View Full Version : Former Le Café now reopened as Boyz Music

November 24th, 2018, 22:35
Looks like karaoke bar, tonight a small band of 3 guys playing Top40 type pop tunes. Could have been karaoke, the guy singing was butchering quite a good song, "Havana" by Camila Cabello.

Not very loud, surprisingly. The bar has glass doors that can be closed into a glass wall, all doors open tonight, and sound level very reasonable.

Boyztown very busy overall, Panorama seemed full.
What wasn't exactly full of customers is the newly opened Boyz Music.


Apologies for typo in the title, auto correct, maybe Moderator can fix it.

November 24th, 2018, 23:39
What time was that video taken? It will need more customers than that.

November 25th, 2018, 00:00
What time was that video taken? It will need more customers than that.

Around 11PM. Saturday night. Doesn't look like a strong start.

Walked through again at midnight, a bit busier. But opening night, it should be packed.

This is walk through Boyztown at midnight, Saturday night.


I did keep phone camera away from people's faces, pointing down outside gogo bars.
Notice a barrier outside Boyz Boyz Boyz, it wasn't there just few nights ago, must be to keep noise away from Panorama. Chairs and tables of BBB are also pushed backed, last week tables were right in a middle of a Soi,, and no barrier.

November 25th, 2018, 00:49
I did keep phone camera away from people's faces, .

Ha, maybe not. You got a close up of two of my Farang friends!!

Anyway why do BBB need blaring ear shattering music OUTSIDE their bar?

You don't see it at similar bars like Dreamboys BKK, Jupiter 2018, or any other place that I can think of.


November 25th, 2018, 02:21
Thanks for video tour DD - good to see the Soi from Cafe Royale round to Cupidol bright but once you moved out of it the rest of the area is just derelict and depressing.

In the bars that were open fronted, there seemed to be a lack of numbers. Could be packed out inside of course but what's visible is a mere shadow of past glories.

Very surprised Oscars appears still closed up - the rent can't be so high surely that no-one can see an opportunity?

November 25th, 2018, 05:55
A report on another site said it was great fun. Looking forward to seeing it for myself.

November 25th, 2018, 11:36
Boyz Music Show Bar is a late night place. Around midnight, Boyzboyzboyz closes and dozens and dozens of
boys descend on Boyz Music. The second show at boyzboyzboyz has been moved over to Boyz Music.
It’s not targeted for older gay men but rather where the money is, Asian customers.
Boyz Music really comes alive after midnight and rocks into the wee hours.

November 25th, 2018, 12:30
Another reason NOT to stay at Ambience.

November 25th, 2018, 13:10
So BBB is probably closing soon as the business moves to CR. Much as X-Boys did a few years ago. That's my guess. Any news on drink prices and off fees? Not that there's ever much I want to off from there.

November 25th, 2018, 15:11
Another reason NOT to stay at Ambience.

True - but what about the LCR rooms directly above - are they defunct or is it still attempting to operate as a Hotel with the din from a Karaoke bar going on till "the wee hours"? Surely not

November 25th, 2018, 15:14
Why can't they close the damn doors? what makes them think that we all want to hear their music?

November 25th, 2018, 15:17
Do you think it might possibly have something to do with closed doors deterring passers-by from coming in ?

November 25th, 2018, 15:19
Those of us who go to Pattaya and have fun can rejoice at the opening of a new venue. Those who don't can refrain from any unnecessarily argumentative posts borne out of jealousy.

November 25th, 2018, 15:43

No doubt more stalking & trolling.

One has to wonder why it continues to be tolerated - given that he's already been suspended.

November 25th, 2018, 15:56
The fact that it is full of boys at 12:30 and goes on till the wee hours of the morning means they want the doors open and the music loud they are looking for young Asians etc. not old tosses.

November 25th, 2018, 15:57
True - but what about the LCR rooms directly above - are they defunct or is it still attempting to operate as a Hotel with the din from a Karaoke bar going on till "the wee hours"? Surely not
If Boyz Music is catering to the Chinese tourists, the guests staying in the hotel will probably all be downstairs creating the din.

