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View Full Version : Al Gore's Warning "An Inconvenient Truth" film...

August 6th, 2006, 02:28
The Nation - Sunday August 6th edition is on-line at:

http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/viewer.aspx .

Featured on Sundays front page is story of former US Vice-President (served with President Clinton) and Presidential Candidate in 2004 (lost to President GW Bush) - Al Gore's just released Documentary Film "An Inconvenient Truth" - now appearing in Bangkok theaters.

With all the storms and flooding in Northern Thailand - and the sweltering Summer days here in America, the former Vice-President has found a lively topic for discussion worldwide.

I applaud his efforts to educate and inform anyone who will stop to listen about "Global Warming".

There is much to be learned and ...it is damn hot outside here - this Oklahoma afternoon!

I can't wait til the end of this August month ...when I am again to be lucky :-) to be on the beaches of Jomtien...sweltering and weathering the heat with bf and friends ...sipping a cool one... munching on watermelon and pineapple....under the umbrellas :-)

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August 6th, 2006, 03:10
Well Traveler Jim, seems we will be at the beach at the same time. I will look forward to waving to you from one of Rits chairs.

August 6th, 2006, 03:33
Most scientist believe that global warming is a real threat.Many Republicans here in the U.S. will have you believe different.Bush has done nothing good for the environment and doesnt want to burden big business with any kind of regulations.It seems he is not interested in future generations as our federal deficit has ballooned to over 10 trillion dollars.I saw a program saying were near a point of no return and the earth will be a mess in the not too distant future.

August 6th, 2006, 05:16
Sorry, but who is Al Gore?

August 6th, 2006, 06:10
Hello both-hans,

My apology ... Al Gore served as USA Vice-President for 8 years - 1992-2000 (with President Clinton); and was the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate in 2000 -

He lost the 2000 election to the office of President of the United States to the current USA President George W. Bush - in the Presidential election of 2000 -

It was an election which was finally decided by the US Supreme Court...(see posting below) in a close election decided by Electoral College votes...even though Gore had more popular votes in the election.

An interesting fact is that Gore failed to win the majority of votes in his own home State of Tennessee...and also failed to win the majority of votes in President Clinton's home State of Arkansas.

Had Gore won "either one" of these two states - he clearly would have won the Electoral College Votes and would have been named President of the United States 2000-2004!


Note: My thanks to Hobie99 for the helpful history reminder ....time does has its ways :-)

August 6th, 2006, 06:24
I'm sure that you meant to write that Al Gore was the Demorcratic presidential canidate in 2000. He had more popular votes then did President Bush but the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5-4 ruling refused to order re-count of Florida votes that, in retrospect would have made Gore the winner of the electoral collage vote and the U.S. President.

John Kerry was the 2004 Demorcratic presidentail canidate and lost the election to Bush by a large majority of the electoral collage vote.

The U.S., under Bush's leadership was the only major country to reject the global warming treaty negotiated in Japan. It now appears as though our children and grandchildren will bear the consequences of that failure to join the international community in fighting global warming.

Sorry for the political intrusion into this excellent web site!

August 6th, 2006, 11:23
... will never know if Gore would have signed up to the Kyoto protocols on climate change or whether he would have been so 'green' if he had become president, somehow I doubt he would. However, despite being a fading politico he deserves some applause for making a stance.

It's nice to know that American politicians are standing up for political freedoms and the fight for democracy in other countries, especially when their own country had nine judges decide who was going to be president of the USA in 2000.

August 6th, 2006, 11:28
I liked Al's movie, and I believe the science behind it. However, my overall impression is that Al Gore is overly optimistic about the prospects that the world (not only the US) will act fast enough to prevent this disaster. He is proposing a major lifestyle and energy consumption style change for the developed world and the developing world. It isn't happening, and by the time people realize they have to make these changes, according to the science, it will be TOO LATE!

So, enjoy Pattaya!

August 6th, 2006, 11:52
... before the Amazon turns to desert, before the ice caps melt, before the earthquakes devestate the likes of San Francisco and the coming massive tsunamis washes away New York (Manhattan island at least), before the ozone layer is destroyed and all life extinguished by the sun's radiation, before all the sea's are polluted, before more animals which are endangered become extinct, before the nuclear war (wait for the middle east to go up in one or a number of great big bangs), before all this yes before all this there will still be time for one last hit of viagra and to off your favourite star boy and make his day by tipping him everything you have. You can't take it with you :cheers:

August 6th, 2006, 12:55
Yeah, not an issue for people like me over 50. It is a big issue for the younguns. They are getting a really crappy world.

August 6th, 2006, 21:03
Hobbie correctly observes, тАЬThe U.S., under Bush's leadership was the only major country to reject the global warming treaty negotiated in Japan.тАЭ

BUT signing a treaty and observing it are not the same thing.

