View Full Version : The allure of the straight boy

Old git
July 8th, 2019, 21:51
Before online forums came about, I didn't discuss my sexuality with anyone. I'd encountered 'gay for pay' boys a long time before, and although I enjoy their company, vaguely assumed that most customers would feel they were cheating the system.

In any event, I think most of these boys are a fair way across the bisexual spectrum.

What the online scene has taught me is that the number of punters who object to them plying their trade is actually quite small, and more than a few seem to gravitate toward them.

I wonder though - would there be a special demand for 100% straight dick?

I doubt that a guy who was not to some degree bi could tolerate being kissed and cuddled by a fat old farang - but a glorified glory hole arrangement perhaps?

Suppose an establishment had a room with small round windows at face height. Behind each window, a tightly clad lunchbox - it's owner might be scaffolder with a wife and three kids to support, looking to top up the 600 baht a day he makes working on site.

From the other side of the wall he can't see the punters and they can't see his face - he can fantasise that his assets are being viewed by beautiful women.

A punter picks one he'd like to know better and he moves to a private cubicle. Here the window is bigger and the briefs come off - but he still can't see the customer -he can imagine that the lips around his dick belong to the prettiest girl on earth.

- If a bar like that existed, I'd patronise it - but would others?

July 8th, 2019, 22:41
I think your assumptions are wrong. Sex with a man for a couple of hours and collect about 1500 baht. Or spend 8 hours digging a hole in the road in 35 degree temperatures and collect 300 baht.

Factor in the child that needs feeding and there's your answer. No bisexuality needed.

There are so many reasons why 99 per cent of my offs are straight. But that's for another post.

July 9th, 2019, 00:14
Straight boys were the greatest thing that Thailand had on offer when I came years ago. They were easy to be with no drama no you not love me crap. The fact that at that time they were willing to assume a passive role was surreal. My preference is still for straight guys on any level but most if not all of my friends are gay.

July 9th, 2019, 13:56
How do you know they are straight if they perform like gay guys? Their look? their clothes? their mannerisms? Isn't it possible that you are being played? A successful mb knows how to make money. Nothing wrong in that.

There's a guy whom I first met sixteen years ago in Boyztown. I liked him but deemed him a little too effeminate for me. Nevertheless, I payed the fee and waited while he went to get dressed. Three minutes later he appeared again, straight-acting, not a hint of effeminacy. He was gay (and he still is very active!) and remained a successful mb for years but his feminine manner was a means of attracting punters.

Isn't it possible that the guys who declare themselves straight are also acting the part for the benefit of the punter....and their wallets?

July 9th, 2019, 14:30
Taking it up the arse from a guy you pay because you think he's straight has a certain allure for some people. And then there's the chant that greets Elton John and David "Celebrity Threesome" Furness when they attend a local football match -

He's here, he's queer
He takes it up the rear
Elton John
Elton John

July 9th, 2019, 14:32
How do you know they are straight if they perform like gay guys? Their look? their clothes? their mannerisms? Isn't it possible that you are being played?
Isn't it possible that the guys who declare themselves straight are also acting the part for the benefit of the punter....and their wallets?

No, No, No

July 9th, 2019, 15:03
MFAS wrote.
"No, No, No"
He's right. MFAS and I probably have more experience of offing boys in Pattaya than the rest of you put together. I'm up to about 30 this year alone.

Like poker players, both gay and straight boys have 'tells' that give you the answer. If you know what to look for you rarely need to actually ask.

July 9th, 2019, 16:21
. . . Like poker players, both gay and straight boys have 'tells' that give you the answer. If you know what to look for you rarely need to actually ask.