November 25th, 2018, 16:38
Easy to do a search and see if they're selling rooms.

November 25th, 2018, 16:40
... they are looking for young Asians etc. not old tosses.

If they're not looking for old tossers I'd suggest they've picked the wrong location altogether.

But then again who knows - a friend of mine once told Basil Newby (over drinks in Thailand) that a ladyboy show in Blackpool would never work.
Pooh-Poohed it in fact.

Said ladyboy show "Funny Girls" went on to be queued round the block for decades and Basil made millions.

Friend died penniless, on benefits, house under threat of repossession and tens of thousands in debt (most of it spent on booze and boys in Thailand)

November 25th, 2018, 17:38
"I spent most of my money on booze and birds. The rest I wasted."
George Best. (I think)

November 25th, 2018, 19:34
Boyz Music Show Bar is a late night place. Around midnight, Boyzboyzboyz closes and dozens and dozens of
boys descend on Boyz Music. The second show at boyzboyzboyz has been moved over to Boyz Music.
It’s not targeted for older gay men but rather where the money is, Asian customers.
Boyz Music really comes alive after midnight and rocks into the wee hours.

Good! I like Asians, and I'm going to descend on Boyz Music when BBB closes. Did you say around midnight? I walked through the Soi Saturday, last night, at midnight, Boyz Music seemed not very busy, maybe it was still too early, and later place becomes livelier. I'm particularly happy it open until wee hours, Boyztown always went dark around 1am, too early.

I am not targeted customer, and as a Westerner I do not have money, compared to young Asian customers, but I'm gonna give a try tonight. Hopefully they let me enter, at least!

November 25th, 2018, 19:52
... Hopefully they let me enter, at least!

Are you referring to the bar or the young Asian customers.


November 25th, 2018, 20:05
DD. I can't imagine any well to do Desperado (such as myself) being denied entry to any high quality establishment. Haha.

November 25th, 2018, 20:16
I don’t get the logic of closing BBB early just to move everyone across the street. Must cost lots more to operate like that.

November 25th, 2018, 20:25
So BBB is probably closing soon as the business moves to CR. Much as X-Boys did a few years ago. That's my guess. Any news on drink prices and off fees? Not that there's ever much I want to off from there.

That would be very interesting. The most successful gogo bar in Boyztown voluntarily closing, and moving to Boyz Music, not a gogo bar, it's a beer bar, with live entertainment. It makes perfect sense.
I would like to ask catawampuscat if BBB gogo boys are customers, or are they working at Boyz Music, after BBB closes at around 1am. Or he means Boyz Music is packed with Chinese? He said Asians, could be Thais having fun night out, Lao, but hopefully young Chinese guys. Until now younger Thai gay crowd did never party in Boyztown, maybe with Boyz Music this has now changed. Good!

If catawampuscat is right, and Boyz Music is packed with young Asians, I have found a new hobby, so far Chinese did not visit Boyztown, not Sunee, and not Jomtien Complex, the only way to meet Chinese used to be apps. Now with Boyz Music, everyone who likes Chinese has advantage, apps only have a photo, often fake, it is so much better to meet face to face, have few drinks in a bar, maybe sing a song, chat a bit, and then hopefully directly to a curtain motel! I'm excited, tonight is going to be fun!

November 25th, 2018, 20:32
Are you referring to the bar or the young Asian customers.


As a polite person, I never enter first, I let other enter

November 25th, 2018, 20:52
DD. With regards to the Chinese. They are wonderful to sleep with but not particularly good at the actual sex. I've never met one off the apps who didn't disappoint compared to the heavily airbrushed photo. If you're a size queen then you'll be sadly sad at the size of their members. They have the sexiest and pertest arses ever seen/felt.

