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View Full Version : We won the war ! NO WE did ! NOOOOo We did !! NOOOOOOO we did ! There you guy guys, knock yourselves out below !

Nirish guy
October 17th, 2018, 16:15
We won the war ! NO WE did ! NOOOOo We did !! NOOOOOOO we did ! There you guy guys, knock yourselves out below to your hearts content !

October 17th, 2018, 17:21
...mmm.....clearly somebody isnt getting any...

Nirish guy
October 17th, 2018, 18:12
NO clearly someone is bored reading the same old shit from the same old people just.......theres a difference.....hence why I started a thread about something to do with Thailand and put it in the Thailand section of the board - rather than wising to discuss who won the second world war ( yet another time) and doing so in that thread.

Hence why I started this thread for those who wish to carry on that gripping conversation.

October 17th, 2018, 22:25
Hence why I started this thread for those who wish to carry on that gripping conversation.

Nirish guy, did the trip to NYC happen, did you guys go? Remember, you were asking about places to stay.
I went in august 2017, stayed Manhattan, 10 nights. $130 per night was lowest single room at Booking com for these dates.
Welp, before this NYC trip I was unaware that cockorouches can bite, I see them in apartment towers in States and Canada all the time, and got used to them long time ago, look at them as pets. Until one decied to bite my eye brow, while I sleeping. The bite is more painful than you may think. And it kept itching for 3 days or so. That's $130 night hotel, fairly dumpy, but didn't expect a bug attack.
So when you asked about Manhattan, I though better not share my NYC experience.

You know, guys, we have a SGT member who lives in New York, Bruce is his nick. Maybe he could accomodate his fellow board brothers and sisters, he hasn't been seen for some time, anybody know what happened to NYC Bruce? His looked great on his avatar, super well built!

October 18th, 2018, 02:40
doubledutch...if u carry on like this the fake irishman is gonna self ignite....u r way off topic...I can see him reaching for his angina and blood pressure pills...

Captain Swing
October 18th, 2018, 03:07
As for who won the war, if you follow the current trends in American historical discourse, the war was won by the Tuskegee Airmen, the Navaho Codetalkers, and those young Japanese-Americans who joined up (on the Allied side) despite the fact that their families had been sent to what amounted to concentration camps.

October 18th, 2018, 03:15
I try not too, I really do. But when I hear those cunts Junkers and Barnier pretending to be statesmen I do wonder why we bothered. Plastic politicians with backbones of jelly. If the shit hits the fan with that insane martinet Putin then the whole of Europe will look to the UK.

October 18th, 2018, 04:02
doubledutch...if u carry on like this the fake irishman is gonna self ignite....u r way off topic...I can see him reaching for his angina and blood pressure pills...

So this is topic war and history? Really? Ok.

I think Europe would have been fucked, if US didn't enter the war. That's even before US was feeding Russian army in 42, supplying Studebaker trucks to Russians, basically all of Russian war machine ran on help from USA. That's way before Pearl Harbour.

US didn't do this out of goodness of their heart, US knew Axis was a threat to whole world, Germany and Japan were stronger than all of Europe, and as strong a the whole world. US knew Axis had to be stopped. But US waited, the idea was to let them bleed out as long as possible, weakening themselves, and at desicive moment US will come in, and save the day, meanwhile automatically becoming ruler of world.

Had Hitler not got stuck at Stalingrad, Russians being fed by American konserve, Hitler would have leveled Stalingrad, Moscow. And then Hitler would have taken time off to deal with Britain. Yes, in until 42 Britain had air superiority, but with U boats, and building up Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe, after being feed from Eastern Front, with Russia fallen, Hitler would have taken Britain.

Us played huge role, critical role, Hitler couldn't fight the whole world at same time, had US stayed out, incl supplies and trucks etc, Hitler would have taken Russia. And UK right after. US knew this, and didn't let things to get to that point.

Beautiful uniforms tho, especially SS.
Gruppenführer Schellenberg, head of SD, what a beast!

October 18th, 2018, 08:53
agree love the SS uniforms...there is even gay drawings which I love...pity they were nazis....BUT again....off topic....will give that fake irish a cadenza...

October 18th, 2018, 09:28
DD. Too many 'ifs' there to be considered. The logistics involved in taking a well defended and belligerent Island nation are beyond calculation.

Captain Swing
October 18th, 2018, 10:49
DD. The logistics involved in taking a well defended and belligerent Island nation are beyond calculation.

Shucks, it was easy. They don't come any more belligerent than Japan was--two planes, two bombs and it was all over.

October 18th, 2018, 11:20
And probably dropped by Kansas crop dusters I shouldn't wonder.

