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November 21st, 2018, 11:13
I don't know, guess I will find out when I get to the border. I doubt it will be an issue though.Are you joking? You fuck up everything you touch or even glance at... dead dogs and so-called 'husbands' included.
" ... I doubt it will be an issue though ... " Right. That's nothing but a dream/desire . . . not a good chance nor a decent possibility.

November 21st, 2018, 11:35
Are you joking? You fuck up everything you touch or even glance at... dead dogs and so-called 'husbands' included.
" ... I doubt it will be an issue though ... " Right. That's nothing but a dream/desire . . . not a good chance nor a decent possibility.Have you forgotten Smiles he is a Millennial. He is “entitled” to special privileges. Already he doesn’t pay income taxes anywhere in the world and he believes that Immigration regulations everywhere are so last millennium and certainly should not apply to him

Oh and by the way Bitcoin lost ANOTHER 10% yesterday

November 21st, 2018, 19:27
Oh and by the way Bitcoin lost ANOTHER 10% yesterday

Oh dear :)

November 21st, 2018, 22:00
But yeah, I guess that's another thing that has to change. I guess we're allowed to have sex with other people now, but I'm not allowed to bring anyone home. I can have sex with giks again, but I have to take that stuff to a curtain motel or similar, and same goes for him.

Random advice, and off topic, refrain using "giks", and "curtain motels". No one in Thailand uses those words. No one talks like that, not Thais, not foreigners. Instead use "money boys", and "short time hotels".

Maybe ChristianPFC, Francois can weight in, posters who live in Thailand.

It's almost as if you have never been to Thailand, I do believe you have, but for short periods of time, everything in your stories, every manouver, every new development seems to come from someone who has read about Thailand, someone who reads, and follows online boards in order to be familiar with topic, but has not lived here.

Just a suggestion, friendly advice for sake of consistency, looking at your collection of short, bizarre stories if I was your editor. Too many inconsistencies, too many obviously bad, laughably bad mistakes, mistakes only someone who's been here 2 weeks would make.

When's your flight, btw? British Colombia, Canada is not getting warmer, below 10C now daily high, nights colder. Lao and SE Asia now best weather of the year, not hot, no humidity, nice breeze, no rain, perfect!

What's keeping you from joining your husband? How long have you been in Canada? 6 months?


November 21st, 2018, 22:18
Just a suggestion, friendly advice for sake of consistency, looking at your collection of short, bizarre stories if I was your editor. Too many inconsistencies, too many obviously bad, laughably bad mistakes,

You mean like this....

"Yep, probably. However, probably not even Vietnam, and more likely just down the street from where ever they were. Probably got sold for 500 baht, or some fucken thing.
Christ... "

Who's blind mans keyboard is capable of writing that?

November 22nd, 2018, 01:48
Random advice, and off topic, refrain using "giks", and "curtain motels". No one in Thailand uses those words. No one talks like that, not Thais, not foreigners. Instead use "money boys", and "short time hotels".

What? All that tells me is you've never been outside the tourist areas of Thailand.

giks and money boys are two different things, and same goes for short time rooms and curtain motels.

"gik" is a Thai word, and basically translates into "fuck buddy" with no implication of money. Curtain motel in Thai is "loong leem man root", and it's just that -- large outside motel, each room has it's own individual driveway, and there's a large curtain that gets pulled across when someone checks in so the wife can't go snooping for their husband's vehicle.

November 22nd, 2018, 02:47
Matt is right:

"My Thai 'Gik' this is a person you are in a casual relationship with, with no promise of a future. ... So a Thai Gikrelationship is a discreet relationship, often more common among the young, some have several Giks. A Gik is usually rewarded with dinners, sometimes small gifts."

November 22nd, 2018, 03:28
Thank you, BlackTouch. Here, we can even have a little Thai vocab lesson for DoubleDutch.

money boy = Don't know the Thai word for this, but just that -- one-time off, get your service, pay your fee, done.

gik = Casual relationship based on sex. Obviously I end up paying, but money isn't always a factor. For example, I had a couple giks back in Khon Kaen when I was a bachelor. Couple young gay guys, once a week or so I'd hook up at the local curtain motel with one of them, we'd have some fun, then go back to our regular lives. No love, or long-term future plans.

mia noi = Translates to "little wife", or basically having an affair. Love is in the air, and financial support is involved -- get them setup in a nice condo, maybe buy them a vehicle, some jewellery, regular financial support payments, etc. I actually almost got one in Khon Kaen -- this gorgeous 18 year old, I was going to put him up in a condo, he agreed to everything, etc. Never materialized though.

fean = This is your boyfriend / girlfriend.

sa-mii - This is your husband.

loong leem man root = Curtain motel, and at least up in Issan, this is what everyone uses, because they're all over the place and they're nice, clean, and cheap. Used for discreet sex.

The only people who use terms like "money boy" and "short time room" are farangs who never leave the tourist areas / go-go bars, but think they know all about Thailand. I forget what the Thai word for "money boy" is, as I never used them, but I know there is a Thai word for it and I can promise you it's not "money boy".

November 22nd, 2018, 06:08
loong leem man root = Curtain motel, and at least up in Issan, this is what everyone uses, because they're all over the place and they're nice, clean, and cheap. Used for discreet sex.I shall henceforth refer to these as “root hotels” - so apposite

The only people who use terms like "money boy" and "short time room" are farangs who never leave the tourist areas / go-go bars, but think they know all about Thailand. I forget what the Thai word for "money boy" is, as I never used them, but I know there is a Thai word for it and I can promise you it's not "money boy".The “only people” who use the term “money boy” are the money boys on the Apps, for example. Having spent 30 years in and around Thailand I realise that I’ll never be discussing the role of entropy in human affairs - or any other rule of thermodynamics to take just one example - so I have no interest in learning more than a really really basic Thai vocabulary. The usual Thai response to any discussion of ideas even in English provokes the inevitable response “you think too much”. Double Dutch is well advised to stick to English

November 22nd, 2018, 06:25
Of course they use the term "money boy" on the apps. They want your money, so will use whatever terminology you want them to.

November 22nd, 2018, 07:01
Of course they use the term "money boy" on the apps. They want your money, so will use whatever terminology you want them to.Statement Of The Bleeding Obvious 101 conjoined with Completely Missing The Point Again 101

November 22nd, 2018, 07:09
Now you are the one that has misspoke - perhaps you should check your own facts before posting. 'No one in Thailand uses those words'. What in the hell gives you that idea? Like Smiles and Christian and some of the other posters here, I've lived here full time for nearly 20 years - I can assure you that these are common words that Thai's most definitely use. In fact, it is almost an everyday word here in Thai gossip circles '...so and so is with his gik tonight'. As 'gik' is actually a Thai word (don't ask me how to spell it in Thai - unlike you - I gladly profess my own limitations), so you will hear it clearly stated as Thai's are talking. Why don't you pay attention a bit more when Thai's are talking around you? Now, you are the one that sounds like you haven't spent much time at all in Thailand - You are not going to get much support on this one, which is probably why you have gone quiet. Criticize Matt all you want, but at least make sure of your facts before you do so.

Random advice, and off topic, refrain using "giks", and "curtain motels". No one in Thailand uses those words. No one talks like that, not Thais, not foreigners. Instead use "money boys", and "short time hotels".

Maybe ChristianPFC, Francois can weight in, posters who live in Thailand.

It's almost as if you have never been to Thailand, I do believe you have, but for short periods of time, everything in your stories, every manouver, every new development seems to come from someone who has read about Thailand, someone who reads, and follows online boards in order to be familiar with topic, but has not lived here.

Just a suggestion, friendly advice for sake of consistency, looking at your collection of short, bizarre stories if I was your editor. Too many inconsistencies, too many obviously bad, laughably bad mistakes, mistakes only someone who's been here 2 weeks would make.

When's your flight, btw? British Colombia, Canada is not getting warmer, below 10C now daily high, nights colder. Lao and SE Asia now best weather of the year, not hot, no humidity, nice breeze, no rain, perfect!

What's keeping you from joining your husband? How long have you been in Canada? 6 months?


November 22nd, 2018, 09:13
In most large cities of the world most first generation immigrants live in ghettos. A friend of mine who lives in Sydney with a Thai guy tells me the guy has almost zero interaction with the general community. He works in a Thai owned and patronised shop in the “Thainatown” area of Chinatown and in the evening he watches Thai television streaming via the Internet. The conversation of most people is incredibly banal I find, so I certainly don’t attempt to eavesdrop on conversations going on around me in a foreign language. I also find westerners who use Thai words in the middle of an English sentence when there is an equivalent English word pretentious. As I said in a previous post I’ve lived here 30 years and I haven’t bothered to acquire more than a rudimentary Thai vocabulary and I make no apologies for living in an Anglophone ghetto

November 22nd, 2018, 09:35
Your loss. Why move all the way to another country, just to isolate yourself in a farang ghetto? That makes no sense.

November 22nd, 2018, 09:51
Your loss. Why move all the way to another country, just to isolate yourself in a farang ghetto? That makes no sense.To endure the White Man’s Burden of course - fucking an endless queue of cheap prostitutes. Most people are economic migrants not cultural ones

That is, after all, why you live in SE Asia as an “economic refugee” - Canada is “too expensive” for you, as some of your posts in the past have made plain. Of course you’d also have to pay income tax if you lived in Canada. You’ve decided to locate yourself in the sticks so as to live even more frugally so I imagine the ghetto option is not available for you anyway

November 22nd, 2018, 10:50
Random advice, and off topic, refrain using "giks", and "curtain motels". No one in Thailand uses those words. No one talks like that, not Thais, not foreigners. Instead use "money boys", and "short time hotels".

Maybe ChristianPFC, Francois can weight in, posters who live in Thailand.

Francois is at a loss for words regarding cdnmatt!

I do believe he exists (judging from his photos) but otherwise a complete mystery and likely a raconteur of the highest degree.

November 22nd, 2018, 13:42
loong leem man root

Some Thai expressions sound very funny to us Aussies.

November 22nd, 2018, 14:17
Francois is at a loss for words regarding cdnmatt!

I do believe he exists (judging from his photos) but otherwise a complete mystery and likely a raconteur of the highest degree.

If he’s merely the raconteur of your imagining how do you account for his entire Lao border saga being posted on Thaivisa without any cross-reference to here. Surely someone wanting to boost their credibility would have made the effort to draw our attention to it?

On the other hand this link may provide some clues to parts of Matt’s psyche https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/nov/21/millennials-sex-stressed-young-people-worry

November 22nd, 2018, 15:22
WTF are you on about?

I'm hardly like anything described in that article. You do know I lived in Khon Kaen for 8 yers, 3.5 years with a sex addict, right?

Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2018, 16:07
WTF are you on about? I'm hardly like anything described in that article.

Oh I dont know......there are SOME characteristics there that sound AWFULLY familiar in there - no??

"millennials are lazy, entitled and whiners"
"mental health issues"
"a “sexless” relationship"
"stressed out and at their wits’ end"
"worried about... moving out of our parents’ homes"
slightly freaking out and don’t really have it together"
"initiating sex is the last thing on your mind"
" pressures..... to have ( your BF's sisters) young kids, to mental health issues"

( lucky for THOSE kids too that their saviour never followed through from taking them away from their mother eh as god forbid they may have ended up in the same position as your dogs at the rate of professional planning you put into your "move" - it was their lucky day when they DIDNT go live with you !!! )

November 22nd, 2018, 19:32
WTF are you on about?

