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November 1st, 2018, 16:36
...Cambodian boys in the Complex, all seemingly popping out of the same cookie cooker...

OMFG - that's a front runner for SGT Racist Comment of the Year

November 1st, 2018, 17:48
There seems to be no shortage of Cambodian boys in the Complex, all seemingly popping out of the same cookie cooker, taller and more muscular than the Thai boys, speaking little English.

I barfined one last night, and discovered that he was straight. All he could do was some fondling, some BJ and some handjob. I guess the word is out in Cambodia that you can make some big money for little work if you can tolerate pretending to be gay.

There is nothing racist about the "cookie cooker" comment after reading the full quote..scottish is only commenting on it as his daily piss againtst the tree!

What do you mean Newbie by "acting gay"?
No kiss? No fuck?

November 1st, 2018, 21:24
....There is nothing racist about the "cookie cooker" comment...


By saying that Cambodians all come out the same "cookie cooker", Newbie99 is saying is that all Cambodians look the same.

And you don't think that's a racist comment? I think you'll find there's wide disagreement - from the US to the UK



But hey, I can think of 2 people who will probably both give you "likes" - because they're both racists too.

November 1st, 2018, 22:52
Some little oik has pressed the red triangle in his continual efforts to cause trouble here. I wonder who it was, I really vant imagine.

Would you type that up for me please Miss Impala.

November 2nd, 2018, 00:23

By saying that Cambodians all come out the same "cookie cooker", Newbie99 is saying is that all Cambodians look the same.

Nope. He said: "all Cambodian who are working in the bars of Jomtien complex look the same".

November 2nd, 2018, 01:36
Whichever way he says it, by including the word "Cambodian" it becomes racist..

Whether Hillary Clinton says "All black politicians look the same" or "All blacks in NYC look the same" or even (straight out) "All blacks look the same" is immaterial - all are racist remarks - breaking it down into a subset of politicians or of location - or a subset of bar boys in the case of Cambodians doesn't make it any less racist.

I'm sure it's just a case of Newbie99 not thinking it through rather than trying to be offensive, but suit yourself - if you want to publish or defend racist remarks on your forum that's up to you. I've merely made a post drawing attention to it, I didn't make a complaint

November 2nd, 2018, 11:28

By saying that Cambodians all come out the same "cookie cooker", Newbie99 is saying is that all Cambodians look the same.

And you don't think that's a racist comment? I think you'll find there's wide disagreement - from the US to the UK



But hey, I can think of 2 people who will probably both give you "likes" - because they're both racists too.

I am the only one who can tell you what I am saying.

And what I am saying is that there are a bunch of Cambodian boys in Jomtien who look like they came out of the same cookie cutter. I am not saying all Cambodians look alike.

I suspect that the word got out in Cambodia that acting in the bar that they are gay can get them some easy money. They have not yet realized that developing regular customers by acting gay in the room can get them much more money.

November 2nd, 2018, 11:34
I am glad that common sense prevailed on this matter. Trouble making use of the red triangle should not be encouraged.

November 2nd, 2018, 12:05
...what I am saying is that there are a bunch of Cambodian boys in Jomtien who look like they came out of the same cookie cutter...

And how is that different from Clinton saying that there is a bunch of Black politicians who look alike - a statement roundly condemned across the world as being racist?

Your statement is not any different, it's exactly the same thing - you are profiling a group of people by race or ethnic origin, and in today's world that's not acceptable

Had you simply said "There is a bunch of bar boys in Jomtien who look like they came out of the same cookie cutter" then that would have been an acceptable statement - but by singling out that they are Cambodian bar boys you have made a racist comment (however unintentionally).

It's pretty simple really: Suppose you said "There is a bunch of Accountants in KPMG who all look like they came out the same cookie cutter" - nobody could justifiably accuse you of anything.

Then change your statement to "There is a bunch of Jewish Accountants in KPMG who all look like they came out the same cookie cutter" and the world will (quite rightly) fall on your head.

November 2nd, 2018, 12:13
Whichever way he says it, by including the word "Cambodian" it becomes racist..

