus back to Laos or Thailand.

Agreed, hence the reason for this post. No idea why him and Barry are in Hanoi, especially consdering Leo obviously speaks fluent Thai, but doesn't know a lick of Vietanmeses. They should move to Udon Thani or somewhere, as that would probably be perfect for both of them.

November 4th, 2019, 18:25
The obvious move would be to get his arse on plane or bus back to Laos or Thailand.

typical of the rudeness on this forum - the arse's name is Barry, and you should be polite enough to use it rather than resorting to such language!

November 4th, 2019, 20:36
Good to see someone sticking up for Matt. If my memory is correct the arse, sorry Barry, nicked Leo when Leo was still ostensibly committed to Matt, despite being in different countries. Now that we all support equal marriage we surely want partners of forum members to be faithful and not bugger off with the first fireman who passes by.

November 5th, 2019, 02:41
I'm not looking to get back in Thailand. Well, if there's still any gogo bars left come mid 2023 I might have to go ravage those, but for all intents, plan is still vientiane. It's been a long journey, but almost there.

Gogo bars must be very exciting for blind people. Oh the smells and sounds!

Nirish guy
November 5th, 2019, 02:55
with the first fireman who passes by.

I do wish you'd all keep up as I distinctly remember Matt informing us in chapter 47 or something that Barry was not in fact a fireman at all but something else entirely - unfortunately I was skipping on through to juicier parts of the book so cant quite remember what he was now, but he was definitely something else.

Matt can I suggest a next possible story line where Leo gets bored with Barry the non fireman from Ireland and rings you in tears ( every day) telling you how unhappy he is and how he's made a terrible mistake and how he needs your help ( and mainly money, to be urgently sent by western union of course - but definitely not Bitcoin please !!) to help him get away from bullish Barry and for him to start afresh somewhere else, perhaps meeting up and staying with YOU for a while ...just until he gets back on his feet mind and only as friends "of course".

Oh and the "obvious" twist of course being that Leo ends up playing you and just keeping the money for himself and leaving you hanging ( again) OR that Barry was behind the whole thing and was forcing Leo to extort the money from you by playing on your gentle soul while Barry spends it all on yet more booze and boys ! There, dont say I dont help out with pitch ideas !

I mean I know you've already started with the "oh he's calling me every day in tears" part but you're really going to have to move things along as we haven't all day to wait on the next gripping saga coming along you know !

Shape up man and get at it, your readers are getting restless !

November 5th, 2019, 03:05
Try pitching the story to a publisher ? This firm looks like it needs a blockbuster:


November 5th, 2019, 05:36
This new chapter from Matt is distracting from my own real-life saga of teaching Latin in the self-same Houston classroom where sglad learnt about the correct pronunciation of the accusative plural of the word for table - men’s arse he will recall

And where’s The Wombat to tell us all of his visit to the now-open-as-a-tourist-attraction Cave of the Lost Boys?

While on matters Thailand, has anyone else been in Silom 4 over the past few days and noticed how busy it is in the early evening? Balcony had such a good turnout last night I forwent the opportunity to stay for Quiz Night and instead left around 8pm and dined at G’s - a safe destination this week as Guido himself went to Yurrup on Sunday

November 5th, 2019, 07:26
" ... Good to see someone sticking up for Matt ..."Sorry Mancs that you've been completely taken in by Matt's never-ending bullshit. Surely you must see through cow droppings (very much like Trump and his base), but that seems to be the case.
If you cannot see through the unbelievably obvious self-loving he spews in every sentence. Well then, go for it. For instance, this spewing:

" ... No, it's just because I happen to be an empathetic soul ... "
Who says ~ or writes ~ narcissism like this?

November 5th, 2019, 08:17
Who says ~ or writes ~ narcissism like this? Millennials, dear boy, millennials

I have considered suggesting to Mr Jellybaby that a thread headed "double-entry" should perhaps be merged with the recent one on organising a 3some

November 7th, 2019, 11:31
If there's any merging to be done my suggestion would be you and LW because your're identical. How about it? lonelyfrequent. I like it. Not only a noun but an adjective too.

November 7th, 2019, 12:53

I have considered suggesting to Mr Jellybaby that a thread headed "double-entry" should perhaps be merged with the recent one on organising a 3some[/QUOTE]

That reminds me of sandwiches.
Anyone feeling hungry?

November 7th, 2019, 13:59
That reminds me of sandwiches.
Anyone feeling hungry?Come again?