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View Full Version : You Can Be Banned But You Cannot Delete Your Own Membership

November 7th, 2018, 18:12
I asked the owner of this board how to delete my membership and was told there is no option on this forum to delete your membership!
I wonder when I see the large number of members how many actually exist other than Latin, Scottish and Arsenal?

November 7th, 2018, 18:17
Correct. Forum has no such option: member can't delete his profile and posts from forum.

Ban is also not a deletion: member loses possibility to login, but his profile and posts still exist.

November 7th, 2018, 19:45
MFAS will be devastated to know that my enquiry (some months ago), received the same response.

It must be a fairly new policy - as there are thousands of non-identifiable posts from me which appear in the forum and date from when the Fat Cunt deleted my ID and before Surfcrest invited me back.

All those previous posts still exist but my ID disappeared from them.

November 7th, 2018, 19:54
Forum got non-identifiable posts at time of 2 conversions from one engine to another. Also about 50 members with non-Latin letters in nicknames are now "guest".

November 7th, 2018, 20:12
I asked the owner of this board how to delete my membership and was told there is no option on this forum to delete your membership!

I believe this is common practice on most forums.

Always best to remember 4 key points:

1 Anything you write may be on the board for a very long time & you have no rights to delete it.

2 A board may shut down & you have not control over that either. For example, if you took the trouble to post detailed photo trip reports for all those trips up country on the Ting Tong forum, they are no longer accessible.

3 Board ownership and policies may change.

4 If the management of any board changes and they want to merge your material onto a "Gay Whoring.Com" board, you probably have no control over that either.

So most people chose not to use their real names.

November 7th, 2018, 23:11
Well I hope you don't leave MFAS. I enjoy your pithy comments. Even when they're directed at me.

Nirish guy
November 8th, 2018, 17:02
Moses - firstly let me be clear - this is just a conversation and a chit chat - not an attack or a comment on your running of the board......so, dont be getting all defensive - we're just chatting.....

So, was just thinking there whist I know the board "runs" from Canada now and so i assume under Canadian law etc but as some of it's members are based and log in from within the EU has the recent GDRP regulations coming into force ( such as that very right to be able to delete oneself or request / demand same from sites etc) had any effect on things in your thinking yet?

I ask this know I've logged into a few US sites and have gotten a pop window basically saying "sorry it's to much shit for us to deal with GDPR basically so rather than deal with it we've decided that we're no longer making our site available within the EU" ( or words to that effect).

So, has that cropped up yet in your line of future proofing thinking or are you just ignoring that end of things for now perhaps - and if so I wouldn't blame you but he way as I'm doing something very similar in my own businesses just now too as to try and decipher all the GDPR rules and stay 110% on the right side of the rules to me appears to be almost impossible ( and WAY to bloody time consuming and expensive for a small business (IMHO), but I think the Government know that too and thats why SME's aren't who they're chasing after anyway (just yet)

So, the Board and GDPR and the EU and their RIGHT to cancel etc, what's your view there re all of that perhaps ???

And again just so we're clear this is just a conversation NOT a criticism or attack so take a big deep breath before you answer ! :-)

November 8th, 2018, 23:17
Very shortly: forum collects Nickname, email and IP. Since all 3 type of data don't linked to any person (First Name, Last Name, date а birth and so on), I don't see how it may be linked to GDPR. Nobody asks member to disclose real name, and we ask members to keep anonymity. IP or nickname of anonymous person aren't "personal data".

When developers of forum software will make GDPR module - I will install it. Till that time SGT serves members "as is".

Nirish guy
November 8th, 2018, 23:47
Hmmm i think you're probably right, Good answer. That simple fact of no names being stored etc hadn't occured to me.

However, I wonder as email addresses are stored ( which in turn is classed at some level of the creatation of a database) if GDPR rules do apply, at least to EU memebers details ? I think maybe. However I also think your idea of leaving things until some else comes up with a solution is a very good idea too !

November 9th, 2018, 02:49
In my line of work GDPR compliance is already starting to unravel.

When it all came into effect (just a few weeks ago) all the Client data I routinely receive from third parties (which by necessity includes name, address, DOB, phone numbers, email address and much more was coming to me zipped, encrypted, and password protected.

Within a few weeks it has reverted to standard emails containing basic word documents.

November 9th, 2018, 09:38
I probably can't count the number of times MFAS has asked me to delete his membership. Back with the phpBB board I could activate, deactivate, ban or delete a membership. The problem with that was that it created missing conversations and relevance in threads when a person was deleted. Banning only worked on people that didn't keep coming back, as they'd just come back with a new name like Sooty, or Brisbaneguy or KJUN12 or something witty like that. So I deactivated them so that when they came back the day after tomorrow looking to come back, as MFAS did repeatedly...I'd simply reactivate them again. If they rejoined under a new name, the system would tell me they were back...and I'd deactivate them again. Unfortunately, when we switched over to Vbulletin...the members in the deactivated bin were reactivated because there was no deactivated function with Vbulletin. With Vbulletin, when a member is deleted their conversation remains...but it will show as being authored by guest. When you go back to those old threads you probably won't be able to keep track of who said what, especially if someone in the conversation is still here under the same or different member name. I believe when we mapped over to Vbulletin we were going to stitch the old posts to the member names of the members that were deleted, by Neal. I believe we {Moses} stitched Smiles together after many hours of work, but we didn't take on the huge task of stitching more back together. As well, this Vbulletin allows Moses to combine memberships together of people that have more than one membership in the system, including those people who rejoined thinking we lost there old membership.

I hope this helps!


Nirish guy
November 10th, 2018, 04:28
In my line of work GDPR compliance is already starting to unravel..

Well, I dont see how, I mean just how much data transfer do you really expect us to believe is involved in the selling of car bumper stickers for dear sake! :)

November 13th, 2018, 01:10
You swore you'd never tell!


Nirish guy
November 13th, 2018, 05:05
Sorry, but I didn't have to tell - a certain big boned person was the one who outed you if you recall and spilled the beans on your means to earning a crust ! I was just repeating what it seems was already known by other very smart people such as himself ! :)Oh and by the way just while we're on that subject you said to check back with you in about a week ( which is now) to see did my own order come in yet ? I know you said the specialist one's take a bit longer as you'd need to chase up your own supplier, so any word yet ?? Do you want me to send you your order reference number back re that or can you just look it up yourself there ? Here's the pic again just to speed things up for you.