I'm hardly like anything described in that article. You do know I lived in Khon Kaen for 8 yers, 3.5 years with a sex addict, right?The first sentence sums you up completely. After that I got bored

November 22nd, 2018, 20:10
Now you are the one that has misspoke - perhaps you should check your own facts before posting. 'No one in Thailand uses those words'. What in the hell gives you that idea? Like Smiles and Christian and some of the other posters here, I've lived here full time for nearly 20 years - I can assure you that these are common words that Thai's most definitely use. In fact, it is almost an everyday word here in Thai gossip circles '...so and so is with his gik tonight'. As 'gik' is actually a Thai word (don't ask me how to spell it in Thai - unlike you - I gladly profess my own limitations), so you will hear it clearly stated as Thai's are talking. Why don't you pay attention a bit more when Thai's..

No no no, don't twist this, don't put words in my mouth! I never said Thais, when talking to each other don't use "gik", are we Thais here? Are we speaking Thai here on SGT? We all foreigners, and use English here. What words, what terms Thais use in their daily language with each other is not the issue at hand.

Lets not start measuring contest who's been here longer, I have lived here for years, I moved here in 2003, but lately I only spend time between September to March or April. (You see, I fell for it, and participated in your measuring contest.). Let's not, ok?

Back to topic, when did you last used the term "gik", when talking to fellow foreigner, obviously in your native language, be it English or any other language?

Why is it that I have not heard this word uttered by another fellow foreigner. I texted to 5 friends just now, after reading your post, they were sending 555 to my silly question.
Anything else I hear every single day when talking to friends, mostly "boy", I myself prefer to say "guy", if the guy is offed from bar, and we bring it up with foreigner friend next day, I use "gogo boy". On apps everybody uses "money boy", or , if guy seems sincerely not there for business, we say "not a money boy"

Gik? Never! And you know it! We are both foreigners, every foreigner here uses same vocabulary. We don't live on different planets, you are in KK, I'm in BKK or Pattaya, but we are both foreigners, we use same words.

I noticed, KK, you never took an issue with the term "curtain motel". Why? You called me out, aggressively, accusing me of not knowing what I'm talking about, when "gik" was the topic. Why not take an issue with both terms that I questioned? Please, I wait for your answer regarding "curtain motel". "Motel", not hotel! When was the last time you used this term in a sentence?

I'm hoping Smiles, Francois, ChristianPFC, MFAS weight in, and if thry use "gik", when speaking to fellow foreigner. I'm not even going to ask their opinion on "curtain motel", it's laughable.

"Hi Christian, I ended up in Ratchaburi tonight, could you recommend a curtain motel here? I need a place to take my gik there." LOL

EDIT, Francois did comment already, I missed it on mobile.

November 22nd, 2018, 20:29
@DoubleDutch -- Do I have this right? You're questioning whether or not I've spent a good amount of time in Thailand, because I happen to speak Thai, while you've kept yourself holed up in some farang ghetto, and never bothered to teach yourself Thai? Is that right?

Back in Khon Kaen, alot of times I would speak better Thai than they would English, hence I spoke Thai. Same with the apps like Grindr back when I could see and could read and write Thai -- some conversations were in English, but many were in Thai.
I can't write Thai anymore because I don't have the keyboard layout memorized, but lots of times on the apps I would ask "haa alia" (what are you looking for?), and sometimes they would reply "haa gik" (looking for a fuck buddy).

You do know after I broke it off with Kim, I spent about 3 years living alone in Khon Kaen with my dogs with nobody around to help with translation, right? So I'm not sure why you'd be surprised that I speak Thai, and use Thai terminology.

Same as when I get to Vientiane. Get fucked if you think I'm living in some farang ghetto, as I'd much prefer to ignore ignorant idiots such as yourself.

November 22nd, 2018, 20:53
@DoubleDutch -- Do I have this right? You're questioning whether or not I've spent a good amount of time in Thailand, because I happen to speak Thai, while you've kept yourself holed up in some farang ghetto, and never bothered to teach yourself Thai? Is that right?

Back in Khon Kaen, alot of times I would speak better Thai than they would English, hence I spoke Thai. Same with the apps like Grindr back when I could see and could read and write Thai -- some conversations were in English, but many were in Thai.
I can't write Thai anymore because I don't have the keyboard layout memorized, but lots of times on the apps I would ask "haa alia" (what are you looking for?), and sometimes they would reply "haa gik" (looking for a fuck buddy).

No, I am not questioning your ability to speak and understand Thai, and this is not a place to debate how fluent in Thai you are.

I'm questioning your stories. You make basic errors, you contradict yourself as you go along. Your time line is flawless, but details often vary, as you move along. Your finances, and different basics about it is something that an honest story teller would not get wrong, ask me how I was doing in 2008, and I give you detailed answer today, and exactly the same answer 10 years from. These are things we never forget. You do.

In attempts to add credibility, you try to use Thai slang. You are attempting to sound more Thai than Thai. You are trying to convince readers, that you in Thailand are like fish in a water.
But to know when to use slang, and when to use English word, you have to be here long time, you can't study it online, and try to fake it. Example, "curtain motel".

You keep fucking up. It's bound to happen to anyone, with volume of posts, the amount of detail the you share, you are bound to make mistakes. Don't you understand this?

You work on internet, so did I. Still do, little bit. Just last week you reported things are going well now, and you contract in Taiwan. Cdnmatt, no one on internet businesses talks like that, there are no countries on internet, people would say I made a connection with TranswerWise, and hopefully I make some money. What you don't say is "I have contract with Taiwan worth $50.000. There is no Taiwan on internet, there is a web site, a service. Not a country.

Your constant putdown of Bangkok and Pattaya is one of the tricks that you practice all the time, in this post you call them "farang ghettos".

We are same age cdnnatt. I follow you since your relationship with Kim started. Why? Because precisely same time I fell in love with a Thai man, and I moved to Pattaya, previously I lived in Bangkok. I have perspective of life in Thailand, I know how Thais talk, but like most foreigners, most of my friends are fellow foreigners, (most are straight, but that does not change anything).

Your stuff doesn't add up, cdnmatt. People can lead very different lives, and your choices may not be similar to mine, that is very natural.
I accuse you of making stuff up. You keep this blog to live out fantasies, life that you can't experience in real life, again, a very natural thing. I only call you out, when you become angry, after people here ask you very basic questions, things no one else would have difficulty explaining. But you get very upset. That is sign of guilt. If someone questioned me, for example, am really in Pattaya right now, I would laugh out loud. You do not, you lash out. We both know why. It is basic psychology.

Have you read KKjason being questioned here? Have come across Smiles' life in Hua Hin being scrutinized, and doubted? Have you read any questions directed at Francois? ChristianPFC? No! And you know it. Do you ever wonder why?

November 22nd, 2018, 21:02
Up to you. And it's not just Pattaya and Bangkok that have farang ghettos. Khon Kaen had one too -- it was at the Tuckom area as that's where all the girlie bars are. I'm sure even KKJason can vouch for me on that one.

I avoided that place like the plague too. I know your type all too well. Can't even count to 10 in Thai, but sit around the bars all day bitching about Thai people and explaining what's wroung with the country, all the while boasting about how you're an expert on Thai culture.

No idea why you'd move all the way to Thailand, and not bother learning the language. Talk about limiting your life and environment. Have fun in your farang ghetto though, with your money boys and short time rooms as you call them.

For an example of what I mean, Kong sounds like a really great guy, and I'm sure will become a good friend and we'll have some good laughs and times together. There is absolutely no way I'd be able to call him a friend right now unless I could speak Thai. He speaks a little bit of English, but I definitely speak Thai better than he speaks English. You're missing out by not knowing the language.

November 22nd, 2018, 21:29
Up to you. And it's not just Pattaya and Bangkok that have farang ghettos. Khon Kaen had one too -- it was at the Tuckom area as that's where all the girlie bars are. I'm sure even KKJason can vouch for me on that one.

I avoided that place like the plague too. I know your type all too well.

No idea why you'd move all the way to Thailand, and not bother learning the language. Talk about limiting your life and environment. Have fun in your farang ghetto though, with your money boys and short time rooms as you call them.

For an example of what I mean, Kong sounds like a really

What you are doing now is basic deflection, a tactic to sideline main conversation. You are attempting to reduce the conversation about your life in Thailand to a narrow side topic of "farang ghetto", and what areas in Thailand you use this demeaning term to describe. This was said in passing, this is not what we are discussing here. You do it all the time, and usually everyone gets bored, and forgets you. Until a climax of your latest Tele Novello episode. For example, right now! Big changes in story line, some characters may survive, some may not, some new faces will be introduced.

Don't deflect. Stay on topic! Forget about farang ghetto thing, it's unimportant.

November 22nd, 2018, 21:40
It's because you never actually say anything, and all you do is bitch and moan. Probably because you're holed up in some farang ghetto, and feel quite isolated because you can't even talk to anyone except money boys, and other farangs who feel as isolated as you do. Must be a thrilling life.

The point I was trying to make is, the Thailand you currently live in, and the Thailand I used to live in are two totally different places. All you're doing is making yourself look like an idiot for questioning whether or not I lived there.

November 22nd, 2018, 21:58
It's Loi Kratong, most beautiful Thai holiday.

Cdnmatt, I don't want to fight and argue, I like you, and your posts, your adventures. If I haven't read SGT for some time, your posts are the first I click on! Thank you!

It's when you get angry over simple questions, that's when obvious doubts are raised.
You should expect to be questioned, it's nothing personal, anyone here with stories like yours would be scrutinized. Lets face it, most people do not live life as exciting.
You become defensive, instead you could post conclusive proof. But you never do. Of course you don't have to, none of it is my business, it is your life.
It's when you pretend to get angry, when you take all of us for fools, that is the moment you make it personal.

Anyways, good luck! Hope your life keeps being interesting!

Happy Loi Kreatong! Pattaya beach is lively and beautiful tonight!

November 22nd, 2018, 22:16
You don't really ask actual questions though. You just piss and moan, and say I'm inconsistent. I'll admit I probably come off as that at times, because life is fluid and forever changing.

Everything I've posted is true, or at least to my recollection it is. I'm still in Canada right now, because I have to repair some business relationships before I'm comfortable going back to Asia. Leo has already told me, I have 2 or 3 weeks to get there before he takes off and does something new in life, which is understandable. He can't wait for me forever. I'm working on it, and waiting for responses from my business partner and clients right now.

I'm only going back to Asia if I know I can provide the three of us with a financially secure and stable home life. I'm not going to put Leo through what I did before in Khon Kaen after I first went blind, where a couple times he didn't eat for a few days because we simply didn't have any money. I think everything should be fine though, and I'll be back in Asia shortly.

Leo has promised me he's stopped being crazy, and I believe him. By talking with him, he sounds like he's matured quite a bit, which is a good thing.

Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2018, 00:52
Leo has already told me, I have 2 or 3 weeks to get there before he takes off and does something new in life.

What a charming "husband" you seem to have there, obviously someone who really wants to work at your relationship - so, he's been off fucking all round him but now advises you "hey I'm giving you 2 to 3 weeks tops and if you don't get back here ( to pay the bills?) I'm outta here and away - up to you, see ya sucker - or NOT !"

Yep, definitely a keeper of a long term "husband" you've got there for sure by the sounds of it .......

November 23rd, 2018, 01:19
Yeah, by doing something he means dropping his life savings on starting a vegetable farm, at which point he's stuck in his village for 4 or 5 months to tend to the farm.

He doesn't know what's going on, nor do I at the moment. I'm waiting for a response mainly from my main business partner before I know. He can't just wait forever, and at some point has to start bringing in an income, or doing something with himself.

Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2018, 01:54
Send him a Bitcoin or two from your stash - I'm sure that'll tide him over until you get there.......or at least pay for another holiday for him until you return as he's probably exhausted still after his last one....

November 23rd, 2018, 02:03
Why so sarcastic? Because I'm sure you're just living the life of dreams, aren't you?

Quit being a dick. At least we're trying.

Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2018, 02:27
At least we're trying.

Yes, you are that - and not sarcastic at all, just being practical, you've a (small?) stash of bitcoin that you'd always told us about - send him one, at the value of those things ( even now they've dropped) that will avoid him having to make any big decisions for the next month or three and so buy you (both) some time - seems very logical to me.

November 23rd, 2018, 02:30
What a charming "husband" you seem to have there, obviously someone who really wants to work at your relationship - so, he's been off fucking all round him but now advises you "hey I'm giving you 2 to 3 weeks tops and if you don't get back here ( to pay the bills?) I'm outta here and away - up to you, see ya sucker - or NOT !"

Yep, definitely a keeper of a long term "husband" you've got there for sure by the sounds of it .......

Is it just me, or is anybody else thinkin this Leo is taking advantage (in other words, the PISS) out of Matt?

If he love Matt, he would not be giving him 2 to 3 weeks top to get back to Lao. And what if Matt can't get to Lao in time because of his business interest?

Does Matt send him money to live on?

Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2018, 02:59
Is it just me, or is anybody else thinkin this Leo is taking advantage (in other words, the PISS) out of Matt?

You're just getting that now ? So, that's just you and Matt who hadn't worked that out yet then eh !

November 23rd, 2018, 03:47
You're just getting that now ? So, that's just you and Matt who hadn't worked that out yet then eh !

Lol. I am just playing. Of course I knew this from the time I started reading his posts!

I just can't believe or understand how Matt can not see this?

And him giving Matt two to three weeks to get back to Lao, says it all.

November 23rd, 2018, 06:59
When I read Matt’s proud boast that he is embedded in the local Thai community and abjures contact with his fellow caucasians, I wonder what he talks to them about. Does he (can he) explain his work, for example, or the principles underlying Bitcoin?

Here’s an abbreviated list of conversation topics I’ve had in the past few days - and needless to say I’ve spared the Moderators’ blushes by omitting the more controversial:

The fightback by condo managements against short-term letting by eg. AirBNB
Which is the more desirable area in terms of crowds, pavements, public transport etc. of Saladaeng, Silom 3 and Sathorn 11 & 13
My current consulting gig, the customer’s foibles, whether the business model they promote is sustainable
The advantages of dictating notes into a smartphone vs. writing them down in a notebook while receiving a guided tour of places like Les Halles
How my chum’s mobile provider does top-ups vs. prepaid plans
With a lawyer a discussion of Thai Wills and the lack of the Codicil as a tool for maintaining one

Over to Matt

November 23rd, 2018, 07:09
Is it just me, or is anybody else thinkin this Leo is taking advantage (in other words, the PISS) out of Matt?

If he love Matt, he would not be giving him 2 to 3 weeks top to get back to Lao. And what if Matt can't get to Lao in time because of his business interest?

Does Matt send him money to live on?

That's why he wants me there in 2 - 3 weeks. He's running out of money, and is no longer willing to ask me for money or allow me to send him any.

November 23rd, 2018, 07:29
That's why he wants me there in 2 - 3 weeks. He's running out of money, and is no longer willing to ask me for money or allow me to send him any.A sceptic might say that Leo has cynically imposed a deadline he knows Matt cannot meet in order to be rid of him and appear the innocent party

November 23rd, 2018, 07:32
You said - quote: "No one in Thailand uses the word gik..". Are Thai's not in Thailand? How am I putting words in your mouth. You are now saying you never said Thai's, yet what does 'No one in Thailand' mean to you exactly?

Regardless - You do make some good comments here on the forum - I will give you that - but I would just encourage to stop generalizing - Saying words like nobody uses, no one does this, etc., assumes that we are alike - and that is just not the case. I have not always lived in Khon Kaen, for example. When I first moved to Thailand in '98, I lived in Chiang Mai for 4 years. The pollution and traffice - not to mention the swarms of white people - got to be too much for me, so I moved to Bangkok. I met my husband there (just to be clear - we are legally married in America - so he is my husband, no matter what Thailand says) and we lived for 5 years until moving to Khon Kaen 9 years ago. Most of our gay friends are in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, while we have many straight friends in KK. Many of them do use the word 'gik'. Now, perhaps your friends do not - kudos to them - You know I rarely agree with Matt, but when he is right, he is right. I even have a friend in Koh Samiu who, before he and his boyfriend decided to be exclusive, openly told others that he had a gik. To me, it sounds much better than 'I am having an affair', or 'I am sleeping around...'. Gik says it all in one simple word. Just because I do not have a gik - and my husband would kill me if I did - does not mean I don't know what the word means.

Cheers -

No no no, don't twist this, don't put words in my mouth! I never said Thais, when talking to each other don't use "gik", are we Thais here? Are we speaking Thai here on SGT? We all foreigners, and use English here. What words, what terms Thais use in their daily language with each other is not the issue at hand.

Lets not start measuring contest who's been here longer, I have lived here for years, I moved here in 2003, but lately I only spend time between September to March or April. (You see, I fell for it, and participated in your measuring contest.). Let's not, ok?

Back to topic, when did you last used the term "gik", when talking to fellow foreigner, obviously in your native language, be it English or any other language?

Why is it that I have not heard this word uttered by another fellow foreigner. I texted to 5 friends just now, after reading your post, they were sending 555 to my silly question.
Anything else I hear every single day when talking to friends, mostly "boy", I myself prefer to say "guy", if the guy is offed from bar, and we bring it up with foreigner friend next day, I use "gogo boy". On apps everybody uses "money boy", or , if guy seems sincerely not there for business, we say "not a money boy"

Gik? Never! And you know it! We are both foreigners, every foreigner here uses same vocabulary. We don't live on different planets, you are in KK, I'm in BKK or Pattaya, but we are both foreigners, we use same words.

I noticed, KK, you never took an issue with the term "curtain motel". Why? You called me out, aggressively, accusing me of not knowing what I'm talking about, when "gik" was the topic. Why not take an issue with both terms that I questioned? Please, I wait for your answer regarding "curtain motel". "Motel", not hotel! When was the last time you used this term in a sentence?

I'm hoping Smiles, Francois, ChristianPFC, MFAS weight in, and if thry use "gik", when speaking to fellow foreigner. I'm not even going to ask their opinion on "curtain motel", it's laughable.

"Hi Christian, I ended up in Ratchaburi tonight, could you recommend a curtain motel here? I need a place to take my gik there." LOL

EDIT, Francois did comment already, I missed it on mobile.

November 23rd, 2018, 07:37
This is true - There are 'girlie' bar areas in KK around Tuckom area. Matt is correct. That is a very good reason why I am so glad to be gay - I think KK must get the leftovers, because these girls are nothing to look at. You know, us gays usually have a best friend or two who are girls. I have some great friends that are girls and are drop dead gorgoues - Thye of course feel safe with me because they know I'm gay, and I'm not exactly much to look at anyway - But, why anyone would go to the girlie bars in KK is beyond me. Now, the guys in KK, that is another story. They are HOT and many of them have a great deal in life going for them, so have no desire to be money boys. Just going to Central Plaza is great if you want to see some nice looking guys and admire their bodies.

Up to you. And it's not just Pattaya and Bangkok that have farang ghettos. Khon Kaen had one too -- it was at the Tuckom area as that's where all the girlie bars are. I'm sure even KKJason can vouch for me on that one.

I avoided that place like the plague too. I know your type all too well. Can't even count to 10 in Thai, but sit around the bars all day bitching about Thai people and explaining what's wroung with the country, all the while boasting about how you're an expert on Thai culture.

No idea why you'd move all the way to Thailand, and not bother learning the language. Talk about limiting your life and environment. Have fun in your farang ghetto though, with your money boys and short time rooms as you call them.

For an example of what I mean, Kong sounds like a really great guy, and I'm sure will become a good friend and we'll have some good laughs and times together. There is absolutely no way I'd be able to call him a friend right now unless I could speak Thai. He speaks a little bit of English, but I definitely speak Thai better than he speaks English. You're missing out by not knowing the language.

November 23rd, 2018, 09:27
You said - quote: "No one in Thailand uses the word gik..". Are Thai's not in Thailand? How am I putting words in your mouth. You are now saying you never said Thai's, yet what does 'No one in Thailand' mean to you exactly? -While not wishing to put words into Double Dutch’s mouth, a Westerner using a Thai word in an English dialogue with other Westerners is simply being pretentious and, probably, lacking in good manners. There is, it seems from previous posters, a perfectly good English equivalent to “gik” - “fuckbuddy” - and that’s what should be used. For the more squeamish perhaps they could use the “FWB” acronym - “Friends With Benefits”

November 23rd, 2018, 20:03
Yeah, by doing something he means dropping his life savings on starting a vegetable farm, at which point he's stuck in his village for 4 or 5 months to tend to the farm.

He doesn't know what's going on, nor do I at the moment. I'm waiting for a response mainly from my main business partner before I know. He can't just wait forever, and at some point has to start bringing in an income, or doing something with himself.

You just said Leo has savings. In another post few months ago you mentioned he has substantial amount, in Laos terms, sitting in a bank. Why would he be suddenly so pressed for time today? He can only wait for you few weeks now, after you've been gone for months and months, and Leo has had sponsors during your a absence. Now he can wait 2, maybe 3 weeks, then he's off! He will drop you, "an awsome husband", and "someone so good to him, he will never find anything even close to you", and lets not forget, "and he knows it!". Post after post after post you have been hammering this point. Now your husband comes up with a ultimatum. Is that how true love works?

He'll leave you, in order to start a vegetable garden, like Prince Charles, organic garden, hopefully! Under 25, good looking gay guy will sit in a village, alone, and dedicate his life to organic cucumbers. Makes sense!
Young, good looking Asian guy, who uses Grindr, and likely Hornet and other apps, guy who has been living with a foreigner, having been fully supported by his live in foreign husband, will uninstall Grindr, and go buy cucumber seeds. Sure!

November 23rd, 2018, 21:10
Yeah, but he pissed it all away on his little holiday. He still has enough to not worry about money for a while, but nonetheless, can't just sit there with his thumb up his ass forever waiting for me.

All he got from his "sponsor" was 5000 baht at the end of the trip. He got free flights and hotel rooms in exchange for his body. He doesn't see it like that, but I sure as shit do.

November 23rd, 2018, 21:11
You said - quote: "No one in Thailand uses the word gik..". Are Thai's not in Thailand? How am I putting words in your mouth. You are now saying you never said Thai's, yet what does 'No one in Thailand' mean to you exactly?

Of course I meant foreigners speaking to each other. Cdnnatt is talking to us in English, we all use English here. If I did not specify that my observation about use of language, and Thai slang applies to us only, not Thais, my mistake. I though it goes without saying that my sentence, "No one in Thailand uses the word gik..", applies only to us, foreigners.

Did you really interpret this sentence to mean that Thais do not use the term "gik"? In that case I should have made it more clear.

Topic was Cdnmatt's understanding of Thai subtleties, being very much ahead of us, the unfortunate souls living in "farang ghettos". I questioned his knowledge of daily life here, the basics.
Cdnmatt portrais himself as a pro, an old hand in all things Thai. Local customs, Thai slang, knowledge of Thai language. I don't know if you remember, about 6 months ago Cdnmatt was moving to Laos, and he mentioned he had over staid his visa, years of overstay. But a guy, a master at all things Thai, did not know to stay away from land boarders, in case of overstay. A guy who is most knowledgeable here, who ridicules us, the ghetto people, for not living a Thai life, not socializing with Thais only, preferring to have friends from our own cultural background and language, this guy did not know basic procedures of overstay bust - if stopped on street, handcuffed and transported to IDC, try to cross land border, handcuffs, and trip to Immigration Detention Centre in Bangkok.

