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November 2nd, 2018, 16:13
I first met T when he worked at Happy Place, the bar in Pattayaland owned by Neal. His hair was unkempt but he still managed to be very handsome and his athletes body was trim and lithe. I Offed him and we sleot together, the first of three times I slept with him.

The next time I saw him he was looking rather the worse for wear. A little overweight and with dyed brown hair he asked me to off him but I declined. I didn't see him for a while after that.

Then he magically te-appeared at Toy Boys. Not only was the body back but he'd cut his hair into a floppy Oxbridge style. Coupled with his white briefs he was offed within minutes, again we slept together and again he was wonderful.

T was a superstar. While other boys sat outside playing on their phomes he hussled every farang who walked by, inviting them into the bar and accompanying them in when the invitation was accepted. This guy knew the business he was in, never losing the opportunity to engage with potential customers. (only B at Krazy put in as much effort at networking)

I offed him again a few years ago and that was the last time I slept with him although there were further offs. I gave him a lift home in the morning (on the motorbike) and he was clearly doing OK, living in a nice place. I was pleased. On one occasion we had a slight difference as to how much I should pay him. The matter was resolved when we agreed that the score of the football match I wanted to watch with him would decide. He won and took his money with an extra large beaming smile because he'd won the bet.

And then he was gone. His time as a go go boy had come to an end and with it my association with him. Until a few months ago when he turned up outside Funny Boys greeting his old friends. I was sat in Prisma and I immediately went over to say hello. We had a nice chat, the question of him coming with me didn't arise. He looked good, fantastic in fact. He told me that he owns a house and a business somewhere up country.

I was so pleased to see him again, looking great and happy and apparently doing well. I'm not suggesting that this is there for every go go boy in Pattaya, Ts success is the exception rather than the rule. But he deserved it because he outworked most of the others.

November 2nd, 2018, 16:59
thank goodness your tale has a happy ending...i was kinds steeling myself for another predictable sob story about him ending up sick and dead because of his lifestyle..

November 2nd, 2018, 19:29
Until a few months ago when he turned up outside Funny Boys...

I'm rather surprised that SG had not jumped on arsenal yet.
Funny Boys left Boyztown more than a year already.

November 2nd, 2018, 20:01
First of all I have him on ignore, so unless somebody quotes him I don't see what he says. I can override that of course ("peak" as Paborn puts it), but why the hell would I want to read his output?

Second, had I read his post and made the point you have made, the response would have been along the lines of 'How would you know how long Funny Boys has been closed, you haven't been in Thailand for X years' or alternatively 'How would you know, you've only been in Thailand Y times in Z years', or maybe even 'How would you know (insert libelous insinuations to scat fetish here)' So predictable.

Third, you'll shortly find out that he's come up with some convoluted excuse to attempt to explain the faux pas in timing

November 2nd, 2018, 20:06
thank goodness your tale has a happy ending...

Uh-huh. In fact I'm surprised the guy doesn't speak fantastic English, so fantastic that he can come and go from his job at his sugar mummy's resort whenever his ultra bottom John is in town. And that he's also taking weekend classes to become an aeronautical scientist on top of everything else.

I mean, isn't that the trend these days for the progressive and successful sex worker?

November 2nd, 2018, 20:36
Dinagam. Yes, I meant Toy Boys. Always have mixed up those two and probably always will. Not so convoluted.

November 2nd, 2018, 20:41
Equal opportunities "fur alles"!
As long as he's happy.

November 2nd, 2018, 21:01
First of all I have him on ignore, so unless somebody quotes him I don't see what he says. I can override that of course

I wish you would over ride, Scottish-guy, "ignore" feature is for the weak.
I have given it considerable thought (1.5min) and I would advise not to take some high road or something, when they go low, you don't take high rode, Hillary Clinton kept saying that, she did just that, and look what happened to her. When they go low, you fuck 'em up! Seriously! Think about it, at least!

Beautiful experience, arsenal!

November 2nd, 2018, 21:10
At one point T had bought himself this fucking huge motorbike and had thought better of it. He tried to sell it to me.
"Where would I keep it when I'm not here?"
"I can look after it for you?"

I politely declined. Next time I saw him I asked him about it.

"Oh, I selled it already? he told me.

November 2nd, 2018, 21:47
The lads always do that to their bikes, expensive smartphones, 1 bath gold chains, etc, because they know that come high season, some besotted long time client would get them the replacements.

November 2nd, 2018, 22:07
The lads always do that to their ...1 bath gold chains....

