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View Full Version : Cummupance in Pattaya ....

June 6th, 2019, 13:41
(Oops ... that would be "comeuppance". Too much cum in my life.) :dirol_mini:

But do carry on: Thailand I'm sure has it's own idiotic Young Fools just like all countries. Some better than others.
But . . . I myself, having lived here for ten years now, have noticed a distinctive lack of graffiti plastered all over the place. Even Bangkok seems to me to have very little.

But, once again, American young louts feel particularly enabled, probably from birth.
Jail or deportation or both?

https://thethaiger.com/news/pattaya/us-tourists-arrested-in-pattaya-for-spraying-graffiti-on-a-car-and-walls-in-bangkok-video?amp (https://thethaiger.com/news/pattaya/us-tourists-arrested-in-pattaya-for-spraying-graffiti-on-a-car-and-walls-in-bangkok-video?amp)

June 6th, 2019, 23:37
I myself, having lived here for ten years now, have noticed a distinctive lack of graffiti plastered all over the place.

Now that you mention it, in more than 25 years of visiting, I too have never seen any graffiti worth mentioning. What I have noticed, however, particularly along lesser-used (and so, presumably lesser-monitored) roads, is an increasing proliferation of litter.

Just like the rest of us, Thai people can be guilty of thoughtless anti-social behaviour. Fortunately, however, it seems that they have yet to move on to such deliberately-planned-in-advance anti-social activity as taking pens out with them to scrawl on walls - let alone reaching the level of arrogance to assume that their artistic skills will be appreciated and warmly welcomed by the rest of us.

June 7th, 2019, 02:17
Well I can do with some graffiti here and there ...


June 7th, 2019, 03:51
My observation is that Pattaya is a trash heap. Wherever you go there is trash and litter. And the more less traveled sois, the more the litter and trash.

Nirish guy
June 7th, 2019, 04:07
Well I can do with some graffiti here and there ...]

See being Thailand I'm not seeing that pic so much as graffiti but more as an advert as the first thing I noticed ( apart from the guy) was over on the right hand side the word "Touch" and the number 2016 - so instantly just assumed that was his way of advertising his off rate for touching :-) lol

June 7th, 2019, 04:53
I'd agree that the photos in the news report are pure vandalism. However, close to where I live there is an alley which is the 'service lane' for a number of bars and restaurants. There is a lot of what I consider to be very artistic graffiti which makes it a much more colourful place than it would be otherwise.

June 7th, 2019, 04:55
The guy in the photo looks like a right arrogant sod!

June 7th, 2019, 07:15
My observation is that Pattaya is a trash heap. Wherever you go there is trash and litter. And the more less traveled sois, the more the litter and trash.And that's before you start describing the sort of people who go there!

June 8th, 2019, 09:01
And that's before you start describing the sort of people who go there!

Now freaky do you include yourself in that reference?

June 8th, 2019, 09:10
Now freaky do you include yourself in that reference?How could I lonely? According to you I've never visited Thailand or Pattaya and you can see from my profile my location is Houston, Texas

June 8th, 2019, 10:43
How could I lonely? According to you I've never visited Thailand or Pattaya and you can see from my profile my location is Houston, Texas

Obviously if you have not been there, what right have you to criticise others that have?

June 8th, 2019, 11:22
Obviously if you have not been there, what right have you to criticise others that have?I think your rich fantasy life has blinded you to the obvious conclusion hinted at in my previous response, so I'll repeat it "ACCORDING TO YOU I've never visited Thailand or Pattaya ... "

June 8th, 2019, 12:50
[QUOTE=frequent;258434]I think your rich fantasy life has blinded you to the obvious conclusion hinted at in my previous response, so I'll repeat it "ACCORDING TO YOU I've never visited Thailand or Pattaya ... "

And that's before you start describing the sort of people who go there!/QUOT[E]

That is correct, you have to include your self in THE SORT OF PEOPLE WHO GO TO [PATTAYA]

June 8th, 2019, 13:14
I'd suggest, lonely, that after all these years as a contributor (and I use that term advisedly) to SGT you'd know how to use the QUOTE function, but apparently not. Are you now suggesting that I ignore Socrates's dictum "The unexamined life is not worth living"?