Again: nope. For to talk about race he should use word "Khmer". "Cambodian" - is word for to name citizen of Cambodia.

November 2nd, 2018, 12:18
So when Trump talked about Mexicans all being "drug dealers, criminals and rapists" - it wasn't a racist comment because Mexicans aren't a race?

Well if that's seriously your argument you'd better tell almost the whole world, Moses - because it disagrees with you. Try Googling the reaction to that statement he made. It's been roundly condemned as racist all over the world.

Your argument is 50 years out of date - it's accepted nowadays that racist comments can refer to race/ethnicity/colour/nationality.

But hey, what do I care - publish as many racist comments as you like - it's not me or my website that'll come under scrutiny.

Anyway, if and when you do come under scrutiny you can just respond with "Nope" because despite having little more than a rudimentary grasp of the English language it's only your opinion that matters. Yeah, that'll fly.

November 2nd, 2018, 12:37
So when Trump talked about Mexicans all being "drug dealers, criminals and rapists" - it wasn't a racist comment because Mexicans aren't a race?

Well if that's seriously your argument you'd better tell almost the whole world, Moses - because it disagrees with you. Try Googling the reaction to that statement he made. It's been roundly condemned as racist all over the world.

Your argument is 50 years out of date - it's accepted nowadays that racist comments can refer to race/ethnicity/colour/nationality.

But hey, what do I care - publish as many racist comments as you like - it's not me or my website that'll come under scrutiny.

Anyway, if and when you do come under scrutiny you can just respond with "Nope" because despite having little more than a rudimentary grasp of the English language it's only your opinion that matters. Yeah, that'll fly.

"Mexicans" is the word for to name ethnicity and citizens. So in "Trump's case" it may be racism. "Our case" is different: exist 2 words, these words clearly show when person is talking about ethnicity and when about citizenship.

November 2nd, 2018, 12:57
It might help if he went to Jomtien Complex and saw for himself the Cambodian boys working there. Then he might understand the point that Newbie was making. As the rest of us so clearly do.

November 2nd, 2018, 15:08
1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

* the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races."theories of racism"
According to the above definition, Newbie99's post was in no way racist.

He was describing the body type and apparent sexual orientation of a specific group of guys, most of whom just happen to come from Cambodia and whose appearance is deliberately tailored to suit a certain audience.

He was not extrapolating his comments to refer to all people who live in Cambodia. Nor did he say they were Khmer. Nor was he saying that his own race is in any way superior to theirs.

Thoughtlessly throwing around the word "racist" at the drop of a hat cheapens the meaning of the word, especially when the accuser apparently confuses ethnicity and citizenship.

November 2nd, 2018, 15:37
Again: nope. For to talk about race he should use word "Khmer". "Cambodian" - is word for to name citizen of Cambodia.

The Cambodian I barfined came from Siem Riiep, which part of Thailand until about 1900. So, he may ethnically Thai.

November 2nd, 2018, 17:01
one way to kill a conversation...just scream racist...

November 2nd, 2018, 17:16
Thoughtlessly throwing around the word "racist" at the drop of a hat cheapens the meaning of the word, especially when the accuser apparently confuses ethnicity and citizenship.

It's you who is confused a447 - time to take your nose out of a dictionary and lift your eyes to what, in 2018, the world sees as racism.

In 2018 you simply can not say that a bunch of Cambodians/Japanese/Chinese all look alike (funny how it's never said about Westerners, eh?) - but good luck in your new role as King Canute, attempting to roll back the tide.

November 2nd, 2018, 18:07
Incorrect use and misunderstanding of the apocryphal King Canute fable.


November 2nd, 2018, 18:37
It's you who is confused a447 - time to take your nose out of a dictionary and lift your eyes to what, in 2018, the world sees as racism.

In 2018 you simply can not say that a bunch of Cambodians/Japanese/Chinese all look alike (funny how it's never said about Westerners, eh?) - but good luck in your new role as King Canute, attempting to roll back the tide.

The problem is, some want to re-define the definition if it doesn't suit them. I'm happy to stick with the original until such time as it is updated.

