View Full Version : What are you listening, or watching right now?

November 22nd, 2018, 00:49
Open up, share! If you lie, we have special software, NASA and FSB approved algorithm to weed out liars, so best be honest!

I am listening this right now:

Alvin Stardust - Jealous Mind


How I wish YT clips and photos posted here would not appear as links, no one clicks on links, these should open as photos or videos. I've tried every way to link a video, no luck


November 22nd, 2018, 00:54
Open up, share! If you lie, we have special software, NASA and FSB approved algorithm to weed out liars, so best be honest!

I am listening this right now:

Alvin Stardust - Jealous Mind


How I wish YT clips and photos posted here would not appear as links, because no one clicks on links, these should open as photos or videos. I've tried every way to link a video, no luck


Sadly no video. Sorry! Disregard. Bunch of links and no videos are useless. vBulletin is very capable of playing embeded yt video, but not here.
Why can't we have nice things?

Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2018, 01:28

If you meant your link to appear like the one above as a video rather than just a link just click on the "Insert Video" button ( located to the right of the insert image button on the top right tool bar etc), paste in your link to the box that appears for that and that's you all done.....

You're welcome :)

November 22nd, 2018, 01:38
How on Earth did you manage?
I post on ThaiVisa thread of exactly same name sometimes, the thread is 1080 posts long. But I'm unable to post this here, maybe Gerefan2 has been right all along.
Here is the ThaiVisa thread:


Nirishguy, serious now, I don't know how you did it
I tried embedding the link in vBulletin link option, I pasted the link (usually all that's needed In 2018) nothing worked.
I only came back here to delete the thread, alas, too late, can't be deleted now.
Remember, just 2 weeks ago we spoke about making money while we can, and the new Thai immigration requirements.
I made mine on internet, running pay sites, I converted Analogue videos into Real Player digital format in around 1997, and from then on. On a good month I made $10.000. ibill, if you recall.

For reference, domain name "google" was registered one year later, in 1988.
And today I'm unable to posts a link on vBulletin. How sad is that lol

November 22nd, 2018, 01:58
Oh, there is "insert video" button!

I'm gonna be honest, I won't look for it. Too old, too lazy :D
It took me a while to post a photo, so it appears as a photo, and not a link. The answer was to post the image on outside site, Imgur was my choice, and linking the URL made the image appear within SGT.

All of Moses' random Asian guys pics appear as links on my phone, be it mobile web site, or desktop version. I have never seen a single photo that has posted, I bet I've missed some handsome guys. I just won't click on links. Times of sweat, and hard labour of Usenet Groups (1995) have passed for me. I'm lazy old man, I expect to open a browser and not put in ANY additional effort :)

Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2018, 02:04
Just press the film reel icon, shown bang in the centre of the above image.......I assume you're using the "go advanced" button etc when posting too just to be sure ( although you dont always need too) then just post in your link to the box shown below......actually it's really not that difficult once you locate the right "insert video" box above. If you're working out posting a pic then the post a video is the button right next to it. Just copy and paste the URL of the video you want to add ( usually from youtube etc) straight into the box that pops up and the software does do the rest for you you're be glad to know - all easy peasy lemon squeezy ! :)

November 22nd, 2018, 02:15
========== All of Moses' random Asian guys pics appear as links on my phone

They looks like links only now - after transfer our forum to another server with different software at past week. New pictures will look normally:


November 22nd, 2018, 10:34
Morrissey - Back on the Chain Gang


November 22nd, 2018, 12:26
Good idea!

Etta James: by a long shot one of the best blues singers ever. Never kept much of her money, it went down into the heroin hole, the same hole which took Billy Holiday.
But man-o-man that voice, the lyrics flew out, clear as a pane of glass.

Two of my my favourites:





November 22nd, 2018, 12:54
This is easy.


"leaving, leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again". :)

November 22nd, 2018, 16:08
Outlaw King.

Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2018, 16:11
This is easy.


"leaving, leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again". :)

Did you sing that to Leo as they led you away in handcuffs perhaps ? How very romantic of you if you did.......at least the last part was true.

Getting back to the point of the thread.....I'd love to be posting some wind swept and interesting link to some life changing music but the harsh truth is that honestly I'm sitting here with the soundtrack to "The Book of Mormon" playing in the background while doing other stuff ( I went to see it the other day and the damned tunes have stuck in my head ! :) I do apologise in advance !

