View Full Version : Common sense and Ordinariness

March 9th, 2019, 02:35
The odd thing about "commonsense" is that it's not all that common, as your posts amply illustrate. I generally charge a discounted rate of GBP60 for IT support but since you clearly have special needs I'll do this for free just this once. On the Thai Airways web booking page (not the "thai air webb site") :
and if you click through to "More details" you can find this section:

It depends on your definition of common sense. Most people live their lives without getting run over and getting into traffic accidents. etc.
So common sense is quite common.
Sometimes people love to point out the failings of a small group of people .even though the vast majority of people are doing just fine.

March 9th, 2019, 03:47
Sometimes people love to point out the failings of a small group of people .even though the vast majority of people are doing just fine.You’re not suggesting, I hope, that I don’t regard the majority of SGT members as losers? I’ve posted on a number of occasions that I write - to paraphrase that catch cry of the British Labour Party- for the few, not the many

March 9th, 2019, 04:55
You seem a somewhat bright guy. Your deliberate misquote of the Labour party catch cry is possibly indicative of a pattern of deliberately misstating people's actions and or statements then criticising and mocking resulting from A superiority complex..General ass holeness? I couldn't possibly say.I see you're an aficionado of American psychobabble

March 9th, 2019, 04:57
I see you continue to be somewhat bright. Only somewhat.

March 9th, 2019, 04:59
I see you're an aficionado of American psychobabble
I see you continue to be somewhat bright. Only somewhat.

March 9th, 2019, 05:04
I see you continue to be somewhat bright. Only somewhat.What you should really be doing is analysing why a Latin teacher in a Catholic boys' school in Houston is talking about "American psychobabble" as if he's not an American, and mentioning the British Labour Party as if he has some familiarity. It would help some of the Forum's lesser lights (there are so many) such as gerefan2 (known in my circle of acquaintances as "the Will Maker")

March 9th, 2019, 05:08
What you should really be doing is analysing why a Latin teacher in a Catholic boys' school in Houston is talking about "American psychobabble" as if he's not an American, and mentioning the British Labour Party as if he has some familiarity. It would help some of the Forum's lesser lights (there are so many) such as gerefan2 (known in my circle of acquaintances as "the Will Maker")
What you really should be doing is trying to write a coherent post that is not self referential. Ah.. What are you on about? As a somewhat bright guy I would expect clearer writing. But maybe I am being kind in my assessment.

March 9th, 2019, 05:15
What you really should be doing is trying to write a coherent post that is not self referential. Ah.. What are you on about? As a somewhat bright guy I would expect clearer writing. But maybe I am being kind in my assessment.Evidently you are not paying attention. I suggest The Will Maker can set you straight (and I use that word advisedly). It would also help if you remembered that I have said quite deliberately that I post for the few, not the many. You should be able to infer the group into which you fall

March 9th, 2019, 05:26
Evidently you are not paying attention. I suggest The Will Maker can set you straight (and I use that word advisedly). It would also help if you remembered that I have said quite deliberately that I post for the few, not the many. You should be able to infer the group into which you fall
The will maker? Ah.. I don't live in the pattaya bubble so your self referential post is not making sense.
Evidently your post are not worth much attention. Posted for few? Read by fewer?

March 9th, 2019, 05:45
Read by fewer?Sadly that is not true. There's a large contingent of "frequent" haters who read my every post and "Like" every post made by others that's critical of me. I can only assume they are too lazy or too stupid to click on my Profile name and choose "Add to Ignore List":


Alternatively - and as a psychobabble aficionado you may appreciate this - they are masochists

March 9th, 2019, 05:55
Sadly that is not true. There's a large contingent of "frequent" haters who read my every post and "Like" every post made by others that's critical of me. I can only assume they are too lazy or too stupid to click on my Profile name and choose "Add to Ignore List":


Alternatively - and as a psychobabble aficionado you may appreciate this - they are masochists

I am puzzled at your misuse of language- masochist for example. You sometimes seem bright. Though. Sometimes not.

March 9th, 2019, 06:10
I am puzzled at your misuse of language- masochist for example. You sometimes seem bright. Though. Sometimes not.Excellent news - my posts over the past few hours have entertained me and that's all that matters

March 9th, 2019, 06:16
Excellent news - my posts over the past few hours have entertained me and that's all that matters

Most people view the world from their own perspective and have a hard time understanding or caring about the perspectives of others. So your comments put you right in the middle of all us other ordinary people.

March 9th, 2019, 06:20
Most people view the world from their own perspective and have a hard time understanding or caring about the perspectives of others. So your comments put you right in the middle of all us other ordinary people.If you click on my profile name you'll be taken to my profile page where you will see a picture that will tell you everything you need to know about me

March 9th, 2019, 06:24
If you click on my profile name you'll be taken to my profile page where you will see a picture that will tell you everything you need to know about me

You are right in the middle of all us ordinary people. What information must you tell me? We are all quite ordinary.

March 9th, 2019, 06:33
You are right in the middle of all us ordinary people. What information must you tell me? We are all quite ordinary.I would describe myself as very ordinary rather than "quite" ordinary. After all, like you I'm a middle-aged sodomite whose interests lie in countries far away from the land of our youth looking for sex with much younger prostitutes. What could be more ordinary than that?

March 10th, 2019, 00:59
Excellent riposte Kittiboy. However you are banging your head against a brick wall (a very thick brick wall).
Frequent is a rather sad friendless old man who lives in cyber land (neither Houston nor Bangkok). "I write for a few..."
I no longer reply to his stupid taunts as i have better things to do. I reply now only to try and save you from his clutches.
Gerefan 2
aka "the Will maker"

March 10th, 2019, 03:08
Frequent is a rather sad friendless old man who lives in cyber land (neither Houston nor Bangkok). No less an authority than lonelywombat says you are wrong, gerefan2
I know that teachers in Catholic schools are either in bed or up early to supervise boys in their communal showers.

March 10th, 2019, 18:22
Sadly that is not true. There's a large contingent of "frequent" haters who read my every post and "Like" every post made by others that's critical of me. I can only assume they are too lazy or too stupid to click on my Profile name and choose "Add to Ignore List":

Great advice, but too lazy. I will just continue to Like the posts critical of you :heart:

March 10th, 2019, 18:45
Great advice, but too lazy. I will just continue to Like the posts critical of you :heart:How quite ordinary of you Francois - Kitty Litter will be so pleased

March 10th, 2019, 20:44
Excellent riposte Kittiboy. However you are banging your head against a brick wall (a very thick brick wall).
Frequent is a rather sad friendless old man who lives in cyber land (neither Houston nor Bangkok). "I write for a few..."
I no longer reply to his stupid taunts as i have better things to do. I reply now only to try and save you from his clutches.
Gerefan 2
aka "the Will maker"

LOL..thanks. I am having a slow day at work. Usually I would not bother.