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View Full Version : Are ALL Farang in Pattaya bloody weirdos !?

Nirish guy
July 20th, 2019, 13:35
As the title says - what is it with Farang in Pattaya not so much as acknowledging each other ! I get it that in ago go bar or even a beer some / most don’t want to be bothered conversing with other farang as that’s not what they’re / we’re all there for, or some seem so riddled by “guilt” for being there I the first place they can hardly look you in the eye as you pass to your seat.

But my god, I’m sitting in Deli Diner and after sitting here watching farang after farang walking in past me and totally ignoring my quiet subtle nod with a accompanied quiet “good morning” I have to ask WTF is wrong with people ( farang) here. Even if their wish is to live and communicate only with Thais surely a basic nod and a grunt of “morning” isn’t too much to expect ? ( apparently so )

Likewise I sat here for a quick bite of dinner on my way back last night ( they’re doing well out of my stay !) and there was myself and 4 other farang all at various tables and it was almost funny watching the moves they all went too to avoid each other’s glance and the silence generated between them all doing so you could have cut with a knife !

Personally I do think a lot it stems from the fact that they know that we’re all here for what we all know what THEY are here for ( and that’s NOT temples and Thai food I’m betting :-) and so they just want to stay under the radar where possible - which I guess is fine - but my god a simple good morning to a another fellow human being shouldn’t exert them TOO much I would have thought !

Oh perhaps us Irish are just a more outgoing and friendly bunch that the rest of the farang here - ha living in paradise, surrounded by hot guys and living the dream eh - ha maybe someone wants to tell that to their dour sour faces eh !! :-)

And dont even start me on the whole full length long black socks and sandals thing !! :/)

I’m thinking of writing to the guy union to send a shop steward to get a few memberships revoked as they’re SO letting the side down !! Lol

Anyway so ..... GOOD MORNING !! :/)

July 20th, 2019, 13:41
As the title says - what is it with Farang in Pattaya not so much as acknowledging each other ! I get it that in ago go bar or even a beer some / most don’t want to be bothered conversing with other farang as that’s not what they’re / we’re all there for, or some seem so riddled by “guilt” for being there I the first place they can hardly look you in the eye as you pass to your seat. The obvious reason is that most Westerners in Thailand are fruit loops, so the few of us with any sense don't talk to anyone who hasn't been vouched for as moderately sane by one of our other acquaintances. Ignore that rule and you'll be drawn into conversations with people with a hard luck story, or down on their luck, or first timers starry eyed about Thailand, or con merchants. There's the odd gem amongst all that dross but will the benefit of finding it outweigh the many costs?

If you don't believe me, read the ThaiVisa forums

Nirish guy
July 20th, 2019, 13:52
The few of us with any sense you say - how the hell would you know eh as sure you’ve never even been to Thailand !!! For god sake do keep up man !! Lol

But yes I think your analysis is fairly much bang on too that many of the guys you see here do appear somewhat damaged, either emotionally, physically or mentally ( or financially !). But still fruit loops or not I still say a basic good morning shouldn’t be too much to expect.

NB My faith in humanity has been restored a little as a fairly young (40s) quite sane looking English guy also dining here and on his seeing me just finishing the Bangkok Post, came over, all on his own doing and offered me the sports section to read next which was nice of him - needless to say though being a farang in Pattaya I told him to fuck off and to stop bothering me and to shove his paper as I never bloody asked him for it did I ?!!!

( needless to say the last part WAS a joke) - however I WAS slightly more offended than anything as handing a gay guy the SPORTS section !! How very dare he ! :-). .... well unless Tom Daley is diving perhaps !

July 20th, 2019, 14:14
The few of us with any sense you say - how the hell would you know eh as sure you’ve never even been to Thailand !!! For god sake do keep up man !! LolTo quote lonelywombat in full (and accurately) I've "never been to Thailand or Pattaya". When you can work out what that means - more challenging than today's crossword or Sudoku - please let me know. By the way there's only one national English newspaper in Thailand now - the Bangkok Post. The Nation stopped publishing in print a week or more ago

July 20th, 2019, 14:45
I'd much prefer having a silent and quiet breakfast, reading my newspaper, to having a booming US Citizen wanting to tell me everything about himself, how much he earns, where he comes from and how much he spent in real money in Thailand…..