And before anyone asks no, I'll not be signing up to join if they knock my door......although if two innocent looking, clean living, hot American 19 year old guy in crisp white shirts DO knock my door and ask to come in I MAY have another whole plan unhatched very quickly to corrupt the pair of them whilst introducing THEM to the joys of the dark side ! But THAT as they say would be a whole other story ! lol


November 22nd, 2018, 19:09
Watching rain from the back of baht bus. It rained only about an hour, Soi Bukhao towards Klang under water, Beach Rd under water, traffic barely moving at 6.30PM


November 22nd, 2018, 19:14
New Order - World (Price of Love)


November 22nd, 2018, 22:51
Great idea for a topic, DoubleDutch. Hopefully this thread will run and run.

And thanks Smiles for posting the clip of Etta James singing, At last. It is a song I remember from my distant past. I either did not know or had long forgotten who sang the song.

Two songs come to mind, which are of special significance to me and which I return to time and time again when I'm in a reflective mood.

The first is Doris Day singing Que Sera Sera and the second is Gloria Gaynor singing I Will Survive:



November 23rd, 2018, 00:05
.. but the harsh truth is that honestly I'm sitting here with the soundtrack to "The Book of Mormon" playing in the background while doing other stuff ( I went to see it the other day and the damned tunes have stuck in my head ! :) I do apologise in advance)


Presumably you went to see Book Of Mormons during your last visit to New York City.

How did you manage to score tickets? Apparently these are the hardest tickets to buy, and before "Hamilton" opened, THE hardest tickets to buy in history of Broadway.

I looked at the goings on outside Book Of Mormons theatre at Broadway, and just gave up, there was a minor civil war happening around last minute ticket office lol

November 23rd, 2018, 00:46
The biggest musical impact I ever had was when LaCage Aux Folles opened im Melbourne mid eighties
There are versions by original cast members but and an old version on a dated video still appeals to me.
David Engel did it live as how I remembered it ,and still brings me close to tears after 30+ years

Poor reception, I know. Emotional yes very much so.It was the finale the first act of La Cage , gay life had not been accepted at that time.
In the foyer strangers hugged each other,people were in tears. I have never felt the excitement of that night in theatre, ever since.
Yes there as solos not in character, that are better vocals.This is my most important musical item.

Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2018, 01:32
Presumably you went to see Book Of Mormons during your last visit to New York City.

How did you manage to score tickets? Apparently these are the hardest tickets to buy, and before "Hamilton" opened, THE hardest tickets to buy in history of Broadway.

I looked at the goings on outside Book Of Mormons theatre at Broadway, and just gave up, there was a minor civil war happening around last minute ticket office lol

Yep I went when I was in New York - and yes, you're HALF right about the tickets as I'd been checking here from the UK numerous times and for several weeks in advance of my trip as I knew I wanted to see the show and realised the tickets were like gold dust - but the prices were just MENTAL, something like $250+ a ticket and I'd mentally said to myself back then NO WAY, I'm just not paying THAT, I'll just not go"

But I made a mental note to double check once I was in NY but on checking the numerous ( rip off) booking sites I noticed no real price difference change. However when out and about randomly sight seeing one afternoon I found myself close to the Time Square TKS booth and also the TKS booth down by the Brooklyn ? Bridge (which is a FAR better option to go to as it has ZERO queue !!) I walked up to a ticket tout who was working outside ( the Times Sq booth) and asked his advice. I suspected it was a waste of time but thought it worth a try and it paid off handsomely as I must have met the most honest ticket tout EVER in NY ! He told me that whilst he hadn't any tickets he could sell me for that show I could and should try going direct to the ticket desk in the Eugene ONeill Theatre and was to ask them for a "STANDING ONLY" ticket ( which I'd never heard of even before), which apparently allows you to "stand" at the back of the theatre to watch the show.

Thinking about that I'd said "hmmm, maybe as it's a 2.5hour show, all standing, no maybe not but thanks" to which he then said "NOOO, the point is that there are always empty seats from people not turning up etc and the theatre does not want that nor do they want you standing about either and hence after a suitable time, say 10-15 minutes of the show starting, they use you as cheap seat fillers - and hence you get to see the show for something crazy like $15 bucks a ticket ( which I think was the standing ticket price). He said they don't advertise that fact ( about the allowing you to sit) and in fact might deny it but it was a well known industry secret and I should definitely ask before buying an actual ticket ( if I could get one).

