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November 30th, 2018, 15:23
I would be lying if I said that Pattaya was overflowing with my type of boys. It isn't and last night Boyztown was virtually deserted for most of the night. However...

I started the day with a lovely breakfast at Pirate Bar as mentioned in the thread (incorrectly named ) The Pirate Bay.

After that I went into the countryside on the motorbike and among the places I went to was The Mountain Cafe (which is where I am right now, sheltering from the rain along with the giraffes)

Back to Pattaya and a massage at Royal House. The masseur was able to give a massage that was at once firm, sensual and felt like it was doing me some good. His skills in the other part were exemplary and he was rather handsome so 100 % satisfaction.

To the hotel for a couple of hours doing nothing, a considerably undervalued pastime in today's manic world.

Then back on the Honda and down to the far end of Jomtien to try a new bar.
The Roof Top Bar is located behind Salt Restaurant on the 9th floor of the UR hotel. It's gorgeously styled and lot with candles. The infinity pool looks beautiful but for hotel guests only unfortunately. Offering uninterrupted views across the bay and furnished with huge comfy day beds it's aimed at a discerning clientele such as the members here. There is currently a 25% discount on all good and drinks. I had a shrimp, avocado and mango salad which was generous and delicious. An apple juice to drink and my total bill, including the discount and service was 353 baht which I think is more than reasonable.

Evening time in Pattaya, even when it's quiet brings it's own feeling of expectation. At least it does with me.

To Nice Boys and after a drink and a chat I offed a twice hired boy for some r & r. He was equally lovely as in the previous two times and his smile alone is worth the price of admission. As he lay across me and I caressed his perfectly smooth and soft skin we smiled cigarettes and had a delightful conversation about his forthcoming Muay Thai fight. What a juxtaposition. Beautiful.

Down to Boyztown for a coffee in Castro and then into Boys Music for the show. Buzzing and throbbing with fun and laughter the place was a fucking riot. I loved the way that myself and other single gentlemen of distinction were treated with the same welcome as groups of 6 buying bottles of Jack Daniels. 160 baht for an orange juice and the quality of the show with a revamped BBoys number and an Olympic standard gymnastic display. Later on boys come round to allow for some touchy feely and tip collecting.

Back down to Jomtien for a hot dog at Mama Berger's joint, then right along to the end of Beach Road for an iced coffee and a haze at the squid boats and the stars and to satisfy my contemplative side. Got stopped and breath tested going there and back and the fine for a farang is now 40000 baht so be aware.

Back to Pattaya and a nightcap in Royal House karaoke. There was a private party going on but I was still welcomed in without so much as a bat of the eyelid. Again, I'm not what you might call a big spender in alcohol terms. A Heineken costs 150 baht and i only ever have one. The private party had spit roasted half a lamb. They generously gave me a plateful. Twice in fact because I declined the first offer due to being full from the hotdog. Well, this lamb was sublime. Tender and juicy the skin had turned into a sweet, chewy 'toffee' than when combined with the seemingly hot chilli sauce dip was fantastic. I tried so hard but I ate the lot and felt stuffed to burst. Worth it though. I stuffed a few 20 baht notes down a few of the hosts pants and then I went home.

So that was one day for me in Pattaya. Still a fucking awesome holiday destination.

November 30th, 2018, 15:39
Moderator? Errr, not so much.
Journalist? A-1 ... an excellent read.

Now the hard work starts: make your essay into a giant limerick. :)) :dirol_mini:

November 30th, 2018, 16:46
40,000 for faring D.W.I. it is 10,000 for Thais.....I am sure there is no shortage of police wishing to work one of these checkpoints. What is the fine for driving without a “motorbike licence”?

November 30th, 2018, 17:11
There were about 10 of them last night including one with a special cap so of a higher rank.

November 30th, 2018, 17:24
40,000 for faring D.W.I. it is 10,000 for Thais.....I am sure there is no shortage of police wishing to work one of these checkpoints. What is the fine for driving without a “motorbike licence”?

Still around 400.

DUI is doable for around 10.000 baht for foreigners as well, going by friend's experience week ago, if you are able to pay on the spot.

