View Full Version : Is This Racist?

August 17th, 2019, 17:38

August 17th, 2019, 19:47
You believe “Moslem” is a race?

August 17th, 2019, 23:21
Thank you for posting the link. Interesting read. I would call it facts/statistics/science.

August 18th, 2019, 00:36
It is prejudiced.

August 18th, 2019, 07:05
Thank you for posting the link. Interesting read. I would call it facts/statistics/science.Science requires evidence to support a hypothesis. None is presented. A BBC item is mentioned but no reference is given to verify that it's not misrepresented. I had a chuckle about the American pilots and the Saudis - the British said the same about the Japanese during the Thirties and we all know how that ended

August 18th, 2019, 08:38
Islam is such a bat shit crazy way to live it's difficult to care about anything they get up to.

August 18th, 2019, 09:19
Islam is such a bat shit crazy way to live it's difficult to care about anything they get up to.That's the sort of comment that reminds me of the ancient Greek proverb "The unexamined life is not worth living"

August 18th, 2019, 09:27
How fucking nuts do you have to be to not enjoy sausages, bacon, black pudding and honey roast ham.

August 18th, 2019, 11:07
How fucking nuts do you have to be to not enjoy sausages, bacon, black pudding and honey roast ham.Isaan sausage is one of my favourites

August 18th, 2019, 14:14
How fucking nuts do you have to be to not enjoy sausages, bacon, black pudding and honey roast ham.


August 19th, 2019, 02:55
inbreeding amongst certain cultures is well documented as a serious issue, not sure why its so prevalent amongst lots of muslim ones. The site where this is posted is not one that I would be attracted to as it certainly leans way to the ultra right wing looney fringe, something that the nazis would be at home with.

Brad the Impala
August 19th, 2019, 04:33
The site where this is posted is not one that I would be attracted to as it certainly leans way to the ultra right wing looney fringe, something that the nazis would be at home with.

Presumably that's why the OP was visiting that site.

August 19th, 2019, 05:26
inbreeding amongst certain cultures is well documented as a serious issue, not sure why its so prevalent amongst lots of muslim ones. The site where this is posted is not one that I would be attracted to as it certainly leans way to the ultra right wing looney fringe, something that the nazis would be at home with.The links with which the article is sprinkled are enough in themselves to indicate the tendencies of the article's writer. I know there are people here who take such propaganda seriously - they want it banned. I think it's worth a laugh, and a reflection on what idiots many people are. christian on the other hand finds it entirely credible so it seems

August 19th, 2019, 12:18
These un-contacted tribes in the Amazon and elsewhere, often numbering less than 100 must be be related to each other multiple times.

Could be confusing as you chat away to your aunt who's also your wife and cousin.

And yes, this is possible.


August 19th, 2019, 13:23
frequent its not propaganda that amongst certain cultures intermarriage is common...now is it?? and that its a scientific fact that this leads to serious issues. Its the solutions proposed that I have issue with.

August 19th, 2019, 14:15
frequent its not propaganda that amongst certain cultures intermarriage is common...now is it?? and that its a scientific fact that this leads to serious issues. Its the solutions proposed that I have issue with.I was referring to the entire tenor of the article, not any of its specifics. One of my most-remembered quotes comes from the film Cleopatra when Caesar, played by suave Rex Harrison, says to Cleopatra, played by Elizabeth Taylor "You, a descendant of generations of inbred, incestuous mental defectives ..." - but we have enough mental defectives posting here without accusing them of being descendants of inbreeding

August 19th, 2019, 14:22
Could be confusing as you chat away to your aunt who's also your wife and cousin.I always found the entire "Out of Africa" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_human_migrations) thesis that homo sapiens outside Africa was descended from a single small group of immigrants who moved first to the Arabian peninsular intellectually unsatisfactory for that very reason. The latest theories have departed from that notion. However it provided an interesting possibility for the factual basis of the Garden of Eden myth. At that time the southern shoreline of the Arabian peninsular was a very fertile region, with rivers running into the sea. The earliest humans, it was thought, only left there (ie. were driven out) because of climate change

August 20th, 2019, 02:54
apologies then, guess I was being overly sensitive and pedantic

mr giggles
January 22nd, 2020, 10:48
One of my most-remembered quotes comes from the film Cleopatra when Caesar, played by suave Rex Harrison, says to Cleopatra, played by Elizabeth Taylor "You, a descendant of generations of inbred, incestuous mental defectives ..."

Yes, but Caesar still fucked her.

January 22nd, 2020, 22:38
These un-contacted tribes in the Amazon and elsewhere, often numbering less than 100 must be be related to each other multiple times.

Could be confusing as you chat away to your aunt who's also your wife and cousin.

And yes, this is possible.

Like some European royal families then.

January 27th, 2020, 14:20
There is some ground to this. Muslims are allowed to marry nephew/niece. Thus f.e. the Turksih population produces far more kids handicapped from birth as west-europeans do-but it remains in the fractions of %. Also because even when pregnant mothers are informed such, they will not generally do abortion when that is still possible. Once had a job about placing such kids in special education and thus got to see all the figures.
BUT then the very same could been said about some isolated pockets in some countries that have some notorious reputation for inbreeding. And not that long ago I read about the many redhaired Irish (and scots?) that was also seen as a result of a very limited and isolated island population where the genes kept on multiplying. However, the same could be said about Iceland or some other islands and I really would not know if there also such phenomenons are.
The linked article is about night-blind ness for saudi pilots-may very well have simply to do with growing up for generations in desert conditions without much lighting anyway before they discovered the oilwells.