November 25th, 2018, 21:09
DD. With regards to the Chinese. They are wonderful to sleep with but not particularly good at the actual sex. I've never met one off the apps who didn't disappoint compared to the heavily airbrushed photo. If you're a size queen then you'll be sadly sad at the size of their members. They have the sexiest and pertest arses ever seen/felt.

I love small dick, you get all the sensation, but not discomfort, Chinese are perfect. They usually don't speak word of English, so no need waste time to "where are you from". They are rude, for a top it's advantage, Thais are often too polite, nothing ruins a good submission session than "oh, did I hurt you", "so sorry!", Chinese never speak. Good!

Francois, you up to partying to wee hours, in company of wealthy Asians? Lets go! We could do karaoke duo of "Non, Je ne regrette rien", it will be wonderful!
I'm going to be outside Boyz Music at 12.30, that seems to be the preferred time to descend on the place. Look for The Killers T shirt outside the bar.


November 25th, 2018, 21:10
I'm afraid the Chinese opium has taken effect on arsenal for his glowing assessment of their sexy arses.

November 25th, 2018, 21:45
Very surprised Oscars appears still closed up - the rent can't be so high surely that no-one can see an opportunity?

The rent rate was the precise final nail in the coffin for the last consortium of Oscar's owners. It went up by a ridiculous amount. The bar was mostly a business to give them a base, or reason to base themselves in Thailand. They already have business interests back in their home country. They enjoyed running the bar as well as it being a going concern, but there reached a point where the effort just wasn't worth it. After they had emptied the premises of their stock and the fixtures/ fittings they owned, the premises owners made a tentative approach which was taken as a move to 'negotiate' the rent. If they had done that instead of an overnight rent increase demand, Oscars might well still be operating as normal.

But it might still attract new renters if the Soi has an increase of customers attracted by the new Boyz Music bar if it 'takes off'. The fact it's only a one-shop wide frontage is a slight disadvantage, but the previous owners of Oscars said they had a decent amount of footfall over the whole evening's opening hours when they ran it.

As for the new Boyz Music bar in the soi, it's got to be a very welcome addition no matter what 'noise' it creates, still a lot better than a dark, empty premises large enough to put a complete damper on the whole soi. It will attract more customers to the soi who will no doubt also visit other bars. The type of open front Music Bar is one Asians, especially Thais do like. That is why Walking Street clubs have become so popular with the gay Thai lads and compete directly with NAB, Hollywood etc for a night out. There are 3/4 large open fronted Music Bars on Walking St which are very popular, Music Café attached to Lucifer and CandyShop are a couple of popular examples. Many Asians come to Pattaya specifically to party as well as looking to hook up, so it will be interesting to see how the location in Boyztown Soi 3 works out for a Music Bar.

Also, as its a professional live band as opposed to amateur Karaoke participants the music should give the soi lots more 'atmosphere'. I know a few of the BBB management and one of the part time DJs sent me a video of rehearsals last week, the female singer seemed way off-key but it was only rehearsals, so I hope she ups the game for the real thing.

Not sure why certain individuals here are fixated on ages of westerners versus 'young' Asians visiting Boyztown, there are plenty of older/mature Asians who visit for the same reasons, also no matter your age, if you enjoy the music or the atmosphere then there's every reason to visit BT and be part of it in the same way as previous years. Certainly visitors who have come to enjoy a holiday. If you live in Pattaya permanently I'm sure most things become jaded eventually when you've seen them a ton of times.

November 25th, 2018, 22:45
Very surprised Oscars appears still closed up - the rent can't be so high surely that no-one can see an opportunity?

Rent at Boyztown is brutal.
Just 1 year ago, before shutting down, Le Café owner was laying out around 500.000 THB every months, 300k rent, rest payroll and bills, and that is just the bar side, hotel was separate business then.
Night after night, Le Café was dead, at peak hours, 11pm until closing, only staff present. Of course no one would subsidize a bar this long, this is real money for a Thai or foreigner. For the owner to lay
out this amount, he could have bought a studio apartments in View Talai 1 and 2 for just 3 months running expenses. I'm sure owner was hoping for things to turn around, and he was hoping the place to become major popular spot, it never did.

