View Full Version : The Happy Prince

October 13th, 2018, 22:33
The Happy Prince is a film written and directed by as well as starring Rupert Everett. It's about Oscar Wilde and his life in Europe after prison.

It's beautiful. Sumptuously shot and employing all the cinematic techniques going it's quite simply masterful. It shows Oscar with all his faults but concentrates on his self destructive personality that did not only for him but almost everyone who got close to him.

Sufficiently homo erotic and featuring the absolutely gorgeous French actor Benjamin Voisin as his part time rent boy there's plenty of eye candy.

Some nice humour too. I loved the scene where the mother of one of his cavorting boys barges in. I won't give it away.

Highly recommended.

October 14th, 2018, 03:27
Thank you! Had no idea about this film!

Just watched trailer:


This is not going to be easy watch.

October 14th, 2018, 03:49
For some unknown reason I've always ben very ambivalent about all the gay rights things...I dont see the point of gay marriage (a simple legal contract affords me the same protection)..I have no wish to walk down the aisle...I dont want to adopt...I see most of the activists as deranged attention seekers...maybe its because I've always lived in countries where being gay was not a reason to fear for my life or job.
But this movie is certainly a jolt to the system...

October 14th, 2018, 04:46
For some unknown reason I've always ben very ambivalent about all the gay rights things...I dont see the point of gay marriage (a simple legal contract affords me the same protection)..I have no wish to walk down the aisle...I dont want to adopt...I see most of the activists as deranged attention seekers...maybe its because I've always lived in countries where being gay was not a reason to fear for my life or job.
But this movie is certainly a jolt to the system...

Understood, you don't want to get married, you do not need equal rights.

As it happens, I don't want to get married either, I believe being gay actually liberates me from many social norms and pressures.
I feel lucky that I don't have to play by their set of rules.

But latintopxxx, did you know that there are gay people in this world , who are not you? I bet you did not know that!

I bet you didn't know that!

(As of why you posted here, in Oscar Wilde thread, of all places, only you know.
You really should refrain posting in this thread. Oscar Wilde was possibly the most eloquent wordsmith, and brightest speaker and thinker in his time, and maybe since. You, latintopxxx, are one of the dumbest men on internet. Do you see this is not a good fit? You do not, of course! The thing about very dumb, it is not that they do not know the answer, it's that they don't understand the question.
Good night, latintopxxx!)

October 14th, 2018, 05:50
A boorish post Latin and not remotely related to the film.

October 14th, 2018, 06:44
hello....isnt 1 of the main threads of the movie to do with how he was disgraced and jailed for being gay???

October 14th, 2018, 07:04
Why don't you just watch the film and offer a viewpoint on that instead of thinking every thread is there for you to tell us about you.

October 14th, 2018, 07:45
oh dear...guess some of us have gone the same way as the american political scene...no dialogue...or listening...just screaming at one another...

October 14th, 2018, 07:47
For those of you who are interested the film is about a man torn into pieces. His rage at the society that has rejected him and his desire to to to rejoin that society. His desire to be part of a couple and his need to get cheap sex whenever he can. His guilt at his own behaviour and his belief that he's special so can do what he likes. His love and hate for Bosie.

"He'll eat ypu" says one of his closest friends to Robert, his literary agent who is in love with him. Like everyone else.

At one point Oscar says
"I've never been happier" and this too is half true. It's one of the few times he's had sex with a man without the fear is arrest and exposure.

Rupert Everett has managed to capture all that on film.

For those of you interested in Latin telling you about Latin there's a post above for you to enjoy.

October 14th, 2018, 12:05
clearly u r being obtuse...your dislike for me and my valuable input drives u to refuse to see my point...Ill light a candle and pray for u next sunday after holy mass....

October 14th, 2018, 13:15
Or simply watch the film and tell us what you think. And actually you are (currently) incorrect about my dislike for you. I find you not too bad. At the moment

October 15th, 2018, 01:44
Oscar Wilde was possibly the most eloquent wordsmith, and brightest speaker and thinker in his time, and maybe since. )

Hmmm, well apart from one frequent poster here who thinks he fulfills that role.

