View Full Version : The quintessential Thai (male) face ...

October 3rd, 2019, 12:05
We all have our individual objects of desire. My list is long ~ and changeable ~ over years: Sperry Boat Shoes; my Burberry duffle coat, Terre d'Hermes Cologne, arrowroot cookies, Coen Brothers movies, the Mazda3 hatchback, raisin toast,Tom yun goong, Argentina's luscious Fuzion Shiraz Malbec @ ten bucks a throw, the beach at Ban Krut, Logitech's wireless mouse still going strongly after 9 years, Old Spice deodorant, JBL's Bluetooth speaker and Bose earphones, my fake Joan Miro ..... etc etc etc.

These 'things' are hardly philosophical. They are tangible, thus they can be argumentative. They may be called pretentious, but then so is love (which is both tangible and philosophical).

And then there's that Thai face . . . the best melt one away, and thank god Thailand is full of them.
So have you a photo of a Thai man/boy which has stopped you in your tracks, made you turn around and watch him walk away slowly away gracefully and later that afternoon or night you saw Him again? You had grabbed a camera this time ~ just in case ~ his smile now an object of desire along with a bag of arrowroot cookies.

Do you have a photograph like that?

This happened to me 20 years ago .... and here's that photo. Did something like that happen to you? Yes? Show us the photo.
I'll start his off (one hopes ~ this board is slowly withering away along with Sunnee and Silom).

My favourite of Suphot, taken 8 years ago. My particular desire was fulfilled by it, pulling on that rope.
The poor dear has a bit of a small tummy after all these years, but that Mona Lisa-like smile is the same when he looks at you. And of course, the obligatory tinge of wickedness in that smile.
And no, you can't have him. He's mine, he said philosophically.


October 3rd, 2019, 19:43
Smiles, beauty always remains in the eyes of the beholder.

October 3rd, 2019, 23:32
My Thai boyfriend, of over twenty years, does not want his photo or even his name shown in a post. I have referred to him, occasionally, using his original nickname which he doesn’t use now. So although I have a special photo of him which is the very first I took at the Grand Palace in Bangkok I won’t be posting it I’m afraid.

In that first photo he’s not smiling but seems to have a question on his lips. He wasn’t yet sure of exactly what our relationship might turn out to be and if he could trust this “Farang”. A favourite saying of his is “Farang not same Thai”.

He’s also not what I would call “quintessential Thai” in appearance. He has great big brown eyes but also Chinese blood in his family somewhere and if he has his sunglasses on he gets mistaken for Japanese or Korean (to his annoyance).

He’s very tolerant of my activities in Pattaya but hates the commercial scene and refuses to visit bars etc with me and prefers to return to his Bangkok apartment after a few days.

October 4th, 2019, 02:13
Chuai ... I do understand you regarding photos on a message forum. My old man is quite open about it, and knows that I posted that photo. He loves the Selfie World (which I despise).

October 4th, 2019, 02:39
being mistaken for Korean or Japanese would have been a step up I would think....like marrying up.....

October 4th, 2019, 04:15
being mistaken for Korean or Japanese would have been a step up I would think....like marrying up.....

The main reason I always hesitate to post to this Forum is that I know as a matter of certainty that some idiot will make a fatuous or, in this case, offensive remark that makes the whole process a waste of time. Congratulations in getting your contribution in so quickly and being added to my increasing list of people I add to my ignore list.

What a pratt...

October 4th, 2019, 09:31
These are the lips to behold! Luscious, red, and sweet, just like a ripe pomegranate from Persia.

October 4th, 2019, 10:16
These are the lips to behold! Luscious, red, and sweet, just like a ripe pomegranate from Persia.

Nice pic but I don’t get this new craz will almost all the boys loving facial hair.

October 4th, 2019, 10:34
" ... What a pratt ... "Yes. Latinoapoxxonu has been on this board for a very long time, contributing next to nothing of interest beside cliches.

October 4th, 2019, 21:58
Nice pic but I don’t get this new craz will almost all the boys loving facial hair.

100% offable... until i saw that facial hair....