Captain Swing
October 18th, 2018, 12:12
And probably dropped by Kansas crop dusters I shouldn't wonder.

Ooooh, so close. He actually grew up in Iowa (the pilot of the first mission). But he did name his plane after his mother! That's a good All-American thing to do!

October 18th, 2018, 12:57
well defended....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........really

October 18th, 2018, 12:57
...now lets get back on topic...the julius erotic art...NOT porn...art

October 18th, 2018, 19:57
Shucks, it was easy. They don't come any more belligerent than Japan was--two planes, two bombs and it was all over.

Yep two buckets of sunshine and they have been as good as gold ever since producing Honda motor bikes and Soni TVs. Result

Nirish guy
October 19th, 2018, 04:17
Nirish guy, did the trip to NYC happen, did you guys go? .......I went in august 2017, stayed Manhattan, 10 nights. $130 per night

I answer to your above yes, we went, it was fun.

October 20th, 2018, 22:15
I answer to your above yes, we went, it was fun.

Thank you for reply, I'd ask where you ended up staying, and how you spent time in NYC, but you are not in good mood past few day. Maybe its ok at some point later to talk about it?

October 21st, 2018, 15:21
Beautiful uniforms tho, especially SS.

No surprise there, considering they were designed by Hugo Boss.

October 21st, 2018, 17:32
do explain....

October 21st, 2018, 17:38
oh crap...i just googled it...had no idea...but explains a lot...

October 21st, 2018, 20:02
Who would have guessed he was a rabid Nazi.

Still like his clothes, though.

October 21st, 2018, 20:21
Who would have guessed he was a rabid Nazi...

Are you serious? It's common knowledge that he designed/produced Uniforms for the Brownshirts, the Wermacht and the SS - which included using forced Polish and French labour who were housed in a prison camp in the grounds of his factory.

He was even tried and convicted after the war

Common knowledge amongst everybody except you two apparently.


October 21st, 2018, 21:19
It's common knowledge that he designed/produced Uniforms for the Brownshirts, the Wermacht and the SS

That's what I said.

As for how and where he produced them, I've no idea. I didn't learn about that where I grew up.

I'm interested to find out how you know what is and isn't "common knowledge" in Australia and Japan.

October 22nd, 2018, 00:22
That's what I said....I'm interested to find out how you know what is and isn't "common knowledge" in Australia and Japan.

OK I read only your post #22 and still can't understand why, if you knew he designed/made the uniforms, why you're surprised to discover he was a rabid Nazi? Did you think he just got a stiffy from handling the cloth?


As for what's common knowledge in Australia and Japan, well I just assumed they had education there! :p

October 22nd, 2018, 02:30
Its NOT common knowledge and the reason I guess is that he was tiny in comparison to some of the bigger players like bayer...

October 22nd, 2018, 07:18
My point exactly, Latin.

I few years ago I was in Prague. SG, as you have visited that city a number of times in sure you are familiar with the various walking tours. I chose the tour which visited sites related to the Nazis.

Right at the beginning the tour guide held up a photo of a dashing young man dressed in a Nazi uniform and asked us to nominate who he was. Nobody could.

At the end of the tour she had us all turn our backs to the street and held up the photo again to give us another chance of guessing who he was. She got the same reply - no idea.

She then asked us to turn around and look across the street. And there was the Hugo Boss store. That's how everyone, including myself, first heard about his Nazi connection.

There was an audible gasp from many of us. The guy in the photo was Hugo Boss! But many in the group reacted along the lines of "Who the fuck is Hugo Boss?"

The group consisted of tourists from various European countries and a couple from South Korea. If it were "common knowledge" you'd think at least all the Europeans would be familiar with the story and if that were the case, the tour guide would have chosen a photo of a lesser known Nazi to achieve her element of surprise.

As for what's common knowledge in Australia and Japan, well I just assumed they had education there!

Well, we do have education here. And I'm sure students are taught that not everyone who worked for the Nazis was sympathetic to the regime. And I'm equally certain that they do not teach about obscure fashion designers.

Your assertion was rather silly.

October 22nd, 2018, 10:28
Scottish Guy wrote.
"As for what's common knowledge in Australia and Japan, well I just assumed they had education there"

Rather presumptuous to assume an education in Scotland is going to mirror one in Australia or any other country. Different countries see historical events in different ways. Little reason to insult people over it.

October 22nd, 2018, 16:05
...Your assertion was rather silly.

Well I guess what's "common knowledge" does depend on the people one associates with.

October 22nd, 2018, 16:35
'Common'. Anyone we know?


October 23rd, 2018, 01:40
arsenal...stop...u killing me

October 23rd, 2018, 02:53
If only...

October 23rd, 2018, 13:06
thats not very nice...