View Full Version : Taiwan gay marriage update

November 23rd, 2018, 07:22
Reuter’s has published an interesting story on this - public opinion is divided


In every jurisdiction that I know that allows same-sex partnerships the local marriage act now defines marriage as a relationship between two people “to the exclusion of all others”. The irony of the Reuter’s article is that most of the photos are from inside a gay sauna ie. the place where “the exclusion of all others” is most blatantly challenged. I’m reminded that one of the obstacles faced by UK lawmakers was an updated definition of adultery

November 24th, 2018, 14:10
Just read the news this morning, Taiwan local elections today, and gay marriage referendum, they are voting today, Saturday.

"Conservative groups have taken advantage of government deadlock to rally against the change, forcing the issue to a public vote, devastating LGBT couples and potentially plunging the administration of President Tsai Ing-wen into a constitutional crisis.

On Saturday, three referendum questions on same-sex marriage will be put to Taiwanese voters when they head to the polls for local government elections -- two drafted by conservatives and one by LGBT activists.

If one of the questions opposing same-sex marriage passes, the government could be compelled to enforce a law already ruled unconstitutional.
Taiwan's high court passed a resolution in May 2017 ruling it was unconstitutional to ban same-sex couples from getting married."

Civil rights shouldn't be in hands of referendum, it's
been 2 years, since Taiwan high court ruled that banning same sex marriage is unconstitutional, that gave time to jesusfreaks and conservatives to organise a large turn out, and a No vote on referendum.

November 25th, 2018, 06:10
The referendum was lost. No same-sex marriage in Taiwan https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46329877

I’d attempt an analogy but as we learned yesterday that sort of thing goes completely over the head of Forum intellectuals like arsenal (even though “analogy” includes his favourite word) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analogy

November 25th, 2018, 08:40