View Full Version : What rent bars are still operating in Europe?

November 19th, 2018, 00:45
Let's make a list of "Rent Bars" in Europe that are still operating?

Any info please?

Maybe start a new post!

November 19th, 2018, 03:58
So we have:

• Berlin
• Dusseldorf
• Hamburg

November 19th, 2018, 04:16
Sauna Thermas in Barcelona is still operating and good.

Going rate is €50

November 19th, 2018, 17:53
Is this the third thread about the two rent bars in Dusseldorf? I'm losing count. It's taking on Tarntawan Hotel proportions.

November 19th, 2018, 18:01
Is this the third thread about the two rent bars in Dusseldorf? I'm losing count. It's taking on Tarntawan Hotel proportions.

I believe there is a thread for Dusseldorf, another one for Rent Bars in Europe? but someone asked a question about accomodation in Dusseldorf on the thread - The one that got away.

November 19th, 2018, 20:58
There is also a rent bar in Madrid called Black & White.

This bar is still open and had some MB's in there.

November 20th, 2018, 03:38
Two in Düsseldorf, next door to each other.

4 in Berlin around the Függerstrasse area. I wouldn't bother visiting them unless you fancy being the bottom for some Arab (NO WAY).
Gone are the days when there was some cute talent in these bars, with the back up option of some hookers in the sauna 10 minutes walk away (currently closed).

I think the phone apps have taken over.

If you are a top, or like cute boys, comparisons with Bangkok are irrelevant. Most of what is left working the bars in Germany is not at all cute and is top only. There is zero chance of me offing most of them, even if they paid me.

November 20th, 2018, 18:11
Two in Düsseldorf, next door to each other.

4 in Berlin around the Függerstrasse area. I wouldn't bother visiting them unless you fancy being the bottom for some Arab (NO WAY).
Gone are the days when there was some cute talent in these bars, with the back up option of some hookers in the sauna 10 minutes walk away (currently closed).

I think the phone apps have taken over.

If you are a top, or like cute boys, comparisons with Bangkok are irrelevant. Most of what is left working the bars in Germany is not at all cute and is top only. There is zero chance of me offing most of them, even if they paid me.

I fully agree, the days have gone when you could have got a nice cute guy in these bars.

No doubt this is because of the apps and I also strongly believe the guys now operating in these bars (none Germans/caucasian people) have pushed out all the cute/good looking caucasian boys. Because with these boys in their way, the none European guys won't get business/make money?

If you look at all these bars, you will not find those cute blond boys anymore. Such a shame.

But I still like visiting these bars, as sometimes you can get some nice guys, and who do more than only wanting just to be Top?

November 20th, 2018, 18:59
But I still like visiting these bars, as sometimes you can get some nice guys, and who do more than only wanting just to be Top?
If you live nearby, I imagine it's worth rolling the dice & visiting these bars a few times.

However, if you're flying to Berlin for a short holiday or weekend and EXPECT f*** some cute lad, the bars are unlikely to provide this. After visiting the bars, I find myself looking for a Thai masseur on Planet Romeo & visiting him at about 1:00 am.

November 20th, 2018, 19:14
If you live nearby, I imagine it's worth rolling the dice & visiting these bars a few times.

However, if you're flying to Berlin for a short holiday or weekend and EXPECT f*** some cute lad, the bars are unlikely to provide this. After visiting the bars, I find myself looking for a Thai masseur on Planet Romeo & visiting him at about 1:00 am.

Those who read my Dusseldorf report, would have notice there were no German Caucasian boys mentioned.

I agree a big majority (90%) are just Tops, but you have to look hard to find a bottom. And certainly not worth the flight if you live far?

Remember how Amsterdam and Prague use to be? Those were the good old days!

November 21st, 2018, 02:04
Remember how Amsterdam and Prague use to be? Those were the good old days!

I used to fly to Amsterdam once a month from the UK. Great fun at the Whynot, Boys for Men and my favourite the 21.All full of cute Caucasian guys. Not any more.

This thread made me look up the 21 ( the sole remaining Cub) and I am horrified to see that they now charge 175 Euros for an hour with a boy. Thats just under 7000 fucking Baht...
without the cost of drinks!

Thank god I discovered Thailand ....

