View Full Version : Dating using dating apps

March 5th, 2019, 04:15
I know that more and more meetings are being arranged via Hornet/Romeo etc. but I have to say that I have never used them to meet a companion du jour. Until now!

I have downloaded Hornet and have been taking a look at the available company. It appeals to me but in this respect I am a novice. In the past twenty-six years I have only ever met company in host bars or go-go bars so I would be very interested to hear of the modus operandi of those who find these apps effective.

For example, do you arrange to meet at a bar to assess compatibility before moving off for a meal/drink/hotel etc.? What if the 'take-away' arrives and he bears absolutely no resemblance to the profile photos and you don't like what you see? Do you offer him a tip, make you excuses and slip away? What about ID? What Buddhist date should it indicate now in 2019 to ensure that the young man is of legal age if he's a twink?

The advantage of the go-go bar is that it lends itself to a more intimate assessment of your prospective companion. With the dating app there is surely a greater element of risk in the de-robing room of discovering, for example, that the stunning face is compromised by a body afflicted by a skin issue or where every square inch of skin is covered in tattoos (although some may like that)!

I'd be intrigued to hear of the good and not so good experiences / advice from experienced advocates of the dating app.

March 5th, 2019, 05:44
A lot of them also work in bars or gogo bars, so I ask them where they work and then go along a few days latter for a good look. That usually helps me make a decision.

The new ID cards now contain the date of birth in western style, so no longer problems there.

March 5th, 2019, 13:50
The apps are very hit and miss, I stop using them but when I did I arranged to meet in front of Tuck Com if he was not what I expected I gave him 200 baht and said no thanks..........I agree that a gogo is a far better place to meet and interview sought of “in the flesh” it will cost more via the off fee and the drinks but you will be getting what you expect in most cases.

March 5th, 2019, 19:59
A lot of them also work in bars or gogo bars, so I ask them where they work and then go along a few days latter for a good look. That usually helps me make a decision.

The new ID cards now contain the date of birth in western style, so no longer problems there.

That's good advice. Thanks.

March 5th, 2019, 20:00
The apps are very hit and miss, I stop using them but when I did I arranged to meet in front of Tuck Com if he was not what I expected I gave him 200 baht and said no thanks..........I agree that a gogo is a far better place to meet and interview sought of “in the flesh” it will cost more via the off fee and the drinks but you will be getting what you expect in most cases.

I agree absolutely. You see what you're getting. Thank you.

March 5th, 2019, 23:02
For example, do you arrange to meet at a bar to assess compatibility before moving off for a meal/drink/hotel etc.? What if the 'take-away' arrives and he bears absolutely no resemblance to the profile photos and you don't like what you see? Do you offer him a tip, make you excuses and slip away?
I mostly meet in Tuk-Com (Pattaya) or in front of nearby 7-Eleven (Bangkok) or hotel (traveling elsewhere), and then directly go to my room. I'm not looking for chat, eating or drinking company, I'm looking for sex!

Not looking like pictures has never been an issue with money boys, but I had a few free boys who I would not have had sex with if I had had all information. But when they come to my room at appointed time, I always feel generous and give them access to my body, within reason.

When I want to meet a bar boy, I have a look at him in his bar. That gives much better impression than all pictures or video chat. Video chat is your friend, some gay online dating have it built in, if not go on Line. Has saved me a few disappointments, and could have saved more if I did it with every boy.

In Pattaya, I could fulfill all my sexual needs without online dating. But in the provinces it's in-expendable.

March 6th, 2019, 04:01
The apps are very hit and miss, I stop using them but when I did I arranged to meet in front of Tuck Com if he was not what I expected I gave him 200 baht and said no thanks..........

If you are that generous, I shall have to create a few fake profiles, look you up and meet outside Tuk Com to collect my 200 baht.

I tell them straight, if they don't look like the photo, it is goodbye & 0 baht. I'm not rewarding deception with 200 baht.

Of course, there is the grey area where they look like the photo, but carefully chose various angles so that they can disguise something. Such as excess flab around the belly & I didn't check the photos properly. These have usually been acceptable for a date, but I remind myself to be more careful next time.

March 6th, 2019, 05:42
I mostly meet in Tuk-Com (Pattaya) or in front of nearby 7-Eleven (Bangkok) or hotel (traveling elsewhere), and then directly go to my room. I'm not looking for chat, eating or drinking company, I'm looking for sex!

Not looking like pictures has never been an issue with money boys, but I had a few free boys who I would not have had sex with if I had had all information. But when they come to my room at appointed time, I always feel generous and give them access to my body, within reason.

When I want to meet a bar boy, I have a look at him in his bar. That gives much better impression than all pictures or video chat. Video chat is your friend, some gay online dating have it built in, if not go on Line. Has saved me a few disappointments, and could have saved more if I did it with every boy.

In Pattaya, I could fulfill all my sexual needs without online dating. But in the provinces it's in-expendable.

Many thanks Christian

March 6th, 2019, 05:43
If you are that generous, I shall have to create a few fake profiles, look you up and meet outside Tuk Com to collect my 200 baht.

