View Full Version : Cock watching

February 11th, 2019, 03:11
A friend, now a priest, told me at the time that during his second week in the seminary he attended an older gay seminarian walked up to him and said “We’d like to invite you to join the Penis Watchers’ Club”. It seems that my young friend (he had just turned 19 and in those days it took several years to become a priest) had been observed making furtive glances in the common showers (no separate shower cubicles) at others’ “equipment”

I was reminded of the story on re-reading Me and my penis in a 2017 Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/may/27/me-and-my-penis-100-men-reveal-all - which mentions the priest who enjoyed his first threesome while training for the priesthood

February 11th, 2019, 15:46

I had virus issues when using this link.

February 11th, 2019, 15:57
You caught something horrible from the Freak?