Unless Chinese gay tourists will be arriving in Pattaya in larger numbers, AND going out to spending money, the new place will have outcome of Le Café. Owners are Chinese, and they are betting on Chinese coming to Boyztown to spend their money. We'll see.

Why is Panorama for sale? Openly, with sign outside? Places like Panorama were never bought and sold with For Sale sign. I'm sure current owner isn't selling Panorama because he has difficulty counting all the cash. And For Sale sign is a sign that he wasn't able to sell by word of mouth, they way bars are usually sold here.

It needs to be reminded, right now there are hardly any Chinese visiting Boyztown, sitting down, and ordering bottle of beer. It's Westerners, and at the very peak season, around New Year, Russians.

November 25th, 2018, 23:25
This is only my own personal experience and opinion, but what I liked about LCR was that after we had done the rounds of the bars and picked up the boys we wanted for the night, we could take the lot of us to LCR at 11pm/Midnight/ maybe even 1am and all have a meal while the entertainment was going on whether it was El Duo or Toi or they had a girl singing as well. We'd spend several thousand Baht (not difficult) whenever we did that and it was good business for them, as did many of the patrons and it was always busy.

Then they revamped the place and restricted the restaurant part to one side (closed off) - so our reason for going there was now defunct as we could either eat at the side with no entertainment or have entertainment with no food. El Duo left for pastures new and they got rid of Toi (who was maybe not the best singer in the world but a really nice guy and a familiar face). That left the girl and without being misogynistic, nobody was interested.

They killed it stone dead, it didn't just happen to them.

I hope the new format succeeds but if it's just a music/karaoke bar it would have limited appeal. Is there food?

November 26th, 2018, 00:36
we could take the lot of us to LCR at 11pm/Midnight/ maybe even 1am and all have a meal while the entertainment was going on whether it was El Duo or Toi or they had a girl singing as well. We'd spend several thousand Baht (not difficult) whenever we did that and it was good business for them, as did many of the patrons and it was always busy.

I too spent many (if not most!) nights in LCR from when BBB closed at 01.45 until 03.30... or later... I recall many times still being in the bar when Ian Mc Knight arrived at 6am to relieve the night shift!

The opening of late night gay clubs (Maya, X-ray, Dude, Dave (all now sadly gone) and NAB) killed off their late night trade... LCR was no longer the only show in town for after hours entertainment and pickups

I can see Boys café possibly attracting some of the big spending Chinese that take a gaggle of boys to Hollywood every night...
From what I have heard there are no hotel rooms upstairs any more, it has been kitted out with Short Time rooms and VIP karaoke rooms

November 26th, 2018, 11:05
Francois, you up to partying to wee hours, in company of wealthy Asians? Lets go! We could do karaoke duo of "Non, Je ne regrette rien", it will be wonderful!

DD, my partying is with poor Thai guys and in the afternoon and now I am asleep by 1:00 am. Not like in the bad, old days, "mais je ne regrette rien".

November 26th, 2018, 12:17
1am and all have a meal while the entertainment was going on whether it was El Duo or Toi or they had a girl singing as well.
El Duo left for pastures new and they got rid of Toi (who was maybe not the best singer in the world but a really nice guy and a familiar face). That left the girl and without being misogynistic, nobody was interested.

I used to go and enjoyed Toi but really went for 'the girl' and her diva songs. Got to know her well and one day she brought her new baby boy in. I bought him a teddy bear.
Years later I went to a market and she had a stall. She said "one moment -- see my son again". Out came a fine looking teenage lad who thanked me for the teddy bear years ago (probably prompted).
Toi, I think, moved to Bangkok and opened a music school. He did a one night performance at Balcony Pub. I think a video of his performance still exists on Balcony's website.
I know that El Duo split up but have heard nothing of them for years.