I tell them straight, if they don't look like the photo, it is goodbye & 0 baht. I'm not rewarding deception with 200 baht.

Of course, there is the grey area where they look like the photo, but carefully chose various angles so that they can disguise something. Such as excess flab around the belly & I didn't check the photos properly. These have usually been acceptable for a date, but I remind myself to be more careful next time.

Thank you Goji

March 6th, 2019, 13:17
If you are that generous, I shall have to create a few fake profiles, look you up and meet outside Tuk Com to collect my 200 baht.

I tell them straight, if they don't look like the photo, it is goodbye & 0 baht. I'm not rewarding deception with 200 baht.

If 200 baht is a meaningfully amount to you you should stay home, really inexpensive!

March 10th, 2019, 12:44
200 THB might not be a meaningful amount to goji, but to the boy. An incentive to do more dates based on old or other people's pictures.

I'm with goji. Not a single THB if the boy doesn't look like the pictures.

March 10th, 2019, 13:47
200 THB might not be a meaningful amount to goji, but to the boy. An incentive to do more dates based on old or other people's pictures. I'm with goji. Not a single THB if the boy doesn't look like the pictures.I think that's quite normal christian - not to say quite ordinary

March 10th, 2019, 15:14
I wonder whether the photos submitted by punters are up-to-date? I await confessions with interest.

March 10th, 2019, 15:59
I wonder whether the photos submitted by punters are up-to-date? I await confessions with interest.Less of an issue if you're the paying customer surely? You could look quite ordinary and still find guys who are seeking customers prepared to take your money

March 10th, 2019, 20:54
But when they come to my room at appointed time, I always feel generous and give them access to my body, within reason.

I love your attitude!!!!

March 14th, 2019, 16:58
I'm with goji. Not a single THB if the boy doesn't look like the pictures.

You sound like a really fun guy to be around, Christian.

March 14th, 2019, 18:06
I always worked on the premise of caveat emptor....disappointments in terms of looks were rare but, well, disappointing even if performance was more often less than hoped for. But then I remembered Oscar Wilde "feasting with panthers" and thought about how his ghost must envy us. In other words, I accepted it with good grace, on one occasion paying 1000 at the door just to be able to look again and perhaps be more successful.
I expect that sometimes I disappointed my guest.

March 14th, 2019, 20:59
You sound like a really fun guy to be around, Christian.

So Eddie, you find some boy on a phone app, he shows up and looks nothing like his pictures. Are you REALLY going to pay him to go away ?

If you fall for that, he can make good money wasting people's time with this scam. Also, you are encouraging him to carry on with this deception.

Assuming he does not look like the photos, the correct way to behave is to send him on his way with nothing. If we all do this, fake profiles go away & we are not rewarding deception.

If you order some goods on line and what arrives is not as advertised, do you pay ?

March 15th, 2019, 22:29
You sound like a really fun guy to be around, Christian.

Ohh he's a barrel of laughs - you should see his latest rant on Thai people on gayguides.com:


March 15th, 2019, 22:51
I wonder whether the photos submitted by punters are up-to-date? I await confessions with interest.

All this silliness about photos not matching the person can easily be avoided by both parties by using video call before they meet. It's just an extra tap if you're already using Line or Whatsapp. If they refuse a quick chat on video within five minutes of chatting then you should not waste your time any further. If you refuse to use video call and still insist on this archaic photo exchange business than all can say is that you love courting drama. As it is, both parties get to see each other beforehand in a bar so I don't see why you would have any problems doing this when using the apps.

March 16th, 2019, 21:01
All this silliness about photos not matching the person can easily be avoided by both parties by using video call before they meet.

CORRECT and I shall probably get around to trying this method. However:

1 I might not want a video chat if I am in a restaurant at the time. If he is at work, with friends or family, perhaps he does not want a video chat.

2 Telling him "you need to look exactly like your photo" works most of the time. I don't recall getting any that look nothing like the photo. This also prepares the ground for the next step:

3 Sending him packing with nothing if he looks nothing like the photo also works. This provides a nice feedback loop so he can learn deception doesn't work. Unlike the suckers who reward him for such fraud.

The difficult area is where he looks quite like his photo, but I missed something like a beer gut, for example. Obviously I cannot send him away with nothing in such circumstances. I usually go ahead with the date.

After visiting Pattaya for a few years, it also becomes easy to spot the ones who have been using the same photo for 5 years. Some in this category even have two or more profiles.

March 16th, 2019, 23:51
I use Planet Romeo occasionally when in Pattaya, although my boyfriends du jour are generally from gogo’s Or host bars. I’ve not experienced more than the occasional fraud photo. On PR I’ve saved in favourites quite a collection of boys, that I’ve been happy with, so if I log in several appear that I have experience with in the past and who are available.
Also I can check favourites to see which boys or friends are in town but not logged on.
I have to admit that my picture is seven years old so I cannot be too critical of others with this issue.

