View Full Version : Yet ANOTHER Immigration question ....

April 26th, 2019, 08:24
I'll keep this question post quick and easy. I would expect short relies if you know the answer (or think you know the answer ... this is a Thai Imm post after all). Just a number if you wish. I don't want this post to spiral.
In September I will be going to Immigration for my annual Extension. This year it looks like I will have to go the 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank route. (For the last 10 years I've used the Income Letter from Canada Embassy route with nary a problem.)

My question is very short: must the 800,000 Baht in my Thai Bank account be sitting in there 3 months or 2 months before applying for my Extension in mid-September?
I have heard both, which sounds weird, but there you have it.

Here is a link to a ThaiVisa query on this: https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1081671-foreigners-now-need-to-keep-800k-in-thai-bank-for-three-months-after-retirement-extension-is-granted/ and if you scroll down a bit you'll find a short sentence within the whole site:

"Foreigners must still be able to show the 800k baht in a Thai bank two months before the application for the retirement extension."

April 26th, 2019, 11:12
The "official rule" is 800k on deposit for 2 months before application for extension (new or renewal), kept on deposit for next 3 months, then minimum of 400k until 2 months before next application. That said, there have been reports on Thaivisa that some Immigration Offices (or Officers within an Office) are still saying you need it for 3 months before application. So, best to check with your Immigration Office to see what they require OR go onto Thaivisa.com and inquire (requires registration to post).

But, if you want to use the 65k per month, you should be able to still get an income letter - unlike those from USA, UK, & Australia) -- from reports I have seen, if your Embassy still issues the letter, that is all you should need.

April 27th, 2019, 08:48
Thanks for your knowledge on this 2lz2p. I'm going to take a short trip to Hua Hin Imm next week just to get their take on this, along with you're suggestions.
FYI: on Gaybutton Dodger has answered "2 months" ​as you have.

April 27th, 2019, 10:43
Thanks for your knowledge on this 2lz2p. I'm going to take a short trip to Hua Hin Imm next week just to get their take on this, along with you're suggestions.
FYI: on Gaybutton Dodger has answered "2 months" ​as you have.
Be interesting given that each Immigration office seems to have wide latitude in applying “local rules”

April 27th, 2019, 11:36
Found this document -- specifically #4 -- or part of a document which was in Thai as well as English on a ThaiVisa post. Chopped the Thai part.
Seems to corroborate the '2-month' seasoning.

PS ... still going to HH Imm to talk to an official horses mouth.


April 28th, 2019, 07:07
The rules changed effective March 1, 2019 - previously it was 3 months for renewals and 2 months for initial application. The new rules make no distinction and state 2 months. That being said, some Immigration Offices (or Officers within an Office) don't seem to know they have changed - thus, still requiring 3 months for renewals.