I’m only guessing, mind you, but seeing him chat with his wife and two kids outside the bar is, in my opinion, one way of telling if your money boy is straight. But then again, I may be wrong. ;)

July 9th, 2019, 16:35
Naturally money is a big big factor, the delta is huge, throw in the fact that Buddhism unlike Christianity whilst not condoning "imorality" doesnt exactly condemn it outright, kinda keeps the door open for redemption. poor families sell their children, either directly or they save face by pretending to believe that they are going to the big town for waitressing /hotel/restaurant job, everyone knows whats going on, its called survival. They are very good at looking but not seeing.
And the reason a straight will take it up the arse is because thats the easy way out, imagine as a gay guy trying to get aroused enough to get an erection so you can fuck some geriatric female with saggy tits to her knees, same for a straight guy trying to please some old saggy geriatric. Money talks. Done lots, its quite mechanical, just the way I like it, there to provide a service.
In days gone by there used ti be peg bars where the service providers were kept nicely dilated and ready.....ships captains had their cabin boys, its nothing new, all been done long before we came along.

July 9th, 2019, 16:49
Myth has it that the cabin boy in Captain Pugwash is called Master Bates. He isn't and there is no Seaman Stains either. Sadly.

July 9th, 2019, 17:09
Myth has it that the cabin boy in Captain Pugwash is called Master Bates. He isn't and there is no Seaman Stains either. Sadly.

Ah! Captain Pugwash, a childhood favourite of mine. And, arsenal, wasn’t the cabin boy’s name Roger?


July 9th, 2019, 17:38
No. I'm sorry. It was Jim. Wishful thinking? Haha .

July 9th, 2019, 17:56
No. I'm sorry. It was Jim. Wishful thinking? Haha .Master Bates is a Dickens character - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charley_Bates

Old git
July 9th, 2019, 20:36
Is he gay or is he straight or what..?

As an active bi I recognise four levels of male sexuality - the fully gay, the active bi, the inactive bi and the fully straight.

All formal survey data is rubbish, not only because when it comes to sex, everyone lies in surveys, but also because many men lie to themselves.

But there is one big giveaway - the porn people watch. The videos that get viewed and liked a lot - and those that don't.

This points to there being more bisexuals (but probably bisexuals who are inactive and only have physical sex with women) than there are fully straight men.

Porn scenes that do not involve men at all get far fewer views than those that show full sex. If a scene does not conclude with a good cum shot, it gets very poor 'like' ratings - yet why would a fully straight guy get turned on by watching another guy ejaculate?

Of course some women watch porn, but by all estimates on a much smaller scale.

My hunch is that inactive bi guys watch rather more porn than others, to give them a fix of naked men without actually touching one, and that that drives the numbers, otherwise the fully straight population would appear tiny.

It's hard to put an exact number on things, but I'd guess that the percentage of fully straight guys may be as low as 25-30% of the total.

As for the 'straight' boys who do gay for pay, I'd hazard that these are naturally 'inactive bi's' who are tempted by the money. I'm doubtful a fully straight guy could rise to the occasion in the embrace of a customer..

July 9th, 2019, 22:15
Yes, the porn they watch is a good pointer but the issue is what they watch in private.The last time I was in Nice the ten guys on show, of whom only one appeared to me to be gay from his demeanour, were all fixated on their mobiles while they masturbated. And who thinks they were watching gay porn? But when they're alone, who knows? And anyway, a gay experience with some of our esteemed posters must surely, in some cases, have convinced them that gay is best. Some of the punters in Nice are, after all, remarkably cute.

But as far as I can discern, those who are keen on straight guys know they are straight because the guys say they are. It's not difficult; I managed it (to my shame) for twenty years. Nevertheless, I 'm humble enough to be persuaded otherwise. Have a go.

July 9th, 2019, 22:26
No Oliver. Thats not how we know. There are a multitude of ways to tell if you observe closely over a period of time.

Don't quite know why several of you are struggling with the idea that a straight guy can be good at gay sex.

July 9th, 2019, 22:37
No Oliver. Thats not how we know. There are a multitude of ways to tell if you observe closely over a period of time.

Don't quite know why several of you are struggling with the idea that a straight guy can be good at gay sex.

They choose not to believe it , they think everyone should like the “boys” at Winner.

