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View Full Version : Butterfly Karoake for sale

August 1st, 2006, 07:43
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Owner David invites expressions of interest

Dave Ellis, owner of Butterfly Karaoke, located on Day Night Soi 1, directly across from the Day Night Hotel near the start of the soi, (See Map) has announced that he is seeking purchase offers for that business.

Dave, with "Googie" of Googie's Restaurant, recently took over and is now operating the Topman Nightclub in Sunee Plaza, advises:

"Butterfly is a successful business with potential for expansion. The customer base is mainly Thai and is Gay oriented. Butterfly is a place where Farang can meet Thai into the morning hours. The premises are rented with a long term lease. The building is 4 floors as follows.... Ground floor - Disco; 1st floor - Office; 2nd floor - karaoke; 3rd floor - Sleeping quarters for staff. Butterfly is fully staffed and re-equiped throughout recently.

"Reason for selling is that the owner has recently purchased another business and wants to concentrate on the new business now. "Offers are required in the region of 3.9 million Baht. Interested parties can contact me on 06-890-9455. Dave can also be contacted by e-mail at <daveellis_thai@hotmail.com>." -- end of notice.

August 1st, 2006, 10:58

August 1st, 2006, 15:44
3.9M Baht. For what?

I asked myself the same question.

I enjoy going to Butterfly, but 3.9M for an old buidling (fire trap) with a bunch of plastc sofas is rediculous.

If it was located in San Diego I could comprehend the asking price - but Soi Day Night Pattaya???

August 1st, 2006, 17:05

August 1st, 2006, 17:58

August 1st, 2006, 18:42
Dodger, the stupid thing is some fool with more money than sence will come along and buy into the dream of owning a gogo and that'll be it. Deal done.

Didnt badboybilly,vbbb, mrsydney and boygeorge think this was the ants pants.

With all that money from his property investments in oxford Streetand expertise,
surely this is the place for a fat midget (str8) that likes to fuck ladyboys.

Maybe a S&M palace.

As he goes to a massage twice a day in Pattaya, maybe he could save money by having his own massage parlour.

Live upstairs.

August 1st, 2006, 20:49
" ... And karaoke? Yuk ... "
Karaoke can be fun in the right mood, with the right people, and as long as one doesn't indulge too often.

Now a night at BINGO ... on holiday ... in a whorehouse ... surrounded by gorgeous Thai men ... Now THAT has Dead Zone written all over it.

I suppose the FBOC's of this world dab frequently. (And to the poster above who referred to "black" markers: BINGO has come a long way baby. You can get a rainbow of colours in your dabber nowadays).

Cheers ...

August 2nd, 2006, 12:18
In response to the suggestion from 'Butterfly' to send them an email about their business, I have done so about Butterfly Karaoke. It appears that I may be swimming against the tide with some of my thoughts on the place. The email sent was as follows:


I saw your comment for suggestions on the Sawatdee site. I visit the site quite often under the guise 'Fatman41' and occassionally give my opinion on the venues I visit. Here is my thoughts of the Butterfly Karaoke which I willl post on Sawatdee.

My Thai friend and a couple of his friends joined me for a meal, a game or two of pool and a trip over to Butterfly Karaoke located in Soi Day Night. I'd asked around and the ones that had been mentioned as places to possibly go were firstly JJ Karaoke, Butterfly, Sundance and (I think) KBoys Karaoke. One of our party had been to JJ Karaoke and said there were far too many 'girls' looking for a guy there, so we opted for Butterfly.

We arrived at around 10.30pm and the staff sat outside looked a little startled to see us heading their way. I realise it is a little early for Karaoke as most would hit the bars before going for a 'sing song', but we actually like an empty bar so that we can get a lot of singing done (and drinking) before the throng arrives.

Up two flights of stairs you enter into the Karaoke room. I was a little wary, brought on by the little sign on the entrance which indicated 'no guns allowed', possibly there partly in jest but also I suspect a warning to those who like something long and hard in their hand! Either way it brought much amusement to my companions. Another reason I was wary was that in so many places, if you are the first to arrive, the staff will have no fans or air conditioning turned on, I presume under instruction from, & to save money for the boss(es). I had no reason to worry, the air was on, the place was nicely chilled without being cold and was comfortable for both Farang & Thai alike, a pleasant and welcoming surprise.

The karaoke room is spacious and decorated in red and black. There are comfortable leather(etter?) settees to flounce on or good bar stools if you want to perch. There are the usual tv screens and also a massive projector screen along one wall, which is useful for those who may have forgotten their spectacles! We ordered Sang Som but unfortunately they were out of this, our favoured tipple so we had 100 pipers for 800 baht with mixers of coke and soda free of charge. We then set about listing our songs. There were two books of Thai songs offered and one of English and there was a very good selection to choose from, more than I have seen in many other karaoke bars.

For about 90 minutes we had the room to ourselves, which we always like, before another small group of Farang and Thai guys arrived. It's like having your own VIP room without having to pay for it.

The only problems we felt about the place were that:
a) The DJ on more than one occassion started playing his own selection with the original singer belting it out whilst we awaited our turn to sing. I pointed this out to our waiter who gave a little helpless shrug and looked towards the DJ booth before looking back at us with a nervous smile.
b) The bar tender on more than one occassion chose to show off his vocal talents, if we are paying for the whiskey and there is no other customer there, we do expect to be the ones doing the singing. A little selfish maybe but that is why we go early to karaoke bars.
c) It appeared several of the vcd's were nearing the end of their life with several breaking down mid song or jumping eratically or, as on my final song, the video and the lyrics becoming out of sync. This may also be the reason why many of our selected choices were never played with one of our party not having one of his choices played all night. Mind you, this could also have been down to the fact that two of our party (myself and my friend) are tone deaf with my friend also having no rythm (at least when it comes to music).

Our waiter was attentive to us and may have seen we were a little pissed at the lack of chances to sing and so suggested we venture onto a drinking game which involved a glass, a piece of tissue paper, a cigarette and a one baht coin - the 'loser' had a shot of whiskey to down in one and was applauded by the rest of us. Our waiter managed to lose more times than the rest of us and got several shots of whiskey - which may have been his intention all along but it did bring on a sense of merriment and light heads.

As I asked our waiter for 'gep dang' (the bill), he informed us that there would be dancing shortly if we wished to stay a little longer. I'm not sure what type of dancing was to be had but we decided to head on out. After paying the bill and getting up to leave (around 1.30pm) I was surprised to find most of the seating behind us now filled with Ferang and Thai, something I had not even noticed happening.

Overall, I like the place, the air con is good, the room is well decorated and well set out, the big screen is useful and an attention grabber, the song selection is varied and the staff (at least our waiter) attentive to our needs, it is a very relaxed and inviting place. The slight negatives (at least for us early birds who like the emtpy places) was the lack of opportunity to sing all night, the barstaff taking to the mic and the occassionally eratic vcd selection.

I understand the business is for sale and from what I have seen it would make a very nice proposition for anyone wishing to take it over.

kind regards"