November 21st, 2018, 07:03
Gerefan2 wrote.
*Thank god I discovered Thailand ...."

My sentiments exactly. Especially when compared to any other 'gay' destination.

November 21st, 2018, 09:39
Gerefan2 wrote.
*Thank god I discovered Thailand ...."

My sentiments exactly. Especially when compared to any other 'gay' destination.In other words a form of colonialism. Although most definitions simply assume a state actor as the colonial power it isn’t always true eg. the early European settlement of North America or the early days of trading entities like the British East India Company. There’s little difference morally between staying in one’s own country and having sex with prostitutes who have been trafficked there, and travelling to that country of origin in order to have sex with local prostitutes

November 21st, 2018, 10:36
If you say so frequent.

November 21st, 2018, 23:47
I was going to say Pinocchio in Prague, great, great pick up bar in Prague, but I haven't made a stop in Prague in a while, instead driving straight through, and sadly turns out Pinocchio is history, Scottish-guy reporting. It was truly great pick up place, Czecks are naturally handsome, friendly. No wonder half of gay porn is shot in Czech. We used to drive to visit Pinocchio on weekends, even though city was becoming increasingly expensive. No more.


Any road trip to Italy, passing Prague is a natural stop, if you take the road southbound in Poland, towards Wroclaw. The other option is driving West, passing Poznan, and in about 4 hours you are in Berlin.

Blue Boy was open in August, visited on my way to south of Europe, and on way back North 3 weeks later. Passing Berlin on first stop was hopeless, it was 35C heatwave that very day, early August 2018, place was dead, but day time, and we never went back at night.
One a way back passed Berlin again, and parked strategically near Blue Boy (not easy on dead end road), and observed market for an hour or so, just 2 guys on a terrace, nothing interesting. But it was early afternoon, Tuesday.

I can tell you Baltics is dead, everyone even half good looking works in Stockholm, Koppenhagen now, and further in Western Europe, where the real money is. There are some mutts on apps, still, asking rediculous prices in hopes of scoring a drunk Finn, but the scene there is basically dead.

Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2018, 00:04
I'm off to Prague in 3 weeks time so I'll have to keep an eye open to see what's what there and check out grindr to see if it's busy or not etc. However as I'm going there to take my 80 somehting year old mother and my BF to see the Christmas markets etc I very much doubt I'll manage to escape for any proper deep and dirty investigations of the seedy services on offer - probably ?! :-)

November 22nd, 2018, 01:54
As DD says, Pinocchio is closed - and has been for maybe 20 years! That might be an exaggeration but certainly more than 10. It turned into Club Temple, which is now also closed. What the space is now may be revealed when Marsilius files his report, as he's just come back. Worth saying that Escape Club (which I never really liked) is also closed.

Just for the sake of reminiscence, on my first visit to Prague there was no Pinocchio's and no Escape.

Villa David and Villa Mansland (also both closed) were the 2 Gay hotels. Mansland was as much of a brothel as a hotel mind you but you get the idea.

The only gay "club" in town was called the G L Club, which was a basement bar full of extremely young hustlers who all looked about 15. To be fair, that was the Czech Age of Consent at the time, so it was a bit shocking at first sight but nothing out of the ordinary in those days.

They had a DJ who was constantly being asked (by the boys) to play "I'm a Call Boy" by Wayne Samuels. I'd never heard of the song (neither has anybody else I bet) but it seemed so apposite to the situation that we spent the whole of the next day searching every record shop in Prague for a copy.

I was very fortunate to obtain a 12 incher - which I still have. I take it out and look at it occasionally - would anybody like to see a pic?


PS: DD mentions Blue Boy Bar in Berlin. Worth saying to anyone who hasn't visited Berlin in a while that it moved a couple of years ago so I'm guessing DD was observing the "new" one. The old location (Fuggerstasse, next to Blond Bar) is still in operation as a re-named rent bar (making 4 within staggering distance). Would have been 5 but one (Eldorado) has turned into a gay cafe selling breakfasts and cakes.