July 10th, 2019, 00:38
if u dig back in history werent the queens guard infamous for whoring themselves out to the upper classes, used to strut up and down in full uniform symbolizing young virile male masculinuty on sale. Were they all gay?? Lower classes in england too were attarcted by financial gain and trherebwas little shame in making themselves available.
So yes, a straight can be a money boy willing and able to service gay customers, some of u need to refresh your history. There was even an infamous situation with post office messengers in london who deluvered a lot more than telegrams.
Better question is what sort f mentality allows one to become a whore, what goes on in that head that allows them to sell themselves .....Im certainly not judging as Im addicted to commercial sex but at times I do have to wonder

July 10th, 2019, 07:01
Someone needs to go and tell all the boys of Eros, Nice Boys and new Goodboys that they are gay. I don't think they realise.

July 10th, 2019, 12:27
now u r just being silly..and not haha silly...but stooopid

July 10th, 2019, 13:18
And we never actually got around to the allure of straight boys as asked by the OP.

July 10th, 2019, 15:37
The allure of a straight guy is simple - he looks and behaves like a male.

If I want someone feminine, I'll go to Soi Cowboy or Walking Street.

And after all these years I still can't figure out how the straight guys can perform like they do. It's a total mystery.

But thank god they can!

July 10th, 2019, 16:06
Its a mind thing, a power play, he not only gets to fuck u like the bitch u r but u also adore and worship him and pay him...ooops I say this assuming that you wonder how a straight guy can get hard and fuck your saggy butt...right??

July 10th, 2019, 16:29
but jokes aside...i gotta agree with 47 ...thank all the Gods for straight mb....

Old git
July 10th, 2019, 20:58
'The allure of a straight guy is simple - he looks and behaves like a male'

- There's straight, and straight acting. Some closet gays go out of their way to look straight.

'And after all these years I still can't figure out how the straight guys can perform like they do. It's a total mystery'

- My theory is that although their first preference may be to shag girls, and look 100% straight - they are sufficiently bi to handle it.

Anyway going to back to my original question - would you pay for a 'glorified glory hole' experience, savouring the lunchbox of an anonymous straight guy - if it was relatively inexpensive compared to offing a boy or going to a massage shop?

July 10th, 2019, 20:59
a447....thanks; at last something I can understand. One point of clarification; I know P. well enough after fifteen years to tell you that he is gay- exclusively to the point of fanaticism- but straight-acting, so much so that other Thais assume he is straight and have told me so. I believe that , were you to meet him, you'd say the same.
He would, I assume on your definition, be straight? Yes? If so, I feel I've really got somewhere with this vexed question. Bluntly,your preference is for straight-acting guys . If not....well, I remain in the dark.

One further point. We talk about guys we see and meet openly and without embarrassment and I know his sexual preferences as well as my own. The guys he likes are straight-acting; he is turned-off by anyone who is effeminate, even moderately.. Straight-acting but most definitely gay. It's one of the things we have in common.

July 10th, 2019, 21:40
OK Oliver let me try to expand on a447s explanation.

Straight boys are very low maintenance. Physically their bodies tend to be more athletic and less hourglass shaped. Their hair is usually of a more boy-next-door style and less fussy. They're personalities are easier and less needy. They don't pout. They don't try to run off to the bathroom immediately and bolt the door still in their pants. They don't carry make up in their bags and take 30 minutes to get ready to leave. They like to talk about football and motorbikes. They accept that I'm a butterfly and unlikely to off them again that trip. They tend not to get phone calls about lost fucking keys. They stick to the agreement made in the bar. They are not silly and childish. They are great easy going company and happily talk about their lives over a coffee. It's rare for them to want to rush off as soon as you get to the hotel.

And finally, in my opinion. They kiss so much more passionately and smoke with considerably more skill than gays do.

July 10th, 2019, 21:52
Are those attributes commonly found amongst the boys at Nice Boy bar?

July 10th, 2019, 21:59
Spot on, arsenal.

July 10th, 2019, 23:06
Totally agree with arsenal. That applies to the 'Nice Boys' boys in my experience, but change 'football' to 'tattoos'.

What I found remarkable during my last visit to Nice Boys was that none of the straight boys was willing to bottom.
2/3 years ago, at least two of the regular boys didn't have a problem with that (although rather reluctant - 'don't tell anyone').

I wonder what changed their mind.

July 10th, 2019, 23:24
dinagam. Yes yes yes.

But do remember that these boys don't all appear as the finished article.