July 20th, 2019, 14:55
Bars (not go go bars, obviously) and coffee shops are good places to start a conversation with a stranger. Restaurants are not.

Nirish guy
July 20th, 2019, 15:13
I concur with all of the above, my comments were more directed at a “good morning” or just the vague nod towards the existence of another human being being in your surroundings.

A simple nod, morning and leave me in peace to read my paper and have my coffee works just fine for me too, but the good morning is just basic manners generally ..... HA i forget, it’s Pattaya, enough said ! :-)

July 20th, 2019, 15:39
I'd much prefer having a silent and quiet breakfast, reading my newspaper, to having a booming US Citizen wanting to tell me everything about himself, how much he earns, where he comes from and how much he spent in real money in Thailand…..Why single out us Americans?

July 20th, 2019, 15:59
How about wishing someone Guten Morgen, Bonjour, Bongiorno, Buenos días, Shalom...? At random order someone might acknowledge with a smile.

July 20th, 2019, 16:46
No. It starts with 'hello' and ends with 'see you at the meatloaf festival this evening'. To quote Thatcher.
No, no, no.

July 20th, 2019, 17:09
I concur with all of the above, my comments were more directed at a “good morning” or just the vague nod towards the existence of another human being being in your surroundings.

A simple nod, morning and leave me in peace to read my paper and have my coffee works just fine for me too, but the good morning is just basic manners generally ..... HA i forget, it’s Pattaya, enough said ! :-)

That's right, you're in Pattaya where a vague/simple nod may be too difficult to execute for someone with rigor mortis.

July 20th, 2019, 20:55
As the title says - what is it with Farang in Pattaya not so much as acknowledging each other ! I get it that in ago go bar or even a beer some / most don’t want to be bothered conversing with other farang as that’s not what they’re / we’re all there for, or some seem so riddled by “guilt” for being there I the first place they can hardly look you in the eye as you pass to your seat.

But my god, I’m sitting in Deli Diner and after sitting here watching farang after farang walking in past me and totally ignoring my quiet subtle nod with a accompanied quiet “good morning” I have to ask WTF is wrong with people ( farang) here. Even if their wish is to live and communicate only with Thais surely a basic nod and a grunt of “morning” isn’t too much to expect ? ( apparently so )

You say good morning to strangers at breakfast? How odd/weird!
So let me turn your your headline around: what's wrong with you?

When I'm in bars, I wouldn't mind if someone approached me, as most of it is idle time (cannot decide if or which boy to off, or where to go next) and a subject is immediately at hand.

Nirish guy
July 20th, 2019, 21:10
Christian no disrespect but you’re the last man I would worry about being called odd by, if anything it marks me out as just being reassuringly normal more if YOU somehow think it’s odd :/)

And again let’s keep the good morning in perspective, it wasn’t like I was jumping out of my seat, pulling out their chair for them as I ruffled their hair and I gayly shouted “Good MORNNNNNNIING” ( in that most annoying of ways that Asians and especially Filipinos can do at the drop of a hat). No, it was a much more reserved, gentle, almost indiscernible nod, accompanied with a quiet “morning” as they walked past my ( front of house ) table on their way past me - this was also after most had already made direct eye contact and given me a good once over too I might add. So no if YOU think that’s odd I KNOW I’m on safe ground.

Ps I have been in your very own home Country many times and have been “good morning’ed” at by many a German person at breakfast in business hotels so I fear, as always your barometer as to what’s odd or not is it seems in its usual position - ie seemingly lodged somewhere up your ass by the sounds of it, but I’m guessing that that won’t come as too much of s surprise to you too hear that from someone :-)

July 20th, 2019, 22:05
You say good morning to strangers at breakfast? How odd/weird!
So let me turn your your headline around: what's wrong with you?

He's Irish, Christian, that is what is wrong with him.555 I always think it odd to converse with someone who is a stranger at a restaurant; bars are different.

July 20th, 2019, 22:14
Are Irish men in Pattaya always a loquacious lot?
At all times?

July 20th, 2019, 22:18
Nirish why the need for strangers to acknowledge you?