From Time Magazine:

The dirty secret behind Kyoto
The U.S. chose economic growth over reducing emissions - but so have many of the countries who actually signed on to the Kyoto treaty.
By Cait Murphy, Fortune assistant managing editor
July 31 2006: 5:40 AM EDT

тАЬLook at those nice people north of the border: Canada agreed to cut emissions by 6 percent. Whoops. The country is running 24 percent ahead, a lot more than the United States, which is 15.8 percent above 1990 levels. Japan has the same 6 percent target, and is also missing big, by about 13 percent.

тАЬOkay, how about the 15 western European countries that were Kyoto's original members? Sorry, for the second year in a row, according to figures released in late June, emissions rose for the EU-15.тАЭ

(I canтАЩt believe I can access this board with TOT ASDL for a few minutes today)

August 6th, 2006, 22:07
... is that this discussion seems entirely centred (or is that centered?) on the good ol' US of A. I'm also intrigued to see a San Francisco earthquake predicted as an outcome of global warming. I guess I'll see it written up in New Scientist real soon now - or possibly Aunty's Nuclear Physics for the Under Fives

Getting back to Bangkok ... as the sea level rises meeting Bangkok's natural subsidence ...

And then there's Pattaya. I hope none of you doom-sayers have bought these condominiums everyone seems to be touting :clown:

August 6th, 2006, 22:54
Al Gore's movie was US centric because Al Gore is an American who is the top leader behind the global warming awareness movement in the US. But it was hardly a provincial movie. I never heard anything about any connection with earthquakes. San Francisco is way overdue for another great earthquake anyway. I also would pass on any housing right on the ocean.

August 6th, 2006, 23:03
Al Gore was the former Vice President to Bill Clinton and was elected President of the United States in 2000. Skullduggery by his oponents brother Jeb Bush in Flordia meant that the loser of that Presidential race ,George W Bush.was sworn in as Presient: .

Al Gore really should have challenged the blatant lies and rorts that brought about that result but I believe he genuinley perceived that there would be blood in the streets as the interlopers held their ground.and he was right.

In hindsight, the undoubted mini war that would have broken out on US streets would apear to be minor considering the war that Bush with the missing brain has got us all into.

This film is quite brilliant..but it's far worse than we think and it's going to happen sooner than we think. Decisions on climate change etc have been taken out of the hands of those who know--scientists etc and power given to those from corporations who just want to screw more money out of recourses. pay less tax etc etc..you know the drill.and leave a massive debt and climate calamity for a few generatons ahead to cope with.

Thankfully I'm so old it won't affect me ..I'll just appear one day in the Pattya Mail as" Foreign Actress found dead in Condo, handcuffed to bed" or "Frocked up Farang Flies off Condo Balcony"...don't worry I'll give plenty of warning..I don't want anyone lounging around the pool of the Ocean One Tower to be injured if I fall on them..it would be like being hit by a steamroller.

August 7th, 2006, 00:02
The political parties in the UK are forever banging on about global warming and say they're going to do this that and whatever. The simple truth is that the vast majority of the world's pollution comes from the US, India and China, none of whom have any intentions of attempting to curtail emissions therefore making it pointless for any other country to do anything of a positive nature.

August 7th, 2006, 00:06
... foreign actress found dead with Condie?
Foreign Actress found dead in Condo, handcuffed to bed"

August 7th, 2006, 10:10
... I'm also intrigued to see a San Francisco earthquake predicted as an outcome of global warming. I guess I'll see it written up in New Scientist real soon now - or possibly Aunty's Nuclear Physics for the Under Fives...

See the Otawa Citizen (yes the Otawa Citizen) detailing the theory that melting ice caps reduces the pressure on the planet encouraging more earthquakes (and volcanoes - see blow)! http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/sto ... 3c&k=42084 (http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/story.html?id=0447a0d1-63be-4f15-8992-96131e57853c&k=42084) . Also reported on the discovery channel website: http://reports.discoverychannel.ca/serv ... veryReport (http://reports.discoverychannel.ca/servlet/an/discovery/1/20060704/discovery_climatechange_060704/20060704?hub=DiscoveryReport)

Oh, as for Manhattan being hit by a tsunami, I saw a BBC doco' a few years back which suggested that a volcano in the Canary islands is 95% through it's collapse cycle. Perched on the edge of the Atlantic, when it blows, half the side of the volcano (a chunk of rock estimated at approx the size of 100 city blocks) will drop off into the sea creating a massive tsunami to hit the east coast of the USA. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/local/s ... 8989c.html (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/local/story/267299p-228989c.html) now reports it is 98% through it's collapse cycle. The first cracks in the volcano weren't spotted until 1949 so it seems to be moving along at quite a pace!

I'm changing my name to Cassandra! :geek:

August 7th, 2006, 10:22
See the Otawa Citizen Thanks but I think I'll stick to real science. San Francisco will have earthquakes irrespective of the state of the polar ice-cap