October 15th, 2018, 06:49
Did I mention that the beautiful Benjamin Voisin aoears naked.

October 15th, 2018, 11:08
This too is a very powerful movie and the young Irish actor playing the lead, Dafhyd Flynn, is stunning.


October 15th, 2018, 13:31
Did I mention that the beautiful Benjamin Voisin aoears naked.

No, you did not mention that! I will look for this film.

October 15th, 2018, 14:29
Haha. It's quite early on. He shows everything and he's got plenty to show.

October 15th, 2018, 15:04
Dafhyd Flynn also shows his rather pert arse. But Michael Inside is almost too painful to watch.

October 20th, 2018, 15:53
I've now watched The Happy Prince with some friends and we all enjoyed it very much. It's clearly a labour of love, beautifully acted across the board and directed with subtlety, every scene framed with almost painterly care. Sharp script, not melodramatic and with humorous moments (I particularly liked the reaction of the Catholic priest when told the man he was to perform absolution for was Oscar Wilde). The musical score adds much to the atmosphere. It helps to know something of Wilde's life as there is quite a bit of cutting between present and past, which might otherwise be confusing.

Inevitably we found ourselves making comparisons with the last Wilde movie starring Stephen Fry. We agreed that, good though that was, the latest one has the edge. The mood is darker since it deals with the years of exile, but it feels like a truer representation of Wilde, warts and all. Rupert Everett gives an outstanding performance - Stephen Fry's was perhaps a little too deferential.

I'm sure most of us on a board like this can identify with the movie's main theme of a disastrous relationship between an older and younger man, of the older man's awareness of his own folly, of his attempts to break free and then falling back. Fortunately we don't have to do hard labour in prison as a result, be spat upon in the street on release, suffer the break-up of our family and the ruination of a glittering career. All self-induced one could say, but hard in these somewhat more tolerant times not to feel pity for the man. Oh, and arsenal is correct, the actor playing the Parisian rent boy is sexy (he can move in as my 'voisin' any time he likes).

The DVD of the movie is available from Smile Entertainment on the 4th floor of Tukcom in Pattaya.

October 20th, 2018, 16:03
I would agree with your critique of the two performances. The best 'Oscar Wilde' I've seen was on the London stage performed by Donald Sinden. He was mesmeric as he treated the audience to a masterclass in a one person cast play.

October 20th, 2018, 19:17
The DVD of the movie is available from Smile Entertainment on the 4th floor of Tukcom in Pattaya.

Thank you for that tip. I will look for it in a day or two.

October 21st, 2018, 19:45
if the DVD available at Tukcom is a legit licensed product - miracles do happen - then yes do go ahead and support the production team and the actors (or at least Sony Pictures) otherwise just navigate over to the bay of pirates...


October 22nd, 2018, 02:25
...and get a virus...

October 22nd, 2018, 13:06
I did purchase The Happy Prince at Tukcom and it is a legitimate, licensed product although the text on the jacket was very blurry and it did pause many times while playing.:mocking_mini:

Nonetheless it was enjoyable although it seemed to meander from scene to scene.
The fun scene was the "gentlemen's party" where an irate mother thought a woman prostitute was in attendance at that gathering.

And much of the dialogue was in French with subtitles.

October 22nd, 2018, 14:52
... the text on the jacket was very blurry and it did pause many times while playing....And much of the dialogue was in French with subtitles.

People will be queuing round the block

October 22nd, 2018, 15:29
sarcasm...lowest form of wit...right??

Nirish guy
October 22nd, 2018, 15:53
I didn’t get that while gentleman’s party part - so, once the mother realised there were no women present she changed her tone to delighted and told the guy to enjoy his night basically - so, was she simply just pleased he wasn’t fucking another women OR unaware he was getting fucked himself ( for money ?) or was pleased that he was maybe out earning some money ? I couldn’t make up my mind which ?

