View Full Version : The question has to be asked.

May 21st, 2019, 10:04
I was rooting around in me drawers. Honestly, you'd never know what you'd find in there. I 'came across' the passport which shows my first visits to Thailand. In July of 2002 when I met Kwan, the 2nd love of my life. And October, when I went back for a surprise visit. I had credit cards then.

I saw him on my last trip in January 2018. I still love him. And I want to see him again. I will keep you posted if that happens. 'So what's the question, Joe?'. Would you just let it go or keep pursuing it?

May 21st, 2019, 14:28
That's a difficult question. Best to follow your heart.

May 21st, 2019, 14:49
In July of 2002 when I met Kwan, the 2nd love of my life. And October, when I went back for a surprise visit. I had credit cards then.

I saw him on my last trip in January 2018. I still love him. And I want to see him again. I will keep you posted if that happens. 'So what's the question, Joe?'. Would you just let it go or keep pursuing it?

Joe if somehow you can convey to Kwan (true or false) they once again you have credit cards you chances of seeing him again will be greatly enhanced!

May 21st, 2019, 15:38
'So what's the question, Joe?'. Would you just let it go or keep pursuing it?
I would neither let it go nor pursue it. See him and just let the evening flow. The danger in "pursuing it" is that you will fall victim to self deception, and the self is the worst deceiver of all.
Sometimes, friends have asked me how to go about finding a long term boyfriend. I always tell them the first thing they have to do is stop looking.

May 22nd, 2019, 02:18
I know exactly how you feel. And I can ensure you that the number one prerequisite for a successful long distance relationship work is precisely the little plastics in your wallet

May 22nd, 2019, 02:25
Pursue what? From the point of view of intercourse, he would be too old for my taste now. But if you are looking for friendship, and there is a connection, and he speaks reasonable English, keep him.

Related question: is that the same boy from Sri Saket or Sri Ratcha you had a thread about last year?

May 22nd, 2019, 03:04
Christian, yes he is the same man. I met him on my first trip in 2002. He stayed with me for 5 days last year. No sex, but great fun. I've sent him a message. We will wait and see.