I'm sure we'd all love to meet boys who are happy with a 1 baht gold chain - hell, even LatintopXXX could afford to splash out.


November 2nd, 2018, 22:12
I'm sure we'd all love to meet boys who are happy with a 1 baht gold chain - hell, even LatintopXXX could afford to splash out.


Mmmmm, you set yourself up on this one, scottish-guy. You'll find out quickly, I suspect.
Best to take aresenal off Ignore, and deal with him, man to man, so to speak :)

November 2nd, 2018, 22:16
...Best to take aresenal off Ignore, and deal with him, man to man, so to speak :)

He'd need a sex change first.

November 2nd, 2018, 22:33
I'm perfectly OK with Scotty the Botty displaying his cowardice for all to see. Not a trait one usually associates with the Scots but I guess we got the runt of the litter here.

November 3rd, 2018, 11:02
SG says :
He'd need a sex change first.

Would that be similar to Caitlyn Jenner?

November 3rd, 2018, 13:56
Lord, hope the end result is not as hideous...

November 3rd, 2018, 13:58
Lord, hope the end result is not as hideous...

So racist!

November 3rd, 2018, 16:06

November 3rd, 2018, 16:08
he was now...now she (it!) is still white...only real weird ugly looking...like its had mega multiple facelifts...how is that racist!!!!

November 3rd, 2018, 21:44
he was now...now she (it!) is still white...only real weird ugly looking...like its had mega multiple facelifts...how is that racist!!!!

I just ran out of things to say, and that line always works.

You always ignore me, it hurts, you know

November 4th, 2018, 01:18
oh I'm sorry, I'll make an extra effort to hurl barbs at u

November 5th, 2018, 20:43
Latin is a bit of a disappointment this time.
Instead of getting back at SG about the 1 baht gold chain, he went on a tirade at Caitlyn Jenner.

Now I'm wondering if SG had ever patronised a Thai goldsmith.
A 1 baht gold chain or bracelet is actually a measure of the weight of the 99.99% fine gold used to make the jewellery, which is around 15 grams. For those who are familiar with the Troy ounce, 1 baht gold has a mass of slightly less than a half of a Troy ounce. And yes, some lucky lads do receive such gifts around Christmas, and by the end of March, they would be returning to the goldsmiths to redeem half the amount of value it's worth.
Latin oh Latin. Enjoy the book you're reading...

November 5th, 2018, 22:13
Amazon is offering the following; "Breeding, Backing and Bringing on Young Horses and Ponies"

by The Pony Club
£0.19 (17 used & new offers)

November 6th, 2018, 00:56
nah...I'm editing the kuma sutra...

November 6th, 2018, 02:32
The things you learn on here!

No, Dinagram I have never bought gold in Thailand and I naively assumed 1 Baht was a typo of the price!

Captain Swing
November 6th, 2018, 03:41
The first time I was snookered into a gold shop in Thailand I was utterly baffled by the 1-baht, 2-baht, 3-baht classifications. I gaped with such confusion that the clerk finally asked "Do you speak English?"

I lost track of who was insulting whom about what earlier in this thread, but I thought part of the confusion related to the fact that a 1-baht gold chain , while unrelated (mostly) to the unit of currency, is still an "entry-level" gift and many boys aspire to something heavier.

November 6th, 2018, 10:10
Yes, it's pretty unnerving when you start saying "one baht" (or much more!) in a gold shop. Thais have it down pat of course, but farangs need an encyclopedia.
The one baht is a measurement of gold weight, not money. Go figure.
I assume that the word "gram" would be more easily understood, much less being universal.
But oh no ... this is 'TIT'

November 6th, 2018, 11:28
Now let me confuse you some more with apologizes to dinagam!

dinagam interchangeably used the words weight and mass and ounces and grams and Baht in describing gold.

Grams are a measure of the mass; ounces are a measure of the weight; and Baht I have no idea what measure that is except = 15 grams mass of 96.5 % gold (23 Karat).

So if you want to use mass then one must use grams; if you want to use weight then one must use ounces/lbs.

Does it really matter, no, at least on earth but on the Moon or Mars or outer space there is a big difference.

Confusing? :crazy_mini:

Captain Swing
November 6th, 2018, 12:12
Confusing? :crazy_mini:

Not nearly confusing enough. Let's make it worse.

___ Baht

A measurement, unit of weight for gold.

In Thailand raw gold and gold jewellery are sold in the weight measurement called baht.
Smaller units of gold less than a baht are called satang.

