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View Full Version : Eros the End of a Long Run

January 28th, 2019, 23:18
Tonight was the first time I set foot in Eros since I saw that old, fat, bald falang with his pants down being serviced by a few equally unattractive boys. To my surprise Eros had a few nice looking boys there was only one fem twink (thank god). I was chatting with a guy that I knew from years ago and he told me Eros was to close for good soon this was substantiated by another guy working there who said he would be going to boystown when Eros closes it’s doors.
A man sitting near me had boys parading in front of him taking off their underwear and giving it to mom to smell!

January 28th, 2019, 23:58
Lol meant to say giving them to him to smell.Lol

January 29th, 2019, 00:05
I'll most definitely miss it...

January 29th, 2019, 01:06
. . . I was chatting with a guy that I knew from years ago and he told me Eros was to close for good . . .

Eros, the end of an era one could say. No?

. . . A man sitting near me had boys parading in front of him taking off their underwear and giving it to mom to smell!

And thank heavens you corrected your post Manforallseasons. On first reading I had this ghastly image of some old boy named Norman dragging his aged mother along with him as she watched and shared in his . . . er . . . em . . . peccadilloes.

Nirish guy
January 29th, 2019, 01:47

Peccadilloes - Now available at all dodgy mens underwear stores within 1 square mile of Eros Bar - get yours while stocks last !

January 29th, 2019, 02:32
. I was chatting with a guy that I knew from years ago and he told me Eros was to close for good soon this was substantiated by another guy working there !

I’m afraid I don’t believe anyhting anyone tells me about the future of bars in Pattaya!

Wasn’t it on this board a few months ago that someone said Ting Tong Red was going to be reopened as a Karaoke bar? What’s happened? Zilch, nowt, nothing!

I’m one to wait and see....hopefully this rumour is untrue....bit TiT.

January 29th, 2019, 06:35
And thank heavens you corrected your post Manforallseasons. On first reading I had this ghastly image of some old boy named Norman dragging his aged mother along with him as she watched and shared in his . . . er . . . em . . . peccadilloes.

Why correct it? A corpse being dragged in and out of a bar is a fitting description for Pattaya.

A boy's best friend is his mother.

January 29th, 2019, 09:35
And thank heavens you corrected your post Manforallseasons. On first reading I had this ghastly image of some old boy named Norman dragging his aged mother along with him as she watched and shared in his . . . er . . . em . . . peccadilloes.I found it a rather moving thought, especially as many years ago there was a Western tourist who had done just that in Soi Twilight (without the underwear sniffing) one December/January season

January 29th, 2019, 16:10
I was chatting with a guy that I knew from years ago and he told me Eros was to close for good soon this was substantiated by another guy working there who said he would be going to boystown when Eros closes it’s doors.

Now this is really sad news! Several good foreigner friends from Bangkok come down to Pattaya just for of Eros. And Nice Boys, but Eros is stop No1.

Makes you wonder, if Eros can't sustain itself, how do some of other bars around the plaza manage? Owners must be subsidizing their places, keeping them open for themselves, and for their friends. A hobby, a social club. Francois must know better, but I suspect the Meat Loaf Club wasn't raking in money, it was place for friends to hang out.

I sometimes enjoy a quick cock munch at Good Boys, few times a months, there used to be other creatures, contours in the dark, enjoying a cock or two. Not lately! The guys outside used to at least try to make an effort, when potential prey walked by, they can't be bothered lately. I worry Good Boys will shut down soon, the only mystery is how it managed to remain open this long.
I will miss Good Boys very much! The guys are 1000 percent my type, straight from farm, you can often see these type of guys in Bangkok, on buses, on construction trucks, but not so much in Pattaya (except Cambodian and Burmese construction workers, but these guys are difficult to catch, it's tricky to lure them away from the herd).

And I wouldn't approach these type of guys in a dark soi, "hey bro, can I suck your cock, and maybe lick balls, if that's ok with you?", some people may have unpredictable reactions to this kind of proposal.

Nirish guy
January 29th, 2019, 16:25
I believe Eros is still open and certainly isn't closing "immenently" or anything ? ( well anymore than anywhere else can in Pattaya !) as I certainly have had that same conversation with the boys over a few YEARS now and it's STILL there ! So, maybe perhaps lets just be careful not to TALK this place out of business NOW before the owner ACTUALLY decides do anything specific in that perhaps eh as I'm guessing it's the sort of place will limp along ( as it has been doing for years now) until the latest owner just either says "Fuck it", sells it ( doubtful as it's been for sale "forever now - stil, there's always that next fresh face dumb just of the plane farang who might just walk in someday and foolishly buy the place) or that his lease runs out ( again).

