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December 19th, 2018, 06:08
It's taken me a while to get round to this, but here goes my first try at a trip report.

I travelled from Bangkok to Phnom Penh on the 28th November, flight taking just under an hour. Then with taxi awaiting 2.5 hours to transfer into Phnom Penh, and the Home Chic Hotel.

On my arrival I noticed a tour list and booked the S21 and Killing fields for the next day.

The first night I got a Tuk Tuk to Toolbox. Had a few beers there and talked to several boys. Quite enjoyed the dancers on the stage, and was made very welcome. Most spoke some English and happy to talk. I returned to the hotel and slept.

Next morning I was surprised to see it was the male receptionist that was taking me on my tour, before doing his shift later! Great trip and in my book, a must see.

Later my new Tuk Tuk driver (who took me everywhere} took me, against his advice, to a restaurant, which I chose from Google. After a some what rubbish meal, he took me to Blue Chilli. Here I was made very welcome, by the boys, the owner and some customers! After far too many beers Vannack (Tuk driver) took me to Toolbox again. Interestingly, he asked if there were no nice ladies! I explained it was a gay bar, 'Oh' he replied, 'lady boy! I can take you to lady boy bar!' I refused and continued to Toolbox.

After I returned to the hotel, and had a beer with Vannack, before he left to go home to his wife and children.

The next day Vannack took me on a 2.5 hour journey to a derelict temple and a zoo! Jesus I was shaken to bits. In the evening, I took his advice and chose a rather good Indian on the water front. Very cheap, very tasty and huge. I noticed them put my left overs to one side. It looked to me as if they were going to re-use them, but no, they gave them to my Tuk driver! Cool! After, we tried to find POC, but couldn't, so returned to Blue Chilli. Stayed there and after 1 got Vannack to take me back, after having a beer again with him!

I was leaving the next day but just enough time for Vannack to take me to Central Market. I can't fault the man! Mind he made quite a bit out of me!

So on the whole a great taster trip, I hope to return and stay a little longer. I couldn't believe the difference to Thailand.

December 19th, 2018, 12:43
After, we tried to find POC, but couldn't, so returned to Blue Chilli.Interestingly there's a profile called "POC Bar (in PP)" currently on Grindr in Bangkok! The profile reads "We have a drag queen show everyday start at 11 o'clock mix with boys Dancers .. on Street 15 between 136 and 144". It then gives a phone number - +85510949114

The profile pic is of 4 out-of-focus males in their knickers performing some sort of synchronised dance (I assume - their bodies are all in the same pose with their right elbow in the air) and gives an age of "29", a height of "203" (possible but unlikely), a weight of 75 kg, and a position of "top"

December 19th, 2018, 14:32
Did you like the Home Chic Hotel? I am looking for a hotel in PP without tour groups for my next visit there.

December 19th, 2018, 17:17
It's taken me a while to get round to this, but here goes my first try at a trip report.

I found Phnom Penh a really enjoyable place. I liked it.

Of course, it's no Pattaya, but sometimes a change of scenery, different City/location to go on holiday is nice.

I also did a day trip to the Killing fields. Very moving indeed.

I for one will visit Cambodia again soon. Something different.

Asia Traveler
December 19th, 2018, 19:13
Thank you robofox for the trip report. Much appreciated.

December 20th, 2018, 03:36

We tried to find it where the app said it was. I'm not entirely sure we were in the right place though, and being perfectly honest the area we in didn't seem too safe, Vannock was very uneasy, so we gave up!

December 20th, 2018, 03:43
Home Chic Hotel was good, I'd recommend it as a base.

The room was cleaned daily and very spacious, they were happy to allow companions, but would keep their id.

The food there was ok, but with so many restaurants around... my advice would be to eat out!

Staff very helpful and friendly.

It's not a huge place, and a lot of construction work near by, but in the day time, very quiet on a night.

It's in a handy position (I think lol) but wouldn't have been able to find my way round without my Tuk driver!!

Allegedly gay owned, and whilst there was a mix of male and female staff, without prejudice, most of the males 'appeared' to be gay! But I didn't ask!

December 20th, 2018, 06:03

We tried to find it where the app said it was. I'm not entirely sure we were in the right place though, and being perfectly honest the area we in didn't seem too safe, Vannock was very uneasy, so we gave up!I often use the utopia-asia maps for that sort of thing - a site that seems to have dropped out of the view of many

December 21st, 2018, 05:08
Toolbox and POC are very close to each other; less than five minutes drive and around 10 minutes walk. Neither area is less safe than the other (and I would deem both as relatively very safe, being in a 'tourist' area). I think maybe Vannock was very off in his directions in trying to get to POC (or just didn't want to go there for some reason)?

Though in saying that, Toolbox is by far my favourite of the two, so perhaps Vannock did you a favour by not taking you to POC lol....