Thai raw gold and gold jewellery show two differnet prices per baht.

"Raw" gold or bullion (standard purity of Thai gold is 96.5% a little over 23 K):
1 baht = 15.244 grams x 0.965 = 14.71046 grams, or 0.47295236 troy ounce (mass).

In the case of jewellery, one baht should be more than 15.16 grams.

A troy ounce is used in the pricing of precious metals, such as platinum, gold and silver.
One troy ounce = 480 grains.
One grain = 64.79891 mg.
One troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams.

The currency of Thailand is also called Baht (1 baht divided into 100 satangs).

In 1897 King Chualalongkorn changed the previous name of the Thai currency from tical to baht.

Copied and pasted from some random site.

November 6th, 2018, 14:54
[Deleted text]

Just think how much fun it would be if the Thai Currency was still called a Ticle and (even better) 100 Ticles made a Slap

November 6th, 2018, 15:20
He was known as the Great Beloved King due to his reforms.

Nirish guy
November 6th, 2018, 15:51
This has all been very enlightening I have to say ( for once on here of late) - so can I ask then is there any actual benefit of Buying Gold when in Thailand as opposed to "at home" ( wherever that may be for us all) - i.e IS it of a much higher quality, is it more sought after internationally ( or the opposite perhaps ?) or if bringing it home are people just doing so in the hope of avoiding import / income taxes etc perhaps just ?

I should add the above questions are purely for my own passing information and knowledge purposes as I've no intention to be purchasing any gold from a Thai shop anytime soon as I KNOW that me walking into a Thai shop with a wallet full of money would almost certainly result in my walking out of that same shop again an hour later with approximately one baht worth of gold - and I MEAN one BAHT"S worth as I would have "suitable scam victim" written all over me !

November 6th, 2018, 17:35
So if you want to use mass then one must use grams; if you want to use weight then one must use ounces/lbs.

I am very sorry Francois, but I must beg to differ. Ounces and pounds are also units of mass. The unit of force (weight) associated with the pound is the poundal. At the surface of the earth, the weight of a mass of one pound is approximately 32 poundals.

It's more than half a century since I have used the 'poundal', but I hope that I have used it correctly here.

Captain Swing
November 7th, 2018, 00:01
[Text deleted in original post]

I'm not sure, but I think that could earn you three years in jail. IF you were in Thailand.

November 7th, 2018, 01:02

Captain Swing
November 7th, 2018, 01:15

I was just teasing you, without malicious intent, but I did actually think it was a slightly risky comment--it shouldn't be, but considering the political climate I could see how it might be. Peace.

November 7th, 2018, 02:12
...but considering the political climate I could see how it might be...

My bad - I had no idea we had literally just passed the 108th anniversary of his death.

A very sensitive time I agree.

Captain Swing
November 7th, 2018, 03:04
- I had no idea we had literally just passed the 108th anniversary of his death.

I wasn't in Thailand (either) but it was quite possibly a National Holiday, no doubt raising the eternal question "Will the bars be open?"

November 7th, 2018, 03:26
This has all been very enlightening I have to say ( for once on here of late) - so can I ask then is there any actual benefit of Buying Gold when in Thailand as opposed to "at home" ( wherever that may be for us all) - i.e IS it of a much higher quality, is it more sought after internationally ( or the opposite perhaps ?) or if bringing it home are people just doing so in the hope of avoiding import / income taxes etc perhaps just ?

The only way I can think of "benefitting" from purchasing gold is as an investment.
Perhaps for when Mr Corbyn makes our economy more like that of his heros in Venezuela and you need a wheelbarrow full of paper money to buy a loaf of bread.
Anyway, if you DO want gold as investment, trott down to a reliable gold dealer in the UK and buy some Gold Sovereigns or Britannia coins. Since these are legal tender in the UK, they are free of capital gains tax.

Unlike some gold chain bought in Thailand.

Nirish guy
November 7th, 2018, 13:21
Thank Goji, although my question was more aimed at "so, if you WERE to buy gold why perhaps do people do that in Thailand and not for instance just in their home Country - does Thailand have some extra added benefit such as higher quality of gold or the opportunity to smuggle it free of taxes etc that isn't instantly obvious to others perhaps ?

November 7th, 2018, 15:34
NIrish, the gold in Thailand in jewelry is somewhat less in Karats (23 K) than pure gold at 24 K. No advantage other than Thai gold jewelry can be worn as a decoration.

