View Full Version : DVD quality

March 7th, 2019, 19:51
On my last visit I noticed some guys selling DVDs on the beach at Jomtien. Has any one any experience of the quality, or are these guys scammers? It appears that there were some recent titles too.

March 7th, 2019, 20:55
If you're talking about movies and TV series and not porn your best bet is to go to a DVD shop like Smile Entertainment on the 4th floor of Tukcom. The owner is very pleasant and helpful. If he doesn't have want you are looking for in stock (there is a big selection), the odds are he will be able to get it for you within a day or two. Quality always excellent in my experience and the price always 100 Baht (with the loyalty card you get a free DVD for every five bought).

March 7th, 2019, 22:25
For "normal" movies I go to a guy who has a small shop in the twice-weekly market off Pattaya Tai - all the latest releases and never a dud one from him (he will play them for you before you buy so you can check quality).

Re. porn DVDs on the beach, once again the quality is usually first rate - and I have never had a problem bringing back the very rare dud copy and getting it changed for a new one.

Captain Swing
March 7th, 2019, 23:03
I didn't see any DVD sellers on my last visit to Jomtien. On previous visits I bought a few "real" movies. Not exactly a scam but the movies were generally bootleg, of varying quality, often quite poor. Very recent films will almost certainly be bootleg. The sellers would generally be willing to replace a copy that was actually defective--wouldn't play- but not one that was just poorly recorded.

March 7th, 2019, 23:25
DVD sales in general are quickly fading out with the advent of streaming services such as Kodi, as for porn there are so many free sites such as pornhub and xxvideo just to name a couple.

March 8th, 2019, 01:10
RELIABLE SOURCES who have purchased several such DVDs tell me that the porn DVDs sold on the beach often contain the same videos that can be downloaded for free off the internet. So firstly check if the pictures on the cover look familiar (says my source).

They are about the same quality, so if you happen to want to watch such DVDs on holiday, a purchase is well worth a punt.

Sadly, I don't see high quality HD or 4K videos of cute smooth asian twinks for sale anywhere. Do all the bootlegs mean there is no money to be made by shooting such material ? One would think HD is made for porn.

Nirish guy
March 8th, 2019, 06:18
One would think HD is made for porn.

Exactly - I mean it wasn't called Hard DIck Porn for nothing !.......I mean that IS what HD stands for isn't it !? :)

If you're looking for the DVD guy I can tell you that he stores a large supply in / under the table at the toilets ( or did at least) so someone there may be able to grab his attention as he restocks for you after each sales walk.

Just remember always of course that no matter where you're from your luggage could well be checked on the way home and you may have to explain said DVD's or memory sticks that you purchased and I'm not sure where you're from but I know the UK ( and I think the USA) now have some quite strict laws about possession of "hardcore" porn - and Im guessing some of those videos just might fall into that category now amazingly.

March 11th, 2019, 23:43
I know the UK ( and I think the USA) now have some quite strict laws about possession of "hardcore" porn - and Im guessing some of those videos just might fall into that category now amazingly.

1 The UK laws only ban possession of "Extreme Porn". According to Wikipedia:
An act threatening a person's life
An act which results (or is likely to result) in serious injury to a person's anus, breasts or genitals
An act which involves (or appears to involve) sexual interference with a human corpse
A person performing (or appearing to perform) an act of intercourse (or oral sex) with a Non-Human animal (whether dead or alive)

So normal sex isn't going to be an issue. Fisting probably would be, so I suppose it may be prudent to check any DVDs in your hotel room.

2 I have never been stopped going through Heathrow airport and cannot remember seeing anyone being stopped, although it must happen.

March 12th, 2019, 03:05
1 The UK laws only ban possession of "Extreme Porn". According to Wikipedia:
An act threatening a person's life
An act which results (or is likely to result) in serious injury to a person's anus, breasts or genitals
An act which involves (or appears to involve) sexual interference with a human corpse
A person performing (or appearing to perform) an act of intercourse (or oral sex) with a Non-Human animal (whether dead or alive)

So normal sex isn't going to be an issue. Fisting probably would be, so I suppose it may be prudent to check any DVDs in your hotel room.

2 I have never been stopped going through Heathrow airport and cannot remember seeing anyone being stopped, although it must happen.Perhaps there should be a category of "quite ordinary" porn? I've noticed an increasing incidence of pissing into a guy's mouth - so not your average golden shower - in the latest crop of porn available online. Fisting with a human hand is OK, but with a Coca Cola bottle is not? There's always that scene in the Madonna documentary of thirty years ago where she demonstrates how she performs oral sex by using a coca cola bottle. Fingering of the anus is quite ordinary fare these days, it would seem, often in conjunction with rimming. Does anyone else have ideas about quite ordinary porn?

March 12th, 2019, 04:28
Does anyone else have ideas about quite ordinary porn?


Nirish guy
March 12th, 2019, 05:16
Fisting with a human hand is OK, but with a Coca Cola bottle is not? ?