Newbie99 did not say that all Cambodians all look alike.

When I was living in Japan I was told on a few occasions that Westerners all look alike. However, I doubt that is a widely held belief.

November 2nd, 2018, 18:54
The problem is, some want to re-define the definition if it doesn't suit them. I'm happy to stick with the original until such time as it is updated.

So how is your definition the original? By what authority? By what consensus? Please support your assertions.

Homosexuality used to be regarded as a form of mental illness and by some religions, an abomination, but that is no longer an acceptable belief as times have changed, understandings have changed and attitudes have changed. If you want to think of yourself as mentally ill and an abomination, FINE. But please step down as moderator as, by your own fanatically "original" definition of things, you're mentally ill and not fit to be one.

November 2nd, 2018, 19:41
...Newbie99 did not say that all Cambodians all look alike...

Equally, Hillary Clinton did not say all Blacks look alike.

She said some Black politicians looked alike and was roundly condemned worldwide for making a racist comment (I have provided the links)

Newbie99 said that a bunch of Cambodian bar boys at Jomtien "all look like they came out the same cookie cutter". Arguably that is worse than Clinton because of the "cookie cutter" reference - yet you (and your boss) maintain this sort of language is perfectly acceptable in 2018 on a board which caters to a minority of a minority in society.

Up to you!

November 2nd, 2018, 20:25
A major benefit from living in SE Asia is the absence of "political correctness" which I find stiffles conversation. Scottish guy is flogging a dead horse.

November 2nd, 2018, 20:32
A major benefit from living in SE Asia is the absence of "political correctness" which I find stiffles conversation. Scottish guy is flogging a dead horse.

Have you ever been to Thailand? If you get the chance to visit one day, you might notice the conversational subtleties, the euphemisms, the avoidance of controversial topics, the deep desire not to offend, to save face, etc. You might not want to call it political correctness but the broad objective is the same. Take it to its extreme and you find laws such as lese majeste. And that's just one South East Asian country.

November 2nd, 2018, 21:28
Equally, Hillary Clinton did not say all Blacks look alike.

She said some Black politicians looked alike

"Black" is about race for sure. "Cambodian" is about place of living (country of origin).

November 2nd, 2018, 21:55
As previously cited: So when Trump called Mexicans “drug dealers, criminals, and rapists” it wasn’t a racist comment then?

You and a447 better tell the world how you know better.

Alternatively just stick with an outdated definition that has no relevance in modern society. Google is awash with reports of e.g. Polish people being racially abused/targeted in the UK and elsewhere. Time to drag yourselves into the 21st Century

http://https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/police-hunt-guntoting-racist-who-abused-polish-men-while-riding-mobility-scooter-a3530716.html (http://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/police-hunt-guntoting-racist-who-abused-polish-men-while-riding-mobility-scooter-a3530716.html)

November 2nd, 2018, 22:18
As previously cited: So when Trump called Mexicans “drug dealers, criminals, and rapists” it wasn’t a racist comment then?

You and a447 better tell the world how you know better.

Alternatively just stick with an outdated definition that has no relevance in modern society. Google is awash with reports of e.g. Polish people being racially abused/targeted in the UK and elsewhere. Time to drag yourselves into the 21st Century

http://https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/police-hunt-guntoting-racist-who-abused-polish-men-while-riding-mobility-scooter-a3530716.html (http://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/police-hunt-guntoting-racist-who-abused-polish-men-while-riding-mobility-scooter-a3530716.html)

"Polish" - one word for ethnicity and citizenship
"Mexican" - one word for ethnicity and citizenship
"Cambodian" - word for citizenship, while "Khmer" - word for ethnicity.

How can be racism talking about citizenship? "All Londoners looks posh" - is it racist sentence?

November 2nd, 2018, 23:58
No doubt your pet ex-mod will disagree but the fact is London is neither a Country nor a Nation, nor a Race, nor an Ethnicity. You’re just making stuff up now.

Further, Polish is not the ethnicity, it’s Slav. You’d think a Russian would know that

November 3rd, 2018, 01:43
Here we go:


What the 2010 Equality Act says about race discrimination

"In the Equality Act, race can mean your colour, or your nationality (including your citizenship)."