Blue Boy Bar's claim to fame is that (in the original location) it was a favourite and regular haunt of the Pet Shop Boys - and you'll still see that mentioned in some gay directories

Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2018, 02:23

There you go, a little something for you to reminisence over and a good reason to use the insert video button again it seems ! :)

ps no need to remove the "s" just for your info - just copied and pasted directly from the youtube URL - BUT I always open the link first and take the link from the URL window and not just the link shown in google as sometimes there's parts missing off the end etc, copying the ACTUAL live URL always seems to work just fine though.

November 22nd, 2018, 02:29
Yeah you'll realise I deleted the post about removing the "s" when I found out links now works without any alteration !

And yeah that the same cover I have except mine is 12 inches.

I have to say I brought it back with me and a number of pub and club DJs back home were tickled pink to play it!

"Of it's day" I think

Maybe the Pet Shop Boys could do an updated version for Blue Boy Bar - I can almost hear Neil Tennant lisping his way though the lyric right now - after all they're "Shameless" :D


Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2018, 02:36
I'm just glad you didn't bring it to Thailand on any of the trips that you never went on ( there I saved you the post Minimee) as I think we'd of been sick of hearing - mind you it does have a better beat to it that "My Way" if nothing else I guess ! :)

November 22nd, 2018, 02:43
When I open my drag bar in Gran Canaria it'll be heavily featured.

Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2018, 03:18
Be sure that's not until after Christmas then please as I dont want to be listening to it THERE either when I go in December as that racket from Rickys Showbar is QUITE bad enough thanks ! :)

November 22nd, 2018, 03:21
I'm off to Prague in 3 weeks time so I'll have to keep an eye open to see what's what there and check out grindr to see if it's busy or not etc. However as I'm going there to take my 80 somehting year old mother and my BF to see the Christmas markets etc I very much doubt I'll manage to escape for any proper deep and dirty investigations of the seedy services on offer - probably ?! :-)

Don't bother wasting your time. Prague rent scene is completely dead now.

My friend is there right now and said it's completely a waste of time. He goes every few weeks on business but goes to the bars every night. He says it's empty, with just the bar man and himself in the club downstairs most times.

What they do now is close the bar upstairs at 10pm, to try and encourage people to go downstairs to Temple or now known as "Downstairs Club".

The former Pinocchio name was change to Temple Club, then that previous owner, Joe sold the lease to his Head Bar Man Rebeca, who took over the place and changed the name to Up & Down Bar and Club. (As before Monty Bar was upstairs and Temple Club was downstairs)

And the other rent bar called Escape Bar has been closed for few months now, although the new owners (Americans) who apparently are going to open it again were drinking in Club Temple the other week.

Prague is still my favourite City, and I have fond memories of the place, and there is still a gay scene in Prague, but if you're going for the rent bars, don't bother.

Yes, apps still works, but not much MB's about I'm afraid.

But don't let that put you off, as I said it's a great City!

Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2018, 03:26
Well, in that case I'll just give my mother my full attention then and resist the urge to slut it out for a change ! Hell I could do with the Brownie points for when I die anyway ! :)

November 22nd, 2018, 03:37
Well, in that case I'll just give my mother my full attention then and resist the urge to slut it out for a change ! Hell I could do with the Brownie points for when I die anyway ! :)

Visit the gay bars, if thats your kind of thing? There are still some about.

November 22nd, 2018, 03:40
Blacktouch is being a bit too negative about Up & Down, I think. I was there last week and initially posted my impressions on the "limericks" thread elsewhere (hence it includes a verse) - but it has since been moved by the moderators to create a new thread on Sawatdee Gay World.

November 22nd, 2018, 04:02
Nirish guy, as you are going to Prague already, please visit Up & Down Bar and Club for yourself. And please kindly report back your findings?

Now if you were going to Prague just for the rent scene, I would not waste your time and money?

As I said, Prague is still my favourite, and a great City, and I will visit again one day.

I can only go by what my friend has told me on several occasions, and two others who live there. One person who has an apartment in Prague has given it up, and will only now visit occasionally. I also know few other people who have given up going to Prague.

I use to go often, but have stopped going since 4 years now because of its decline.

Still my favourite City, and still good looking guys.

But please do visit and let us hear your thoughts? You never know, you may find a nice cutie?

November 22nd, 2018, 10:36
The gay scene is shrinking all over the world. I don't know why. It can't just be the apps surely.

November 22nd, 2018, 23:16
My friend got back from Prague last night (Wednesday)

He went from Monday to Wednesday (2 nights).

