View Full Version : Is a thai ever wrong?

June 27th, 2019, 08:02
Have you ever had a Thai admit that he was wrong? I have not and I’ve lived here a long time.

They usually evade an issue through such tactics as changing the subject or just outright lie to avoid admitting they are wrong. I have to wonder why this is so.

June 27th, 2019, 08:13
" ... Have you ever had a Thai admit that he was wrong? ... "Yes, many times. The latest was him losing his keys for the umteenth time and referring himself to being a dip-shit.

" ... They usually evade an issue through such tactics as changing the subject or just outright lie to avoid admitting they are wrong ... "Perhaps Thais just see a mark like you waddling down the street and switch over quickly to "Lying Time". Who could blame them?

June 27th, 2019, 10:08
Good one Smiles. I rarely hear my boyfriend say he is wrong, but I have heard him tell me I was right.

June 27th, 2019, 10:52
Have you ever had a Thai admit that he was wrong? I have not and I’ve lived here a long time.

They usually evade an issue through such tactics as changing the subject or just outright lie to avoid admitting they are wrong. I have to wonder why this is so.

The issue that you raise is that Thais hate anything that causes them to lose “face”.

June 27th, 2019, 12:47
Lying Time[/I]". Who could blame them?

Did that really happen to you?

June 27th, 2019, 13:07
"...Did that really happen to you? ...
Oh man, can you get any weaker? I was hoping for something at least marginaly original.
Please try harder.

June 27th, 2019, 14:11
I sometimes receive a "sorr....y" and an arm on the shoulder. I don't expect more because I know that I'm always in the wrong.

June 27th, 2019, 14:27
Have you ever had a Thai admit that he was wrong? I have not and I’ve lived here a long time.

They usually evade an issue through such tactics as changing the subject or just outright lie to avoid admitting they are wrong. I have to wonder why this is so.

Farang you tink too much. You talk too much.

June 27th, 2019, 16:22
Have you ever had a Thai admit that he was wrong? I have not and I’ve lived here a long time.

They usually evade an issue through such tactics as changing the subject or just outright lie to avoid admitting they are wrong. I have to wonder why this is so.You don't even have to spend money these days on books like Culture Shock; Thailand, it's all on the Internet. I wonder which of the Five stages of culture shock kunt12 is at - https://coconuts.co/bangkok/features/five-stages-culture-shock-foreigners-thailand/

Old git
June 27th, 2019, 16:29
It's the old Asian face saving issue - if you confront them and say they screwed up, it hurts too much for them to admit it.

But there's a way round this, which is blame a third party that you both know is blameless. For example if I order goods from a Chinese factory, and the sales office gives the wrong specification to the shop floor, I don't blame the sales office and expect contrition, I say 'I'm afraid the factory has made a bad mistake here' - at which point the sales office agrees and makes good on the error, without actually admitting it was their fault.

I get the problem sorted, and no-one loses face..

June 27th, 2019, 17:37
Is this similar to 'sucking face'?

June 27th, 2019, 18:46
Is this similar to 'sucking face'?

well if you suck too hard I'm sure there is the risk of losing face

June 27th, 2019, 23:23
"I'm sorry" is the maximum I ever got, when a Thai screwed up really bad.

It's not in their culture to admit a mistake, and in most cases I don't push for an excuse/explanation.

June 28th, 2019, 00:48
I recognize the "you think too much" that was written above. Happened to me also. Funny this is more common than I thought it was. I thought it was a pecularity of a boy I knew who said this many times to me, but its more widespread I see now. Nice to read.

June 28th, 2019, 10:18
It's the old Asian face saving issue - if you confront them and say they screwed up, it hurts too much for them to admit it.

A few years ago some bright spark at a Thai television company thought it would be a good idea to introduce the highly successful Western quiz programme The Weakest Link to Thailand. If you recall, that was the programme where after every round the team of contestants had to vote off the person they thought the weakest. The dominatrix of a quiz mistress would then dismiss the said contestant with the harsh words 'You are the weakest link - goodbye!' They had to cut short the run after a few episodes because Thais were walking off in tears and one guy threatened backstage to kill the other contestants! I wonder what became of that bright spark of a TV executive - did he accept any blame? :eek:

June 28th, 2019, 13:34
He probably went on to produce the Jeremy Kyle Show.

June 29th, 2019, 21:06
A few years ago some bright spark at a Thai television company thought it would be a good idea to introduce the highly successful Western quiz programme The Weakest Link to Thailand. If you recall, that was the programme where after every round the team of contestants had to vote off the person they thought the weakest. The dominatrix of a quiz mistress would then dismiss the said contestant with the harsh words 'You are the weakest link - goodbye!' They had to cut short the run after a few episodes because Thais were walking off in tears and one guy threatened backstage to kill the other contestants! I wonder what became of that bright spark of a TV executive - did he accept any blame? :eek:

If I remember correctly the Thai PM at the time called it an affront to Thai culture.