November 3rd, 2018, 09:52
Have you ever been to Thailand? If you get the chance to visit one day, you might notice the conversational subtleties, the euphemisms, the avoidance of controversial topics, the deep desire not to offend, to save face, etc. You might not want to call it political correctness but the broad objective is the same. Take it to its extreme and you find laws such as lese majeste. And that's just one South East Asian country.

A connection between the two that only an ignorant farang could make.

November 3rd, 2018, 10:36
A connection between the two that only an ignorant farang could make.

I'm not going to stoop to your level by trading insults but I would like to ask when you're stepping down as moderator because, by your own stickiness for "original" definitions and static way of looking at things, you are mentally ill and an abomination for being a homosexual. Please refer to posts #19 and #20.

November 3rd, 2018, 15:14
I'm not going to stoop to your level by trading insults


Here's a small selection of your insults directed at various board members, demonstrating the level to which you apparently do not stoop:

The only "dribble" I can see is the one trickling down to your third chin as you watch the boys dribble their ball.

He's a good sport (unlike the dimwit from Down Under)

There's an idiot on this forum who's been saying I can't be where I say I'm from because of my English skills and the way I write

Let's hope they're down to the single digits, just like your IQ.

the jumbo dumbo from Down Under...

I thought the standard of farangs in Pattaya have always been low - how much lower can they go?

Keep knocking yourself out!

November 3rd, 2018, 15:22
I have now proven a447 and Moses wrong on the basis of UK law - race can indeed legally mean nationality or citizenship, therefore any disparaging or abusive remarks on the basis of nationality or citizenship can be legally defined as "racist"

The legislation dates from 2010 when the UK, as a member of the EU was required to have all legislation compatible with EU law (as is still the case at least till 2019) - therefore it must be the same in all 27 EU countries.

So on the one side we have 27 EU countries saying that for the purposes of discrimination etc., race = nationality/citizenship.

On the other side we have Moses, a447, and an online dictionary .

No contest really

November 3rd, 2018, 15:38
Here's a small selection of your insults directed at various board members, demonstrating the level to which you apparently do not stoop:
Keep knocking yourself out!

Again, I shall ignore your attempt to derail the topic - conduct very unbecoming of a moderator - and ask you this, again:

When are you stepping down as moderator because, by your own stickiness for "original" definitions and from your own static way of looking at things, you are mentally ill and an abomination for being a homosexual. Please refer to posts #19 and #20.

November 3rd, 2018, 16:28
I wasn't derailing anything. I was simply responding to your post, pointing out your breathtaking hypocricy. So I'm not surprised you've decided to ignore my comments.

As for homosexuality being considered a mental issue, that was a medical opinion, not a definition.

Not even an "original" one!

And that opinion was changed years ago.

Of course, I'm hardly surprised that you can't see the difference.

November 3rd, 2018, 16:41
I have now proven a447 and Moses wrong on the basis of UK law - race can indeed legally mean nationality or citizenship, therefore any disparaging or abusive remarks on the basis of nationality or citizenship can be legally defined as "racist"

The legislation dates from 2010 when the UK, as a member of the EU was required to have all legislation compatible with EU law (as is still the case at least till 2019) - therefore it must be the same in all 27 EU countries.

So on the one side we have 27 EU countries saying that for the purposes of discrimination etc., race = nationality/citizenship.

On the other side we have Moses, a447, and an online dictionary .

No contest really

No contest, as we are using different definitions - I'm using the dictionary definition, whereas you are using the legal definition.

They are not the same.

I'll stick to the dictionary definition and you csn use the legal one, and we will have to agree to disagree.

November 3rd, 2018, 16:48
I have now proven a447 and Moses wrong on the basis of UK law - race can indeed legally mean nationality or citizenship, therefore any disparaging or abusive remarks on the basis of nationality or citizenship can be legally defined as "racist"

It's the same in a447's native Australia too where the Racial Hatred Act (1995) clearly prohibits "conduct involving the hatred of other people on the ground of race, colour or national or ethnic origin..."