November 26th, 2018, 13:51
All I can add about El Duo is that after the split one of them won Asian Entertainer of the Year - there was a YouTube clip of him being presented with the award on live TV.

I’m serious - not a joke

November 26th, 2018, 14:03
Boyz Music gets busy after midnight, walked by few times, here are 5 short walks, starting at 00:30 Sun morning, and last one at about 3:30 am.


The first walk is around other Pattayaland soi as well, Boyz Music at around 3:20 min mark.



November 26th, 2018, 14:05
2am and 3:30am walks:



November 26th, 2018, 15:56
Great videos, DD. And narrated in a very sexy voice!

Thanks for taking the time to report.

It appears that Boyz Music has brought life back into the soi. I haven't seen it that crowded in years.

And beautiful Speedmaster, too!

November 26th, 2018, 21:07
And beautiful Speedmaster, too!

Thank you! My favourite watch :)
Hard to believe this Speedy reference goes back to 1966.

November 26th, 2018, 21:49
On the one hand it seems dead about half past midnight with, BBB, Oscars, Prisma all closed and Panorama almost shut.
On the other hand Boyz Music open a lot later than that adds to the late night entertainment...provided you like it.
There’s always my fav Doubleshot!
Anyway will try it out later this week...lookout DD!

November 26th, 2018, 22:19
Thank you! My favourite watch :)
Hard to believe this Speedy reference goes back to 1966.

AH but is it a copy watch or 100% gen ha ha

November 26th, 2018, 23:50
Boyz Music gets busy after midnight, walked by few times, here are 5 short walks, starting at 00:30 Sun morning, and last one at about 3:30 am.

Yes DD excellent vids, appreciate the effort. There are some Thailand Vloggers uploading many Pattaya vids on youtube but none cover updated footage of boyztown or gay areas. (however some/many punters might be relieved that there's not much gay area footage going around).

It will be interesting to see what pattern things settle into on Soi 3 as we go through 'higher' season. BBB closing at 12.30 am kinda kills the atmosphere a little early as Gerefan2 suggests, as it's a very big chunk of frontage in the soi to be dead at that time, also as Toyboys prefer to close around 1.30am if they can.

You always get a good crowd the first few weeks of opening so I hope they have enough decent offerings at Boyz Music after 12.30am to keep punters interested. Because it's open-fronted any shows will have to have acceptable content, unlike what went on in BBBz previously after 12am. Looked like B-Boys were on stage during the footage. Lip-sync ladyboy stuff is going to be a bit of a turn off for some if they introduce that as main content and I see the band had packed up and left before 12am so no music as such.

November 27th, 2018, 02:02
Looks like a smart, cool venue. Pattaya should have more of this. My buddies and I might be tempted to visit next year now that a447 has declared that he will not set foot in Boyztown again. Question: does it attract a lot of screaming Thai women? I hate to say this but Thai working girls can be worse than lady-boys when drunk. Really annoying.

November 27th, 2018, 02:28
thanks for the clips DD, looks like my favourite Khmer is back in town for High Season so I'm looking forward to hopefully bumping into him next month
(He is one of 4 BBB boys in white shirts looking bored outside Boyz music at the start of your second clip)

November 29th, 2018, 23:42
It's heaving tonight. Great atmosphere. However, the place is full of smoke and someone has got their baby with them. No mother of the year award for her perhaps.

November 30th, 2018, 10:28
Great show too. Not like anything else around.

November 30th, 2018, 14:38
Does that mean no khatoeys?

November 30th, 2018, 19:10
They allow smoking ....bastards

November 30th, 2018, 22:33
Does that mean no khatoeys?

You might want to use that word more judiciously. I know you're referring to lady-boys but to Thais when speaking colloquially among themselves, you are a kathoey too (as a gay man). And to all those gay guys lusting after straight guys, they (the straight guys) definitely refer to you as kathoeys when making a distinction between you and themselves.

December 1st, 2018, 00:48
They allow smoking ....bastards

Smoking is not allowed in Boyz Music.