Take J. I first offed him from BT and he kissed (beautifully) but didn't smoke. I respected his limits. The second and third time he smoked but it was a little mechanical. The last time I took him, this time from Sunee and his smoking was amazing. Deft and subtle with bouts of quick and slow, use of the whole mouth including the throat, the hand or just two fingers. He was the finished article.

July 11th, 2019, 03:31
...glory hole arrangement perhaps?

- If a bar like that existed, I'd patronise it - but would others?
I wouldn't. I like to see and touch my sexual partner in an air conditioned room, in a bed, with good light. Glory holes, sex in public toilets or in the park/forest doesn't do it for me.

They don't carry make up in their bags and take 30 minutes to get ready to leave. Makeup and grooming is the worst of gay boys. I agree with the other points in your posts as well. Straight boys don't have some character flaws common in gay boys; but some I had, had other character flaws.

Despite spending most of my time in Thailand, I don't have time to take a straight boy several times to get to know him. If there is a stunner (gay or straight) who performs okay or shows potential on first encounter, I might take him again after months or even years.

But looking back to all straight boys I had, those I recruited myself (under great effort of time and money - not the money I gave the boy - usually 500 THB - but travel to and from, gifts, meals) were overall a waste of time and money, and those I offed from bars were better, but don't reach the level of gay boys in bed.

Nowadays, most of my sexual encounters are with gay boys, some of them for free, some for money.
I had many gay boys for free, but never had a straight boy for free!

July 11th, 2019, 04:49
Let me see if I've got this right:

According to arsenal, a 447, Old Git and MFAS "straight" boys are more acceptable because - to be blunt - they're not limp-wristed pansies as gay boys are
The aforesaid arsenal, a 447, Old Git and MFAS are not themselves "straight"
Therefore arsenal, a 447, Old Git and MFAS are limp-wristed pansies

At least we've got the Forum back where it belongs - discussing sodomy with young prostitutes of a different race and economic status than the posters, not wittering on about racism and other Leftie nonsense

Old git
July 11th, 2019, 05:07
'According to arsenal, a 447, Old Git and MFAS "straight" boys are more acceptable because - to be blunt - they're not limp-wristed pansies as gay boys are'

Bit more to it than that - graduating from effeminate full 'pansy' gays past the active bi - straight acting or not.. - past the mostly inactive 'I'm not gay but like looking at men shooting their loads' denial bi's to the full 100% straight 'I need some money and that person sucking my dick is female really' brigade.

A little holy grail. I don't like straight guys because they don't wuss around with camp attitude so much (although that IS an issue..) I like the raw nature of sucking a guy who has a wife and kids to support..

Brad the Impala
July 11th, 2019, 05:31
Anyway going to back to my original question - would you pay for a 'glorified glory hole' experience, savouring the lunchbox of an anonymous straight guy - if it was relatively inexpensive compared to offing a boy or going to a massage shop?

Not only would I not pay for it, I wouldn't be interested if it was free! Sounds like you are trying to recreate some personal cottaging fantasy.

July 11th, 2019, 05:38
I like the raw nature of sucking a guy who has a wife and kids to support.Some unresolved issues there but pretty much in line with my general thesis

Old git
July 11th, 2019, 05:46
'Not only would I not pay for it, I wouldn't be interested if it was free! Sounds like you are trying to recreate some personal cottaging fantasy.'

I've never been into cottaging - I like a clean environment and that was way too tacky..

But anonymous, spontaneous encounters? - many happy memories..

July 11th, 2019, 12:06
dinagam. Yes yes yes.

But do remember that these boys don't all appear as the finished article.

Take J. I first offed him from BT and he kissed (beautifully) but didn't smoke. I respected his limits. The second and third time he smoked but it was a little mechanical. The last time I took him, this time from Sunee and his smoking was amazing. Deft and subtle with bouts of quick and slow, use of the whole mouth including the throat, the hand or just two fingers. He was the finished article.

It appears that the boy has gone through the entire syllabus at a finishing school and passed with a distinction. I admire your patience, arsenal.

July 11th, 2019, 13:27
Thank you dinagam. Patience brings its own reward. Sometimes.