November 30th, 2018, 18:17
What a nice write up, arsenal. Your spirit and energy will be the envy of most pensioners.

November 30th, 2018, 18:28
Haha. I've got to do it all again tonight. Please have sympathy.

November 30th, 2018, 18:50
Where were the Police stops? At the top of the hill?

November 30th, 2018, 19:02
Yes. At the junction with Pratamnak. They're there most nights having discovered a new licence to print money. There's usually some poor guy who's been caught waiting around and looking crestfallen. I always feel sorry for them.

November 30th, 2018, 20:01
I’m finding it difficult to erase the image of arsenal side-saddle on a motorcycle from my mind

November 30th, 2018, 20:11
I’m finding it difficult to erase the image of arsenal side-saddle on a motorcycle from my mind

I wish he was always like this, really fun guy!

What happens to him when he's away from Thailand? Something in the air in London, is my guess. Chem trails theory may be right, after all. And reptilians of David Iche, too.

Maybe it's the fluoride in the water in England, Alex Jones has been saying that fluoride in drinking water turns frogs gay, I didn't believe it, Arsenal is living proof there is something nasty in the air, or in the water supply in UK. And wait until environmental regulations are no longer governed by EU after March!

November 30th, 2018, 20:22
I wish he was always like this, really fun guy!

What happens to him when he's away from Thailand? Something in the air in London, is my guess. Chem trails theory may be right, after all. And reptilians of David Iche, too.

Maybe it's the fluoride in the water in England, Alex Jones has been saying that fluoride in drinking water turns frogs gay, I didn't believe it, Arsenal is living proof there is something nasty in the air, or in the water supply in UK. And wait until environmental regulations are no longer governed by EU after March!He goes to China where a DEFCON 5 alert is triggered by Chinese gay boys the moment his plane lands. We know this because he has previously posted that he’s never seen a cute Chinese gay boy. That’s because quite obviously they all run as fast as possible in the opposite direction. It could equally be the explanation for there being so few boys to his taste in Pattaya

November 30th, 2018, 21:06

December 1st, 2018, 00:49

They allow smoking ....bastards

Smoking is not allowed in Boyz Music.

It is almost as if Arsenal hasn't been there, it's almost as if Arsenal is not in Pattaya.

He can, of course, prove me wrong, easily.

December 1st, 2018, 02:07

December 1st, 2018, 14:50
To Nice Boys and after a drink and a chat I offed a twice hired boy for some r & r. He was equally lovely as in the previous two times and his smile alone is worth the price of admission. As he lay across me and I caressed his perfectly smooth and soft skin we smiled cigarettes and had a delightful conversation about his forthcoming Muay Thai fight. What a juxtaposition. Beautiful.

Does his name by any chance starts with a B? Sounds like my favourite boy from Niceboys too. A really exceptionally polite, sweet and handsome boy!

December 2nd, 2018, 04:16
Hmmmm... speaking of favorite boys, and not sure if this is considered off topic... but are there any recommendations for favorourite straight (ish) boys that will bottom. Name? Bar? PM me.

December 2nd, 2018, 10:52
I'm trying to enjoy a late breakfast and some Aussie gunk is loudly 'conversing' with his bit of Thai fluff. He's talking to her like she's one of his mates back home in Goolawoolabongee and she clearly can't understand a single word. Amusing and annoying at the same time.

December 2nd, 2018, 13:20
Hmmmm... speaking of favorite boys, and not sure if this is considered off topic... but are there any recommendations for favorourite straight (ish) boys that will bottom. Name? Bar? PM me.

If you send me a PM I will give U number and name.

December 2nd, 2018, 14:05
I enjoy - obviously more so than Arsenal- the attempts of falang punters to make conversation (if that's the correct description) with Thai ladies from the bars. I was once with P and three of his friends at the open-air bbq in Pattaya Tai, long since gone, where the next table was occupied by such a couple. The amount of food consumed by my gang meant that we were there for two hours. The chatter and giggling was non-stop. Every now and then I glanced at the neighbouring table. Both parties had their eyes fixed on their plates. I do not exaggerate when I say that I neither saw nor heard a word pass between them. Nor a smile. No doubt there was the usual language problem but this was embarrassing.

