View Full Version : I'm devastated

August 23rd, 2019, 11:16
I've just been diagnosed with COPD, a chronic lung condition which seriously affects my breathing. I'll be going into hospital in a couple of hours, for a few days. I've reluctantly decided to cancel my holiday in Pattaya. I simply do not feel comfortable travelling alone right now. It remains to be seen if my travel insurance will cover my flight costs. I'm really disappointed.

August 23rd, 2019, 12:36
My mother smoked for years and had this but she managed quite well....best of luck

August 23rd, 2019, 12:52
I hope it's not associated with any malignancy.
The air in Jomtian is quite refreshing this time of year.

August 23rd, 2019, 13:04
I hope the treatment is quickly effective.

August 23rd, 2019, 14:52
I also had a friend with the same diagnosis and he was able to manage the condition with medication. He moved interstate and out into the country for the fresh air.

That was years ago and AFAIK he's still going strong.

Rather than cancel outright your trip - and risk not getting any compensation from your insurance company - can't you just postpone it? If the medication kicks in you might feel up to the trip and you'll only be liable for the fees involved in changing your flight dates.

Just a thought.

August 23rd, 2019, 16:52
Hello Joe - I've just returned to Pattaya after a 4 year absence, I concur with others opinions - my mother was diagnosed with the same due to 40 a day habit. Lasted another 30 years man. Keep calm and carry on - there will be a drink waiting for you here up until mid Oct if you change your mind :drink:

August 23rd, 2019, 19:33
I've just been diagnosed with COPD, a chronic lung condition which seriously affects my breathing. I'll be going into hospital in a couple of hours, for a few days.

You don't have to cancel your travel, at least right now: you just got diagnosis and nothing changed - you just got "label". You should first to let doctors to make check up and consult with them about your travel after check up.

August 23rd, 2019, 19:51
COPD in most cases is a very manageable condition. I would not cancel your holidays yet, unless they are booked for the next 3-4 weeks. Give it some time, see how it goes - things could look brighter and better in a few weeks.
Ah, and if you smoke – stop!

August 23rd, 2019, 20:04
Ah, and if you smoke – stop!

or switch to electronic (without any flavored tastes (as they are chemicals))... I switched 5 years ago and life is much more easy now...

August 23rd, 2019, 23:14
I'm sorry to hear of your condition, Joe. I had to google it as I don't think any of my family members has had it. I hope you'll be able to manage it well and that it doesn't disrupt your lifestyle too much. As for your Thailand trip, I suggest you speak to your doctor about it first before making any cancellations.

All the best.

August 24th, 2019, 16:06
Best wishes Joe. Take care of yourself as you see fit.

August 24th, 2019, 16:10
or switch to electronic (without any flavored tastes (as they are chemicals))... I switched 5 years ago and life is much more easy now...

Were you diagnosed with COPD, Moses, or just switched to electronic from regular cigs? Switching to electronic cigs may be a good idea for smokers however info is mixed on use of electronic cigs for COPD sufferers; it does not sound like a good idea to me.

August 24th, 2019, 16:24
Chantix works well if you want to quit smoking, and has the reward of Technicolor dreams every night.
Lessens the need to smoke by blocking nicotein receptors in the brain.

August 24th, 2019, 16:29
Were you diagnosed with COPD, Moses, or just switched to electronic from regular cigs? Switching to electronic cigs may be a good idea for smokers however info is mixed on use of electronic cigs for COPD sufferers; it does not sound like a good idea to me.

I was in "pre-COPD" conditions... my doctor told me: 2-3 years more of smoking and you will get COPD (I was smoker for about 35 years to that time already), so I switched to electronic... these who don't want to smoke but can't quit have just few options: electronic, plasters with nicotine, inhalators with nicotine, 1st and 3rd are still provide nicotine via breathing.

And I suggest to switch to electronic to people who can't stop to smoke... it is better idea than keep smoking. For sure quit from smoking is better, but not everyone is very strong to do it.

August 24th, 2019, 17:26
Here is a study on use of e-cigarettes and COPD.


The results are summarized below:

Overall, our data suggests that COPD patients should avoid using e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid as they have a similar ability to stimulate inflammation and lung damage as cigarette smoke, and thus potentially accelerate their disease progression.

Nirish guy
August 24th, 2019, 19:11
Joe don't know if you've cancelled already or not but if not maybe think about "dont" - the lady I work with every day was just diagnosed with COPD too and in general she's fine......bottom line you had it yesterday and last month and probably well before that and it didn't affect you to the point you wouldn't have gone on holiday so if I were you I'd be away and not worry about it too much. Lifes short and do as much when you can while you can. It's not like your COPD diagnosis will change your life over night ( other than you quitting the fags if you smoke still perhaps !)

Hope it all works out for you.

August 24th, 2019, 19:21
Joe ignore everyone and do as you see fit. For all you experts singing the praises of E cigarettes also known as Vaping:


August 24th, 2019, 19:27
Nicely said, Nirish, but I think Joe is still reeling from the shock of the diagnosis especially as it came at a time when he's all stoked up to go to Thailand. He needs time to take the diagnosis in, process it and finally accept it. My uncle was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago. He was only 45 then and the shock of the diagnosis sent him into depression. He really thought his life was over. But with family support and professional counselling, he overcame the depression and learnt to manage and live with his illness. He has lost a tonne of weight and has good control of his blood sugar levels. So let's give Joe a bit of time. He knows we're here for moral support if he needs us.