July 11th, 2019, 14:08
I loved Arsenal's description of the comic-book gay guy....yes, I've met many of them! Unfortunately, I'm still in the dark because P doesn't fit that stereotype; if he did, we wouldn't still be together after fifteen years.
And not just P; I have five old friends in Pattaya whom I first met long ago and with whom I keep in contact and see each time I go back to Pattaya. Only one conforms to the stereotype and then only very slightly. His sense of humour compensates. The others? not al all.
So, it seems that Arsenal and I have similar tastes after all. I no longer visit gogo bars ; perhaps things have changed over the past few years.
The gay Thais I've met - hundreds of them- are not all Asian John Inmans anymore than I conform to a music-hall stereotype.
I still see this discussion (a very interesting one) as being about personality and behaviour rather than sexuality.

July 11th, 2019, 15:03
No one believed the duck billed platypus was real until they saw a live specimen. A little more research proved it to be true.

July 11th, 2019, 21:55
. . . The gay Thais I've met - hundreds of them- are not all Asian John Inmans (https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/lifestyle/showbiz/im-free-named-top-comedy-1686992) . . .

How very true Oliver2, as in my experience, they are rarely free. :)


July 11th, 2019, 23:08
No one believed the duck billed platypus was real until they saw a live specimen. A little more research proved it to be true.

Since you are very keen on research, arsenal, perhaps you could find out during one of your . . . er . . . research trips to Pattaya, if any of the more, shall we say, enterprising money-boys, provide a, buy two offs and get the third one free offer. Any budding entrepreneurial money-boy might well conclude this is a good business model to see him through the peaks and troughs of his seasonal trade.

And given that you made reference to the Australian duck-billed platypus in the above quoted post, I suspect that if you were ever to discover any such offers, they would, in all likelihood, have gone the same way as the Australian Tasmanian tiger (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thylacine). ;)

July 12th, 2019, 00:59
And after all these years I still can't figure out how the straight guys can perform like they do. It's a total mystery.

Look in your purse, Miss Drew, you big Nancy you. The answer to your mystery is in there!

July 12th, 2019, 01:13
I like the raw nature of sucking a guy who has a wife and kids to support..

Or maybe you just like cock that smells of stale cunt juice.

July 12th, 2019, 01:53
Look in your purse, Miss Drew, you big Nancy you. The answer to your mystery is in there!

Still, surely you will concede, sglad, that those straight money boys, must be very hardy to be able to perform all sorts of lewd acts with foreign clientele twice or, in some cases, three times their age. ;)

July 12th, 2019, 03:22
I dont believe that a 28 year old straight married mb with kids suddenly decides that gay sex is a great career path, doesnt it usually start a lot earlier, hes encouraged to seek his fortune in the city by all his anally dilated uncles and dad who have been there and done it as young men. He's encouraged to find work in a " restaurant" ...so it starts at 18, its a gradual process, all the mb form a sort of surrogate family, eventually he gets taught exactly whats expected, freely available porn helps and before he knows it taking it up the rear is just a job, one hes glad to have because the alternatives pay a lot lot less and the work conditions are uncomfortable to say the least. He's got nice clothes, latest phones, jewelry....all very intoxicating for a youngster...all the farangs love him and fawn over him, he's a superstar. Taking it up the rear is a very small inconvenience.
But let me digress, when they are young and straight some will not do anal, they will top but they are "man" so their rear is out of bounds at least where penetration is concerned. Then they get older, find a women, have children, get older, less attractive, the customers occasionally pass them over in favour of fresh meat...panic slowly sets in, they can see the easy life slipping away, they need to try harder provide a better service, provide more services, any service, they got bills to pay...suddenly the rear is wide open for business...they practically chase u down a soi screaming fuck me fuck me

July 12th, 2019, 03:30
...and jellyboy...they do offer discounts...all u gotta do is be cheeky and ask. Often I offer less for the 2nd encounter and my reasoning when negotiating is I tell him is not fresh meat to me anymore...not exciting like 1st time...most, as in almost all agree.

