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View Full Version : The cabinet has approved the civil partnership bill

December 28th, 2018, 03:20
The cabinet has approved the civil partnership bill, paving the way for Thailand to become the first country in Asia to endorse same-sex marriage.

In the current version of the bill, same-sex couples may adopt children, Nathporn Chatusripitak, an adviser to the Minister to Prime Minister's Office, said on Tuesday. They must be at least 20 years old and one of them must have Thai nationality. The union ends by death, voluntary separation or court order.

In terms of assets and estate, the Civil and Commercial Code will apply mutatis mutandis, making the union very similar to that of heterosexual couples. "The differences lie in entitlements to some forms of state welfare. For example, the welfare for government officials covers their spouses. Another difference is personal income tax deductions," he said.

The issue of children is not in the bill but is already covered in the child adoption law.


December 28th, 2018, 12:16
A bit nervous about Pot's semi-idea of adopting an urchin. I brought this up (stupid me) during pillow talk some years ago. He didnt say 'no' but I thought I heard the whirlings and workings of his brain.
If we adopted a 2 year old, he'd be 12 and I'd be 81. At twelve he could help me up and down stairs, get used to the Nespresso coffee machine and lets not discuss The Toilet issues shall we. And he'd probably end up ~ if Pot has any say in it ~ with a name like this: Nanuthaikhulmonghontakaensong (David) Takeongchaoprayasukittipot.

December 30th, 2018, 15:07
Civil partnership for gays are nothing special these days. What people are fighting for now is to redefine "marriage" to include same sex partners.

December 30th, 2018, 15:27
Does anyone know if, when this officially passes, a westerner marrying a same sex Thai will finally qualify for a marriage visa?

December 30th, 2018, 16:18
Well, this would have made my life easier if they approved this 10 years ago when I was with Kim. Then I wouldn't be blacklisted from Thailand until Paril 2023 right now.

December 30th, 2018, 17:51
Well, this would have made my life easier if they approved this 10 years ago when I was with Kim. Then I wouldn't be blacklisted from Thailand until Paril 2023 right now.But according to you everyone should be free to live and work wherever in the world they choose, so your Khon Kaen barber should be free to travel to Vancouver whenever he chooses. That is your philosophy of immigration isn't it? I'm not misrepresenting you?

I should add there has been no announcement about the immigration status of civil partners yet, and of course at the time of Kim you were still legally married weren't you - therefore unable to enter into a civil partnership??

December 30th, 2018, 17:55
Yes, I'm with John Lennon on this one. A world without borders.

December 30th, 2018, 18:01
Yes, I'm with John Lennon on this one. A world without borders.Of course "I'm a white man I can work wherever I please". John Lennon however was not an illegal immigrant like you

And Kim - you were still legally married to someone else so ineligible to enter into a civil partnership surely?

December 30th, 2018, 18:16
Yes, I'm with John Lennon on this one. A world without borders.A ridiculous maudlin unthoughtful cliche if I ever heard one. You should attempt to write a song. Living with Mommy -- in the winter -- gives you all the time in the world.

December 30th, 2018, 18:24
A ridiculous maudlin unthoughtful cliche if I ever heard one. You should attempt to write a song. Living with Mommy -- in the winter -- gives you all the time in the world.As an explanation of why Matt is such a fuckwit it's a pretty good one

December 30th, 2018, 19:02
I should add that some of my best friends are fuckwits, a species unavoidable in such a small community of ex-pat sodomites. One of them paid me a great compliment the other day, saying "You are the most difficult person I know". I was very chuffed

December 31st, 2018, 00:53
If we adopted a 2 year old, he'd be 12 and I'd be 81. At twelve he could help me up and down stairs, get used to the Nespresso coffee machine and lets not discuss The Toilet issues shall we. And he'd probably end up ~ if Pot has any say in it ~ with a name like this: Nanuthaikhulmonghontakaensong (David) Takeongchaoprayasukittipot.

Rather a lot of reference to the male gender there.... not thinking of a female at all?

December 31st, 2018, 01:05
A ridiculous maudlin unthoughtful cliche if I ever heard one. You should attempt to write a song. Living with Mommy -- in the winter -- gives you all the time in the world.

