View Full Version : Every home should have one - the Squatty Potty

November 30th, 2018, 13:37

November 30th, 2018, 15:26
Is there a slight misspelling in the title of this thread? Let's see.

November 30th, 2018, 19:43
No, I think they spell it the same north of the border!

November 30th, 2018, 23:03
When you read the article with its description of how the human gut is designed, it makes a lot of sense.

December 1st, 2018, 09:01
A friend tried the Squatty Potty and reported it wasn't worth a shit.:mocking_mini: Really.

December 1st, 2018, 09:41
This was actuallly on Shark Tank years ago, and got an investment:


Expats living in Thailand should definitely get one. Would help keep the dirty foot prints off the toilet edges. I know both Kim and Leo would sit on a Western toild in the squat position instead of actually sitting on it.

December 1st, 2018, 12:03
" ... I know both Kim and Leo would sit on a Western toild in the squat position instead of actually sitting on it ... ".What did they do ... hover over it?

December 1st, 2018, 12:38
You've never seen a Thai toilet, or something? They sat on it like that.

They would put their feet on the rim of the toilet bowl, and squat same as you would a traditional Thai toilet. I know, because I accidentally walked in on both of them a couple times.

Nirish guy
December 1st, 2018, 17:46
Time to install a few sings in the bathroom it seemed there Matt - as that squatting, one sure way to end up with a broken toilet seat.


Nirish guy
December 1st, 2018, 17:48
When you read the article with its description of how the human gut is designed, it makes a lot of sense.

Correct - although we'd better not post too much more on this or we'll have you know who going off on his nonsense about people going into "scat" subjects again - even though we're talking about health issues here of course ( and broken toilet seats !)


December 1st, 2018, 18:17
While we're on the topic of toilets, what's this toilet paper nonsense all about? I've been here for 7 months now I think, and I still haven't gotten used to it. What a shitty invention that was.

Can't wait for Asia to get the bum guns going again.

Nirish guy
December 1st, 2018, 19:23
whats stopping you installing one there ? I've one here at my home in the Uk - only thing to be aware of is in Asia it's usually just feed straight from the cold mains pipe I'm told ( which is generally warmish anyway) whereas here in the UK that would of course freeze the arse of you so they connect it to the warm pipe - but then need to fit a thermostatic control inline between the pipe and the bum gun itself to stop you roasting the ass off yourself ! Aside from that one fitting issue it works exactly the same as the Asian ones - I actually got it fitted years ago and my asian BF thought all his christmases had come at once when he first visited my house after and noticed that I had one ( as it was the first one he'd seen here in the UK)

December 1st, 2018, 22:34
Nirish wrote.

"Correct - although we'd better not post too much more on this or we'll have you know who going off on his nonsense about people going into "scat" subjects again - even though we're talking about health issues here of course ( and broken toilet seats !)"


December 1st, 2018, 22:46
Dear NIrish,

Whilst realising that my Gorbals tenement flat (running water is laid on the walls, whilst the leaking roof means it can take up to 30 mins to finish a cup of tea) cannot compare with your own penthouse - I would however like to know what kind of super duper top of the range hot water system you have that requires a thermostat control for the (max) 1 minute job of showering your bunghole?

At present I have a combination boiler and after running the hot water for the aforementioned 1 minute, it's still basically freezing. I know this is not atypical because I ocassionally visit Clients and have to use their hot water - and they have the same problem. As to why I require to use their hot water to sell car bumper stickers, Betamax tapes and stolen car radios is something others will have to speculate on

December 1st, 2018, 22:48
They would put their feet on the rim of the toilet bowl, and squat same as you would a traditional Thai toilet. I know, because I accidentally walked in on both of them a couple times.

Absolutely correct, matt! That is what my bf does although he isn't shy about it.

December 1st, 2018, 22:50
While we're on the topic of toilets, what's this toilet paper nonsense all about? I've been here for 7 months now I think, and I still haven't gotten used to it. What a shitty invention that was.


Toilet paper is good for pat drying your butt after the bum gun. 555

December 1st, 2018, 22:51
Perhaps Matt's arse is drip dry

December 1st, 2018, 22:53
Resisted as long as you could. I rest my case. Haha.

December 1st, 2018, 22:56
...They would put their feet on the rim of the toilet bowl, and squat same as you would a traditional Thai toilet....

Absolutely correct, matt! That is what my bf does although he isn't shy about it.

