View Full Version : Banana Bar Silom 4 update

April 18th, 2019, 19:32
Not that I'm in Bangkok and have indeed never left Houston. However there's a paper sign outside Banana Bar stating "drinks upstairs 350 baht". The rumour is that Fresh Boys is relocating there from Soi Twilight. The somewhat garish sign outside reads "Banana Boys"

April 18th, 2019, 20:02
Quite correct in everything you say, frequent. I visited 2 weeks ago.Banana Boys is indeed a new a-go-go bar, upstairs from the street level Banana oBar, which is just a beer bar, as it was on Soi Twilight. The boys and mamasans are from the old Freshboys bar on Twilight. It’s quite a small space with a low ceiling and a small stage area, which is not raised, but just a ‘dance floor’ area really. Seating is arranged on two sides of the stage and the front row is within spitting/touching/ejaculating distance of the performers. Drinks are indeed (currently) 350 Baht. Shows are at 10:30 and midnight and include the usual asortment of ladyboy lip-syncing as well as various big cock shows and some writhing around naked with blow jobs, but no full penetration act whilst I was there. It’s more like the a-go-go bars of years gone by. I like it and wish them well.If you ever do leave Houston (are you sure you don’t mean Euston?) and visit BKK, I recommend you try it.

April 19th, 2019, 01:49
Not that I'm in Bangkok and have indeed never left Houston. However there's a paper sign outside Banana Bar stating "drinks upstairs 350 baht". The rumour is that Fresh Boys is relocating there from Soi Twilight. The somewhat garish sign outside reads "Banana Boys"

It's not a rumour and the relocated Freshboys has been opened a few weeks. If you had actually been you'd know.

April 19th, 2019, 06:40
It's not a rumour and the relocated Freshboys has been opened a few weeks. If you had actually been you'd know.Quite so but as I clearly said I'm still teaching Latin in a Catholic boys' school in Houston. You remember learning Latin at school in Houston don't you (that's not a question)

April 19th, 2019, 06:46
Quite correct in everything you say, frequent. I visited 2 weeks ago.Banana Boys is indeed a new a-go-go bar, upstairs from the street level Banana oBar, which is just a beer bar, as it was on Soi Twilight. The boys and mamasans are from the old Freshboys bar on Twilight. It’s quite a small space with a low ceiling and a small stage area, which is not raised, but just a ‘dance floor’ area really. Seating is arranged on two sides of the stage and the front row is within spitting/touching/ejaculating distance of the performers. Drinks are indeed (currently) 350 Baht. Shows are at 10:30 and midnight and include the usual asortment of ladyboy lip-syncing as well as various big cock shows and some writhing around naked with blow jobs, but no full penetration act whilst I was there. It’s more like the a-go-go bars of years gone by. I like it and wish them well.If you ever do leave Houston (are you sure you don’t mean Euston?) and visit BKK, I recommend you try it. It's more interesting dining and drinking at G's restaurant and watching the punters. Or so I'm told. You remember Guido? Formerly a cook at Telephone Bar, opened his own restaurant in Patpong then moved it to Soi 4 two or three years ago. He now owns the adjacent Spanish-style restaurant as well (Tapas Cafe I believe it's called but only an eye witness which I am not could confirm that)

April 24th, 2019, 20:37
Again I stress I'm not in Bangkok nor have ever left Houston (just ask lonelywombat and sglad (who went to school there)) but some posters may remember Wirat from Solid Bar in Silom Soi 6 who then moved his operations to Soi Twilight - I could never understood the logistics of that latter business)? He's now working (started this month) at Welcome Bar in Silom Soi 4, next to Telephone Bar and opposite Balcony. Reasonably priced drinks, food brought in from Balcony and a few boys "to go". I didn't enquire about their prices

April 24th, 2019, 20:43
That same anorexic guy, now in his middle age?

April 25th, 2019, 09:14
Wirat? That same anorexic guy, now in his middle age?You'll appreciate that as I've never been to Thailand I'm unable to comment

April 25th, 2019, 22:49
I've been to Banana Boys. Freshboys, Screwboys and Lucky Boys, all in Patpong Soi 2, are more fun imo. And Freshboys' getter-in noted that it is the only Freshboys now when I made the error of calling his bar 'Freshboys 2'.

April 27th, 2019, 08:18
Last night the new Hot Male bar, on the same landing as Freshboys on Patpong Soi 2, was open. The barman said that go go would start on 30th.

April 28th, 2019, 21:58
Hot Male had go go going last night, with many customers at show time. Decent variety of men. Drinks 350 bt, currently the same as Lucky Boys and Freshboys. Beer still 300 bt at Screwboys.

May 19th, 2019, 13:51
There is a new bar called Sweet Banana on Patpong soi 1, almost next door to two others, Chill Out Boy and Superboyz, on the same side as Madrid restaurant. Old timer Wirat of Solid Bar and the small watering hole next to the Scorpion bar at Soi Twilight is managing it on behalf of the owner. The man is old and tired, complaining about back ache and the myriad of problems running a new bar with half a dozen of young men going on fat and a couple of surprisingly agile and nimble coyote boys all out to capture the attention of a single customer on Thursday evening. The sound system and lighting was OK, but the raised platforms with chrome poles could be the remnants of a lady bar.. One needs to crane the head high in order to look at the boys in the eyes, or leave them transfixed on the crotches at eye level. After leaving 300b for the sprite and 100b for Wirat he led me upstairs to Superboyz with red carpet from the street entrance to a bright bar and lively boys on a small stage, where I took a quick look and said goodbye to Wirat, walked past Chill Out bar on the ground floor furnished with a pool table but didn't stop to for a closer look. According to Wirat business has been very slow and he's already longing for a simple drinking bar with fewer worries in his middle age. He's now practically a stick insect, not unlike the frame of Nancy Reagan in her later years.

May 19th, 2019, 18:06
I remember Solid, if memory serves me right the drinks were 150 baht.