July 12th, 2019, 04:40
Still, surely you will concede, sglad, that those straight money boys, must be very hardy to be able to perform all sorts of lewd acts with foreign clientele twice or, in some cases, three times their age. ;)I’m intrigued how MFAS and arsenal know and have experience of so many of these brave lads. Is it that the guy can stand them once but a repeat performance is too much to bear?

July 12th, 2019, 14:48
Has anyone ever asked the guys themselves? I learnt a lot from P of course but although I unwittingly offed straight guys long ago, I have never got to know any well enough to ask them.
By the way, the Romeo app used to require members to identify their sexuality. They nearly always said "gay", very occasionally "bi" but never "straight". Perhaps the sort of straight guys who perform in Nice don't use the apps? Or if they do, conceal their sexuality?
P. uses a variety of terms to describe the sexuality of his friends and those guys still on the Pattaya scene. "Man", "man-man", "not gay" , "ladyboy" and others. Often he's referring to whether a guy is top or bottom. For him, being a money-boy is just a job. And better paid than many, certainly in the Good Old Days.

Old git
July 12th, 2019, 16:58
Easier to think of sexuality as a grey scale rather than a set of pigeon holes

On one side you have the 100% gay and the other the 100% hetero, with most men occupying some position in between.

As women are rarely tolerant or understanding of men who also like sex with men, those midway on the scale tend to not have gay sexual encounters, and those like myself who are actively bi find it easier to have two sets of acquaintances and keep them more or less separate.

Thai boys who are somewhere on the grey scale may be outwardly straight and have wives and girlfriends back home, but when tempted to work in places like Pattaya by the money on offer, will channel their gay side to earn a living..

July 12th, 2019, 17:08
A fair comment. I have yet to be convinced that this thread isn't about behaviour, appearance and self-image rather than sexuality per se.

July 12th, 2019, 17:35
Easier to think of sexuality as a grey scale rather than a set of pigeon holes

On one side you have the 100% gay and the other the 100% hetero, with most men occupying some position in between..lOMFG. You’re arguing in favour of the Kinsey heterosexual/homosexual continuum from 60 years ago? You do realise that means that all those limp-wristed Pattayaphile pansies who think they’re being serviced by 100% “straight” guys aren’t?

Old git
July 12th, 2019, 18:03
' You do realise that means that all those limp-wristed Pattayaphile pansies who think they’re being serviced by 100% “straight” guys aren’t? '

Your choice of description rather than mine, but basically yes - I don't think those who are firmly at the hetero end of the scale could handle it - in particular, the need to get a hard-on whilst with a client..

July 12th, 2019, 20:15
' You do realise that means that all those limp-wristed Pattayaphile pansies who think they’re being serviced by 100% “straight” guys aren’t? '

Your choice of description rather than mine, but basically yes - I don't think those who are firmly at the hetero end of the scale could handle it - in particular, the need to get a hard-on whilst with a client..And as a corollary where do you think you fall on Kinsey scale? Closer to 6 than to 0? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale

July 12th, 2019, 20:34
I spent quite a lot of time with a guy who identified as “straight” during my recent month’s stay in Pattaya.

The sex was some of the best I’ve ever had with him performing both active and passive roles. It was great for me as I also like to be both active and passive.

It made me think that if our sexual preferences are so nicely matched and he’s “straight” perhaps I am as well…

Old git
July 13th, 2019, 01:56
'And as a corollary where do you think you fall on Kinsey scale?'

I know of Kinsey but have never looked at his work.

I think many people with my sexuality would settle for the 'convention' of having a woman in their life, and settling for that.

However I have never been conventional. I have always been fascinated by opportunities to re-invent the wheel (and actually did so once to great media acclaim) I chase superlatives and am greatly enthused by real achievement - even if it doesn't make me any money.

I've achieved many things in my life, but sexually, well, I'm just a crazy guy..

July 13th, 2019, 08:43
OMFG. You’re arguing in favour of the Kinsey heterosexual/homosexual continuum from 60 years ago? You do realise that means that all those limp-wristed Pattayaphile pansies who think they’re being serviced by 100% “straight” guys aren’t?
Kinda have to agree with you on this, I am always amazed at how I see a Pattaya Farang out and about and being proud of their "Straight" Boy conquest.
By 2am the farang is asleep and the "straight" boy is in NAB camping it up with the others and stuffing 100B notes down the briefs of the big cock show boys!