We had a cat who did the same on the edge of the kitchen sink (without any training I hasten to add) - for peeing purposes only.

It was quite a conversation stopper when guests were present - especially as the kitchen sink was stainless steel and the peeing was therefore extremely loud.

Had those video clip TV shows been around at the time we could have coined it in!

December 1st, 2018, 23:11
And he's off. This thread will go on as long as anyone feeds him. Case proven.

Nirish guy
December 2nd, 2018, 00:21
Case proven WHAT - my god leave the guy alone - he's posting on the same thread that the rest of us are posting on ffs and he didn't start the thread ! Give over ffs.

Nirish guy
December 2nd, 2018, 00:35
I would however like to know what kind of super duper top of the range hot water system you have that requires a thermostat control for the (max) 1 minute job of showering your bunghole?

Well know at the risk of feeding the troll.......I can only tell you that the thermostat was a requirement of the plumber who installed the bum gun as I think the point was it's literally fed direct from the mains hot water ( constantly on assuming the heating is on) and so the temperature isn't regulated in ANY way ( as that's what the radiator thermostats are for) and so to allow "just whoever" water temperature that happens to be flowing through the pipes to hit ones bum could he said be a big mistake.

Actually I can see that he was right too as when I use it the temperature flies up every quickly and I do have to use the regulator to set it to a nice gentle warm rather than scolding hot - which is where it's then left so it's ready for the next person's use - but without that thermostatic valve one couldn't set the temperature in any way of course and so you'd be at the mercy of just whatever temperature of water that came out of the mains hot water system.

I do realise that for you living as you do in your tenement flat there that the very concept of HOT running water FROM A PIPE and not you having to boil 10 kettles worth of water to have your (tin) bath filled in front of the fire there to enable you to have your weekly bath is something that may sound alien to you, but I do assure you it has been the norm for quite some time now in civilised society. However I do accept that as your line of employment requires nothing more than you concentrating on wrapping up warm for yet another day on the market stall then I accept that hot water is perhaps something that you just don't need to reverse fit in to your flat and that and your one cold water tap out in the yard and your boiling hot water when needed probably suffices for your own needs there - and each to their own I say and if it works for you there's no need to change that.

Oh and re toilet roll........well now my Asian bf, who made and still makes a big fuss out of the fact that we're all singers here as we use toilet roll and not water etc......well all I can say is that it seems that my supplies ( and thus I can only presume ) the actual usage of my said toilet rolls haven't in fact altered or reduced in ANY noticeable way since his arrival - in fact if anything it's vastly the opposite I find! So it appears that even for all his talk about us being mingers etc that's he's either having a sneaky wipe or two first before bum gunning OR as I'm starting to suspect he's actually shipping half of my loo rolls purchased directly on out to SG for a quick resale on his market stall at the market and getting from that deal sneakily behind my back !

December 2nd, 2018, 01:01
Case proven WHAT - my god leave the guy alone - he's posting on the same thread that the rest of us are posting on ffs and he didn't start the thread ! Give over ffs.

In Arsenal's case the "ignore" function is complete bliss and I recommend to all.

The use of it may mean that you miss the (very) odd well-written report, but I suggest members will find it a risk worth taking


December 2nd, 2018, 01:16
Well then Nirish has nothing to complain about does he. Enjoy yourself in this thread and leave the rest free of your boardwide well known thing.

Nirish guy
December 2nd, 2018, 06:16
"Boardwise" being of course only in your fucked up trolling head it seems ....... my god man give it a rest.

December 2nd, 2018, 06:35
@NIrish and @arsenal -- Would you two love birds get a room already? :)

December 2nd, 2018, 16:02
What are you talking about? I learned all the Hungarian I needed.... "nem baesalik madjrahoul" = "I don't speak Hungarian". Good enough.Exactly. I find the Thai equivalent most useful

December 3rd, 2018, 09:44
Ok, fine, then I will ask an actual question. Hopefully you can give me an answer to this one at least. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?As I keep remarking, a third-rate mind, now added to my Ignore list with most of the others

December 3rd, 2018, 13:59
Some posts in this thread have been moved to a new thread in this forum with the title :"Learning the local language, and an "intellectual debate,"


December 3rd, 2018, 15:20
Phew, thanks a447. Not sure how we'd manage without you.

December 3rd, 2018, 22:33
Perhaps Matt's arse is drip dryNo, that would be his brain.

December 3rd, 2018, 23:14