I remember going to a pub in Townsville seven years ago with my army buddies (we were on a two-week training stint in Australia as part of our national service). There were six of us, five Chinese and one Indian, all Singaporean. We were having a few beers when a bunch of Aussie guys came in and started hurling racial epithets at us. "Slitty eyes, yellow dicks, go back to China you smelly cunts, etc". We finished off our drinks quickly and left as we could sense trouble brewing. And being soldiers we were under military law at the time and the repercussions were harsher if we did get into some kind of trouble, even if it was through no fault of our own.

It doesn't matter whether they're insulting you because of your ethnic or national identity. You're just splitting hairs by trying to make a distinction. What matters is that it hurts and it breeds and encourages prejudice, which can have disastrous emotional and physical consequences on the targetted group. Chinese relatives and Muslim friends who've migrated to Australia say they still get Aussies coming up to them and forcing them to kiss the Australian flag on Australia Day to show their "loyalty".

November 3rd, 2018, 17:08
It's not unknown that people who are strongly dependent on a certain group, in this case Asians for sex, companionship and friendship, simultaneously develop a resentment or a type of loathing towards the same group.

Err...I think it is pretty much unknown. What a silly thing to say.

BTW, I am not dependent on Asians for sex. I have never made a secret of the fact that I prefer Asian guys, but my "partners" here are not Asian. I've mentioned that in previous posts.

having been rejected by their own people

How on earth could I be rejected by my own people when I was living 8,000 km away? By snail mail, perhaps?

It is a projection of their own self-loathing and low self-esteem

As another member here once commented, a farang in his sixties trying to pass himself off as a young Asian guy on a chat forum projects that.

November 3rd, 2018, 20:10
...It doesn't matter whether they're insulting you because of your ethnic or national identity... What matters is that it hurts and it breeds and encourages prejudice, which can have disastrous emotional and physical consequences on the targetted group...

You're absolutely correct of course and what has disappointed me most about this dispute is the conduct of Moses and a447.

Instead of just accepting that in 2018 it's inappropriate to be referring to groups or sub groups of races, ethnicities, citizens, or nationalities as "all looking like they came out the same cookie cutter", preferred instead to split hairs over whether or not the insult was "racist" rather than whether it was an insult at all.

Turns out of course that their hair-splitting was incorrect and it's perfectly proper to describe such comments as "racist" - but will they stand corrected?

Don't hold your breath

November 3rd, 2018, 21:02
This board doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of UK law Scottish Guy.

Type that up please Miss Impala. It's important Scottish Guy understands his error.

November 3rd, 2018, 22:33
You're absolutely correct of course and what has disappointed me most about this dispute is the conduct of Moses and a447.

Instead of just accepting that in 2018 it's inappropriate to be referring to groups or sub groups of races, ethnicities, citizens, or nationalities as "all looking like they came out the same cookie cutter", preferred instead to split hairs over whether or not the insult was "racist" rather than whether it was an insult at all.

Turns out of course that their hair-splitting was incorrect and it's perfectly proper to describe such comments as "racist" - but will they stand corrected?

Don't hold your breath

Well, of course he's right. It's a motherhood and apple pie statement that surely noone could disagree with.

SG, you have twisted Newbie99's comment to suit your own argument.

Newbie99 originally wrote:

all Cambodians who are working in the bars of Jomtien Complex look the same

You changed his comments to read :

By saying that Cambodians all come out the same "cookie cooker"(sic), Newbie99 is saying is that all Cambodians look the same.

Those two comments are obviously at odds with each other.

Newbie99 then posted this:

And what I am saying is that there are a bunch of Cambodian boys in Jomtien who look like they came out of the same cookie cutter. I am not saying all Cambodians look alike.

This demonstrates that his comment was not racist. Unlike Clinton, who referred to "all black" politicians, Newbie99 did not refer to all Cambodians. Had he done so, then yes, that's a different matter.

He called them Cambodians, because that's what they are. If you were familiar with the area, you'd know that the vast majority of guys are Cambodian.

