View Full Version : Twenty-five to go

December 18th, 2018, 03:06
At one time there were twenty-five or twenty-six cathedrals and churches scattered around the Mediterranean which claimed to possess, as a holy relic, the True Foreskin ie. the foreskin that was removed from Jesus. My favourite religious festival falls on New Year's Day. The politically correct have rebranded it "Naming of Jesus" but for centuries it was known as "Circumcision". At one point I thought I might in my retirement visit each of these religious buildings. However, in news just in, one of them is about to become inaccessible - https://www.thesun.co.uk/travel/7996428/italian-town-that-housed-jesus-foreskin-could-soon-be-impossible-to-visit/

Fortunately their relic has been "lost"; unfortunately some believe that the hamlet's future is Divine Retribution for the loss. Calcata claimed only to have "a piece", which I guess explains the claims of the other twenty-something sites

As I keep reminding my dear friend arsenal, it's a funny old world

December 18th, 2018, 04:29
As I keep reminding my dear friend arsenal, it's a funny old world

You are right frequent, and it’s full of some funny old people too.

December 18th, 2018, 04:36
You are right frequent, and it’s full of some funny old people too.Any regular reader of SGT would be in no doubt about that. It’s interesting the amount of ageism that’s creeping into posts from Matt, you and arsenal

December 18th, 2018, 11:11
I merely copied your leader...”it’s a funny old world”. Did I not???

December 18th, 2018, 12:08
I merely copied your leader...”it’s a funny old world”. Did I not???"Copied"? I see you belong to what we must now think of as "the arsenal school of English" - your speech is 100% perfect, the written word not so much

December 18th, 2018, 17:58
- your speech is 100% perfect, the written word not so much

Have you ever heard me speak? I know, I shouldn’t be feeding trolls but you are irresistible.

Why? Because you can dish it out, but there is no way you can take it!

Aresenal is spot on with his observations...find a new hobby.

And btw what exactly is wrong with “copied”??

December 18th, 2018, 23:11
Have you ever heard me speak? I know, I shouldn’t be feeding trolls but you are irresistible.

Why? Because you can dish it out, but there is no way you can take it!

Aresenal is spot on with his observations...find a new hobby.

And btw what exactly is wrong with “copied”??I do apologise most sincerely gerefan2. You are indeed quite correct - neither your spoken nor your written English is perfect