He visited both Up/Down Bar & Club (formerly Monty Bar and Temple Club).

He said the attendance was as followed:

Monday eveing/night

Up Bar: 4 customers/5 MB's (nothing special, usual furniture guys).

Down Club: 3 customers/No MB's.

Tuesday evening/night

Up Bar: 8 customers/6 MB's (nothing special).

Down Club: 5 customers/2 MB's (Usual furniture guys).

Furniture Guys = regular local MB's who have been there few years, age 25 upwards.

Please note this was during the week, so weekends may be more people?

My friend only goes during the week on business. His next trip is on 10th December.

These bars use to be full every day, all year round, but not anymore, which is such a shame, as Prague is such a lovely City.

November 23rd, 2018, 00:19
Maybe the Pet Shop Boys could do an updated version for Blue Boy Bar

Pet Shop Boys have very good taste, they used to visit my Euro town often, not touring, just being left to their own devices.
Always handsome, straight Russian guys lined up for a party, along with other lines.

November 23rd, 2018, 00:22
The gay scene is shrinking all over the world. I don't know why. It can't just be the apps surely.

It is apps. There is no other explanation.
It is sad, photo is not a real person, you do not see the guy move, his manners, photo is nearly useless, but that's where we are now.

November 23rd, 2018, 01:58
Hi All

I post more on the BT forums, and Gay Thailand, but I was surprised to come across the thread here about Dusseldorf. It sounds great to me, but I hadn't even heard of the bars there - no one seems to have posted about it before - so I was thinking about starting a thread like this - to see if there were anymore hidden gems in Europe that I hadn't heard of. So thanks Blacktouch for starting!

Amsterdam and Prague sounded so good back in the day! I'm so sorry I missed it. Having said that, I've been to Escape in the last few years and absolutely loved it - especially during Pride Week - they had cute boys and shows every night. Gutted that its closed. And hopeful of its revival. Though the stories of Up&Down sound promising. Amsterdam, less good. I went to 21 as well and it was awful. Nothing there and my friend and I got charged 40 EUR for 2 vodkas. Would never go back there.

I've been to the bars in Berlin a couple of times, and to be honest I don't mind the guys being Arab/Romanian/Turkish - as long as they have a cute face, and a nice attitude, I'm easy. Though I'm definitely careful, as I've heard some bad stories. From the threads on this site, Hamburg and Dusseldorf sound like they have a similar set up, so I'm considering visiting these cities now.

Another place, not often mentioned on these boards is Milan. I've visited Afterline club in Milan several times - they have great gogo shows with hot guys (not available to take home) and there are a lot of Romanian guys who you can take to the darkroom downstairs. I've found it enjoyable if you are looking for something quick.

I've also been to Black and White in Madrid a couple of times, but found almost nothing there - and they were weekend nights! I don't think I will visit there again. But I've found the quality of guys online in both Madrid and Barcelona to be excellent.

November 23rd, 2018, 02:16
It is apps. There is no other explanation.
It is sad, photo is not a real person, you do not see the guy move, his manners, photo is nearly useless, but that's where we are now.

Unfortunately the internet has taken over everything I'm afraid.

In the UK high street shops/stores are closing down, as more people are shopping online now.

Restaurants are suffering, as people are ordering food online more, from delivery Companies like "Just Eat", "Deliveroo" and "Uber Eats".

Mini cabs (taxi firms) are closing down, as Uber is online, and people not using the shop based taxi firms, where you phone and order a taxi. (In UK we say Cab).

Rent Bars are closing down all over the World, as MB's are using the apps to get business. They can stay at home, play computer games, search the net, relax in the comfort of their own home, without going to a bar and stand on a stage, or sit at a bar waiting for business.

The list goes on.

November 23rd, 2018, 02:43
Unfortunately the internet has taken over everything I'm afraid....In the UK high street shops/stores are closing down, as more people are shopping online now...

You're correct and the High Street stores at least have the ability to fight via their own online presence - yet they still close. Imagine how bad it must be for small Independent retailers who do not have the resources to even get near the first page of Google.

People want the cheapest and they want it now. They may say that they don't mind paying a little extra to support local business but it's like those who say "I'd gladly pay an extra 1p in the £ in my tax for the NHS" yet when any political party puts it in their manifesto they get hammered at the polls.