Nirish guy
July 20th, 2019, 22:57
By fuck some of you are a rare bunch lol

With the deli diner being about 20 foot x 10 foot it’s actually harder and weirder to blank someone than it is to nod at them as they brush past - but ok, I give up, it’s fine, sit there like the weirdo antisocial ill mannered twats that some of you seem to prefer being lol - it seems you’re all of a similar ilk and Pattaya is s good fit for you, which helps explain a little more even as too what I think of it and it’s patrons of late actually.

Pa I’m in a bar just now ( the Venue) so no fucker speak to me or give a friendly holiday nod on the way past as there’s a time and a place for that “apparently”’ !!! Lol

July 20th, 2019, 23:33
Oh, maybe it is just as simple as too much Jack Daniels, Guinness, or doppelbock the night before, any of which would have me a bit surly the next day. In all honesty, I have struck up some nice conversations at the outdoor Boyztown establishments.

July 21st, 2019, 00:12
I’m with NIrish-guy on this one. When I stayed at the Ambiance hotel in Boyz Town, I always made a point of saying ‘Good morning’ to my fellow breakfasters. Invariably, they returned my good morning salutation. It would have been a pretty odd character who did not to wish me a ‘good morning’ in reply or, at the very least, nod and smile. I do recall on one occasion some German breakfasters saying either, “Guten morgen” or simply, “Morgen”. The important point to bear in mind is, I was in most cases seeing the same fellow residents morning after morning. And, anyone who has stayed at the Ambiance will know the dining room is quite small.

But these days, I stay at a bigger hotel when visiting Pattaya, where there are a large number of hotel guests sitting down for breakfast. In this situation I do not wish my fellow breakfasters a ‘Good morning’, that, I think, would be odd. I do however return the salutation when the breakfast supervisor ticks me off the list and says, “Good morning, khun [Jellybean].” Isn’t it nice to be recognised.:)

However, restaurants are a different matter entirely; I do not go outside of my hotel for breakfast, so I have no experience of having breakfast at a restaurant. But I’m sure I have eaten at Deli Diner with another member and, if I am not mistaken, it is quite small and homely. If I was eating breakfast there each morning, I think I might very well say, ‘Good morning' to my fellow diners if I recognised them from a previous visit, or I caught their eye as I was sitting down.

July 21st, 2019, 00:55
Not americans, US citizens. America is a continent and a canadian or a mexican would never try to impose himself .

July 21st, 2019, 01:14
No. It starts with 'hello' and ends with 'see you at the meatloaf festival this evening'. To quote Thatcher.
No, no, no.

meatloaf is my favorite. Where is it currently being served warm on Thursdays?
Will I have to talk to others or can I just sit and eat in peace and quiet?

July 21st, 2019, 01:37
NIrishGuy: What is this "breakfast" business that you speak of. I sincerely hope that you mean Brunch?

No self respecting Irish guy gets up before midday!

BTW have you hit Sinlapin Issan or NAB yet? How are the crowds doing there?

July 21st, 2019, 01:41
did you have the meatloaf yet?

Nirish guy
July 21st, 2019, 04:25
NIrishGuy: What is this "breakfast" business that you speak of. I sincerely hope that you mean Brunch? No self respecting Irish guy gets up before midday !

ha sorry you’re right of course, I assumed that was breakfast time for most people ! It was indeed around midday - none of that “our breakfast menu stops at 10am shit here thank god yet !

BTW have you hit Sinlapin Issan or NAB yet? How are the crowds doing there?

No, I’ve passed on both, not that sort of trip this time. Tonight ( Saturday) I went to Jomtien, the police buggered that, then around 1.30am went to boystown and into that new bar / club place, which is catering for the Chinese and nearly off’d the cutest guy on stage, before I later seen him pawing over some Chinese girl and thought well thank fuck I saved that money!

Then whilst on my walk back to mosaik veered off towards Sunee just too see and sure enough the old girl was still going, only trouble was hearing my name being called way to much and being reminded “hey you remember me, I know you we fucked in .....l etc etc, with my bad memory and failing years I can only assume they were thinking of someone else .... although as always their recollection of detail was ridiculously good !