October 22nd, 2018, 16:40
I didn’t get that while gentleman’s party part - so, once the mother realised there were no women present she changed her tone to delighted and told the guy to enjoy his night basically - so, was she simply just pleased he wasn’t fucking another women OR unaware he was getting fucked himself ( for money ?) or was pleased that he was maybe out earning some money ? I couldn’t make up my mind which ?

I believe she was pleased that there were no woman at the party and the gentlemen were just having some fun among themselves.Along with the mother, there was a younger women which I assume was the wife of one of the gentlemen.

Nirish guy
October 22nd, 2018, 18:30
Yeah I got that, but I wondered was she assuming then that it was all just guys sitting around innocently drinking and partying and generally guys being guys and being great friends and as you say she was just delighted that no women were involved to take them away from their wives. Or DID she assume perhaps they were all having a "fucking" good time with each other but again didn't care just as long as they weren't fucking other women, or maybe assume / know ? that he was there "working" his ass off for sex for money and so was delighted that he would be hime later with some money for the family perhaps? Either way if that's the way French mothers think I think I like them ! :)

October 22nd, 2018, 19:33
Yeah I got that, but I wondered was she assuming then that it was all just guys sitting around innocently drinking and partying and generally guys being guys and being great friends and as you say she was just delighted that no women were involved to take them away from their wives. Or DID she assume perhaps they were all having a "fucking" good time with each other but again didn't care just as long as they weren't fucking other women, or maybe assume / know ? that he was there "working" his ass off for sex for money and so was delighted that he would be hime later with some money for the family perhaps? Either way if that's the way French mothers think I think I like them ! :)

I believe the mother was clueless as to the goings on at the party as long as no women present.

Also she, the mother, and son were Italian as it was in Italy, I believe.

October 22nd, 2018, 19:37
...and get a virus...

I have never got a virus from anything I have downloaded but then I always practice safe hex, and I think one would be far more like to get a virus from something picked up at Tukcom - or at one of the bars after you have visited :)


October 22nd, 2018, 21:06
sarcasm...lowest form of wit...right??

And diarrhoea (especially verbal diarrhoea) is the lowest form of shit.

October 22nd, 2018, 21:33
I didn’t get that while gentleman’s party part - so, once the mother realised there were no women present she changed her tone to delighted and told the guy to enjoy his night basically - so, was she simply just pleased he wasn’t fucking another women OR unaware he was getting fucked himself ( for money ?) or was pleased that he was maybe out earning some money ? I couldn’t make up my mind which ?

If you recall, when Bosie first flirts with the waiter at the cafe table, he (or Oscar?) points to the beaming mother and says she is fully aware of what is going on and is all in favour. I take that to mean that when she interrupts the male party she is pleased that her son is making some money for himself on the side, as long as he is not neglecting his family responsibilities. Much the same attitude no doubt as many an Isaan boy's mother!

October 22nd, 2018, 23:47
And diarrhoea (especially verbal diarrhoea) is the lowest form of shit.

I'm glad it was you who said that

October 23rd, 2018, 01:40
scotty has a fan...LOL

Nirish guy
October 23rd, 2018, 02:04
it was in Italy, I believe.

Yes, you are absolutely right of course about that, my attention wandered several times during the film as I had to keep stopping mid movie to explain to my bf who Oscar was and why he was famous / infamous in the first place.

However even after my telling by bf that Oscar was a famous poet and playwright and explaining the whole court case thing etc I was met with a "yes but why was he famous, what was he well known for? it was only when I hit on the fact that he was one of the best known personalities of his day and was known for his flamboyant style and clothes etc that the penny seemed to drop and my BF replied "ahhh so he was like a famous "Instagram celebrity" then - yes said I thinking "anything for a quiet life" as I tried to return to watching the movie !

Just another one of the apparent joys (?) of dating a younger guy it seems! Oscar Wilde - Instagram Star !

October 23rd, 2018, 06:28
Gerefan2 wrote.
"And diarrhoea (especially verbal diarrhoea) is the lowest form of shit."

Big mistake G2. Scotty the Botty will now follow you all over the board trying to engage you in fetish chat.

October 23rd, 2018, 13:14
nah...scotty is too old to follow anyone anywhere...not even for scat games...