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January 8th, 2019, 18:46
My first post. I have a room in Jomtien that I have stayed in maybe two nights over the last year. I have been in Thailand off and on for about10 years. My previous Thai friends are now married or otherwise busy and whilst we remain in contact I realise much has changed and I now need to get out and about and meet some new Thai guys. I know Bangkok scene somewhat but my question is where would you start to look to meet some quality Thai boys in Pattaya. Is there much left of the gay scene in Pattaya? Before I met boys at massage places and on the streets, we became close and it was mutually beneficial for them and I. I really feel like I am starting again. Hornet seems a little full on for me because I generally would rather get to know someone a little first. I speak Thai 70% so can talk to most guys who want to talk ok. Where would you suggest I go in Jomtien and Pattaya. Your experience if you have it or advice would be welcomed. Thanks for reading this. :)

January 9th, 2019, 03:35
I don't quite understand what you are expecting anyone to answer here? You have been to Thailand off and on for 10 years, you have had the experience of a thai boyfriend, you have picked up boys from massage places and the street before and you speak good thai.

Maybe start looking in Jomtien complex, Sunee and Boyztown is my obvious advice.

January 9th, 2019, 14:36
where would you start to look to meet some qualityThai boys in Pattaya

Maybe start looking in Jomtien complex, Sunee and Boyztown is my obvious advice.


To OP: check upmarket clubs, malls with brand stores (esp. cosmetic, bags and swimwear), beach concessions lots what are located not far from parking lots and watch who arrives by car, middle-class and upmarket coffee-shops, quality gyms, on Koh Larn beaches watch who arrives by speedboats without Western patrons. UPD: oh, and for sure - gay-parties like White Party and so on.

January 9th, 2019, 18:07
I have a room in Jomtien that I have stayed in maybe two nights over the last year.

You have your own room that you have barely used in 12 months?! That’s not going to sit comfortably with a bunch of retired expats here who are desperately seeking new ways to falsify their income statements and are presumably scraping by on 50k baht a month (or less?)

January 9th, 2019, 18:09
.........check upmarket clubs, malls with brand stores (esp. cosmetic, bags and swimwear), beach concessions lots what are located not far from parking lots and watch who arrives by car, middle-class and upmarket coffee-shops, quality gyms........... gay-parties like White Party and so on.


This is Shitsville that he is asking about!

January 9th, 2019, 18:45

yep, seriously...

sometimes when I'm not drunk I even can read English words... for example now I see this:

some quality Thai boys in Pattaya

do you see the same?

January 9th, 2019, 19:41
Yes, I see the same. We both understand the question perfectly.

I am not drunk either.

За нашу дружбy! Поехали!

January 10th, 2019, 21:37
What do you mean by "quality Thai boys"? Free or paid?

If you mean Thai boys who can read a map and a watch (i.e. manage to find a location on google maps that you send them, and arrive on time), have realistic expectations about reward (1000 THB) and no drama; there are plenty of them around. I find them in the bars (gogo, I rarely go to host bars) and on the apps (they are probably in massage as well, but I rarely go for massage). Probably in disco as well, but not so much my scene either, and too late for me.

January 11th, 2019, 06:04

To OP: check upmarket clubs, malls with brand stores (esp. cosmetic, bags and swimwear), beach concessions lots what are located not far from parking lots and watch who arrives by car, middle-class and upmarket coffee-shops, quality gyms, on Koh Larn beaches watch who arrives by speedboats without Western patrons. UPD: oh, and for sure - gay-parties like White Party and so on.

Seriously? The guy has spent two days in Jomtien the last year and you think he should start looking for boys in cosmetic shops in shoppingmalls the next time he spends his precious time in Jomtien/Pattaya?

January 11th, 2019, 07:28
What do you mean by "quality Thai boys"? Free or paid?In this context (quality) I was particularly taken by a brief comment in your December blog post - "So I leave it at having a grope at his dick in a public toilet for 100 THB (not arousing for me, just to show my sincerity)". However it was capped (IMHO) by this one: "I could see the disappointment in his face when I gave him 40 THB for dinner. But that’s the average I pay for my meals! Having choice of boys and being able to cut those money requests short is almost as good as sex. Like the one last year who asked for money for travel, and I gave him a 20 THB note for 2x9 THB bus fare and told him he can keep the 2 THB change."

January 11th, 2019, 13:53
Seriously? The guy has spent two days in Jomtien the last year and you think he should start looking for boys in cosmetic shops in shoppingmalls the next time he spends his precious time in Jomtien/Pattaya?

yep... I don't see "spend 2 days in Jomtien" I see "stayed 2 nights in room in Jomtien" :)

January 11th, 2019, 14:45
yep... I don't see "spend 2 days in Jomtien" I see "stayed 2 nights in room in Jomtien" :)What the OP posted was "I have a room in Jomtien that I have stayed in maybe two nights over the last year". That suggests to me that the room is permanently his, but maybe not. It's obviously capable of multiple interpretations. I suspect we need arsenal with his fine command of English to make a definitive ruling

January 11th, 2019, 15:31
It's obviously capable of multiple interpretations.
yep, and one of interpretations may be "I spend only 2 nights in my room at past year, rest of time I spend in other's rooms and beds" :)))

January 11th, 2019, 16:22
yep, and one of interpretations may be "I spend only 2 nights in my room at past year, rest of time I spend in other's rooms and beds" :)))Indeed