November 7th, 2018, 23:48
Not such a good idea this almost pure gold, its too soft and will wear away the more its used. 24K is OK as a brooch or stud type earring but the softest gold one should consider for jewelry like a chain, ring or bracelet is 18K. .

November 8th, 2018, 05:08
Too soft or not, Thais seem to only want 23 K gold.

November 8th, 2018, 18:17
And yes, some lucky lads do receive such gifts around Christmas, and by the end of March, they would be returning to the goldsmiths to redeem half the amount of value it's worth.
The spread between buying an selling gold jewelry is very low. Goldsmiths usually have two numbers posted clearly visible from the road for selling and buying gold, and recently they were 19,250 (selling) and 19,150 (buying) Baht (currency) per Baht (gold weight).

November 8th, 2018, 19:01
The spread between buying an selling gold jewelry is very low. Goldsmiths usually have two numbers posted clearly visible from the road for selling and buying gold, and recently they were 19,250 (selling) and 19,150 (buying) Baht (currency) per Baht (gold weight).

Yes, these are the prices posted.
But when a gift is returned within days, the amount of money the shop pays to lucky sex worker is very different from posted "buy" prices. Many reports on Pattaya Addict, massive straight site, much bigger, and more liberal than the very conservative and heavily censored ThaiVisa forum.
Pattaya Addict is full of experiences we all may have had, and can relate to, or what may happen to anyone in Thailand.
The price the gold shop pays for immidiate return within days seems to be half of original purchase price. Thread after thread, many posters there keep confirming this. Of course, posters there could all be all liers, but unlikely, it is unanimous board, no reason to make stuff up.

I know a guy, foreigner, few years ago, he was in love with Thai guy, they went together to a gold shop in Pattaya, legit gold shop with big, all red sign, ran by Thai Chinese, a proper gold shop. My foreigner friend bought his lover a 50.000 THB neck chain, he has no idea about weight in baht. He thought of this gift as sign of commitment, something to be hold on for lifetime.

Foreigner noticed the chain missing after 2 weeks.
His Thai lover always frequented Thai karaoke bars, my foreigner friend always gave him money for these nights out, usually 2000 - 3000 Baht for an evening out, these evenings happened only about every 2 weeks. The foreigner knew from get go that his Thai lover is straight. His thinking was that instead of keeping straight guy on short leash, forbidding him sex outside of their relationship, would not be helpful, so he kept subsidising his "boyfriend" going out once in a while, paying for his Thai friends, and going to upstairs rooms at these Thai karaoke places. Foreigner was happy, as long as his Thai lover was back at home by morning, he did not view his Thai lover having sex with girls as cheating, after all they were mere females, not competition, not more than just jerking off. My foreigner friend would never had tolerated his lover going with another male, that would have been cheating, and would end their relationship on same day. No excuses.

Few weeks after being gifted this gold chain, Thai boyfriend needed cash on one of his nights out, and he pawned the chain for 5000 Baht. My farang friend managed to get his boyfriend to admit that he had sold the gold chain, after initial teary claims that the chain is lost. The tears, the crying was done with extraordinary talent, farang was crying the whole night.

Farang went to pawn shop, with a receipt written in all Thai, obviously, in order to buy back the gold chain. The pawn shop explained it is too late to buy it back, my friend was not heart broken to hear this, he was angry. He felt he had invested 2 years of his life for no good reason, he felt being taken advantage of, after all, his only reason staying in Thailand for these 2 years was his Thai lover. He had missed opportunities in his home country, opportunities
with possibly honest partners.

Soon after they broke up, this was in 2008, he hasn't been in a relationship since then. He thinks all potential Thai boyfriends are only in it for money.

I kept consoling him at every opportunity, I brought up the fact that he had never traveled to Isaan, he had never met his lovers parents in Isaan, he did not finance the house, despite several requests, he never bought his Thai lover a car, allthough he was gently reminded from time to time, that foreigner needs to "take care" of his partner.
Overall this foreigner got away without substantial monetary damage, nothing compared to stories at Pattaya Addict, usually lost houses, condos.

Back to gold, it seems that as a rule the returned item is bought back at half price, and it seems the conditions of the return are set while gold is being purchased, foreigner standing right there, paying for the gold, not understanding a word between his lover and gold shop staff.

November 8th, 2018, 19:25
You're obviously living in the real world, the very essence of which is known only to those who venture there DoubleDutch. Foreign sex workers will find the experience more daunting than what the Thais go through .
Remember that end of March is only two weeks away from Songkran and new year festivals for neighbouring countries. The lads would rather have real cash in hand to splash on family and friends...