It is almost as if Arsenal hasn't been there, it's almost as if Arsenal is not in Pattaya.

He can, of course, prove me wrong, easily.

December 1st, 2018, 00:56
Full of smoke is a no no for me , so struck off my list

December 1st, 2018, 02:01
A few stills from tonight's show. Note the man smoking in the first picture.

December 1st, 2018, 02:49
A few stills from tonight's show. Note the man smoking in the first picture.

What makes things worse is that the smoker is the mamasan!

December 1st, 2018, 05:40
Ok I am a violent non smoker and they and their bars can usually get fucked!

However tonight I sat right next to the top photo above and it was near the open window exit and forceful aircon, so I didn’t really object...rare for me .

I haVe to say I was really impressed...drinks at half the price of Toyboys next door and a third of the price of BBB...

provided you buy a bucket of beer (which I did) at 1500 baht for 12 bottles = 125 per bottle...ot otherwise 160 per bottle.

Place was ram packed when we got there at 00.40 but they found us a table.

The show is exactly like BBB, so don’t expet much difference, except the prices.

Highly recommended....it stayed open till gone 3...

Some pics

December 1st, 2018, 05:48

December 1st, 2018, 05:56
They are shit and the camera doesn’t help...but maybe you get the point

December 1st, 2018, 08:49
I don't know who started the recent trend of posting photos of the nightlife scene (DD?), but they are highly appreciated.

Gerefan2, your photos are fine. They give us all the info we need.

As for smoking, I only indulge when I'm in Thailand and give up completely when I get back home. Smoking is a big no-no in Australia and in any case, there are not many places where you can smoke.

But I wouldn't dream of lighting up inside a bar - I always go outside and sit with the boys who smoke or find an inconspicuous place away from others, as I'm aware most people hate it, especially when in a confined space. Also, it's a great way to get to know the guys.

I was horrified when I went to China to see people lighting up in some of the restaurants. If those customers in Boyz Music are Chinese, then I guess they just act the same way as they do at home and the non-smokers amongst them are used to it and so don't complain.

If I were a non -smoker, I'd probably stay away. But judging by the photos I doubt losing our business would worry them too much; they are doing just fine with their Asian customers.

Good luck to them.

December 1st, 2018, 09:23
One can smoke in Chinese hospitals. I'll probably go again tonight. If I see someone with a cine camera telling the staff to 'give me passion darling, I'm doing your close up' I'll know DD has arrived.

As an aside and true to form. Now that there is nothing to see due to BBB moving at 12.30 Castro bar have responded to their reduction in customers by.....raising their prices 25 per cent.

December 1st, 2018, 09:41
Thanks for the great vids. Something new happening in BT so its exciting. Would like to see a revival. Will check it out next week.

December 1st, 2018, 13:53
All I can add about El Duo is that after the split one of them won Asian Entertainer of the Year - there was a YouTube clip of him being presented with the award on live TV.

I’m serious - not a joke

Late last night (Friday) I was in Balconypub Bangkok and the two boys popped in.
One now lives in Pattaya and the other in Germany with his 'husband'. He is on a short holiday to Thailand then Philippines then back to Germany.
They were on their way to Pattaya to perform tonight (Saturday). Sorry I didn't ask where (they were rushing to DJ Station).

December 2nd, 2018, 14:13
Since writing the above, I see that El Duo appeared in the Boyztown World Aids Day festivities.
They have two more Jomtien gigs --- one in Sandbar on Jomtien Beach and the other at The Venue Jomtien.

December 2nd, 2018, 17:59
I wonder if its still 3000B for fun, or if the prices have gone up :p

December 2nd, 2018, 18:11
I don't know who started the recent trend of posting photos of the nightlife scene (DD?), but they are highly appreciated.

Agreed. Sure beats the geronto-porn flicks we've been subjected to lately.