And when he said that group of guys look the same, he wasn't referring to their ethnic appearance - he was referring to the appearance they themselves had deliberately cultivated in order to snare customers.

So no racism involved.

Enough. We are going around in circles.

November 3rd, 2018, 23:00
OMFG a447 I never thought you'd stoop to lying, but you have:

a447 said:


You're right they are at odds with each other because that's NOT what Newbie99 originally posted AT ALL!

Are you seriously suggesting it was ME who first made the "cookie cooker" remark? Because if so that's an unequivocal LIE- it was a direct quote from Newbie99's original post on the subject - a direct quote you have deliberately edited.

Plus, Newbie99 made no mention of Cambodian bar boys in Jomtien "cultivating their appearance" - you've simply invented that to suit your argument.

You owe me an apology for lying about who posted the "cookie cooker" remark and you owe the board an apology for implying things were said which were not said at all.

Oh, and before you lie any more, be aware I have screenshots of Newbie99's original post, complete with his "cookie cooker" remark

November 3rd, 2018, 23:50
No. Newbie99 made the cookie cutter remark, not you. I never said you did.

He repeated it here(see my post above):

And what I am saying is that there are a bunch of Cambodian boys in Jomtien who look like they came out of the same cookie cutter. I am not saying all Cambodians look alike.

I have repeatedly referred to your assertion that the poster said all Cambodians look the same. That's all. I've never mentioned cookie cutter.

So I wasn't lying.

And BTW, I have no problem whatsoever with the expression "cookie cutter." It's similar to saying things are "cut from the same cloth" or people are "a carbon copy." Totally innocuous expressions to denote similarity.

Just because Clinton used it in a racist way, doesn't mean it suddenly becomes a racist expression.

November 4th, 2018, 00:02
I seriously think you're losing the plot altogether - you clearly accused me of inserting "cookie cooker" - you posted an edited quote from Newbie99 and acused me of "changing it" - I even posted a screenshot of what you said - how can you deny it?

I'll post it again below this - as it's a screenshot the colour merges.

November 4th, 2018, 00:11
No, you changed it, not by using "cookie cutter" but by writing:

By saying that all Cambodians come out of the same cookie cooker

He didn't say that. You say you have the screenshot, so please produce it to show where he did.

And you are correct when you say Newbie99 did not mention the guys "cultivating their appearance." But he didn't need to, as it's common knowledge to anyone who has visited the area. I actually quoted Nom in my recent Pattaya report - he made a similar observation.

November 4th, 2018, 00:15
Would you please look at the edited quote you cite from Newbie99 in post #40 and they way you claim to illustrate how I "twisted" it. The edited quote from Newbie fails to include the cookie cooker reference HE made - yet you include it in "my" quote, which was actually quoting HIM - how strange eh?

And talking of post #40 you have been back and edited it - your remark about Clinton was way out (I chose to let it go) but I notice you have now edited that.

I have a screenshot of Newbie's original post which proves he used the term cookie cooker - which (like you) I don't give a damn about, except that in post #40 you were clearly implying (by leaving it out of HIS quote and including it in MINE) that it I had used it originally. You now say you didn't mean it that way. If you still want that screenshot posted then you can have it - no problem whatsoever.

You know what a447 - get lost. I have the law of 27 EU countries (and according to Sglad even Australian law) on my side: A group of Cambodians (and the nationality was specified) was described as all coming from the same cookie cooker, and that's a racist comment - Newbie's comment has nothing to do with "modifying their appearance" as you invented

Your original defence (and what a position to put yourself in, defending that sort of content) was that it wasn't "racist" because Cambodians aren't a race. Now that's been proved wrong (comments don't have to refer to a race to be racist) you are desperately trying to find some other way out. It now appears you're hanging your hat on a distinction between "all Cambodians" and a "group of Cambodians" - well, bad news - that doesn't work either - whether it's ALL Cambodians or a GROUP of Cambodians doesn't matter, it's the fact that their Nationality has been used to single them out.

November 4th, 2018, 00:26
Yes, I have looked at it.