March 17th, 2019, 03:14
I’ve not experienced more than the occasional fraud photo. Unfortunately the boys are rather fond of what's often referred to as "photoshopping" their photos. Most often however they're using a photo they took with their phone. There are, so I'm told, a number of free Apps that, in particular, lighten the skin and make the subject appear younger. Some deliberately choose photos taken a few years ago. I sometimes have boys turn up and I think "Yes, I can see you are the same person but that photo doesn't give a good impression of what you are really like". To me a "fake" photo is of a completely different person; I can't remember the last time I had one of those turn up

Speaking of Photoshop, I'm wondering if anyone can produce an image of a wombat in a full gay leather outfit

March 17th, 2019, 12:19
I’m trying to think of what is a wombat - I’m guessing it’s some sort of Aussie animal !. As to one in full gay leather - I haven’t worn any of my gear for years.
Seriously I think photos on PR often do not show the subjects, particularly Asian boys, to their best advantage. Using a mirror or selfie stick, which is common, does not produce a good picture. They would get a much better response by asking a friend to take pictures showing their whole body, not just head and shoulders. One boy who I have dated a number of times over the last couple of years who has an entry with full body photos told me that after logging onto PR he does not have to wait long before being able to set up a date.
Maybe there’s a business opportunity for someone for a small fee to take photos, write a narrative and then load the entry online.

March 17th, 2019, 12:50
I agree that selfies are often not very flattering (which is why I never, ever take any of myself - but then David Bailey could probably not have taken a picture of me I would have liked). A couple of other pet hates on the apps. 1) The boys who show two or three almost identical pics of themselves, too similar even to enter in a Spot the Difference competition. 2) The boys who show a nice arse shot and then announce in their profile 'top only'.

I'm not a big user of the apps but have had generally good results. Although I admire as logical the opinion of those who pay nothing if a boy turns up totally unlike his pics, I'm not very good at that sort of thing myself. One was obviously someone else but he seemed pleasant enough and it turned out to be an okay experience. Another, who clearly was the same boy but who looked nowhere near as attractive as in his pics, got as far as my sofa, at which point I shook my head sadly, gave him 100 baht (maybe it was 200) and off he went. Embarrassing all round (yes, for him too I think).

March 24th, 2019, 22:50
I extensively use Grindr when I am in LOS (and the USA).
My experiences have been generally quite good. Especially in BKK. I have hooked up with quite a few guys. I am sure that over the years I have been disappointed but I tend to focus on the positive 95% of the time I have a good time and forget the 5% that were not good.

My experience is that in BKK there are quite a few guys who like older farang (59 in my case). My age range is from 25-45. Anyone in that range who is fit is an acceptable sex friend - I recall Christian's comment in another thread - something about giving them access to his body!!
I like to think (in a delusional sense) that I am giving the fit 25-45 Thai crowd access to my hairy dad body - FOR FREE!!

March 28th, 2019, 18:00
Unfortunately the boys are rather fond of what's often referred to as "photoshopping" their photos. Most often however they're using a photo they took with their phone. There are, so I'm told, a number of free Apps that, in particular, lighten the skin and make the subject appear younger. Some deliberately choose photos taken a few years ago. I sometimes have boys turn up and I think "Yes, I can see you are the same person but that photo doesn't give a good impression of what you are really like". To me a "fake" photo is of a completely different person; I can't remember the last time I had one of those turn up

Speaking of Photoshop, I'm wondering if anyone can produce an image of a wombat in a full gay leather outfit

Of course you are just guessing as to what happens. You have never been to Thailand or Pattaya and make up your comments as if you have.

March 28th, 2019, 18:16
Of course you are just guessing as to what happens. You have never been to Thailand or Pattaya and make up your comments as if you have.

Blimey lonelywombat, eight broadly similar posts over eight topics! What on Earth has possessed you today? Can we assume that we all now know your views on the travel habits of frequent and that we can be spared further repetition of your views on this subject?

March 28th, 2019, 18:19
Blimey lonelywombat, eight broadly similar posts over eight topics! What on Earth has possessed you today? Can we assume that we all now know your views on the travel habits of frequent and that we can be spared further repetition of your views on this subject? Everyone needs a hobby

March 28th, 2019, 18:51
Everyone needs a hobby

That includes the one amongst us.

March 29th, 2019, 22:38
Blimey lonelywombat, eight broadly similar posts over eight topics! What on Earth has possessed you today? Can we assume that we all now know your views on the travel habits of frequent and that we can be spared further repetition of your views on this subject?

I would like to thank the "oldbean" for bringing Lonely's viewpoint to everyone's attention, and in bright red to boot!

I no longer reply to the Freak's taunts and will not do so. Ive better things to do with my cyber time.

March 29th, 2019, 23:06
I would like to thank the "oldbean" for bringing Lonely's viewpoint to everyone's attention, and in bright red to boot!

I no longer reply to the Freak's taunts and will not do so. Ive better things to do with my cyber time.

Good on you! Strangely, he continues to get a free pass to taunt arsenal, paborn and lonelywombat including in this very thread.

March 30th, 2019, 01:55
What happened to your previous post Sglad?

March 30th, 2019, 05:09
I no longer reply to the Freak's taunts and will not do so. Ive better things to do with my cyber time.The “better use of your cyber time” is spending it mentioning me and commending those who also mention me? Well done that man! Even here in Houston some of the Seventh Grade believe in the efficacy of that practice