December 2nd, 2018, 18:15
They are shit and the camera doesn’t help...but maybe you get the point

After 12 bottles of beer I'm surprised that you can even hold a camera.

In any event, the pics are better blurry as some people may want to keep their privacy.

December 2nd, 2018, 18:15
I wonder if its still 3000B for fun, or if the prices have gone up :p

If you are alluding to what I think you are it was my understanding that boom boom was a no go.

December 2nd, 2018, 18:16
If you are alluding to what I think you are it was my understanding that boom boom was a no go.

Not even if you asked nicely in Tagalog?

December 2nd, 2018, 20:45
After 12 bottles of beer I'm surprised that you can even hold a camera.

In any event, the pics are better blurry as some people may want to keep their privacy.

In 45 years time, when you are the same age as us, you’ll find it much easier to hold your alcohol!

December 3rd, 2018, 00:16
If you are alluding to what I think you are it was my understanding that boom boom was a no go.

I'm alluding to exactly that - the only thing I can't reliably tell you is which one it was!

December 3rd, 2018, 01:59
I'm alluding to exactly that - the only thing I can't reliably tell you is which one it was!

Always the problem in a dark room.

December 3rd, 2018, 02:23
In Music Boys tonight. Am I allowed to overly enjoy the Thai lady's overly long fondling of one of the showboys (probably) overly long member and her falang john's clear and overt discomfort? I think I am.

December 3rd, 2018, 06:11
Pics please arsenal, it’s the trend nowadays!

December 3rd, 2018, 06:43
In Music Boys tonight. Am I allowed to overly enjoy the Thai lady's overly long fondling of one of the showboys (probably) overly long member and her falang john's clear and overt discomfort? I think I am.

Was this a 'sexy show'? Doesn't the bar have an open frontage?

December 3rd, 2018, 07:18
Was this a 'sexy show'? Doesn't the bar have an open frontage?Open frottage maybe?

December 3rd, 2018, 09:28
Yes, part of the show when some of the bigger boys come round to allow touchy feely.

December 3rd, 2018, 14:07
With the news that patrons can (for a tip?) publicly fondle/masturbate the performers, it's heartening to learn that high class entertainment survives in BT.

It would have been so easy just to make it tacky and sleazy.

December 3rd, 2018, 14:35
Flower Land is opening soon for those who enjoy a more genteel and sedentary lifestyle. The sleaze is there for those who haven't reached old age and still have energy.

I thought I was on ignore?

December 3rd, 2018, 16:56
I walked past Boyz Music last night around 10.15

The band was playing; not a single customer in house.

Was this an off night?

Or is this format in trouble?

I gather that later in the night things are going well.

December 3rd, 2018, 17:09
I walked past Boyz Music last night around 10.15

The band was playing; not a single customer in house.

Was this an off night?

Or is this format in trouble?

I gather that later in the night things are going well.

You haven’t read the thread?

December 3rd, 2018, 17:18
So they are paying rent for BBB, which is only in use for 3 hours.
And they are paying rent for Boyz Music which is only in real use for 3 hours.

Good luck to them.
I just don't quite get it.

December 3rd, 2018, 17:28
So they are paying rent for BBB, which is only in use for 3 hours.
And they are paying rent for Boyz Music which is only in real use for 3 hours.

Good luck to them.
I just don't quite get it.

See post 23 above!!

December 3rd, 2018, 23:37
...I thought I was on ignore?

For the avoidance of doubt - yesterday evening I decided to take the advice offered to me in open forum some weeks ago by a couple of members

Thus my Ignore List is again empty and henceforth I shall just ignore you on an informal and ad hoc basis

December 4th, 2018, 09:03
Excellent news. Ad hoc eh?

One question though. Without reading it first how will you know whether to ignore it or not? More advisors?

December 4th, 2018, 12:31
See post 23 above!!

I see that we're on the same page on this.

December 6th, 2018, 16:14
and someone has got their baby with them. No mother of the year award for her perhaps.

I thought the minimum age to enter a bar in Thailand was 20?