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May 22nd, 2019, 12:10
I know very little about how mobiles work (understatement) and wonder if anyone here can help me. My Samsung mobile has an 8Gb SIM card which is now full and this is affecting the performance of the phone. I have 32Gb of SD memory but it is not being used at all; the SIM card does not seem to recognise it. Is it possible to get the SIM card to change its mind and acknowledge the SD memory? The other options would seem to be 1) a new SIM card with more memory (if I do this can I keep my original number?) 2) a new phone.

Any suggestions appreciated.

May 22nd, 2019, 12:31
I know very little about how mobiles work (understatement) and wonder if anyone here can help me. My Samsung mobile has an 8Gb SIM card which is now full and this is affecting the performance of the phone. I have 32Gb of SD memory but it is not being used at all; the SIM card does not seem to recognise it. Is it possible to get the SIM card to change its mind and acknowledge the SD memory? The other options would seem to be 1) a new SIM card with more memory (if I do this can I keep my original number?) 2) a new phone.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Could you please tell what exactly model of Samsung you have? Settings-> About phone

May 22nd, 2019, 12:41
Galaxy J5

May 22nd, 2019, 13:48
scroll down till "To move an app to an SD card" and follow instructions

May 22nd, 2019, 16:13
Thanks for the suggestion. BUT after I tap 'storage' the 'change' option never appears. The instructions say that this means that the apps cannot be transferred to the SD memory.

May 22nd, 2019, 19:27
this means that the apps cannot be transferred to the SD memory.

yes, but for that exists 2 reasons:
- app can't be moved because it was programmed like that
- your SD card's failure

you should check second reason, exists 2 ways to check
- take another SD card (ask friend for test, not necessary to buy)
- download app what can be moved and try to move it

Nirish guy
May 23rd, 2019, 16:27
Also dont forget that if you do manage to move a chunk of data (pics etc) on to the SD card it may not be required to move ALL apps anyway and those left may well running perfectly well, using small amounts of memory on your phone just. Also ( and just to point out the obvious I know) but have you checked on your usage of all your Apps as if you're anything like me / most people you probably have several ( many) apps installed that are rarely used but taking up precious space and if so just delete the entire App and be done with it to gain a little space back too.

I'm assuming you've already set all your pics ( and music / media file / books PORN :-) etc ?) etc to "save to your SD card" as that too frees up a mountain of space.

Sorry the above doesn't directly answer your question BTW as Moses reply I presume helped cover that, but just thought me little bit of info may help too a bit more,

May 24th, 2019, 10:39
So I got tired of Thai mobile technicians shaking their heads sadly or waving me away dismissively and I got tired of my poor sorry alzheimer's-stricken phone's refusal to perform properly. I am now the proud possessor of a spanking new mid-range whizz-kid of a mobile (by comparison) which has an outrageous 128Gb of storage memory plus a 32Gb SD card. How will I, with my humble requirements of a mobile phone, ever put more than the merest dent in that? I feel like wandering through Jomtien Complex distributing memory gigabytes to the needy.

Asia Traveler
May 25th, 2019, 07:59
So in a different aspect which SIM card works best for Thailand and Cambodia for telephone, text, and data?

May 25th, 2019, 23:03
So in a different aspect which SIM card works best for Thailand and Cambodia for telephone, text, and data?

In Thailand, I have been using True in recent years, buying a new Sim for each trip in one of their nice shops in Silom. However, having discovered that I can extend the validity of the SIM on the True website, hopefully I can just carry on using the same SIM for the next trip and have a package purchased on line ready for when I arrive in Thailand.

You just need to look very carefully at all their packages, as it is confusing and changes.

Having said all that, Oookla (speed test app company) says AIS is fastest.

In Cambodia, I used Smart this time, who were OK. Obviously not as fast as some countries.

Asia Traveler
May 25th, 2019, 23:51

May 28th, 2019, 00:16
...My Samsung mobile has an 8Gb SIM card which is now full and this is affecting the performance of the phone. I have 32Gb of SD memory...
You probably mean internal memory of your mobile phone. I would suggest the same as other have, and have a tech-savvy friend have a look at your phone.

SIM-cards do have memory as well, and many years ago I had a SIM-card whose memory was full (pre-smart-phone times, when all phone numbers and SMS were saved on the SIM card and not in the phone).

So in a different aspect which SIM card works best for Thailand and Cambodia for telephone, text, and data?

I use only data outside of Thailand. Regarding SIM for Thailand and Cambodia, AIS (which I use) has a very attractive roaming package for neighboring countries (their website is such a mess, I couldn't find a link, but I wrote down the important information last time I used it): unlimited data but limited speed if memory serves right, 7 days for 99 THB, to activate with *111*407#

May 28th, 2019, 01:19
I've bought a Thai sim for Thailand, a Cambodia sim for Cambodia and a Laos SIM for Laos. After reading Christian's comments, perhaps this is not optimum.

The Thai one cost 535, with a data package for 1 month.
The Cambodia one cost $15 (THB 494 at the time), with a data package. Purchased at the airport & perhaps I did not get the best deal.
In Laos, it cost LAK 10,000 for the SIM and 10,000 for a weeks data. Total THB 75. I spent another 10,000 a week later to extend the package. Good value in Laos.

Following Christian's advice, perhaps I should check roaming costs for my Thai True SIM in neighbouring countries. The website for True is also a mess. Possibly to prevent too many customers finding their best offers.

Another piece of stupidity with the True website is package renewal. I have to wait until the previous package has expired before purchasing the renewal. If I renew on the last day, the new package starts immediately & I lose a day. So I have to turn off data on the last day & renew on the first day of the next month using hotel wifi.

October 19th, 2019, 20:09
In my opinion the airport purchase is always the most expensive. Cheapest is to get the barest cost package as possible from streetside shop, then top-up and enter whatever the code is for your chosen package, which are shown on the telco's website.

Having said that, the bits of instructions that come with the SIM, and the websites themselves, are rarely remotely adequate so the airport option, being oriented to tourists, will get you online with minimum fuss.

Choice between cheapness and convenience.

October 21st, 2019, 21:19
In my opinion the airport purchase is always the most expensive.

I suspect you are right. In Bangkok, I always bought a Sim in Silom, as I know there are professional phone stores open until at least 20:00.
In Cambodia, I bought at the airport, as it might take quite a long walk to find a good downtown phone store. Plenty of skanky shops, but it was more convenient to get one at the airport.

Incidentally, True has an option to keep your SIM alive for up to a year for a small payment. So I tried that and will see if it works when I arrive back in Thailand. If all goes to plan, I can set up my package before boarding the plane to Thailand.