View Full Version : Grindr murderer and a serial killer

July 15th, 2019, 20:38
Another news story from today's BBC News website:

The link between a Grindr murderer and a serial killer
By Daniel De Simone BBC News

Gerald Matovu has become the first person since the serial killer Stephen Port to be convicted of murder with a fatal overdose of the drug GHB.

The two killers had different motives - Port was a sexual predator, Matovu a prolific thief - but the same method: trawling gay dating apps such as Grindr, arranging sex, and then rendering their targets unconscious with surreptitious GHB doses.

What can now be revealed is that the pair were also close associates.

Matovu was arrested during the Port homicide investigation, and convicted of selling Port GHB. Matovu had actually drugged and stolen from the serial killer, and is suspected of being present at Port's flat when one of his surviving rape victims was drugged.

Port, from Barking, east London, was sentenced to life in 2016 for the murders of four men and the rape or sexual assault of several others, with the deceased all having been given catastrophic drug overdoses.

Local detectives failed to take a series of chances to catch him earlier, with the deaths not treated as suspicious until weeks after the final one.

After Port was imprisoned, Matovu drugged and robbed his way across London, which ultimately resulted in the murder of 54-year-old father of three Eric Michels.

His two sons are now calling for changes in how GHB is treated by the authorities.

The drug is used by clubbers and in so-called chemsex, but is frequently implicated in instances of date rape.

The brothers also question how Matovu's offending went unidentified despite several reports to police by his victims before the murder.

Eric Michels, originally from Portland, Maine, studied acting before moving to the UK in 1987 . . .

To continue reading go to: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-48928442#

July 16th, 2019, 06:01
And those are just two of numerous “Grindr” murders in the UK .....

July 16th, 2019, 07:47
I understand from a friend in Australia that it’s also been used for blackmail (hoping that’s not a racist term)