July 7th, 2019, 19:15
their country...their rules...if it annoys you then there are lotsa flights leaving on a daily basis

July 7th, 2019, 21:30
their country...their rules...if it annoys you then there are lotsa flights leaving on a daily basis

At some level I agree with your comment..it is Thailand..let them run the place as they see fit.
But we can compare Thailand to other countries and it does suffer in the comparison..in some areas.
Thailand has very high level of corruption, very high wealth inequality, low educational achievement, etc. Some people might argue that those shortcomings are not related to Thai culture. I suspect they are related. So yes the Thais can run and do run their country as they wish..there are IMHO negative consequences to running the country the Thai way.

July 7th, 2019, 21:38
Have you ever had a Thai admit that he was wrong? I have not and I’ve lived here a long time.

They usually evade an issue through such tactics as changing the subject or just outright lie to avoid admitting they are wrong. I have to wonder why this is so.

I think it is an Asian thing. I am married to a Chinese. He will never admit any fault on anything. Recently he scraped the neighbors car with our car and pretended it did not happen, the neighbor came over and I sorted it out with the neighbor. I asked why he did not tell me or anyone..etc..He stared blankly at me and would not say anything. We literally sat in silence for 5 minutes. I asked again why he did not tell me about scraping the neighbors car..again 5 minutes of silence. Nothing. This went on for 15 minutes..I finally got angry yelled..etc...Finally he said he was ashamed and if he admits he does anything wrong it is confirmation of his being a bad person!! God what a pain.

July 8th, 2019, 05:43
I am married to a Chinese.These days much of the legislation that defines marriage describes it (so as to prevent legal polygamy) as a relationship "between two people to the exclusion of all others". I look forward to the day of newspaper reports of the gay divorce on the grounds of adultery - preferably as in Kitty Litter's case adultery based on visits to prostitutes in Third World countries where the participants were young enough to be his grandsons. However in these anodyne days of "no fault divorce" that's a pleasure I'm likely to be denied

July 8th, 2019, 14:06
These days much of the legislation that defines marriage describes it (so as to prevent legal polygamy) as a relationship "between two people to the exclusion of all others". I look forward to the day of newspaper reports of the gay divorce on the grounds of adultery - preferably as in Kitty Litter's case adultery based on visits to prostitutes in Third World countries where the participants were young enough to be his grandsons. However in these anodyne days of "no fault divorce" that's a pleasure I'm likely to be denied

Well Frequent - Gay marriage and divorce are so common I doubt your local papers report it. You are living in Hourston? (or is that some long running stupid inside joke? If it is a long running joke it does seem kind of a stupid one) Go to the local courthouse and peruse the divorce cases and I am sure you find a few gay adultery divorce cases.

Your presumption is wrong - I do not pay man whores young enough to be my grandson - I pay man whores young enough to be my son - I tend towards the 30-40 age range.

I am guessing that your desire to see gay divorce on grounds of adultery are NOT specifically directed towards me as wishing ill on another person would make you a 1st class asshole. I am guessing that you wish to see gay adultery divorce as it shows how far the gay rights movement has come in the last 40 years. Those homosexuals are now just like those heterosexuals..getting married and divorced.
I am reminded of the quip attributed to Willie Nelson - He supports gay marriage because "Gay people should be as miserable as the rest of us".

July 8th, 2019, 15:52
You are living in Hourston? "Hourston"? Yes indeed - just ask lonelywombat

July 8th, 2019, 16:50
If one really wants to be miserable then just listen to Willie Nelson for half an hour. That'll do it..

July 8th, 2019, 16:56
If one really wants to be miserable then just listen to Willie Nelson for half an hour. That'll do it..Was he as committed to mockery as Kitty Litter?

Old git
July 8th, 2019, 21:19
'A few years ago some bright spark at a Thai television company thought it would be a good idea to introduce the highly successful Western quiz programme The Weakest Link to Thailand. If you recall, that was the programme where after every round the team of contestants had to vote off the person they thought the weakest. The dominatrix of a quiz mistress would then dismiss the said contestant with the harsh words 'You are the weakest link - goodbye!' They had to cut short the run after a few episodes because Thais were walking off in tears and one guy threatened backstage to kill the other contestants! '

Years ago I was a contestant on the British programme - great fun! - on one round there was a tie for bottom and as the highest scorer I had to choose who went.

- The guy I removed took it far too personally, and came close to hitting me after the recording..