All here gave him same advice, buy a ticket, have 20.000 THB in cash in your pocket, head to the airport, pay the 20k, receive your 10 year ban, a stamp in passport, and entry into Immigration data base. But NO ARREST, no detention. He, the wisest of us all, did not know this. Others knew it, I knew it, although I have never overstayed, it is simply such basics, you'd almost have to go out of your way to not know this. Cdnmatt did not know it. He, the only one here, man with years of overstay, who really had all the reasons in the world to look it up, study it, all it really would have taken is 30 minutes at ThaiVisa forum. If cdnmatt walked around several years, he was very lucky never having been stopped, and checked by a cop. I have, several times, simply stopped and asked to present passport.

Man in this situation, several years of overstay is 1 step away from arrest and certain deportation should not own animals, animald who's life depend on him. Had the doors of his house been simply shut, Leo on one of his frequent trips out of Thailand, dogs would have died of dehydration within days. And this is a guy who casually talks about adopting 2 young children! Cdnmatt has said that once in Laos, he will adopt dogs, again. Any dog in Laos would be better off remaining stray, at least they'd have better chance staying alive.

The point is, cdnmatt's knowledge of Thailand seems on level of someone who's been here few weeks, or someone who may have lived here for years, but didn't leave the house much. And that's fine, nothing wrong with lifestyle we chose, but do not try to impress this board, do not try to establish your Thai credentials by dropping some Thai slang word, totally unnecessary, out of context, and obviously forced. Natural flow would be to say fuck buddy, guy I fuck, my regular, there are many ways to say it, cdnmatt is Canadian, and this is how we talk. No excuse of language barrier either. It is obvious attempt to sound "local". Lets not even touch "curtain motel", it's so bad, it's funny.

None of it would be an issue, I love Cdnmatt's stories. I get little bit upset when cdnmatt presents himself better than others, and he does it all the time. If I had to pick a low point of his literary career, about a month ago Cdnmatt casually stated that his relationship, his marriage is "real", unlike relationships of someone older, he actually threw a number, men in 70s. That bothered me, most of my foreigner friends here are retired, and around 70. That was cruel. Not just bad, cruel.

I'm glad you like some of my comments, thank you!

November 23rd, 2018, 21:21
No, I didn't know to stay away from the land border with Laos, because I cleared it before once with a 3 year overstay without any issue, and walked right into Laos. Grabbed a double entry tourist VISA from the Thailand embassy, and was back in Thailand the next day.

I didn't know Laos changed their immigration laws after Thailand implemented the black listing laws.

November 23rd, 2018, 22:11
You didn't know in March 2016 new regulations came to effect? And 6 months earlier constant warnings and reminders in Thai media, and almost daily drumbeat on ThaiVisa, pointing to deadline, specific date of voluntarily clearing overstay, pay the fee, and avoid the penalty of being blacklisted and denied entry.

Tourist Visa rules keep changing all the time, anyone staying here long term needs to keep up, once a months quick glance at ThaiVisa is enough.

Everyone here warned you during that period, bkkguy spoke of nothing else but how to save your ass from being deported.

7:21AM in Vancouver. Haven't gone to bed yet?

November 23rd, 2018, 22:14
Well, I knew I was going to be blacklisted from Thailand for 5 years upon exiting, and that was fine with me.

I didn't know Laos also changed their immigration policy, and began denying entry to anyone with a Thailand blacklist stamp in their passport at a land border.

Again, I cleared a 3 year overstay before at the Nong Khai border, and walked right into Laos. I got out of Thailand just fine, but didn't know Laos would refuse me entry, forcing me to go back to Thailand to be deported.

November 23rd, 2018, 22:32
Yeah, overstay wasn't a big deal until March 2016.

I've overstayed once, 9 days, I forgot the date on stamp, did the monthly visa run to Cambodia border, paid the 9 times 500 THB, took 3 minutes, IO showed no emotions, gave a receipt, no over stay stamp, no nothing. Came back in same van with all the others in our visa run group. But that was 10 years ago.
Just 5 years ago Thai immigration couldn't even connect your new passport to your previous passport. That's how backwards their data base and systems were. All you had to do was get a new passport, and all your sins were wiped off. Now they connect your new passport to your history, all entries etc are on IOfficer screen.

November 23rd, 2018, 22:37
Yes, again, I knew Thailand changed their laws and procedures. I just didn't know Laos changed theirs as well in conjunction with Thailand's changes.

November 23rd, 2018, 22:48
Can I ask, why Laos? It's the saddest place in the region.
Why not Vietnam? Almost prestine beaches, because it's not small, shallow bays, beaches are right on South China Sea, waves knock you off your feet! These are real beaches, windsurfers all over the place.

Cost of living half, or even less than half of Thailand.
Vietnam towns are foreigner friendly, very easy to stay, you can get 3 months visa, something that doesn't even exist for under 50 foreigner in Thailand.
You can get 1 year visa without much hassle, Vietnam wants foreigners. I met American guy in October in Vung Tau, small beach town, from Mon to Fri extremely quiet, buzy on weekends, Saigon people weekend holiday spot, it's 1.5hr drive.
The American guy was around 30, we spoke several nights, he had moved there just 1 month ago. Some Asian countries require at least BA to get job as teacher, Vietnam apparently happy if you hold English speaking nation's Passport. His salary is 8mil Dong, not much, but guess how much work he puts in? 2 days a week, 3 hrs a day. That's like not working. He said he chose minimal work load, because his idea of living in Asia isn't working. He is right, of course. His rent for small studio 3Mil Dong. Food and beer are about half of Thai. Food is not as tasty as Thai food, but nowhere as bad as Cambodia.
Why not move to Vietnam? I staid only 3 weeks, it was to make sure the place is good enough for long term stay, if Thailand keeps squeezing visa rules. I could live there very easily, I would stay the winter there now, except I have friends in Thailand, it is my second home, has been 15 years. But if shit gets fucked here, hello Vietnam!

November 23rd, 2018, 23:11
Because my husband happens to be a Laos citizen, so going there makes obvious sense. Everything is easier and better for him -- no more 30 day VISA runs, enrolling in unversity or getting a job is no issue, social life is better as he has friends there, and he's just more comfortable around his fellow country men.

And immigration for me in Laos is no problem, and I can get 1 year business VISAs renewable each year without issue for $600/year.

I'm totally fine with Vientiane. It's about 2 hours down the road from Khon Kaen, so for me it'd be pretty much exactly the same except better restaurants basically. That, and probably better expat friends to be had there versus Khon Kaen, as there's lots of Australians around my age that live there and work at NGOs or at the international school, etc.

Plus he speaks both Laos and Thai, and although by no means fluent, I speak more than enough Thai to get around, take care of myself, and make conversation with locals / friends. I sure as shit don't feel like learning Vientanmese, I know that.

November 23rd, 2018, 23:14
Can't you see that Cdnmatt is nothing but an out and out grifter? He leaves such a designation on his sleeve for all to see, and smell. He's a despicable fraud as well as a fool and a loser ... which means anyone who takes this dude seriously is a fool as well.
'Husband' my ass: yes, the so-called 'Husband' -- the poor Leo -- who he has, more than once, described as a fucking idiot. Now how's that for a great and loving relationship? 'Husband' my ass.

For what it's worth ... my suggestion to you DD is to quit posting such long-winded twaddle and let the man/boy Canuck farang dig his own black hole with no help from the naive-among-us. You are being grifted.

Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2018, 23:47
Or just MAYBE DD is equally capable of both matching and beating Matt there too re any possible grifting that just might be going on :)

November 23rd, 2018, 23:58
Can't you see...

For what it's worth ... my suggestion to you DD is to quit posting such long-winded twaddle and let the man/boy Canuck farang dig his own black hole with no help from the naive-among-us.

I can, Smiles. It's when KKjason rushed to Cdnmatt's rescue, as a true gentleman, a White Knight, then I got sucked into this. Plus I'm bored to death.

KKjason said I should not speak about things I know nothing about, and about Thailand in general, the "gik" thing, Episode 12, Season 9.

I asked you, Smiles, I asked you by your name, to weight in, do you use the word "gik" when you talk to fellow Canadian. Did you answer?

Did you post any thoughts on a subject?

Only Francois did. So I looked like a know nothing idiot, not a good feeling. I kept posting, trying to argue with KKjason.

I asked 4 posters, who live full time in Thailand to post their opinion. Francois did, sort of. You didn't say a fucking word, Smiles.

But now you found time to post, only to point out that I babble too much. You are right, I'm posting long-winded twaddle. Cdnmatt wins. And KKjason wins, guy who posts twice a year. Maybe the key to having credibility here is to post twice a year.

Here I am, in my long winding twaddle mode, again!

November 24th, 2018, 00:29
While not wishing to put words into Double Dutch’s mouth, a Westerner using a Thai word in an English dialogue with other Westerners is simply being pretentious and, probably, lacking in good manners. There is, it seems from previous posters, a perfectly good English equivalent to “gik” - “fuckbuddy” - and that’s what should be used. For the more squeamish perhaps they could use the “FWB” acronym - “Friends With Benefits”

And lets not forget the classic, the Thai word that will prove conclusively that you are so much more "woke", than every other foreigner in this country. These lowly, know nothing foreigners call Thai capital Bangkok. But you, the enlightened one, know better, and to leave a lasting impression to those know nothing foreigners, you call it Krung Thep, Thai word for Bangkok. Every foreigner at the table will look at you in aw, and as they stand to leave, they give you a wai, a sign of respect and acknowledgement of their place in farang food chain. You are the REAL expat!

November 24th, 2018, 04:19
Talk about blowing it out of proportion. Even the few farang friends I had in Khon Kaen used "gik" all the time. Didn't know it was such an egregious offense to post it on the forum.

November 24th, 2018, 06:28
And lets not forget the classic, the Thai word that will prove conclusively that you are so much more "woke", than every other foreigner in this country. These lowly, know nothing foreigners call Thai capital Bangkok. But you, the enlightened one, know better, and to leave a lasting impression to those know nothing foreigners, you call it Krung Thep, Thai word for Bangkok. Every foreigner at the table will look at you in aw, and as they stand to leave, they give you a wai, a sign of respect and acknowledgement of their place in farang food chain. You are the REAL expat!
Even Thais when speaking English call it Bangkok. Anyone who’s paid attention to the announcements on board Thai Airways should know that. Just as the educated French people I know say “Paree” when speaking French and “Paris” when speaking English

November 24th, 2018, 06:30
Talk about blowing it out of proportion. Even the few farang friends I had in Khon Kaen used "gik" all the time. Didn't know it was such an egregious offense to post it on the forum.My friends say “spare root”. Reverting to Thai “dok thong” comes in handy

November 24th, 2018, 06:37
Can't you see that Cdnmatt is nothing but an out and out grifter? He leaves such a designation on his sleeve for all to see, and smell. He's a despicable fraud as well as a fool and a loser ... which means anyone who takes this dude seriously is a fool as well.
'Husband' my ass: yes, the so-called 'Husband' -- the poor Leo -- who he has, more than once, described as a fucking idiot. Now how's that for a great and loving relationship? 'Husband' my ass.