July 14th, 2019, 07:04
Latin's description of the process is exactly correct. Oliver remains unconvinced and will do so until he goes and sees the platypusses for himself while noting that after work they prefer platypussies.

Jellybean. I do indeed ask for and get a discount. But, only only if I've offed boy a couple of times before at full price and only if it's very late in the evening with no chance of a full paying customer.

July 14th, 2019, 11:11
Can I ask how you know the boy you off is straight ? You ask him? Or you assume it by just looking at him and his manners?
I rarely ask the boy. I assume they are gay. I don't really care as long as they do as promised.

But it looks some of us ask a boy everytime what their sexuality is, how else so they know ?

July 14th, 2019, 11:46
Can I ask how you know the boy you off is straight ? You ask him? Or you assume it by just looking at him and his manners?
I rarely ask the boy. I assume they are gay. I don't really care as long as they do as promised. But it looks some of us ask a boy everytime what their sexuality is, how else so they know ?My favourite anecdote on the subject (from 1988) - a waiter at Telephone Bar who said "I not a gay boy. What time I come your room?". In those days "gay" simply meant "someone who bottoms"

July 14th, 2019, 14:55
That is still the case for Thais themselves.

July 14th, 2019, 16:40
asdara, there are a few indications, he prefers straight porn, only has straight porn bookmarked on his phone, doesnt get hard , like simply doesnt, doesnt enjoy bottomoig, as in he bottoms but its just something he does, a bottom who enjoys it shows it, some even get a bit of a glazed look (maybe its the yabba) like they are somewhere else, they are mechanical and just follow instructions, modern haircut but not all gay poofed up, no make up or nails done or super plucked eye brows, are less fussy, will swallow,easier to dominate/use, its not sex, its a task, oh and occasionally one does come across them with woman and child in tow.
So yes, maybe they are not a 10/10 straight on the kinsey scale but come pretty close to it, I's say that if they had a choice they wouldnt be servicing gays..old or young.

July 15th, 2019, 04:56
...and probably why belami does so well, not only are the performers young and virile they are mostly maculine in their mannerisms and quite a few are straight in that they have girl friends / wives in their private lives.

July 15th, 2019, 04:59
...and probably why belami does so well, not only are the performers young and virile they are mostly maculine in their mannerisms and quite a few are straight in that they have girl friends / wives in their private lives.I prefer Helix as a porn studio, but then I am from Houston

July 31st, 2019, 22:41
Many boys at those naughty massage joints are actually straight themselves. In Japan you find 60% of the male sex workers even at predominantly gay places are openly straight. To a bottom like me, straight-acting boys in their early or mid-20s are very appealing if not intriguing

August 1st, 2019, 03:14
I love it when my bottom masturbates and cums while Im fucking it, love the way the hole tightens and relaxes as he masturbates, often he needs porn to help with this, often , in fact more often than not the porn is straight, I always ask that he turn the volume down as the female shrieking porn sound is not an aphrodisiac where I'm concerned. guess that is a good indicator if hes straight.

Old git
August 1st, 2019, 05:57
I can understand people who are outwardly straight denying their gay side (and the more they deny usually, the more they usually have it)

But why do people who are gay and out deny the grey scale of sexuality?

Try testing the hypothesis that male sexuality is a perfect grey scale of 100% straight to 100% gay with equal numbers at every notch, but corrupted by female intolerance to infidelity and bi-sexuality that forces many men to make a lifestyle choice as to their outward stance - and you get a very credible status quo..

August 1st, 2019, 08:08
Then Brazil probably has the best balance I've seen where western countries are concerned, lots of married guys (as in married to woman) will happily have sex with other guys, ranging from mutual masturbation in public toilets to receiving oral sex and in more extreme cases bottoming.

August 1st, 2019, 08:17
love a porn star called jason jaxon, only performs with woman, but loves a butt plug and enjoys banter with guys while performing on cam...guess hes not 100% straight....