October 5th, 2019, 01:24
https://i.postimg.cc/SN6v9N6z/Portrait.jpg (https://postimg.cc/ppdCbv12)

Quite an old photo but a favourite one and a favourite young man who I always thought was very handsome. Personally I was pleased when this hairstyle went out of fashion as it was sometimes so spiky that it could give you a painful jab in the eye if you got too close.

Brad the Impala
October 5th, 2019, 01:31
Thanks Smiles for an interesting topic and trying to start an interesting thread. However you are optimistic(and I respect you for it) to think that many would want to post photos of those that they love here, and expose them to the snide comments of the denizens of this board.

You have often posted Pot's image, so perhaps it's easier for you to do so again. I will be happy to be proved wrong!

Nirish guy
October 5th, 2019, 02:07
Yes a nice post Smiles, one that leaves a nice warm fuzzy feeling after reading it ( or maybe that's just age related incontinence I'm not sure !)

Speaking personally I'd have to hesitate posting any pics of cute guys that wowed me over the year as a) they're my current BF and so he could well put a kitchen knife between my shoulder blades if he happened upon said post and b) as (most) of the guys are still alive and this being the internet where one pic being found is only a mere Tineye search away I'd also worry that said Thai guys might also decide to garrotte me should they ever find their pics posted to a site such as this and discovering that they're being oggled at ( or criticised - delete as appropriate) by guys such as ourselves !

October 7th, 2019, 05:31
Just to get one's straight regarding photos and boyfriends: I would not paste a photo of my man without his say-so.
The topic of the thread was all about "objects of desire" and given that I really meant whether any others had experienced a head-turning/heart-throbbing of epic proportion straight out the blue. Given that, I was expecting, not boyfriends or long-turners, but strangers in the night ... whether fished up, or let go. And/Or ~ if lucky ~ a photo to match one's natural salivating.

My particular experience ended up in a 20-yr ~ and counting. But I definitely expected that most of such encounters would be the one-of type rather than husbands. :dirol_mini:

And the other side to objects of desire is interesting as well ... rather the "I like Old Spice, you like Speed Stick" conundrum. As MFAS alluded to above ... one man's blue-balls is another's flaccidity. Photos are the best for such meanderings down the low-light streets of comparison.

Some years ago in I was taking a good friend of mine (from Pattaya) around the gay bars in Hua Hin. We sat down for drinks and conversation in Red Indian Bar. I looked around Red Indian and ~ as usual ~ the place was, in my mind, bereft of any young men/hosts worthy of any interest at all. And I said so.
Five minutes later my friend had stood up, grabbed one of the boys (one that I thought incredibly no-go) and left the other two of us speechless and lonely (but no blue balls!). My friend had desire, and we had fried rice.

October 7th, 2019, 14:37
I am new here but not to Thailand have been sending lots of messages on Planetromeo but none have even been read is there another site the boys are now using.

Moggy's post has been copied to its own thread. Replies to his post should be redirected to: https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?21098-What-are-the-best-gay-sites-for-meeting-Thai-boys

October 8th, 2019, 01:45
Start your own topic.

October 8th, 2019, 15:39
https://i.postimg.cc/SN6v9N6z/Portrait.jpg (https://postimg.cc/ppdCbv12)

Quite an old photo but a favourite one and a favourite young man who I always thought was very handsome. Personally I was pleased when this hairstyle went out of fashion as it was sometimes so spiky that it could give you a painful jab in the eye if you got too close.

He's perfect.
Nice hair.
Does not have one of those AWFUL moustaches that they mostly have these days.
No visible tattoos and I would very much enjoy inspecting the rest of him to confirm he's tattoo free.

These days I'm probably ruling out 70%+ of the Thai lads in Pattaya due to moustaches and excessive tattoos.

October 8th, 2019, 16:24
Isn't he a dainty dish to set before a Queen?
Please overlook the pubescent hair on the upper lip.

October 8th, 2019, 17:05
He is lovely.

October 8th, 2019, 20:25
I'm preparing advertising for new guide from Siamroads now. So here he is. Thai.


October 9th, 2019, 04:39
Some photo ... some eyes ... some waist.
Ditch the phone.

October 9th, 2019, 12:33
Isn't he a dainty dish to set before a Queen?
Please overlook the pubescent hair on the upper lip.Yes it must be shocking for some of our members to come across someone displaying adult sex characteristics

October 9th, 2019, 13:01
Smiles wrote.
"this board is slowly withering away along with Sunnee and Silom)."