November 23rd, 2018, 05:37
Only the property owners can do something about this by realising their rents are unrealistically high and reducing them.

November 23rd, 2018, 06:30
It is apps. There is no other explanation.
It is sad, photo is not a real person, you do not see the guy move, his manners, photo is nearly useless, but that's where we are now.I disagree. A distinct gay social scene is declining because at least in the inner cities there’s a greater social interaction between different sexualities and people seem more prepared to be accepting. You have only to see television soaps like that ghastly American series “Modern Family” to understand what is going on

November 23rd, 2018, 16:35
...A distinct gay social scene is declining because at least in the inner cities there’s a greater social interaction between different sexualities and people seem more prepared to be accepting...

You're correct about that to a degree (try snogging the face off your bf down your local pub in the way a str8 couple could) .

However, and with all due respect "greater social interaction" has absolutely nothing to do with rent bars.

Rent bars have very little to do with engaging in social intercourse and everything to do with engaging in quite another type of intercourse.

November 23rd, 2018, 16:37
I disagree. A distinct gay social scene is declining because at least in the inner cities there’s a greater social interaction between different sexualities and people seem more prepared to be accepting. You have only to see television soaps like that ghastly American series “Modern Family” to understand what is going on

Also, I think more and more gay men are coming out, and not hiding their sexuality anymore. Whereas before men used to marry a women, but lead a double life. I'm sure this still goes on in this day an age, especially in Countries where being gay is very difficult? So when they live a double life, most use the rent scene to get to have their fun, and the choice of young cute guys!

More heterosexual venues are excepting more homosexual people and the old gay bars seem to be closing down completely because less people are attending them and the added fact that the owners of the properties are selling to property developers for large sums of money. Also the leases/rents are sometimes extremely high that these businesses are forced to close.

In my area of North London where I live, there were over ten gay venues one could go to, over a space of 4 miles, now all of these gay venues are all closed down. When you drive pass them, they have all been made in to expensive housing developments or trendy heterosexual bars.

November 23rd, 2018, 17:49
So thanks Blacktouch for starting!

I've been to the bars in Berlin a couple of times, and to be honest I don't mind the guys being Arab/Romanian/Turkish - as long as they have a cute face, and a nice attitude, I'm easy. Though I'm definitely careful, as I've heard some bad stories. From the threads on this site, Hamburg and Dusseldorf sound like they have a similar set up, so I'm considering visiting these cities now.

Another place, not often mentioned on these boards is Milan. I've visited Afterline club in Milan several times - they have great gogo shows with hot guys (not available to take home) and there are a lot of Romanian guys who you can take to the darkroom downstairs. I've found it enjoyable if you are looking for something quick.

I've also been to Black and White in Madrid a couple of times, but found almost nothing there - and they were weekend nights! I don't think I will visit there again. But I've found the quality of guys online in both Madrid and Barcelona to be excellent.

Thank you boyfous, my aim is to make a listing of Rent Bars Experiences that are still operating in Europe?

Dusseldorf was ok. I enjoyed it. Feel free to read my report on my two visits back in June and October this year.

I've also been to Berlin a few times and have always enjoyed myself. And I will visit again in the new year.

I also don't mind the Arab/Romanian/Turkish/Bulgarian/Moroccan/Macedonian MB's who are in these bars.

I am very interested in Milan, as never been before. There was one gay sauna called Alexander's Club, which is now listed as CLOSED. apparently that was a nice place to go? I still believe there are more venues like this in Milan and would appreciate if you can confirm this?

I've been to Black and White in Madrid, but that was just a waste of time. I'm guessing most of these venues are a hit and miss?

Barcelona Thermas Sauna is still good, and I have some friends who still visit from time to time.

I'm told there is a City in Czech Republic where apparently there is a bar where there are MB's available? How true this info is, i'm not sure? I'm just waiting on more information from a friend, and I will make a short two days visit and report back.

November 24th, 2018, 01:48
... I'm told there is a City in Czech Republic where apparently there is a bar where there are MB's available?...

Not sure what to say here! I assume Blacktouch means a city other than Prague? Or is phenomenally slow on the uptake?