For what it's worth ... my suggestion to you DD is to quit posting such long-winded twaddle and let the man/boy Canuck farang dig his own black hole with no help from the naive-among-us. You are being grifted.Matt will feel as comfortable in Vientiane (assuming Lao Immigration let him in) as in KK because as should be obvious he exists in an Anglophone ghetto himself. The only difference between his and mine is that his is “virtual” and therefore he’s incapable of recognising it as such because he’s always existed there for as long as he can remember

November 24th, 2018, 06:41
I asked Pot about this word. At first he had no idea, but after some machinations around the pronunciation a light went on using a soft 'g'.
Apparently it is something to do with lady boys standing around in loud screeching conversation.
Even then he was not 100% certain that I was giving him a proper pronunciation.
Go figure.
I will try again today, perhaps on a neighbour.

Pardon my outburst in my last post. Cndmatt makes my blood boil.
I'm really not that interested in the gik wars, which is why I had not written anything along those lines.

November 24th, 2018, 06:42
Well, I knew I was going to be blacklisted from Thailand for 5 years upon exiting, and that was fine with me.

I didn't know Laos also changed their immigration policy, and began denying entry to anyone with a Thailand blacklist stamp in their passport at a land border.

Again, I cleared a 3 year overstay before at the Nong Khai border, and walked right into Laos. I got out of Thailand just fine, but didn't know Laos would refuse me entry, forcing me to go back to Thailand to be deported.
Who can forget those wonderful posts where you claimed that even if you ran into trouble with the Thai authorities they would never send you to Immigration prison because of your blindness. I guess you’ve learnt that lesson but still believe that you are somehow deserving of special treatment

November 24th, 2018, 06:46
Pardon my outburst in my last post. Cndmatt makes my blood boil.No! Who’d’ve thought?

November 25th, 2018, 02:36
For me the term "gik" is in pretty common usage in my conversations with both Thai friends and Farang (expat/sex tourist) acquaintances

November 25th, 2018, 03:41
Thank you colmx. That's what I thought too, until everyone started throwing a hissy fit about it.

November 25th, 2018, 06:24
For me the term "gik" is in pretty common usage in my conversations with both Thai friends and Farang (expat/sex tourist) acquaintancesAs a matter of interest is there a Thai version of Scrabble? Are puns possible in Thai?

November 25th, 2018, 06:47
As a matter of interest is there a Thai version of Scrabble? Are puns possible in Thai?

Sorry your attempt at humour (I presume) has gone completely over my head!
Then again I suppose that you have no friends or acquaintances... so doubt you ever actually get to talk about anything except to haggle the price of a bill with downtrodden staff

November 25th, 2018, 06:54
Sorry your attempt at humour (I presume) has gone completely over my head!
Then again I suppose that you have no friends or acquaintances... so doubt you ever actually get to talk about anything except to haggle the price of a bill with downtrodden staffI leave that sort of thing for the servants to handle

November 27th, 2018, 00:44
No, I didn't know to stay away from the land border with Laos, because I cleared it before once with a 3 year overstay without any issue, and walked right into Laos. Grabbed a double entry tourist VISA from the Thailand embassy, and was back in Thailand the next day.

I didn't know Laos changed their immigration laws after Thailand implemented the black listing laws.

555 they probably didn't, but of course the first time you weren't blacklisted from Thailand. You were advised to go by air, but you didn't...

Anyway, boy what drama, now you suddenly back together again ? What a difference a week makes hey.

Oh, before I forget, did the Canadian Governement give you a shiny new passport ? And when is the trip to VTE ?

November 27th, 2018, 00:53
I asked Pot about this word. At first he had no idea, but after some machinations around the pronunciation a light went on using a soft 'g'.
Apparently it is something to do with lady boys standing around in loud screeching conversation.
Even then he was not 100% certain that I was giving him a proper pronunciation.
Go figure.
I will try again today, perhaps on a neighbour.

Pardon my outburst in my last post. Cndmatt makes my blood boil.
I'm really not that interested in the gik wars, which is why I had not written anything along those lines.

You pronounce it more like kik than gik. I also read that Krung Thep is apparently not done. What hogwash on here, it's not only matt, but the bollocks uttered by some others too !

Krung Thep, Krung Thep, Krung Thep. Here done it three times now !

All of those years I sinned by using Krung Thep oh my..

November 27th, 2018, 03:31
I asked Pot about this word. At first he had no idea, but after some machinations around the pronunciation a light went on using a soft 'g'.
Apparently it is something to do with lady boys standing around in loud screeching conversation.
Even then he was not 100% certain that I was giving him a proper pronunciation.
Go figure.
I will try again today, perhaps on a neighbour.

Hi Smiles

It's กิ๊ก, pronounced as gík. The g here sounds like an un-aspirated k. It means a casual boyfriend, girlfriend or playmate; someone you're likely to be sharing intimacy with.

I think I understand how Pot mistook it for a "bunch of lady-boys standing around in loud screeching conversation". He probably heard you pronounce it as

คิก or kík where the k here IS aspirated. It denotes the sound of giggling which lady-boys often make

OR he might have heard it as

กรีด or grèet which means to scream, screech or shriek, which lady-boys certainly do.

The three words have very close pronunciations and it is easy to be misunderstood. Even Thais misunderstand each other sometimes. Did you provide any context?

Nirish guy
November 27th, 2018, 16:00
posted on 22th Nov...... I have 2 or 3 weeks to get there before he takes off .

Nearly one week gone already and only a maximum of two to go now eh! ......time to get that flight booked Matt while they're still a bit cheaper as you'd hate to go all that way and find him gone on your arrival .....mind you I guess Kong could always look after you in that case then......( there, dont say i don't help with the next chapter in moving things along for you ..... :-)

November 28th, 2018, 00:17
No, shit changed on me again. He's building a bungalow in the village now! Had $900 worth of materials ddelivered yesterday, and now has $200 left to his name.

I think it's actually a good idea. Give his old man a better place to live instead of the current tin shed he lives in.

Then apparently he's starting his vegetable farm, so I'm not sure, but I think that means he's stuck in his village for at least 6 months.

This actually works better for me anyway. I can relax at my parent's house, finish up my new software platform, so when I get back to Asia I will be in an even better position.

Who knows, who cares. I convinced Kong to stay in university though, so that's cool. He's in his 4th year and was thinking of dropping out. Idiot.

Nirish guy
November 28th, 2018, 00:47
Ahhhh so there we go - a six month repreive eh, lucky you - and to think not just a week ago HE was going to leave YOU if you didn't come at once, it seems that HE had other plans all along ! Just as well you didn't rush back eh, you'd of been left high and dry again OR paying for the build of a new house ( although it's proabably highly time that he gouged you for that one anyway)........still, nice that he has his own money now and can afford to do all these things by himself now if nothing else, he must have invested all that money you gave him very wisely over the years after all - or found some other way of augmenting his income I guess, still, smart boy that Leo, defintely one to watch in the future as a real up and coming smart guy.

But re your "who knows who cares" part then ....so are we to take it that YOU then no longer care again then about him / things or is now your new life with your husband and things are all fully back on track again now then ? If so that must be nice for you to allow you to get some mental peace of mind again about all of that and to know that you're defintely the main thing in his life again now, especially after that stressful period of insecurity caused by your forced seperation.

Still, only another few months ( at the least I'm guessing now) before you see each other again and all will be right with the world eh.

November 28th, 2018, 01:09
Yeah, it's my money he's using to build the bungalow. He's a good little saver, I tell ya! :)

He's broke now, but at least he and his old man will have a nicer place to live in. Not sure how he's going to build his planned kitchen and bathroom with no money, but whatever, up to him.

Yeah, I'm back to not caring. Just finished a nice 4 day holiday with my brother and sister-in-law, so spending time with them helped me put things into perspective. Went to some small island called Salt Spring -- was good.

Now I'm just pissed off because I think I may have lost my main business partner due to my delays while I was being emotionally and mentally tortured. Probably didn't lose him though, but I think he'll just make me wait until I get my new software platform 100% before completing the deal. See what happens.

Nirish guy
November 28th, 2018, 01:18
He's a good little saver, I tell ya! :)

Yeah, or a good little earner too I guess....still just as long as you're not having to foot ALL the bills now and it he's got perhaps a few other farang now to call upon to help him out with his costs etc then at least that helps lighten the load on your required handouts somewhat now.

Not sure how he's going to build his planned kitchen and bathroom with no money.....

Oh I doubt he'll find that too much of a problem.......you know what they say about Farang, they're like buses, none around for ages and then just when you need one several cum at once, so I'm sure Leo will find a way.

November 28th, 2018, 02:04
... while I was being emotionally and mentally tortured.By yourself - entirely self-inflicted. On the plus side, Bitcoin's price has stabilised, give or take a few hundred dollars

November 28th, 2018, 05:01
Building a 'bungalow' for $900 (CA or US?) eh? Last we heard he had a "pile of (your) money". Now the definition of "a pile" is $900 plus a measly $200 left over. Wow.
Perhaps that tent you were going to live in last year (?) will now come in handy. And you eating the famous Carrot Diet.
Sounds like so much fun, and so damned romantic.

" ... Yeah, I'm back to not caring ... "
And then comes the partner-no-partner story to spice things up.

" ... I think I may have lost my main business partner due to my delays while I was being emotionally and mentally tortured. Probably didn't lose him though, but I think he'll just make me wait until I get my new software platform 100% before completing the deal ..."

You are such a loser.

November 28th, 2018, 05:55
Yeah, he used to have a good chunk of money in savings, but he went and pissed it all away. What do you want me to do about that?

He took off to Bangkok, grabbed a job at some Korean restaurant, and a couple months later went back to his village with $2000 less to his name. Then no idea what his little sex holiday cost him, but apparently after the holiday and purchasing the building supplies for his new bungalow, he's now broke. Asked if I could send him some money, but he said I'm not allowed.

He doesn't have a plan forward, nor does he really know what he's doing. All he knows right now is he has a bunch of wood and cement sitting on his father's farm, and he's going to build himself and his father a bungalow, dammit! :)

Nirish guy
November 28th, 2018, 08:05
He took off to Bangkok, .........no idea what his little sex holiday cost him......

COST HIM !? My god man what do you think is paying for his new bungalow ! You're surely not THAT stupid - really, are you ? Ohhhh my husbands away in Bangkok at the moment, but it's ok, dont worry he's just a waiter in a restaurant there....... well, at least he's original.....oh no, wait.....not even !

if I could send him some money, but he said I'm not allowed.

Brilliant ! I have to give it to you, they should call you click bait matt instead of CDN - Moses must LOVE you on his board - I know I certainly do as your never ended stories are great entertainment, do please keep it up ! :-)

November 28th, 2018, 11:37
@NIrish -- I love your subtle racism. Same as my mother, and I get pissed off at her all the time for it too.

Just because he happened to be born in rual Laos must mean he's a cheating, teiving, lowlife piece of shit, right?

Grow up.

Nirish guy
November 28th, 2018, 16:25
And I love your deflection techniques - if anyone comes close to the facts, attack and change direction, you're a master of your art Ill give you that ! :-)

Meanwhile re your "he's a cheating, teiving, (sic) lowlife piece of shit, right" - well I guess as any opinion formed is based merely on your OWN description of his activities all I'd say to that is "if the cap fits".

So, that's you just bought yourself 6 months or so staying in Canada, so what's the next angle to be then, Leo winning the lottery and finishing the house without your money after all. Or perhaps Kong deciding to leave Uni after all and you having to go there to change his mind as you're one hell of a friend ( but definitely not lover) who's good at that sort of thing and he's lucky to have found you.