Yes. Sadly it is. It's possibly come to the end of its shelf life.

October 9th, 2019, 16:45
It's not a question of boards or once-favoured parts of Thailand "withering away." It's us ,the customers who are doing the withering, no longer able to travel here either through inconveniently dying or reaching that stage of decrepitude that makes long journeys impossible. Our places are gleefully taken by Chinese tourists who dominate the Terminus 21 area, or Indian men (can someone tell me where their women-folk are? ) in South Pattaya. Last night we travelled from dinner in the aforementioned mall through South Pattaya to collect our Jomtien bus; hardly a European falang to be seen. No, that's not entirely fair; the traditional model off be-shorted, overweight Britons were still in the straight bars, even if (and this was my impression as the bus sped by), they were more interested in the football on the big screens than the bar-girls. Understandably so IMHO.

I have previously suggested that it won't be long before the Boyztown sign is pulled down; the final curtain on a glorious (if sometimes seedy) epoch.
And the forums are casualties of the same process.

By the way; P and I are having a great time and have already booked a trip for January. Despite the Brexit pound. Sanuk is still available if you know where to seek it.

October 10th, 2019, 02:35
He's perfect.
No visible tattoos and I would very much enjoy inspecting the rest of him to confirm he's tattoo free.

One small tattoo that most people aren’t lucky enough to see…

https://i.postimg.cc/T2FgDzs5/Portrait-02.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/j2pfYff4/Tattoo.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

October 10th, 2019, 07:45
Trying to find a photo which ~ at the time, and still ~ made my legs go to mush ... i.e. a face/smile for the ages.

Taken at Patong in 2001. He was 31 then and at honeymoon.


That's it for me.

October 10th, 2019, 11:29
Thais are humans, you idiot. They smile just like everyone else.

I get a laugh out of how some / many on this forum view Thais as some alian sub-spiecies that needs to be observed.

October 10th, 2019, 19:31
Cute boy waiting for bus. Quiz: Where was this picture taken? (Yes, there is a hint that advanced travelers will recognize.)


October 11th, 2019, 12:09
Quiz: Where was this picture taken? (Yes, there is a hint that advanced travelers will recognize.)Hmmmm ... not sure 'where', but he looks like a Thai Army recruit? :dirol_mini: A tough one.
Possibly at Saranron Park in Bangkok? Waiting? :unknw_mini:

October 12th, 2019, 08:20

October 12th, 2019, 10:35
Le Petit Penseur aka Trump as a toddler.

October 12th, 2019, 13:23
Trying to find a photo which ~ at the time, and still ~ made my legs go to mush ... i.e. a face/smile for the ages.

Taken at Patong in 2001. He was 31 then and at honeymoon.

That's it for me.

You are such a romantic :heart:, Smiles

October 12th, 2019, 21:25
Ekkamai bus station? It does not look like the stations at North Pattaya or Jomtien.

October 12th, 2019, 23:40
Ekkamai bus station? It does not look like the stations at North Pattaya or Jomtien.I think your idea is somewhat better than mine. That very large-seeming concrete slab all around is pretty much like the waiting area of a bus terminal.
But ... no baggage in the photo, not even a backpack in sight would be odd I would think, even if just going out for a smoke.

October 15th, 2019, 10:30
Cute boy waiting for bus. Quiz: Where was this picture taken? (Yes, there is a hint that advanced travelers will recognize.)

I don't know, I wish I cold read the label on that bottle.
I rather doubt it is in Thailand at all. Bar one cigarette end, all the rubbish is in the bin, not on the ground.

October 15th, 2019, 12:46
Southern bus station. The hint is the over-engineered garbage bag holder, made of 20 (?) mm rebar. I haven't seen garbage bag holders made of such thick steel anywhere else. The boy was on the same night bus to Phuket as I, and I thought of asking for his phone number, but then had other thoughts and business when we arrived the following morning.

Here two more "cute boy faces in public places" picture that I took during that trip (Phuket Vegetarian Festival).



October 15th, 2019, 13:56
Nice quiz ... fun.
Dalewood damn close.