I don't take screenshots, and I can't remember word for word what he said, so I took the quote from Moses' post. Although it was also not a word for word quote the intent and meaning of Newbie99's comments remain exactly the same.

I'll repeat it for the very last time. Newbie99 did not say that all Cambodians look the same. Therefore, his comment was in no way racist. That's the only point I am making.

It's 1:30 am and I'm off to bed.

November 4th, 2018, 01:09
Have a good sleep.

It's clear that you are now pinning your defence on only a "group" of Cambodians being insulted (they all look the same) rather than the whole Cambodian nation being insulted.

Perhaps when you wake up you'll realise how ridiculous that position is - it's possible to racially insult a single person (and be potentially locked up for it) never mind a group


November 4th, 2018, 01:43
Canadian Human Rights Act. Section 3 of the Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on "race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability and conviction for which a pardon has been granted".

Do you see here "citizenship"? If no, please stop your flooding.

November 4th, 2018, 01:57
No, but I see "national origin" - did you miss that? Is Cambodia not a nation now?

Anyway, I'll see your Canada and raise you 27 EU Countries.

November 4th, 2018, 02:19
Can someone remind me which country rules does this board work to?

November 4th, 2018, 08:14
Can someone remind me which country rules does this board work to?

No country. Just whatever rules a moderator or group of moderators feel like cooking up at the time to suit themselves.

November 4th, 2018, 09:09
Have a good sleep.

It's clear that you are now pinning your defence on only a "group" of Cambodians being insulted (they all look the same) rather than the whole Cambodian nation being insulted.

Perhaps when you wake up you'll realise how ridiculous that position is - it's possible to racially insult a single person (and be potentially locked up for it) never mind a group


Are you seriously suggesting that Newbie99 would find himself in trouble with EU law because of his comments? Surely not.

In any case, EU laws are only valid in EU countries and have no relevance here.

Also, you are missing the most important point. His comments did not refer to their ethnic appearance. Saying a group of people look alike because of their outward appearance -their clothes, hair styles, bulked-up bodies, etc - is not racist.

It falls under freedom of speech.

November 4th, 2018, 09:20
No country. Just whatever rules a moderator or group of moderators feel like cooking up at the time to suit themselves.

The "cooked-up" rules were taken out of the oven long before you arrived on the scene.

But I can still serve them up to you, even though they've now gone rather cold. Here they are :


November 4th, 2018, 14:46
Are you seriously suggesting that Newbie99 would find himself in trouble with EU law because of his comments? Surely not.

In any case, EU laws are only valid in EU countries and have no relevance here.

Also, you are missing the most important point. His comments did not refer to their ethnic appearance. Saying a group of people look alike because of their outward appearance -their clothes, hair styles, bulked-up bodies, etc - is not racist.

It falls under freedom of speech.

No I'm not suggesting the board falls under EU rules or Australian rules for that matter.

The fact is you started off by quoting an online dictionary at me, and what I'm doing by mentioning 27 EU countries is pointing out and giving evidence of the weight of legal and public opinion as to what constitutes a racist remark nowadays and how it has evolved from a dictionary definition. But you knew that anyway didn't you, and you're simply grandstanding.

Neither am I suggesting that Newbie would face sanction from EU law for a post on this board as it is obviously outwith EU jurisdiction, but I'll tell you this - if he made those remarks in the UK and there were complaints, he'd be getting a visit from the cops (as would the publisher of the remarks) and that's no exaggeration. It happens regularly with comments made on Twitter, and offended people are very quick to report stuff these days.

Secondly - if Newbie99 had said any of the stuff you point to about "clothes, hair styles, bulked-up bodies", then you might have an argument. Unfortunately for your argument, he said none of that and (as I've already said) you're now just inventing stuff. What he did say was that they "came out of the same cookie cooker". Now I don't know about you but I have never heard of existing cookies being put into a cookie cooker for modification, they are put into a cookie cooker to be made therefore it could easily be deemed to be a reference to their ethnic appearance.