Absolutely not, i would never buy Coca Cola anymore as everyone knows that it's sugar content is way too high ! No, if one cares for ones body in any way they should insist on nothing else but a Coke Zero bottle at the every least - and to be doubly safe even consider using some shop bought lube intermittently on random occasions even instead of just the more usual spit and spread method, but hey at the price of Lube these days who can afford to splash out on THAT every time anyway eh !? :(

March 12th, 2019, 09:28
... but hey at the price of Lube these days who can afford to splash out on THAT every time anyway eh !? :(A friend of mine in Melbourne, an aficionado of saunas there, always comes away (and I use that phrase advisedly) with a supply of single-use lube sachets that he brings with him to Thailand

March 12th, 2019, 11:52
A slab of butter (unsalted) is definitely cheaper than the price of Lube at 7-eleven.
Didn't Marlon Brando demonstrate its efficacy in the film Last Tango in Paris?

March 12th, 2019, 12:13
A slab of butter (unsalted) is definitely cheaper than the price of Lube at 7-eleven. Didn't Marlon Brando demonstrate its efficacy in the film Last Tango in Paris?Indeed he did - and the advantage of using butter would be that you could include it recycled in an after-sex snack. Would you suggest leaving it out of the fridge for a while before intercourse, so it would be easy enough to apply with the fingers? Cold and using a knife to "butter up" the participants might be seen as threatening by some. The advantage of KY and other water-based lubricants is the ease of dispensing - like toothpaste - whereas a slab of butter (salted or otherwise) has a certain firmness to it

Tops sell 500g Allowrie Unsalted Butter (as a "slab") for 220 baht while the 227g salted variety retails for 105 baht. Unsalted is probably sufficient for recycling, as cum often tastes salty enough, although having eaten parsley some hours beforehand adds a certain piquancy too

March 13th, 2019, 19:35
Perhaps there should be a category of "quite ordinary" porn?

a well-known Melbourne QC has recently pontificated on "plain vanilla sexual penetration" - perhaps you could ask him to pell^H^H^H^Htell you about it

March 16th, 2019, 20:45
Just remember always of course that no matter where you're from your luggage could well be checked on the way home and you may have to explain said DVD's or memory sticks that you purchased and I'm not sure where you're from but I know the UK ( and I think the USA) now have some quite strict laws about possession of "hardcore" porn - and Im guessing some of those videos just might fall into that category now amazingly.

always coming back from TH to the USA they ask if you have ANY DVDS.
Any porn would mark you as a sex tourist and and knockoff movies would be illegal/confiscated.

March 17th, 2019, 00:15
always coming back from TH to the USA they ask if you have ANY DVDS.
Any porn would mark you as a sex tourist and and knockoff movies would be illegal/confiscated.

US: I know examples of people who get stopped and questioned every time they return from Thailand to the US. Plus you report exactly the same. Is this the norm ?

UK: I have never been stopped going through customs and no questions at passport control either. I have never even seen anyone getting stopped going through customs and the EVA and Thai flights have similar arrival times.

With all the Taliban sympathizers & other such threats, I would like to think they have better things to do than harass innocent tourists. In the UK, this seems to be the case.

March 17th, 2019, 03:20
a well-known Melbourne QC has recently pontificated on "plain vanilla sexual penetration" - perhaps you could ask him to pell^H^H^H^Htell you about itI think you'll find lonelywombat comes from Melbourne - South Meringue to be precise

March 17th, 2019, 04:53
US: I know examples of people who get stopped and questioned every time they return from Thailand to the US. Plus you report exactly the same. Is this the norm ?

With all the Taliban sympathizers & other such threats, I would like to think they have better things to do than harass innocent tourists. In the UK, this seems to be the case.

Of fourteen trips I have been stopped and my luggage searched twice.
One time I was bringing back the remains of a bottle of "Extenze" **(male "enhancement" pills)by a lady inspector in Detroit.
HaHa she just looked at it and didn't really say anything. I was seriously too tired to react much.
Then she wanted to see the pictures on my digital camera and it wouldn't start- dead batteries?
She got me new batteries to find I really didn't use it all vacation.
I got to keep the batteries.

March 17th, 2019, 05:26
Then she wanted to see the pictures on my digital camera and it wouldn't start- dead batteries? She got me new batteries to find I really didn't use it all vacation. I got to keep the batteries.Isn't that what "the Cloud" is for? You upload all your happy snaps to iCloud or OneDrive or Dropbox, wipe your memory card clean and walk through any search with a clear conscience?

March 17th, 2019, 06:32
This was ~10-12 years ago...

Nirish guy
March 17th, 2019, 17:45
Plus if they REALLY want to look they’ll happily ask for your phone / cloud password etcand whilst I’m not sure of the legality of such a request I believe a refusal to supply is taken as akin to being “non cooperative” with their questions and bring the equivalent to refusing to unlock your suitcase it they request to search it ( which results in them being allowed by law to cut the locks off it seems with you then being be treated / held up accordingly until they’re curiosity is duly satisfied.

March 17th, 2019, 18:44
I suspect the better way is just to download whatever you like at home.

The difficult part is finding high quality high definition videos of cute Asian twinks stripping off and getting ****ed. Now if any members have some recommendations, sharing them would be good.