Or maybe Barry the fireman from Ireland turning up on your doorstep there and threatening you for treating Leo so poorly, even though you were "obviously" the best boyfriend .....opps sorry husband.....in the world to him EVER .....as you're good at that sort of thing, but rather than fight you brought Barry in a cooked him dinner ( as you're good at that sort of thing) and actually you and Barry hit it off and are now buying a house together in Canada and you've said you'll never to return to Asia again as you've both decided some of the boys there are all "cheating, teiving, (sic) lowlife pieces of shit, right" ?

Ahh this can run and run, I love it.....but at least you're back in Canada now, safe and sound with your parents, where the likes of Leo from Laos cant hurt you any more or get at your money......well, unless you decide just to keep GIVING it too him !! Ha and you tell others to grow up ! hilarious ! :)

Do, PLEASE carry on, as reading this whilst at my desk on a cold wet windy November day here beats working ANY day of the week. :-)

November 28th, 2018, 19:58
" ... but at least you're back in Canada now, safe and sound with your parents ..."Yes ... living with his parents at mid 30's or possibly early 40's. Now that's the same guy who is suggesting that you, Nirish, should "grow up".

What a Canadian loser.


Oops, Cdnmatt cant see this. Apparently.

November 28th, 2018, 21:21
Yeah, he used to have a good chunk of money in savings, but he went and pissed it all away. What do you want me to do about that?

He took off to Bangkok, grabbed a job at some Korean restaurant, and a couple months later went back to his village with $2000 less to his name. Then no idea what his little sex holiday cost him, but apparently after the holiday and purchasing the building supplies for his new bungalow, he's now broke. Asked if I could send him some money, but he said I'm not allowed.

I'm guessing "good chunk" of money is around $2000.
Now that we know "pile of money" turned out to be $900, and maybe another $200, we have some perspective. You always said Leo has his own money, he has enough that he could walk away from you, now we know the figure.

Stay awesome, cdnmatt!

November 28th, 2018, 21:23
@NIrish -- I love your subtle racism.


November 28th, 2018, 23:41
Yes ... living with his parents at mid 30's or possibly early 40's. Now that's the same guy who is suggesting that you, Nirish, should "grow up".

What a Canadian loser.

I'm blind, you fucken dick. I could easily go grab a serviced apartment for myself later today if I wanted, but since I'm now blind, I'll stick it out here. Having someone around with a workng set of eyes to do the shopping and stuff makes my life a whole lot easier.

What an asshole.

November 29th, 2018, 00:06
I'm guessing "good chunk" of money is around $2000.
Now that we know "pile of money" turned out to be $900, and maybe another $200, we have some perspective. You always said Leo has his own money, he has enough that he could walk away from you, now we know the figure.

Stay awesome, cdnmatt!

No, he had about $8000 in his account at one time. Considering when I first met him he didn't even have a bank account, passport, or even money for the bus to Khon Kaen, I think I took pretty good care of him.

Nirish guy
November 29th, 2018, 01:20
.....I think I took pretty good care of him.

Lets guess......because "you're good at that sort of thing" - right ? :)

Nirish guy
November 29th, 2018, 01:55
...... I think I took pretty good care of him.

Until of course purely by your own lack of organisational skills and inability to take numerous pieces of advice you were given about using airport borders and not land borders you basically left him with no partner, stranded and alone and haven't even bothered to return to him now that you can as you have your new passport - so yeah, some husband you turned out to be - with a husband like that I think he'd be wise looking for a quickie divorce lawyer more like - mind you by the sounds of it he's already told you to bugger off already - you're just not listening.

But don't worry I'm sure he'll "come to his sense's" ( as you'll call it no doubt) when the money runs out and he needs to put a roof on the house and realises what an 'easy" guy ( touch) he had in you, so I wouldn't worry, I'm SURE you ( and we) will be hearing from him again in the not so very distant future.

I just feel bad for poor Kong, there was he all set to move in, deal done, money agreed and somewhere nice to live AND with the promise of lovely dinners being cooked for him ( as you're good at that sort of thing) and now, what was he ended up with - NOTHING ! Just some empty promises but no delivery from a guy far far away who's making no attempt to honour his promises......I'm guessing Leo is texting him as we speak with the Lao version of "you SEE, I TOLD you what he was like and how undependable he was so don't blame ME !! Poor Kong. :(

November 29th, 2018, 02:08
Well, that will be up to him, now won't it be?

Again, let him see me in person again, and I bet it clears up all the unknowns and potentials he's currently contemplating in his mind.

Right now, he's busy building his bungalow, which works fine for me. I'm busy finishing my software platform.

Nirish guy
November 29th, 2018, 02:20
Wow, for a guy who ( you say) looked after him SO well he's certainly treating you like a real piece of shit just now don't you think? I think perhaps he's got your measure and has heard enough and quite rightly is moving on with HIS life ( as he warned you he would if you didn't got back), so again it seems you've no one else to blame but yourself - not that I imagine for ONE minute that that will be the case of course.

Maybe it's for the best and you staying there now and settling down at your folks place is the right thing for you as lets face it you gave Asia your best shot and it just doesn't appear to have worked out for you. Maybe just stay home, make some money, find a nice guy there and live happily ever after, much easier that all this kerfuffle eh.

November 29th, 2018, 02:27
No, I'm going back to Asia, because I like Asia.

This actually works better anyway. Now once I get there my new software platform will already be done, so I'll be able to hit the ground running, whereas before I was planning to finish it once I got there.

Whether or not Leo and myself are still together is up to him, not me. Again, let him see me in person again.

November 29th, 2018, 03:18
No, I'm going back to Asia, because I like Asia.

Now once I get there my new software platform will already be done, so I'll be able to..

You have come up with a new word salad "software platform". You have included these meaningless words in 4 of your posts in 1 day.

Can I ask you, what do you mean by developing a "software platform"?

I'm pretty sure that your knowledge of programming ends with turning your laptop on and off.

Prove me wrong, cdnmatt! Surely you can show us something!

"Software platform" lol. You can't do anything, you couldn't even do visa runs in every few months, something all of us staying here full time had to do.
You are building platforms now? Tell this to Lao guy, he may believe you, but I doubt even he believes you.

I'm guessing you were supported by your parents, while you lived in Thailand, all along.

Please don't repeat your laughable bit coin thing, you are the only one here who believes this story.

Prove me wrong, show us the "platform"! Problem is not that you make stuff up, it's how badly you do it.

How is late November in Canada? Lovely time of the year, yes? You can't even afford to buy a ticket to Asia, and you don't have income to stay in Asia long term.
It is very likely you applied, and you are receiving Canadian disability pension, about $900 CDN per month, not enough to fly, not enough to stay. Besides, you have to report to BC welfare office regularly, in person, to continue recieving benefits.

November 29th, 2018, 03:50
Get fucked if you think I'm posting my work life on this board. That's about as stupid as a447 asking me to post my medical records.

November 29th, 2018, 04:10
Get fucked if you think I'm posting my work life on this board. That's about as stupid as a447 asking me to post my medical records.I’d have thought we have enough to go on. As I recall your early endeavors were supporting the web sites of online pornographers. From there it was an easy segue to supporting the Bitcoin scam beloved by pornographers, blackmailers and drug dealers. You do enjoy mixing with low-lifes. Doubtless the new platform is aimed at a customer base of similar undesirables

November 29th, 2018, 06:25
When have I ever said I supported / worked for online pornographers? My first husband went and turned our home in Budapest into a porn studio, but that had nothing to do with me.

I hated that so much, I moved to Malta.

November 29th, 2018, 08:57
When have I ever said I supported / worked for online pornographers? My first husband went and turned our home in Budapest into a porn studio, but that had nothing to do with me.

I hated that so much, I moved to Malta.You certainly know how to pick “husbands” don’t you. While I’m researching your past work I came across this absolutely fabulous thread you started in 2011 about monogamy - https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?11849-Who-here-is-truly-monogamous

November 29th, 2018, 14:28
That's about as stupid as a447 asking me to post my medical records.

Can you produce evidence of that alleged request?

November 29th, 2018, 17:53
Can you produce evidence of that alleged request?

Now you're denying you even did it? Can you go sit on a spear and spin?

Seriously, you can't remember demanding me to post medical records stating that my optic nerve is damaged? Ok, your old, and your memory is fucked.

Don't feel bad, happens to the best of us. My father is so old these days, that most days he doesn't even know what day of the week it is. My mom takes care of things, just tells him what's going on and what they're doing, and he just follows her around.

November 29th, 2018, 18:17
Ok, your old, and your memory is fucked.
I suspect you're trying to say "Ok, you're old, and your memory is fucked". Did you go to the same university as arsenal perchance? He too struggles with apostrophes

November 29th, 2018, 18:46
Seriously, you can't remember demanding me to post medical records

No, I can't. That's why I asked you for the evidence.

I'm assuming you have it.

I did, however, ask you to post the words "optic nerve" from your medical record, not the entire record.

Nor did I ever ask you to post your medical records.

November 29th, 2018, 19:51
Ohhh, so you only asked me to partially post my records, but not the full records. Big difference, I guess.

November 29th, 2018, 20:28
No, I didn't ask you to do that at all.

I specifically asked you to post the two words from the specific medical report/. (My use of the word "record" in post #352 should have been "report".) Medical records were never mentioned by me.

But we've been here before. So just post the evidence of your claim and let's leave it at that.

November 29th, 2018, 20:31
Well, my dad is old and threw all my medical records in the recycle bin months ago, so I guess so much for that idea.

I guess I could go to KK Ram and get them again, but I'm not alloweed back in Thailand until April 2023, so probably not going to happen.

You already said yourself in the photos I posted that I'm obviously blind, so what more evidence do you need? Quit being a dick.

November 29th, 2018, 21:22
Well, my dad is old and threw all my medical records in the recycle bin months ago, so I guess so much for that idea.

Quit being a dick.

Bad version of "dog ate my homework".

And again, your true and tired "don't be a dick".

No programming platform screen shot, you can't post 2 words "optic nerve" screen shot, nothing!

Dad threw them away lol. What was your excuse when you went blind, oh, I Will Not Post Personal Medical Records!! Now it is senile dad. You are terrible at this, cdnmatt!

You sound like Trump, he couldn't show his tax returns because he was being audited, idiotic, child like excuses.

November 29th, 2018, 22:11
I don't have any medical records from Khon Kaen anymore. Bud I do have records from a Canadian optometrist (sp) proving that I'm blind. I got them, because I thought it would help get Leo a VISA to Canada on medical grounds as being my sighted guide.

Make you a deal. Post the results of your latest general checkup, and I'll post letters from the Canadian doctor proving my optic nerves are now atrophic (sp).

November 29th, 2018, 23:14
Don't feel bad, happens to the best of us. My father is so old these days, that most days he doesn't even know what day of the week it is. My mom takes care of things, just tells him what's going on and what they're doing, and he just follows her around.

Just how old is your father, matt? Are you saying he has dementia?

November 29th, 2018, 23:36
No, not at all. He's still highly intelligent.

He just worked his ass off all his life, and stressed himself out quite a bit, so in his retirement has decided to let his mind relax a little more.

That, and my mom is a typical mother. This is her house, and she's the boss, dammit. She runs the ship, and both myself and my father just let her dictate what's going on.

Nirish guy
November 30th, 2018, 01:03
both myself and my father just let her dictate what's going on.

So, just like in your past relationship then by the sounds of it - "come back here NOW or I'm out of here"......"ok, ok...I'm coming I'm coming, wait on me there, just give me 2 or 3 weeks" - "na, forget it, screw you I'm OUT of here" .....