Finally there is "freedom of speech" only as long as it does not break the law or offend people. If you truly believe there is total "freedom of speech" then I invite you to post some disparaging remarks about the Thai Royal family on this board and see where it gets you and your boss. I suspect you'd be arguing about freedom of speech from a cell in the "Bangkok Hilton".

Whether you and Moses like it or not, the world is moving on and there are certain things that just cannot be said any more. Saying a group of people all look alike is fine - but once you bring Nationality into it you're treading on very dodgy ground. Both you and Moses have spent more time and effort trying to browbeat me (which you'll never succeed in doing) than you have spent addressing the original remarks. And frankly, that's shameful.

November 4th, 2018, 16:18
you're simply grandstanding.

you....have spent more time and effort trying to browbeat me

OMFG a447 I never thought you'd stoop to lying, but you have:

you're losing the plot

get lost.

Such insults suggest you know you were losing the argument. I was enjoying the discussion until you decided to get down in the gutter. With you of all people, I expected better.

As yet, not one single member has supported your view. Perhaps unlike yourself, we know the situation in Jomtien Complex and so understand exactly what Newbie99 was describing - their appearance tailored to the needs of their customers. So it was obvious to those familiar with JC that his comments were in no way racist.

What do you know that we don't?

That's it! I've had enough!

Case dismissed.

November 4th, 2018, 22:04
None of the above quotes are insults ("losing the plot" may be borderline) - they are comments on your contribution to this debate and I don't retract or regret any of them.

It's actually not a popularity contest, but I would point out that Sglad has in fact supported my view, but no doubt you'll dismiss that as some kind of plot to get at you.

I'm pretty sure Arsenal will have supported your view but then again if I said the sun rises in the East and sets in the West and somebody else denied it, he would automatically take the denier's side. As I say, it's immaterial to me either way.

You might wish to consider that a considerable percentage of contributing members may be in the older age bracket and possibly less aware of what kind of terminology and language is or is not acceptable these days.

Being considerably younger than most, utterly fabulous and down with the cool kids - I'm much more up to date .

Nirish guy
November 8th, 2018, 17:15
utterly fabulous and down with the cool kids - I'm much more up to date .

Well now, I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you BUT it seems you're now officially old as if YOU were as down with the cool kids as you believe you'd realise (as I now know what with me being WAY younger and more hip and trendy and "with it" and all - probably:)) you'd realise that cool kids is now in fact OUT and they're now referred to as KOOL kids - with a K no less !

But hey I know it's hard to keep up, but don't worry just like in "Interview with a vampire" ( what a great movie btw) I, just like the beautiful Louis will keep you, the ageing Lestat, current and up to date and "with it"........it's ok, you dont need to thank me, you're welcome ! :) he he

November 9th, 2018, 16:36
I've waited a couple of days for the heat to die down.

Below is the screenshot of the original post which sparked the debate. Unlike the selective quotes which have been previously posted, it is unedited.

It has been suggested that Newbie99 meant that the Cambodian boys in Jomtien "modified their appearance" to "all look alike" , rather than meaning they all look alike 'ethnically'.

In fact, you'll see that Newbie99 comments specifically on their height and musculature in comparison to the Thai boys. It's a long process to "modify" one's musculature and has anyone ever tried "modifying" their height?

Are we now to be told that Newbie99 meant the Cambodian boys all went out and bought gym memberships and elevator shoes?

It's clear to me (and it ought to be clear to any fair minded reader) that the original comment had absolutely nothing to do with "modifying" appearance.

As for why the original post differs substantially from the edited and paraphrased versions or snippets which were presented as a defence - well, that's for others to explain


November 9th, 2018, 17:04
Anyone really want to feed this troll clearly trolling for another shitfest.

November 9th, 2018, 17:30
FAN#2 still stalking every single post I make - if only there were rules to prevent this

November 9th, 2018, 17:47
If there were you and frequent wouldn't have been able to drive 78 year old Paborn off the board. Proud of yourself big man?

November 9th, 2018, 19:14
Rest my case.

Whatever it is he’s posting it will be entirely troll-like

November 10th, 2018, 06:10
And yet it's you, dear Scotty, who's getting involved in yet another shitfest on the main forum.