I do remember talking to a waiter in a Prague gay bar who told me "...at the weekends I make my drag in Brno" - maybe there's something there? I never investigated further.

Moving on....I've never been in Austria (as an adult), but I'd imagine there's a fair chance of rent bars there. Anybody have experience?

November 24th, 2018, 02:31
Not sure what to say here! I assume Blacktouch means a city other than Prague? Or is phenomenally slow on the uptake?

I do remember talking to a waiter in a Prague gay bar who told me "...at the weekends I make my drag in Brno" - maybe there's something there? I never investigated further.

Moving on....I've never been in Austria (as an adult), but I'd imagine there's a fair chance of rent bars there. Anybody have experience?

Yes, I mean a City other than Prague. Some of my posts have been talking about the rent scene decline in Prague.

And I'm not talking about Brno, as there is not much happening in that City.

November 24th, 2018, 03:12
Moving on....I've never been in Austria (as an adult), but I'd imagine there's a fair chance of rent bars there. Anybody have experience?

As you mentioned Austria, I looked it up and found a bar in Vienna. The comment follows:

Gay ‘hustler’ bar which leaves little to the imagination. Café Rüdiger serves cheap drinks and bar snacks 7 days a week.

The highlight here is the shower show, where a hot guy basically gets naked in a shower. Impressive!

Below are a couple comments from the reviews:

“I advise giving this place a miss. A guy from Bulgaria was nice until money was exchanged in the back room. He then became unpleasant and refused to provide any service. I paid 80 euros for nothing. The owner was uninterested in hearing any complaints. If you decide to try this place definitely do not pay in advance. I'll certainly not go back.“

“There is no seating out front, but other than that, it is exactly as described, a "hustler bar". It is smokey, dirty, and dark. I did not go into the back, but sat at the bar checking out the place as I sipped my whiskey. I was approached several times by younger guys that did not speak much if any English. They actually were not that good looking and definitely not from Vienna. I am guessing Georgian, but not sure and in a lot of ways felt sorry for them as I do not think they wanted to be there but were maybe forced to be there. But if you are looking, there was 10 or more to pick from.“

Seems like the MB's who attend this bar are again non Europeans? Although Bulgaria is part of Europe!

November 24th, 2018, 03:31
Two more reviews for Café Rüdiger, this time from Google:

One month ago:
"For gay men looking for the company of friendly and attractive young men in Vienna, just the thing. At the weekend there is a very stimulating show. If in the course of an evening, the desire arises to deepen the contact with one of the guys, so the 'Rüdiger' offers a cozy and clean extra space for cheap money. For gay Wientouristen necessarily recommendable!"

One week ago:
"Please do not take any guy home.
They stare like the ravens.
Promise everything!
Doing, everything else
But are nice guy
Watch out. Is Bulgarian Mafia."

November 24th, 2018, 07:30
Thank you boyfous, my aim is to make a listing of Rent Bars Experiences that are still operating in Europe?

Dusseldorf was ok. I enjoyed it. Feel free to read my report on my two visits back in June and October this year.

I've also been to Berlin a few times and have always enjoyed myself. And I will visit again in the new year.

I also don't mind the Arab/Romanian/Turkish/Bulgarian/Moroccan/Macedonian MB's who are in these bars.


Blacktouch, from your experience, which would you prefer - Berlin or Dusseldorf? I'll probably visit Germany this year. But which of the two would give the better experience for the above?

November 24th, 2018, 14:56
Blacktouch, from your experience, which would you prefer - Berlin or Dusseldorf? I'll probably visit Germany this year. But which of the two would give the better experience for the above?

Boyfous, out of the two Cities, I would choose Berlin because it has more "Rent Bars" than Dusseldorf and loads more to do. Berlin have about four rent bars now, so more choices, although i'm guessing the MB's move from bar to bar?

In Dusseldorf there are just two "Rent Bars", but one is very small inside (Wilma bar), and not many customers or MB's inside. Although I found the owner/bar man a pleasant guy. Please note, both bars are next door to each other.

The other bar (Comeback Bar) is much nicer and bigger, more atmosphere, more customers and MB's inside. So basically, you could say Dusseldorf have just one Rent Bar?

Also in Berlin the scene is better and have all sorts of gay bars and clubs.