It set me thinking about just how fortunate we gay falangs are in Pattaya. We are, after all, all boys together despite the manifold differences in age, race, religion and so on. Yet we do have that one thing in common, a shared experience perhaps even, to some extent, a shared sensibility. One of P's oldest friends is a ladyboy and even he (I say "he" because he chooses to dress like a guy when he comes on one of our jaunts) and yet we can still share approval of a particularly cute waiter.

December 2nd, 2018, 14:33
The subjects Aussie gunk man shared with his companion included Australia, the Chinese, the Russians, blogging and trip advisor. BTW, their table was about 8 meters away from mine.

December 2nd, 2018, 15:10
It helps if falangs take an interest in the lives of the Thais they meet rather than talking at them. Your friend failed in two ways to impress his partner; firstly, by talking incessantly and secondly, by talking too loudly.

December 2nd, 2018, 15:30
Absolutely. One of the reasons my offs are usually such pleasant experiences is because I'm quite happy to talk about motorbikes, football and even girls. (yuk) Things that the average Thai boy is interested in.

December 2nd, 2018, 18:22
It helps if falangs take an interest in the lives of the Thais they meet rather than talking at them. Your friend failed in two ways to impress his partner; firstly, by talking incessantly and secondly, by talking too loudly.

If it was breakfast, she's probably a) thinking of her bf back in the room and b) wondering whether he might have brought another girl home the previous night in her absence.

December 2nd, 2018, 18:41
I enjoy - obviously more so than Arsenal- the attempts of falang punters to make conversation (if that's the correct description) with Thai ladies from the bars. I was once with P and three of his friends at the open-air bbq in Pattaya Tai, long since gone, where the next table was occupied by such a cohttps://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=253427uple. The amount of food consumed by my gang meant that we were there for two hours. The chatter and giggling was non-stop. Every now and then I glanced at the neighbouring table. Both parties had their eyes fixed on their plates. I do not exaggerate when I say that I neither saw nor heard a word pass between them. Nor a smile. No doubt there was the usual language problem but this was embarrassing.

It set me thinking about just how fortunate we gay falangs are in Pattaya. We are, after all, all boys together despite the manifold differences in age, race, religion and so on. Yet we do have that one thing in common, a shared experience perhaps even, to some extent, a shared sensibility. One of P's oldest friends is a ladyboy and even he (I say "he" because he chooses to dress like a guy when he comes on one of our jaunts) and yet we can still share approval of a particularly cute waiter.

I'm sorry but I think you are misrepresenting the straight whoring experience based on your highly romanticised anecdote. You're talking about you, P and his FRIENDS and P is your BOYFRIEND, is he not? So all of you know each other and are comfortable with each other. It is an outing among friends with SHARED experiences. Alcohol was involved. I don't know how you can compare this to one guy and his hoe du jour whom he probably only got to know (barely) the previous night in some noisy bar. And unlike in your group, both the Thai girls in your and Arsenal's examples didn't have any Thai friends to talk to. Apples and oranges. And some people are quieter in public (like the girl in Arsenal's story) and still haven't got their engines fired up in the mornings. Ever had breakfast at The Pinnacle? We hated it. All the farangs gouging and talking with their mouths full and their male Thai companions looking down at their phones clearly wishing they were somewhere else.

December 3rd, 2018, 14:06
Out on the bike and to the east of Pattaya conveniently located between massive building sites I came across yet another world class attraction coming soon.

Yes indeed. It's going to be difficult to get tickets to this, probably only returns will be available as the hi-so from across the globe make their way here to visit. It's this sort of massive investment in hitherto unimaginable quality sites that make Pattaya the world's leading city for Chinese sheeple tours.

I give you.
Flower Land.

December 3rd, 2018, 17:19
Flower Land looks very inviting from their website. What is the admission fee?

December 3rd, 2018, 17:23
At first I thought that heap in the road was you trying to escape across the central reservation!