I'm blind, dick. Why would I sit around alone in a serviced apartment, and make my life that much more difficult?

If all goes to plan, I'll be landing in Vientiane Jan 12th, with enough money to provide us a comfortable home life for 12 months. Then I relaunch my business, and work my ass off.

December 31st, 2018, 01:13
I'm blind, dick.

If all goes to plan, I'll be landing in Vientiane Jan 12th, with enough money to provide us a comfortable home life for 12 months.

Can’t fucking wait.

Glad you remembered to tell us you’re blind again. Wouldn’t like to see a post from you without telling us that ....

Nirish guy
December 31st, 2018, 01:25
I'll be landing in Vientiane Jan 12th, with enough money to provide us a comfortable home life for 12 months.

Provide "US" ......OMG don't tell us it's THAT time of the year already and as the new year now starts so too does the Tales of Matt 2019, with you returning to go play at being a "loving husband" again, with your now very obviously non loving husband, you know, the one who preferred the company of other men much more than you are you ?

Or is the "us" now you and your new friend Kong now just perhaps ? Or, maybe you're intending to go for the full 3 some option this time in the hope of then mitigating any future damage and heartache if and when you get told to go get fucked again and that he's REALLY just not that in to you anymore ( i.e. once the first - or second - house is all completed) next time perhaps ?

December 31st, 2018, 01:46
Can’t fucking wait.

Glad you remembered to tell us you’re blind again. Wouldn’t like to see a post from you without telling us that ....

Well, Smiles is the one who keep chastizing me for living with my parents. Christ, I left home when I was 17. Since I got deported and ended up here, I decided instead of chasing short-term sales, I decided to modernize everything and set myself up for the long-term.

@NIrish -- Who, Leo? No, he's 100% gone now. Not a chance in hell that asshole is allowed back in my life. He's back with Barry again, and apparently decided it was a good idea to destory Barry and his boyfriend's relationship of 14 years. Nice, eh?

I'll just live with Kong, get some dogs again, and find a bunch of giks. Sounds like a plan to me. Definitely better than sitting around in Canada during winter and being celebite.

December 31st, 2018, 02:05
Well, Smiles is the one who keep chastizing me for living with my parents. Christ, I left home when I was 17.e.

Some of us left home at 18 and moved to London without a penny. Mind you,we weren’t blind.

December 31st, 2018, 02:10
Well, sucks to be you guys. I had about $20k saved up when I left home the first time. I was actually living in the UK at the time, up in Darlington. Decided I wanted to go back to Canada, and couldn't get a job, so fuck it, I started my first software company, lol.

December 31st, 2018, 02:10
If all goes to plan, I'll be landing in Vientiane Jan 12th, with enough money to provide us a comfortable home life for 12 months. Then I relaunch my business, and work my ass off.I'm starting my countdown. We've all been waiting for this for too long

December 31st, 2018, 02:28
I was actually living in the UK at the time, up in Darlington. Legally?

December 31st, 2018, 02:48
Yes, legally. My father was overseeing the construction of a few offshore oil platforms that now reside off the east coast of Canada.

Exxon decided Teeside was the best port for construction, so we ended up in NE UK for a year. Design was done in Houston so was there for a year, construction in UK, and the offshore platforms are now operational off Sable Island in eastern Canada.

December 31st, 2018, 03:14
Yes, legally. My father was overseeing the construction of a few offshore oil platforms that now reside off the east coast of Canada.

Exxon decided Teeside was the best port for construction, so we ended up in NE UK for a year. Design was done in Houston so was there for a year, construction in UK, and the offshore platforms are now operational off Sable Island in eastern Canada. Fascinating. As an independent adult you were able to piggy- back off your father's immigration status? By the way you do realise that measuring your self-esteem worth by the amount of money you have is another characteristic you share with Donald Trump

December 31st, 2018, 03:23
I was 15 when that project started. I didn't exactly have a choice in the matter but to get hauled around the world, now did I?

That's how I ended up in the software industry. Wanted to be back in Canada with my friends, and couldn't get a job because I was Canadian, so fuck it, I taught myself software development and started a copany.

December 31st, 2018, 09:56
Well, Smiles is the one who keep chastising me for living with my parents.That's not chastising buster, that's ridiculing. Get your empathies straight please.