Now, if this is your kind of thing - Berlin also has a large park (Grober Tiergarten Park) where cruising goes on, but also have MB's of all ages, who work their trade there too.

I remember my last trip to Berlin, we visited this park, and had few offers from young guys for a fee. I won't say the age group on here. If you do go, please be very careful of underage MB's.

November 24th, 2018, 17:53
1 Berlin
2 Köln
3 Düsseldorf

OK, so I don't think Köln has any rent bars left, but the gay bars are good fun and you always have the phone apps. The sauna I visited was quite a pleasant place to hang out & much nicer too.

Also, if you are going for at least 5 nights, it's possible to fly into Köln or Düsseldorf and take the train onto Berlin.
Just book that rail ticket several weeks in advance to get a good price.
Consider first class, since the Eur 10~15 extra can be recouped by access to the station lounge (free coffee & newspapers), a seat reservation and free wifi.

November 25th, 2018, 00:08
I'm afraid I find this all very sad. There are probably still more gay rent bars in Pattaya than the whole of Europe!!
For me I would save my time and money and go to Thailand. Even just for a few weeks.
That is not to say I wouldn't go to Europe, but would only go there for non sex holidays nowadays.
Thailand cannot be beaten, even with the hindrance of the apps, for gay bars and rent bars.

November 25th, 2018, 05:57
Absolutely right Gerefan2.

November 25th, 2018, 15:27
I'm afraid I find this all very sad. There are probably still more gay rent bars in Pattaya than the whole of Europe!!
For me I would save my time and money and go to Thailand...

How does a UK resident "save time" with a 24 hour door-to-door journey to Thailand over a 4 hour door-to-door journey to Germany?

How any rent bars do you need? There are 4 within walking distance of each other in Berlin.

If you can't find an acceptable boy in 4 rent bars then do without - sex isn't actually the most important thing in the world. Well not for balanced individuals at least, of which I assume you are one.

Plus, Berlin is an utterly fascinating city - can you honestly say that of Pattaya?

Can you imagine going on a historical bus tour of Pattaya for example? It will take you about 6 hours of bus tours on 3 different routes to see just some of the history of Berlin.

Does the Mike Mall compare to KaDeWe?

Does Walking Street compare to the Brandenburg Gate?

Does a mostly closed and deserted Sunee Plaza/BT/Jomtiem/Silom during the day compare to the area around Nollensdorf where there are pavement cafes and restaurants full of predominantly gay couples?

Where you can wander around the gay themed shops or quality markets not full of knock-off football tops.

Where you could be sitting in Nollensdorf having coffee and cake or just exploring the gay area without some shrill voice screaming MASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE every 50 yards?

However for sex-obsessed people who would do it the mud if they had to (I'm sure there are no SGT members like that) I accept Europe may not be their choice.

Can I also say that although Berlin (for example) is more expensive that say, Pattaya - I find I don't spend significantly more overall. Due partially at least to not being obliged to tip every Pong, Odd, or Lek who crosses my path. The £500-600 saved on air fare also helps!

November 25th, 2018, 17:08
Criticising gay men for being obsessed with sex is a little like telling the lions to stop eating the zebras. It's in our DNA. Quiet domesticity is for those approaching their twilight years.

November 25th, 2018, 19:54
Plus de merde, sans doute

November 25th, 2018, 21:11
When I'm old and infirm I hope I have the grace not to be so bitter towards the younger generation and feel the need to get all bilious whenever they mention bars and boys.

November 25th, 2018, 23:36
How does a UK resident "save time" with a 24 hour door-to-door journey to Thailand over a 4 hour door-to-door journey to Germany?

How any rent bars do you need? There are 4 within walking distance of each other in Berlin.

If you can't find an acceptable boy in 4 rent bars then do without - sex isn't actually the most important thing in the world. Well not for balanced individuals at least, of which I assume you are one.

Plus, Berlin is an utterly fascinating city - can you honestly say that of Pattaya?

Can you imagine going on a historical bus tour of Pattaya for example? It will take you about 6 hours of bus tours on 3 different routes to see just some of the history of Berlin.

Does the Mike Mall compare to KaDeWe?

Does Walking Street compare to the Brandenburg Gate?