January 29th, 2019, 20:06
Let’s look at this objectively.

Good boys was rumoured to close about 6 months ago....and guess what?
Doubleshot was the subject of a long thread about closing...and guess what?
Eros is now the subject of some “boy rumour” (classic nonsense)and guess what...it’s still open.
Ting Tong Red was rumoured to reopen as a Karaoke bar...nd guess what it’s still closed.

The only thing for sure is a bar closes, when it closes. Take Sky bar. Open one day...gone the next.

That’s the way it is in tinsel town.

January 29th, 2019, 22:15
This is true . . . the 7-11 outlet across from the Malaysia Hotel on Soi Ngam Duphli has closed!!!!
This stark happening surely signals the bitter end of Everything Gay in Bangkok ... as well as shutting down three Thai companies which supplied condoms (L, XL, XXXL) to this famous and notorious 7-11 store.
One can only cry.

January 29th, 2019, 23:44
hard to believe that this particular 7-11 has closed as it was always busy. Where will I buy my diet coke with red bull on the way to babylon now?? Didnt realise it was notorious, seemed like a regular 7-11, smiles can u explain? As for eros, again will be totally surprised if it closes as opposed to shifting location as it was always busy, at times packed with customers. Will miss it.

January 30th, 2019, 01:03
Will miss it.

It ain’t happened yet. Still a boy rumour...

January 30th, 2019, 04:53
Tonight was the first time I set foot in Eros since I saw that old, fat, bald falang with his pants down being serviced by a few equally unattractive boys. To my surprise Eros had a few nice looking boys there was only one fem twink (thank god). I was chatting with a guy that I knew from years ago and he told me Eros was to close for good soon this was substantiated by another guy working there who said he would be going to boystown when Eros closes it’s doors.
A man sitting near me had boys parading in front of him taking off their underwear and giving it to mom to smell!

It was an undercover cop carrying out the alternative to the urine test!

January 30th, 2019, 16:07
And I wouldn't approach these type of guys in a dark soi, "hey bro, can I suck your cock, and maybe lick balls, if that's ok with you?", some people may have unpredictable reactions to this kind of proposal.
A friend has been doing this for years in SEAsia, and the worst that ever happend to him was "no". But he wouldn't try in Europe for fear of being attacked.

This is true . . . the 7-11 outlet across from the Malaysia Hotel on Soi Ngam Duphli has closed!!!!
has closed ... FOR RENOVATION! Is looks they take over the room on the side, which used to be an SCB branch (and that branch has closed permanently).

January 30th, 2019, 16:32
A hobby, a social club. Francois must know better, but I suspect the Meat Loaf Club wasn't raking in money, it was place for friends to hang out.[quote]

DD, you must be referring to the Fine Dining Society? The establishments which did provide meatloaf and other cuisine to the FDS always made a profit.
The current restaurant of choice is the Petite Planet with good food at a good price.

January 31st, 2019, 02:45
thanks christian...i can stop panicking now...would hate to lose my absolutely favourite 7-11

January 31st, 2019, 10:52
OK Christian, frankly that makes more sense.
Actually, after posting I did indeed wonder whether it was a leave-taking, or a reno. .
Heaven forbid that Latinpoxxonyou should panic.

January 31st, 2019, 12:15
From what I heard via the wine-vine, Eros is simply looking for an alternate location with a lower rent. True or not??

January 31st, 2019, 12:56
From what I heard via the wine-vine, Eros is simply looking for an alternate location with a lower rent. True or not??


Nirish guy
January 31st, 2019, 15:45
Re Eros ...... I had this ghastly image of some old boy named Norman dragging his aged mother along with him as she watched and shared in his . . . er . . . em . . . peccadilloes.

Peccadilloes - Now available at all dodgy mens underwear stores within 1 square mile of Eros Bar - get yours while stocks last ! ( and that's what this pics where MEANT to show ! :-)


January 31st, 2019, 16:23
oh Lord....apart from a tongue I hate anything up my arse...these things would drive me insane

January 31st, 2019, 16:56

February 2nd, 2019, 04:40
Every time I come to this forum, I see that something or someone is closing down. There's never any good news.

February 2nd, 2019, 07:43
Just to go back a bit regarding the famously gay 7-11 store so enamored of Latinpoxxontheworld. It is indeed a renovation, although when we walked past the mess a few nights ago it now looks more like an ISIS bombing in Mosul.