November 30th, 2018, 01:49
He's the one who makes me crazy. He doesn't know who he is, or what the hell he wants, hence it screwes with my life.

He's busy building his new bungalow now, so good -- get some hard, manual labor into him again. I'll finish up the software on my end.

Again, let him see me again in person, and I bet that immediately clarifies things in his mind for him.

Nirish guy
November 30th, 2018, 02:07
you really are a glutton for punishment aren't you.......they say there are people who actually enjoy being treated like shit and it makes them feel comfortable as that's what they've been used to for a long time.......I guess you're one of them just... oh well, if it works for you, good on you, if it makes you happy then don't let anyone tell you otherwise than to keep doing what you're doing I guess.

November 30th, 2018, 05:22
He's the one who makes me crazy. He doesn't know who he is, or what the hell he wants, hence it screwes with my life.Only because you allow it to screw with your life. I’ve told you how to treat your PTSD, but as you have no interest in that solution perhaps you could adopt the Buddhist practice of detachment. After all, you keep telling us how much you value living in a Buddhist culture

November 30th, 2018, 05:28
Make you a deal. Post the results of your latest general checkup, and I'll post letters from the Canadian doctor proving my optic nerves are now atrophic (sp).Unfortunately a general check up is for physical health only and I’d much prefer to read an expert’s assessment of the mental health of each of you. My assessment of a447 in that regard is already well known

November 30th, 2018, 05:55
Only because you allow it to screw with your life. I’ve told you how to treat your PTSD, but as you have no interest in that solution perhaps you could adopt the Buddhist practice of detachment. After all, you keep telling us how much you value living in a Buddhist culture

Yeah, your brilliant advice was to take LSD. I think I'll ignore that advice, but thanks anyway.

Don't give that advice to my oldest brother, because he'd probably take you up on it. heh.

November 30th, 2018, 06:07
Thinking about it, how the hell do you know if you have PTSD? There's a chance, and if I do have it, I've had it since summer of 2005 when I moved to Budapest, and my first husband threw our relationship under the bus because you're not allowed to be gay in Budapest, and all his childhood friends were homophobic.

Everything was awesome while we lived in Canada. Then we moved to Budapest, and he decided he doesn't want to be gay anymore, so that was the beginning of the end of that relationship. Still loved me and wanted to be together forever, but just not in a gay way. Not sure what the fuck all that was about. What an ass.

November 30th, 2018, 08:28
Yeah, your brilliant advice was to take LSD. I think I'll ignore that advice, but thanks anyway.It wasn't LSD for PTSD but MDMA per the number of successful pilot studies as this link shows - https://maps.org/research/mdma/ptsd/phase3. However ignoring advice seems to be a speciality of yours - and look where you've ended up because of it. LSD isn't recommended for PTSD, just for the chronically unhappy-with-their-lot-in-life

November 30th, 2018, 08:31
Everything was awesome while we lived in Canada. Then we moved to Budapest, and he decided he doesn't want to be gay anymore, so that was the beginning of the end of that relationship. Still loved me and wanted to be together forever, but just not in a gay way. Not sure what the fuck all that was about. What an ass.Looked in the mirror recently (metaphorically speaking of course)? Given that every single one of your relationships turns to shit, have you considered that the fault lies in yourself and not in them? At the very least your track record in picking losers is impeccable

November 30th, 2018, 09:54
Looked in the mirror recently (metaphorically speaking of course)? Given that every single one of your relationships turns to shit, have you considered that the fault lies in yourself and not in them? At the very least your track record in picking losers is impeccable

Yes, I've obviously considered that. Even asked both my farang husband and Leo what I did wrong, and what I could have done better. Neither could answer me, and both said it was all their fault, and had nothing to do with me. So I have no idea, but if I don't know what's wrong, I can't fix it. Best I can ascertain is that gay people simply such at long-term relationships.

Never bothered asking Kim what I did wrong, because that was just a mistake. Lesson learned, never fall in love with a go-go boy, and move to Khon Kaen with him. If you do, after a nap, you may end up finding yourself having a conversation such as:

Me: Kim, where did the fridge go?
Kim: I gave it to my father.
Me: Well, why the fuck did you do that? Are you really that stupid?
Kim: What?!? He needed a fridge! Why are you angry and stupid again?
Me: Well, of course I'm angry, because we don't have a fucken fridge anymore!

Good times. At least the sex was the best I've ever had. I miss waking up to him sucking on my dick. That was always a nice surprise to wake up to. Get a little whiskey in him, and he was a horny little bugger, I tell ya. :)

November 30th, 2018, 10:44
Yes, I've obviously considered that. Even asked both my farang husband and Leo what I did wrong, and what I could have done better. Neither could answer me, and both said it was all their fault, and had nothing to do with me.Conflict avoidance pure and simple. You claim to be in tune with Asian values and can't even grasp that simple concept. Alternatively they couldn't bothered deciding where to start and then spending the very long time it would take to explain it to you

November 30th, 2018, 11:49
Conflict avoidance pure and simple. You claim to be in tune with Asian values and can't even grasp that simple concept. Alternatively they couldn't bothered deciding where to start and then spending the very long time it would take to explain it to you

Ok, then if I'm that horrible of a partner, then why did my farang husband send us money when I was down on my luck, or offer me up his house to live in after I went blind? With most failed marriages I know about, the couple don't even talk to each other anymore, and I have my previous husband offering me to live in his house.

Why does Leo keep sending messages to apologize, and tells me how much he misses me if I'm that horrible of a person to be in a relationship with?

If I'm so horrible, why is Leo either going to be at the Vientiane airport to meet me, or at the very least, probably be on the first bus to Vientiane upon hearing about my arrival from Kong?
I know I'm not perfect, but Leo is hardly perfect himself. He just has to get it through his skull that a perfect husband doesn't exist, and good is better than nothing. Again, just let him see me again in person, and I'm sure that will resolve all this bullshit.

November 30th, 2018, 13:32
Ok, then if I'm that horrible of a partner, then why did my farang husband send us money when I was down on my luck, or offer me up his house to live in after I went blind? With most failed marriages I know about, the couple don't even talk to each other anymore, and I have my previous husband offering me to live in his house.

Why does Leo keep sending messages to apologize, and tells me how much he misses me if I'm that horrible of a person to be in a relationship with?

If I'm so horrible, why is Leo either going to be at the Vientiane airport to meet me, or at the very least, probably be on the first bus to Vientiane upon hearing about my arrival from Kong?
I know I'm not perfect, but Leo is hardly perfect himself. He just has to get it through his skull that a perfect husband doesn't exist, and good is better than nothing. Again, just let him see me again in person, and I'm sure that will resolve all this bullshit.
Pity would be my guess

November 30th, 2018, 14:16
I don't have any medical records from Khon Kaen anymore. Bud I do have records from a Canadian optometrist (sp) proving that I'm blind. I got them, because I thought it would help get Leo a VISA to Canada on medical grounds as being my sighted guide.

Make you a deal. Post the results of your latest general checkup, and I'll post letters from the Canadian doctor proving my optic nerves are now atrophic (sp).


I'm going to Life Care, Pattaya to do general blood check, lets say by Wed, Dec 5, that is next week, I'm hoping to go on Monday, but I like to sleep in and they close early, but by Wed, I promise.

Not doing this for you, I go there every winter.
It is excellent clinic, and you get results next day.
I will black out my name, rest is for all to see, blood glaucous level and all.

Make sure you keep your word, Cdnmatt!


November 30th, 2018, 14:29
It wasn't LSD for PTSD but MDMA per the number of successful pilot studies as this link shows - https://maps.org/research/mdma/ptsd/phase3. However ignoring advice seems to be a speciality of yours - and look where you've ended up because of it. LSD isn't recommended for PTSD, just for the chronically unhappy-with-their-lot-in-life

MDMA has shown very promising results studies of depression as well. And I attest to it, as a voluntary test animal. It is great! And so is LSD. And Tramadol, synthetic opioid, a pain killer, now starting to be recognized for off label treatment of depression.

Unfortunately you are offering advice to someone who is not here to receive or even consider advice, cdnmatt is here to listen to his own voice.
His stories are a projection what he'd like his life to be, young, awesome guy in his mid thirties, with couple of cool dogs, loving husband, very good at many sorts of things, yet mistreated by every single person he comes into contact with.

November 30th, 2018, 16:03
And Tramadol, synthetic opioid, a pain killer, now starting to be recognized for off label treatment of depression.I strongly urge you to avoid opioids, especially Tramadol - https://blog.iodine.com/tramadol-the-most-dangerous-drug-in-the-world-5500450d6cc6?gi=3d6f7160852a

November 30th, 2018, 16:11
Would you like me to pull the studies showing the negative effects of MDMA usage?

What a crowd this is. The few times I took ecstasy, I loved it, but it took me about a full 48 hours to recover. I think I'll stick with beer, because that only takes me a coffee or two in the morning to recover.

Don't worry, I've experienced the effects of MDMA, and even magic mushrooms, many times before. I'm totally fine with my beer, thanks. I don't even like weed, and that's even legal in Canada now for recreational use. Not for me though, I'll stick with beer.
I've never done heroin or LSD, but trust me, I've done my fair share of drugs in my younger years.

November 30th, 2018, 17:10
I strongly urge you to avoid opioids, especially Tramadol - https://blog.iodine.com/tramadol-the-most-dangerous-drug-in-the-world-5500450d6cc6?gi=3d6f7160852a

Thank you for that link!

"In fact, one of the reason people like taking Tramadol is because for some people it works as an antidepressant, producing euphoria or energy, unlike other opioids which tend to make people drowsy. This has led it being used recreationally, while people still go to work or live their daily lives."

If that's the worst of, simply being addictive, I can live with that. What is more distructive for a man, half a bottle of vodka, or 150mg Tramadol? I am certain that Ethanol, most common substance for self medicating, is more damaging than many other addictive substances. My main worry would be long term side effects, remember Vioxx? Very widely prescribed pain killer, suddenly taken off market everywhere, when it turned out to cause heart attacks and strokes. Friend of mine in Europe was prescribed Vioxx, he took for 2 years, daily, after recovering from major car crash. Then it was taken off market. He is fine, but many were not, apparently.


If you think about, what isn't addictive? Pretty much everything is addictive. Obesity is often simply food addiction, people getting high from 2Kg of ice cream every night, or eating 2 large pizzas every night. They get high, a very short, but very damaging food high. The moment pizza is eaten, that's the end of the high.
Sports, running can be addictive, body produces dopamines that get us high.
Sex, dopamine induced high, not completely dissimilar to cocaine.

All we can do, is manage our addictions, and hopefully chose least destructive ones, but often there is no choice, addiction happens, we do not choose to become addicted.

Off topic, Tramadol overdoses are increasing in Thailand as well, about a month ago there news report bunch of teenagers mixing Tramadol with other stuff, article laid out precise recepy, btw, teens ended up in hospital. Several years ago similar news hit Thai media, as a result Tramadol became difficult to buy in Bangkok, even tho it still over the counter, no prescription needed, but pharmacies are now required to keep a log book, and record ID, so they stopped stocking it.

November 30th, 2018, 17:14
Would you like me to pull the studies showing the negative effects of MDMA usage?

What a crowd this is. The few times I took ecstasy, I loved it, but it took me about a full 48 hours to recover. I think I'll stick with beer, because that only takes me a coffee or two in the morning to recover.

Don't worry, I've experienced the effects of MDMA, and even magic mushrooms, many times before. I'm totally fine with my beer, thanks. I don't even like weed, and that's even legal in Canada now for recreational use. Not for me though, I'll stick with beer.
I've never done heroin or LSD, but trust me, I've done my fair share of drugs in my younger years.

