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View Full Version : A pharmaceutical surprise

August 7th, 2019, 20:23
The other evening a farang friend and I were sitting outside Sun bar in Jomtien Complex. A Thai went slowly past carrying a tray of pills, powders and gels with the familiar brand names which we all associate with the miraculous prolonging of the sex lives of randy but erection-challenged older adults. There were no takers among the customers (who, if they are anything like me, prefer to make such purchases MUCH more surreptitiously). But, to the amusement of my friend and I, there were suddenly about seven or eight boys clustered round the vendor, examining the products eagerly as they chattered away. Purchases were made. From the boys' reactions we deduced that several motivations were at work. One or two of the more gullible boys seemed to be under the impression that the miraculous qualities of these products included the permanent increase in size of their appendages. Others seemed to be anticipating an enhancement of their sexual pleasure with desired bedfellows. And perhaps the most realistic group were merely hoping to be able to perform with any kind of conviction with some of the, ahem, less than desirable customers that chance sent their way. It was not clear to my friend and I whether the purchases were one-offs with novelty value or, in the case of some of the boys, regular occurrences. Anyway, I shan't pop my little blue pill in future with quite such a sense of being age-defined.

August 7th, 2019, 20:59
No surprises at all, least of which is the fact that you're on drugs. If you knew anything of the sex habits of many younger Southeast Asian gay men, you'd know that, unfortunately, taking V and G-water, among other 'stuff', is a very common cocktail in long, party-sex sessions, often with no protection. And the PrEP phenomenon (I prefer to call it 'myth') has made things worse because it has desensitised and de-stigmatised bareback sex so much so that even the guys who are not on PrEP are doing it raw. Of course, PrEP is not the only factor; the availability of HIV drugs, the knowledge that HIV is no longer a death sentence, the resurgence and popularity of bareback porn, and good old ignorance and recklessness are also contributing factors.

August 7th, 2019, 21:26
Would be a surprise if anything the vendor had was real or worked

August 7th, 2019, 21:34
Would be a surprise if anything the vendor had was real or worked

There's a lot of counterfeit or lower grade stuff in the market. They may work a while and give similar highs. But the after effects are worse. And many users become dependent and no longer know how to enjoy non-chem or non-wired sex.

August 7th, 2019, 21:49
Most of the vendors have a big inventory apart from those enhancement substances, you'll be offered an assortment of sweets, chicklets, bubble gums, chewing gum, chlorophyll pills to freshen the mouth before deep-throating a customer, so timely their presence those hard working souls both boys and vendors.

August 7th, 2019, 21:52
Gee, I wonder what you're on tonight.

August 8th, 2019, 13:59
Some posts on this thread have been moved to the Everything Else forum.

