View Full Version : Thailand e-Visa application process

January 25th, 2019, 08:39
Despite travellerjim's earlier suggestion some weeks ago that the Thailand e-Visa would largely be of interest to Indians, one of the first countries where the e-Visa will be offered will be the UK (http://www.thaiembassy.org/london/en/news/7512/98499-**e-visa-application-will-start-from-1-April-2019*.html). A government video is available online, showing the process. As you might expect, the Thai government hasn't factored in the amount of buffering the video presentation will go through, given Thailand's poor Internet infrastructure, so you may need to exercise some patience during the 3-minute presentation

The overall eVisa government site is https://thaievisa.go.th/ and the video can be seen at https://thaievisa.go.th/Images/sliders/e-visa.mp4

Given the changes that have been announced about verifying income, some of my "snowbird"* chums have told me they'll be use the multiple-entry tourist visa in future, and see the online visa process as much more advantageous

* "snowbird" - a term most used in the US to denote someone from a northern State who goes to a southern State or a warmer country during winter to escape the snow and enjoy the (comparative) warmth