So, whilst I didn't want to actually try that ( in case they said "yes ok, here you go" but then split up myself and my bf seating wise) I did decide to chance my arm a bit and so asked the guy behind the ticket desk DID he have any of those "special" tickets and could I have two - I have to say he knew instantly what I was talking about and confirmed that yes "standing tickets" did exist but he also quite curtly denied that they seated you afterwards and said with a frown that "the ticket tout guy shouldn't have TOLD ( I think he meant ADMITTED) to you that we do that "so "NO, he couldn't (but more like wouldn't) sell me any "standing tickets' now - BUT that he would do me a "special" deal and he ended up selling me two very well located "full price" tickets for something like just $90 each ! So I snapped them up and everyone ended up happy.

I did notice however though that there were other people in the queue behind me who also bought "cheaper" tickets for that night ( without all the drama about the standing tickets conversation) and they got them without any problems - so, I'd definitely suggest always giving it a try going up to the box office DIRECTLY on the night of the show when you're there as you never know your luck ! :)

Oh and the civil war you seen was maybe the queue to get in which WAS a bit crazy (and long) and went half way down the street. But I just happened to walk up to the theatre about 4pm or so (I think as I know we bought the tickets, went for a quick dinner and came straight back) but aside from that there was no queue at all and I literally walked in and straight up to the ticket sales window ! Must have been my lucky day !

Oh and based on the content of that particular show it turns out that there WERE several seats freed up throughout the running of show as several people got up and walked out in disgust at the language and religiously offensive stuff involved - which I absolutely loved and that only added to the pleasure for me - ha I'm guessing they didn't read the shows description before they booked their tickets maybe ! :-)

Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2018, 01:59
The biggest musical impact I ever had was when LaCage Aux Folles.

I love the movie version ( The Bird Cage with Robin Williams etc) - ha in fact a client came into my office this very week and introduced themselves a Mr Colman to which I instantly and without hesitation heard myself replying "Colman or Goldman with a silent D?" - Only to realise of course that my very straight client had NO idea whatsoever what I was talking about and just assumed I was a bit deaf ( not far wrong there either too !) :)


November 23rd, 2018, 15:17
. . . and anyway, if you can't lift your body out of that chair and get those legs a-tapping, well, you might as well just shoot yourself.
Paul Simon backed up by Ladysmith Black Mambazo live. Triple crescendo.


November 23rd, 2018, 16:01
Hazy shade of Winter. Paul Simon's most evocative song.

Sound of Silence by Disturbed takes that anthem to another level.

November 23rd, 2018, 18:23
Very Disturbing to say the least!:bo:

November 23rd, 2018, 19:12
I don't see why pop music fans of various persuasions should have all the fun in this thread. Here's the incomparable Andreas Scholl with his hauntingly beautiful version of the Largo in D aria from Handel's Xerxes which I've been playing quite a bit recently, especially when all-round calmness and serenity is required.


November 23rd, 2018, 21:37
my favourite Paul Simon song:


November 23rd, 2018, 21:40
I don't see why pop music fans of various persuasions should have all the fun in this thread. Here's the incomparable Andreas Scholl with his hauntingly beautiful version of the Largo in D aria from Handel's Xerxes which I've been playing quite a bit recently, especially when all-round calmness and serenity is required.

If it wasn't for video, I'd swear a female mezzo soprano singing. Beautiful!

November 23rd, 2018, 22:23

Apparently, he has a 6 octave voice range, which he is happy to demonstrate to everyone.

His French pronunciation in the first song is "merde" but who cares? It's all about the voice.

Plus he's super cute and a real showman.

November 23rd, 2018, 23:13
Plus he's super cute and a real showman.

Speaking of cute classical singers, in his case almost classical, Helmut Lotti, and his version of a great pop song, with full orchestra:


November 24th, 2018, 01:39
...the incomparable Andreas Scholl....

Any relation to Dr Scholl?

Asking for a friend with a sandal fetish

November 24th, 2018, 04:37
A quite brilliant joke to be enjoyed again and again. Thanks for posting it. Well worth the effort.

November 24th, 2018, 08:14
Speaking of cute classical singers, in his case almost classical, Helmut Lotti, and his version of a great pop song, with full orchestra:


Helmut Lotti is another favourite. He's been through difficult times and unfortunately, lost his cute looks. But he has the voice of an angel.


November 24th, 2018, 19:35
ELO - Turn To Stone

This is great video, cello player has some amazing moves. Comment section is in agreement that cello player must have used quite a lot of Cola.


November 25th, 2018, 02:35
Not that familiar with ELO - but is that Roy Wood singing (on the left)?

December 3rd, 2018, 00:43
David Bowie - Starman


December 5th, 2018, 23:23
Lou Reed - Perfect Day