June 8th, 2019, 13:34
Freaky . Watching the football . Really not interested in your fantasies, been here or not?

June 8th, 2019, 13:38
Freaky . Watching the football . Really not interested in your fantasies, been here or not?All you have to do is search my posts if you're that interested. But considering you spent an entire evening quoting every one of my then recent posts asserting that I had never been to Thailand are you asking me to confirm that you're a liar or a fool?

June 8th, 2019, 16:40
All you have to do is search my posts if you're that interested. But considering you spent an entire evening quoting every one of my then recent posts asserting that I had never been to Thailand are you asking me to confirm that you're a liar or a fool?

Actually since those posts other posters have gradually returned. You were obviously pleased you has fucked this forum for your own ego. Now since you had almost disappeared, others are returning. Give this forum a chance to reappear, not having to put up with your stupid arguments.

June 8th, 2019, 17:18
Actually since those posts other posters have gradually returned. You were obviously pleased you has fucked this forum for your own ego. Now since you had almost disappeared, others are returning. Give this forum a chance to reappear, not having to put up with your stupid arguments.How odd - it is you who decided to initiate this exchange

June 8th, 2019, 21:14
Can you two please take your disagreement elsewhere? No need to respond, just stop.

June 9th, 2019, 04:30
Can you two please take your disagreement elsewhere? No need to respond, just stop.You’ll soon realise that lonelywombat is a notorious pattayaphile who can’t bear to read a word of criticism about the place. I rattle the bars of his cage occasionally and get the inevitable Pavlovian response

Nirish guy
June 9th, 2019, 04:41
Excuse me I think you'll find that MFAS is having a GREAT life and one that's FAR better than any of ours - alledegedly :-)

June 9th, 2019, 04:45
Can you two please take your disagreement elsewhere? No need to respond, just stop.

Those were my thoughts entirely, Micky. Hopefully, they will heed your wise words.

And here, let me be the first to give you a ‘like’. As joe552 once reminded us, they are free you know. :)

June 9th, 2019, 07:52
Socrates? Pavlovian response? Are you telling me that he was sitting there eating meringue with cream and strawberries while Plato was asking him important questions.

You're a learned man frequent but I find that hard to believe. More importantly, is this delicious dish available at Yupins lonely?

June 9th, 2019, 08:04
Socrates? Pavlovian response? Are you telling me that he was sitting there eating meringue with cream and strawberries while Plato was asking him important questions. I fear you're forgetting the Louis Roederer Cristal champagne

June 9th, 2019, 10:08
" ... is this delicious dish available at Yupins lonely? ... "For Australians and Brits (I know they will love this) Marzipan Cafe has on it's menu Scones & Jam & Cream. Not as good as the Real Ones in Oz, but my addiction cares not about such nit picking: there's jam (CHECK!); there's quite nice cream with strength not air (CHECK!); the scones are too small but do-able (CHECK!); and the side order cappuccino is very nice (CHECK!).
If you are already obese, careful as she goes!

Marzipan Cafes are in most large malls ... there are two large malls in Hua Hin, each having a Marzipan . I've never seen a stand alone Marzipan Cafe, but I assume they have, probably in Bangkok.

Scones and jam and cream. For my opinion, there is less cream than I would spread all over the scone.


June 9th, 2019, 10:41
Just FYI: the photo above is just an image I found on the net ... not a Marzipan shot.
(Got locked out over time limit for editing)

June 9th, 2019, 13:08
And the tea is Earl Grey?

June 13th, 2019, 02:54
Littering is just negligence and poor upbringing.

For graffiti, you have to buy spray paint and have an idea where to go and what to paint.

The only graffiti I remember in Thailand was on and in abandoned buildings. I have to pay attention if I can spot some in places that are frequented by people.

June 15th, 2019, 22:20
Excuse me I think you'll find that MFAS is having a GREAT life and one that's FAR better than any of ours - alledegedly :-)

I am still hoping MFAS can spread some enlightenment and share the secret of his far better life. I aspire to a better life..I thought had a ood life - a good job with good pay, friends, family, a sense of purpose in life and lots of vacation time - but apparently I have been missing something.

PLEASE MFAS - enlighten me - share the mysteries of the east that you have learned by living in pattaya and visiting the boy bars and paying for boy whores. (No insult to the boy whores - I also use their services)