Does a mostly closed and deserted Sunee Plaza/BT/Jomtiem/Silom during the day compare to the area around Nollensdorf where there are pavement cafes and restaurants full of predominantly gay couples?

Where you can wander around the gay themed shops or quality markets not full of knock-off football tops.

Where you could be sitting in Nollensdorf having coffee and cake or just exploring the gay area without some shrill voice screaming MASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE every 50 yards?

However for sex-obsessed people who would do it the mud if they had to (I'm sure there are no SGT members like that) I accept Europe may not be their choice.

Can I also say that although Berlin (for example) is more expensive that say, Pattaya - I find I don't spend significantly more overall. Due partially at least to not being obliged to tip every Pong, Odd, or Lek who crosses my path. The £500-600 saved on air fare also helps!

I could answer your questions one by one but prefer to repeat the second part of my post (which you did not quote)..

"That is not to say I wouldn't go to Europe, but would only go there for non sex holidays nowadays.
Thailand cannot be beaten, even with the hindrance of the apps, for gay bars and rent bars. "

November 26th, 2018, 01:46
I was illustrating in my answer why I don't totally agree with the second part of your post.

Sure there are more gay rent bars in Pattaya (since they're all rent bars) - but for me, I'd rather have 4 rent bars in an interesting City 4 hours away from me than 12 rent bars in a soulless place 24 hours away from me.

Each to his own of course and I'm not criticising you in any way - and I admit I could not take a fortnight in Berlin the way I can take a fortnight in Pattaya (with excursions)

November 26th, 2018, 07:13
It's not 12 rent bars. It's closer to 50.

November 28th, 2018, 03:09
I'd rather have 4 rent bars in an interesting City 4 hours away from me than 12 rent bars in a soulless place 24 hours away from me.

Each to his own of course and I'm not criticising you in any way - and I admit I could not take a fortnight in Berlin the way I can take a fortnight in Pattaya (with excursions)

I see your point.
However 4 rent bars which have absolutely no one I would even consider renting have about as much appeal as zero rent bars.

Pattaya scores well for availability of rent bars and exactly the kind of people I would like in them.
Pattaya also has an advantage for weather in December and I can add some interest to the trip by traveling to several places in SE Asia.

November 28th, 2018, 04:30
I see your point...

Yes - these trousers are far too tight.


November 28th, 2018, 15:25
Yes - these trousers are far too tight. :p

I have some like that too. Nice, light weight, perfect for travel & good fit, except around there, where the crush my *******.

December 14th, 2018, 03:16
Let's make a list of "Rent Bars" in Europe that are still operating?

Any info please?

Maybe start a new post!

One of the best place in Europe is in Zurich - Switzerland. the Paragonya Wellness Club
Mühlegasse 11 (in the center of zurich). https://www.paragonya.ch/
It is clean, there are comdom and lubrifiant in each cabin. A lot of young men from a lot of counties (Europe, south america, Asia). The price is 100 swiss francs (about US$ 100) you give directly to the young man, there is no commission for the owner of the place. Everybody pay his entrance, including the young men. What you do with them is your business.

December 14th, 2018, 04:00
Oh yes, sounds very interesting!

Here is what I found on the Travel Gay website:

"Branded as Zurich’s biggest gay sauna on two floors. Paragonya Wellness Club features a whirlpool, Biosauna, steam room, cabins, lockers, solarium, bar.

The club is frequented by local rent boys, so forewarned is forearmed as they say."

Another comment, but from the reviews:

“Love this place super clean the only problem is there are more male protistute asking for money than actual clients having a good time! Funny big sign said no solicition or prostitution lol. I wonder if there is connection with administration mmmmm."

December 21st, 2018, 00:47
Another comment, but from the reviews:

“Love this place super clean the only problem is there are more male protistute asking for money than actual clients having a good time! Funny big sign said no solicition or prostitution lol. I wonder if there is connection with administration mmmmm."

I did not see such sign as written by the coment. By the way prostitution is legal in Zurich as long as the bar or the sauna do not take a commission. As I wrote everybody pay an entrance and you can buy drinks, That is how the owner of the place make his money. The boy keep 100% of what you give him.

Of course, before going to the cabin make sure that the price will be CHF 100.--. Nobody however ask me more. You pay the boy afterward.