So after having to pass myself and buy a few drinks for several old “friends” after us all getting together it’s 4.30 and I’ve just arrived back to my room - alone I would add, as I am just as I’ve mentioned just about the temples and shit and after my forgetting my door key and having to wake the receptionist to let me in ( karma is a bitch eh :-) I’m now back in my room.

So no, I didn’t make it too either tonight.

ps excuse any typos ( any more than usual) as I am it appears, half cut and feel I deserve a medal after working out who to paste your comments ! :-)

July 21st, 2019, 04:55
stop confusing nirish with being a jovial genuine irishman....he's not...he's a mean pinch faced pressbutton shoved across the channel by cromwell or some other englishman

Nirish guy
July 21st, 2019, 13:00
You really shouldnt talk about things you obviously know little about Latin.

Firstly I’m definitely not a Presbyterian last time I checked anyway plus my own family have hailed from the same village where I currently live for well over 250 / 300 years now - yes probably here due to the plantation in general but my family dates we’ll proceed the Cromwell things you mention. Scottish and Irish people have been crossing that short 20 mile gap of water between us for a millennia so not everything is as black and white as some would like to paint things Re that, usually I have to add for great own cheap political point scoring, but aside from DNA / genetic tests i carried out awhile back I’m just having to assume a certain amount of Data for before that as records draw a blank much before those dates.

Just for discussion though - so I wonder how long IS long enough or what IS the magic number fir someone to be able to state that they “come from somewhere” ( as the other Irish people who also lived here with and before my ancestors OBVIOUSLY came from “somewhere” else too of course as we all just didn’t materialise out if thin air to here one day of course.

Most Americans of course would struggle to match that 250 year number above Re how long ago their own people came to America but yet they don’t seem to have a problem defining their country of birth without query, but I don’t see many rushing to tell them all that ACTUALLY sorry no, you’re not American but actually English or German etc.

As for the rest - mean, nope you haven’t got me there either - although right enough as I haven’t paid for it this trip and have more than managed to maintain my normal preferred quota then MAYBE you’re right about that one after all ! :-)’. I prefer to think of it as being more canny than mean spirited perhaps. :-)

And as for my looks - well, I’ll have you know I’m a hundsum man !! And I’ve been told so by SEVERAL massage ladies as I walked passed their shops this week so it MUST be true eh !! :-)

July 21st, 2019, 13:02
You really shouldnt talk about things you obviously know little aboutIs this a new Forum rule? It's never stopped anyone before if it is. Maybe you should appeal to Mr Jellybaby

July 21st, 2019, 13:03
Why single out us Americans?

Can't resist passing this on...

I was in London yesterday and passed through Covent Garden. One of the street performers there was bantering with trhe crowd and identified a couple of Americans.

"What are you doing in the UK?", he asked, "Tourism - or are you here to learn the language?"

July 21st, 2019, 13:33
"You really shouldnt talk about things you obviously know little about"

Is this a new Forum rule? It's never stopped anyone before if it is.

Never a truer word....

July 21st, 2019, 13:42
"You really shouldnt talk about things you obviously know little about"
Never a truer word....Indeed - and that's without considering the Forum intellectuals such as Kitty Litter who are completely unable to distinguish between the value of discussing an issue and the realisation that not all discussions on that issue are worth having. But the big issue for those of us who love you, gerefan2, is how you know anything at all. After all, as you proudly boast, you haven't read a newspaper in years, so are we to assume that you trust that well-known source of all truth, the Internet? Mind you, reading your posts it's clear you know very little at all

July 21st, 2019, 22:38
America is a continent
Actually, two continents. Being joined for breakfast by a Brazilian of the right age would be OK.

July 22nd, 2019, 16:11
dab69 wrote.
"meatloaf is my favorite. Where is it currently being served warm on Thursdays?
Will I have to talk to others or can I just sit and eat in peace and quiet?"

Does it have to be Thursday, surely any day is good for the delicious ground meat delicacy. I don't know if it's still the same but at Le Petite Planet the dish I had some time ago was menued as roast beef but what was served was meatloaf. Probably trying to cash in on the lucrative market cornered by Ting Tong. Now sadly closed.

No one at LPP has ever tried to get chatty with me I'm pleased to say.

July 31st, 2019, 10:23
Still trying to replicate moms salmon loaf raised with yeast like bread light and fluffy