(Photo taken this Thursday night,31 Jan after a lovely meal at Lido, one of the best Italian restaurants in Bangkok IMO. Go there!)


February 2nd, 2019, 09:20
... although when we walked past the mess a few nights ago it now looks more like an ISIS bombing in Mosul.Perhaps you could post your pics from your recent trip to Mosul for comparison?

February 2nd, 2019, 18:11
I have been coming to pattaya for years now , but i must say i have never been to Eros so i dont know what i have been missing

February 2nd, 2019, 21:37
I have been coming to pattaya for years now , but i must say i have never been to Eros so i dont know what i have been missing

I'v been once. 10 or 9 years ago at time of my first exploration around Sunee. I met dusty and stinky sofas, cigarettes smell, boys, whom I can't call "cute". I was the only customer there and when I sat, one of them came to my table, lowered his boxers to knees and started to masturbate in front of me without invitation. It was very strange visit. I left after about 5 or 10 minutes.

February 3rd, 2019, 01:30
Moses...had no idea u were such a prude

February 3rd, 2019, 22:36
I don't see it as prudishness....it's the "in-your-face" nature of the activities that don't appeal to me.

February 4th, 2019, 03:06
I don't see it as prudishness....it's the "in-your-face" nature of the activities that don't appeal to me.That’s what’s known as a “distinction without a difference”

February 4th, 2019, 03:34
There was a lot of activity in Eros Sunday evening. Still going strong.

February 4th, 2019, 22:24
There was a lot of activity in Eros Sunday evening. Still going strong.

Was it Bingo Night? Did they serve tea with cream crackers again?

February 5th, 2019, 02:02
There was a lot of activity in Eros Sunday evening. Still going strong.

Nothing like a closure rumour to boost business

February 8th, 2019, 21:39
I don't see it as prudishness....it's the "in-your-face" nature of the activities that don't appeal to me.
I love it when I can watch other customers do their foreplay in the bar!

February 10th, 2019, 03:31
Now this is really sad news! Several good foreigner friends from Bangkok come down to Pattaya just for of Eros. And Nice Boys, but Eros is stop No1.

Makes you wonder, if Eros can't sustain itself, how do some of other bars around the plaza manage? Owners must be subsidizing their places, keeping them open for themselves, and for their friends. A hobby, a social club. Francois must know better, but I suspect the Meat Loaf Club wasn't raking in money, it was place for friends to hang out.

I sometimes enjoy a quick cock munch at Good Boys, few times a months, there used to be other creatures, contours in the dark, enjoying a cock or two. Not lately! The guys outside used to at least try to make an effort, when potential prey walked by, they can't be bothered lately. I worry Good Boys will shut down soon, the only mystery is how it managed to remain open this long.
I will miss Good Boys very much! The guys are 1000 percent my type, straight from farm, you can often see these type of guys in Bangkok, on buses, on construction trucks, but not so much in Pattaya (except Cambodian and Burmese construction workers, but these guys are difficult to catch, it's tricky to lure them away from the herd).

And I wouldn't approach these type of guys in a dark soi, "hey bro, can I suck your cock, and maybe lick balls, if that's ok with you?", some people may have unpredictable reactions to this kind of proposal.

"I sometimes enjoy a quick cock munch at Good Boys..."
Do you know if one can order the same delight from Pret a Manger at Victoria Station? The nearest I can find to it on the menu is: SPICY CHICKEN HOT WRAP!

February 10th, 2019, 04:03
The nearest I can find to it on the menu is: SPICY CHICKEN HOT WRAP!And we all know what "chicken" is slang for

February 10th, 2019, 22:36
And we all know what "chicken" is slang for

We Brits do...ah yes, I forgot about you wannabes....

February 12th, 2019, 04:28
Was it Bingo Night? Did they serve tea with cream crackers again?

They even have liquid soap now. And running water in the sink.

Nirish guy
February 12th, 2019, 07:40
They even have liquid soap now. And running water in the sink.

.......although I still wouldn't use the hand towels if I were you though perhaps, certainly not after what I've seen half the staff ( and customers ) using them for in the past anyway ! YUK !

February 12th, 2019, 18:16
When they run out of toilet paper they use those towels to wipe up the cum remnants out where the action is.

February 13th, 2019, 16:14
When they run out of toilet paper they use those towels to wipe up the cum remnants out where the action is.
This must be making AK47 drewll....Lol

February 14th, 2019, 05:33
Or possibly even drool

February 23rd, 2019, 00:45
Here we are nearly a month since this rumour first started.

Any more rumours MFAS?

Seems business as usual...