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View Full Version : No priestly poofs thanks all the same

December 2nd, 2018, 11:26
For those who naively thought the Roman Catholic Church might be changing its mind on homosexuality comes today’s news that Pope Francis doesn’t believe those who manifest a “disordered personality” - the Church’s official view of homosexuals - should be priests or, for that matter monks or nuns


I recall a friend of mine, a Roman Catholic, telling me he’d one day met his parish priest at a public lavatory (as you do), taken him home but couldn’t stop calling him “Father” throughout the entire session. He also made sure that whenever he went to see his doctor his was the last appointment of the session. Ah, those were the days

Nirish guy
December 2nd, 2018, 17:44
For those who naively thought the Roman Catholic Church might be changing its mind on homosexuality .........

Yep, as if there was ever any doubt !

Still nice to see it print here plus and other places so as to be able to direct those misguided individuals who insist on trying to tell me that that Argentinian door man / bouncer is a breath of fresh air to the church and how he feels "differently" to the rest of that lot about gay people as our he even said "who am I to to judge etc' - whilst apparently thinking that he is ABSOLUTELY that.

Still, no one can REALLY claim to be surprised by this I guess.

December 3rd, 2018, 04:09
For those who are interested on the place of homosexual behaviour in the modern Roman Catholic clergy, there's a lengthy article in a recent New York Review of Books - https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2018/11/22/catholic-church-sins-celibacy/