August 24th, 2019, 23:37
I'm sorry you have to deal with this but don't let it stop your enjoyment in life.


Nirish guy
August 25th, 2019, 00:27
Joe ignore everyone and do as you see fit.

A) That goes without saying, however when Joe is posting it to an internet chat forum the assumption is he's happy and willing to discuss and hear feedback on his post, as to whether or not he listens to any of it is fairly obvious of course.

B) Ignoring everyone could well be a bit daft when it's possible people who are posting ( on any subject) might know more than the OP, so simply to say 'just ignore everyone" isn't really that sensible when you think about it either perhaps..

August 25th, 2019, 10:13
Sorry to hear of your copd diagnosis Joe. I understand your reluctance to travel alone after finding this out.

Maybe you can wait till you’re out of the hospital and decide then if you really want to cancel your vacation. I say this because in a year or two you will have accepted the diagnosis and be treating it with the help of your doctor. You might find looking back that it was a hasty decision to cancel when your condition is stabilized.

It’s funny because I was diagnosed with a life altering condition about three years ago, only about a month before I was to travel to Pattaya. I wanted to go maybe “ one more time” in the worst way. So I told my doctor how important it was that I go and let’s finish the test and get on with the medication. I also told him I’ve been having sex with boys from Thailand for many years and it’s all I had to look forward to now. He agreed with me and thought having lots of sex would be good for my psyche.

Just kidding with the last two sentences. But I went and I’m stable now. Also like a poster mentioned before. It was just a label that was put on something I’ve had for years. Really if you feel the same, without the diagnosis you probably wouldn’t think twice about not going. Hoping all goes well with your treatment.

August 25th, 2019, 11:10
A) That goes without saying, however when Joe is posting it to an internet chat forum the assumption is he's happy and willing to discuss and hear feedback on his post, as to whether or not he listens to any of it is fairly obvious of course.As he's already admitted that he's on Facebook I just assumed he's as needy and "Look At Me" as the millenial fuckwits whose home it is

August 25th, 2019, 12:02
As he's already admitted that he's on Facebook I just assumed he's as needy and "Look At Me" as the millenial fuckwits whose home it is

Joe is neither needy nor a fuckwit. He had received some "devastating" news which he wanted to share with his forum friends, some of whom he had met in real life. Most have responded sensibly and empathetically. And his post is relevant to 'gay Thailand' because he has been talking about and making plans for his upcoming 'gay Thailand' trip for months, something which you've never done and will probably never get to do.

August 25th, 2019, 13:38
I've left this thread a few days to think about what I wanted to say.

You know Joe that due to your age and a lifetime of drinking and smoking too much (me too so I'm not criticising) you probably won't make old bones.

At some point you're likely to be lying in a hospital bed waiting for the Grim Reaper to knock on the door and say 'it's time'. (me too)

So. Fuck it. Go to Thailand and milk it for all it's worth because that way when the hooded guy shows up you can go with a smile remembering the trip.

August 25th, 2019, 13:47
And BTW. Remember that even if your insurance won't reimburse the cost of the flight you're still entitled to claim the tax back from the airline.

August 25th, 2019, 18:16
Joe, I really hope you have a real support group other than this virtual one also as I said before my mother had the same health issue and it was not very invasive in her life.

Nirish guy
August 25th, 2019, 18:48
or switch to electronic ...

Which if you decide to do and still decide to travel be sure to remember that Ecigs are banned in Thailand and the police love nothing more than stopping tourists on the street and handing them a (ridiculously) large fine if they see them smoking them !

August 27th, 2019, 10:30
Thanks for all the replies. Yes, I am happy to discuss my situation - I wouldn't have posted if I wasn't. I've just come home after a 3 day stay in hospital. At the moment, I feel well. For me, it's not really about the 'medical' fact. It's about my own confidence in coping alone if something were to happen when I'm away. I have close family here to rely on.

Anyway, the flights have been cancelled. I'll be looking into my travel insurance. But we are where we are. And that's not Thailand, at this stage.

August 27th, 2019, 13:08
One of the god things about visiting Thailand is that, with the possible exception of the Christmas/New Year period, both flights and accommodation are always available. Perhaps you'll feel well enough to travel soon...I hope so.

August 28th, 2019, 02:17
Brace yourself, Bridget - prepare for some blasphemy. As I get used to the idea that I'm not going to Thailand next month, I realise I'm not actually all that disappointed. I've been there maybe 15 times since 2002. I've been to Issan, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Koh Chang, so I've seen the country (or as much as I wanted to). So my holidays had become 2 weeks in a very small part of Pattaya.

Right now, I feel that I wouldn't be devastated at all if I didn't go back. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

August 28th, 2019, 04:42
So my holidays had become 2 weeks in a very small part of Pattaya.Ghettoes often have much to commend them as I've remarked before

August 29th, 2019, 03:46
How profound, frequent. I really wish I could be more like you.

August 29th, 2019, 04:24
How profound, frequent. I really wish I could be more like you.Delusions of adequacy on your part I fear Joe

August 30th, 2019, 22:06
Hi Joe - sorry, I have only just read this thread.
Something similar happened to me four years back. I was, very late in life, diagnosed with Crohn's disease. It's a blow being told you have a condition that will be with you for life.
But, and this is very important to remember, even though you may not feel like it right now you are better off than you were before.. Diagnosed or not, you would still have the condition. Undiagnosed equals untreated. Now, at least, you can be treated for it.