How do you know you took MDMA? I'm betting you didn't buy from pharmacy, and not from a laboratory. You bought some unknown pill, made of god knows what. If you couldn't sleep 2 days, pill contained Amphetamines, very common additive to what is sold on the street as MDMA, Exctasy.
Pure MDMA is very different, but nearly impossible to buy, unless you are chemist, with all necessary components.

November 30th, 2018, 17:19
Would you like me to pull the studies showing the negative effects of MDMA usage?

What a crowd this is.

Yes, please! Scientific research, published after, say, 2005.

November 30th, 2018, 17:36
Has this thread really devolved into the fact I'm an idiot because I don't take MDMA?

Holy shit...

Ok DoubleDutch, I guess we all know where you stand on taking hard drugs.

November 30th, 2018, 18:59
Has this thread really devolved into the fact I'm an idiot because I don't take MDMA?Even I wouldn't go that far.
Idiot? Absolutely without question.
But MDMA?? What is that? At first thought Mad Max came to mind. Then Mad at Mother sounded about right.
For me, I'm sticking with Midiot. Has a reality ring to it.

November 30th, 2018, 19:23
You don't know what MDMA is? How old are you, exactly?

November 30th, 2018, 19:27
Oh, and as for the whole bullshit "gik" thing... I was talking to Kong earlier tonight, and I guess him and his BF have constant problems. I asked Kong straight up:

"ohhh, faen kunt kit-waa kun mii gik, chai mai" (ohhh, your boyfriend thinks you cheat on him, right?).

He seemed to understand me totally fine, so unsure about the little hissy fit all you guys were throwing about the term "gik".

November 30th, 2018, 19:54
Has this thread really devolved into the fact I'm an idiot because I don't take MDMA?

Holy shit...

Ok DoubleDutch, I guess we all know where you stand on taking hard drugs.i stopped reading slightly more than half-way through the first sentence as Matt had clearly understood what other posters think of him

November 30th, 2018, 19:57
You don't know what MDMA is? How old are you, exactly?

Why couldn't you be just a bit less simple?

This is not fun, it is like kicking an invalid.

November 30th, 2018, 19:59
Oh, and as for the whole bullshit "gik" thing... I was talking to Kong earlier tonight, and I guess him and his BF have constant problems. I asked Kong straight up:

"ohhh, faen kunt kit-waa kun mii gik, chai mai" (ohhh, your boyfriend thinks you cheat on him, right?).

He seemed to understand me totally fine, so unsure about the little hissy fit all you guys were throwing about the term "gik".
If you used the good old English term “fuck buddy” we’d all understand what you mean instead of pretentiously using Thai words in English sentences for English speakers

November 30th, 2018, 20:00
Why couldn't you be just a bit less simple?

This is not fun, it is like kicking an invalid.You don’t count that as fun?

November 30th, 2018, 20:00
Well, what? MDMA has been common place for how long now? I think at least 15 years, and it obviously started well before that.

Smiles not knowing what MDMA is is about the equivalent of him not knowing what Facebook is.

November 30th, 2018, 20:21
Well, what? MDMA has been common place for how long now? I think at least 15 years, and it obviously started well before that.

Smiles not knowing what MDMA is is about the equivalent of him not knowing what Facebook is.

I think he was just fukking with you, bro.

Can I call you bro? it's the "hard drugs" taking effect. If not bro, bruh?

November 30th, 2018, 20:30
Are you from South Africa, or something? I know the slang from there too.

November 30th, 2018, 23:47
If you used the good old English term “fuck buddy” we’d all understand what you mean instead of pretentiously using Thai words in English sentences for English speakers

It really irks you I guess. Nothing wrong with using the term gik. Just as there is nothing wrong with referring to Bangkok as Krung Thep. Some of you apparently live here right ? Learn the language, just as all of these westerners expect their immigrants to do...

By the way, I had to bing MDMA, turns out it is ecstacy, kind of like the same chemical shit as Jabaa. One must be utterly crazy to even contemplate taking that shit.

December 1st, 2018, 03:27
Learn the language, just as all of these westerners expect their immigrants to do...Actually, they don't. The USA is full of signs in Spanish
By the way, I had to bing MDMA, turns out it is ecstacy, kind of like the same chemical shit as Jabaa. One must be utterly crazy to even contemplate taking that shit.Perhaps if you read up on the scientific literature rather than the popular press and your own knee-jerk reactions, you'll see that in some circumstances you'll stay crazy if you contemplate not using "that shit". Like all drugs classified as illegal the criminals who control the manufacture and trade maximise their profits by introducing impurities as they dilute the quality of the product. And, by the way, Bing away on how nicotine is more addictive than heroin

December 1st, 2018, 05:48
I suppose these fantasists who believe that migrants to their own country are bursting to learn its language and adopt its culture have never paid a thoughtful visit to the nearest Chinatown. There they will find hundreds if not thousands of people who haven't assimilated and have no intention of doing so

December 1st, 2018, 06:12
I've done ecstasy multiple times in my life, and it's not as transformative as you seem to suggest. I'll admit it's a good high, but it's also absolutely brutal on your body. I took it back when I was around 23, when I was young, strong, and healthy, and it still took me 3 days to recover. Now that I'm 37, not a chance in hell I'm taking it again.

Want to know what works even better than MDMA? Love and sex. I could really go for one of those 24 hour sessions right now, where you just lay around in bed naked together and forget the world even exists. That would be great at the moment.

December 1st, 2018, 06:25
Want to know what works even better than MDMA? Love and sex. I could really go for one of those 24 hour sessions right now, where you just lay around in bed naked together and forget the world even exists. That would be great at the moment.I'll pass that on to the clinicians who are treating PTSD, I'm sure they'll find it most reassuring. However as I recall you've just accurately described your own sex life - "lay around in bed naked together" - since you disdain anal sex. No wonder all your "husbands" have given up on you

December 1st, 2018, 15:33
I suppose these fantasists who believe that migrants to their own country are bursting to learn its language and adopt its culture have never paid a thoughtful visit to the nearest Chinatown. There they will find hundreds if not thousands of people who haven't assimilated and have no intention of doing so

You should get out more. The world does not revolve on the US alone. There are actually countries (like my home country) where people are FORCED to learn the language. Anyone wanting to enter the Netherlands on a long term visa needs to pass an exam in the Dutch embassy in the country of origin. An exam that includes showing that the immigrant at least has a certain command of the Dutch language. Failure to pass this exam means, this long term visa cannot be obtained by the applicant.

Once arrived in the Netherlands, and applied for a five year provisional residency permit, the applicant has to follow classes that further enhances the language command, and some other things. Within three years of commencing with this course, the immigrant is expected to pass a series of exams, two of which is geared at command of the Dutch language. Failure to pass all five exams within this time period, will prevent the immigrant from obtaining a permanent residency permit. And can also be enforced by stiff fines.

Those immigrants might not have the intention to actually learn the language, but in this way they are at the very least guided to learn the basics. So that "neuk maatje" is a term they might even know....

December 1st, 2018, 15:38
Actually, they don't. The USA is full of signs in SpanishPerhaps if you read up on the scientific literature rather than the popular press and your own knee-jerk reactions, you'll see that in some circumstances you'll stay crazy if you contemplate not using "that shit". Like all drugs classified as illegal the criminals who control the manufacture and trade maximise their profits by introducing impurities as they dilute the quality of the product. And, by the way, Bing away on how nicotine is more addictive than heroin

Those impurities are all most of the addicts ever buy on the market, therefore my remark stands. Nicotine might indeed be more addictive than heroin, the immediate effects of both products, is the reason why nicotine is legal and heroin isn't .

And.. I did not claim the immigrants are dying to learn the language, I claimed the westerners are expecting their immigrants to learn the language. Which at least the Dutch government is actively enforcing, and they are not the only ones.

December 3rd, 2018, 18:24
I don't have any medical records from Khon Kaen anymore. Bud I do have records from a Canadian optometrist (sp) proving that I'm blind. I got them, because I thought it would help get Leo a VISA to Canada on medical grounds as being my sighted guide.

Make you a deal. Post the results of your latest general checkup, and I'll post letters from the Canadian doctor proving my optic nerves are now atrophic (sp).

Good news, Cdnmatt, I got my med check up results today, as promised. My name covered with piece of paper. Without name, without date of birth this is just paper with row of numbers, nothing personal.



Now your turn, cdnmatt!

December 3rd, 2018, 18:32
I wonder if cholesterol is something important?

What do you think?



What does it mean?

December 3rd, 2018, 18:32
Good news, Cdnmatt, I got my med check up results today, as promised. My name covered with piece of paper. Without name, without date of birth this is just paper ... Now your turn, cdnmatt!Not sure why you want a report on his optic nerves when we’ve had multiple pics of him posted showing him to be blind - especially as you have posted pics and he can only read text or more specifically his software can only read text to him

December 3rd, 2018, 18:37
Not sure why you want a report on his optic nerves when we’ve had multiple pics of him posted showing him to be blind

What pics? When?

Why I ask the words "optic nerve" is because of this:

No, I can't. That's why I asked you for the evidence.

I'm assuming you have it.

I did, however, ask you to post the words "optic nerve" from your medical record, not the entire record.

Nor did I ever ask you to post your medical records.

December 3rd, 2018, 18:39
Your medical results are pictures so his software cannot decipher them to read to him. His offer to you was for you to post your test results and he would post the official report on his optic nerve

December 3rd, 2018, 18:52
Your medical results are pictures so his software cannot decipher them to read to him. His offer to you was for you to post your test results and he would post the official report on his optic nerve

I did not realize it, my mistake! Is there anything I can do to fix this?

December 3rd, 2018, 18:55
Not sure why you want a report on his optic nerves when we’ve had multiple pics of him

Why? Bored, probably, is the real reason. Same reason people talk, just something to do. We are like little family here, we talk.

December 3rd, 2018, 19:01
I did not realize it, my mistake! Is there anything I can do to fix this?Stop carrying on as if he’s pretending. He’s been posting the same themes year in and year out ever since he joined SGT. If you want to see how difficult it is to sustain yourself “in character” you have only to consider the poster here who holds himself out to be a 20-something Singaporean. He can maintain that illusion for not more than a few posts before he jumps in to give us the benefit of his vast experience gained over 30+ years of living in Thailand. cdnmatt on the other hand has been consistent for years with his mediocre, whining narcissism - so god-awful that you just couldn’t make it up

December 3rd, 2018, 19:02
Which family DoubleDutch? The Borgias perhaps.

December 3rd, 2018, 19:10
I wonder if cholesterol is something important?

What do you think?



What does it mean?

Yes it’s vital. It causes heart attacks. Ask me how I know.

December 3rd, 2018, 19:28
Stop carrying on as if ..

I've never seen you telling others here how to carry on. You don't like when you are told what you can say, and what you can't, and rightfully so. But in this instance you are going one step further, you are telling me what I should or shouldn't believe.

December 3rd, 2018, 19:31
Yes it’s vital. It causes heart attacks. Ask me how I know.


But one thing to note, last year, same lab, same test showed Uric Acid about twice as high as this one now, and out of range high. I haven't changed anything, same food, similar lifestyle, but Uric Acid is within normal range this time.
Could the Cholesterol also go up and down similarly? Maybe it would be good idea to go and ask for further tests, looking at cholesterol closer? And maybe use another lab to see how the numbers compare.

December 3rd, 2018, 19:50
If you have another test soon the numbers should be the same. If not you need to wonder whether the testers are to be trusted.
Go and see a doctor or heart specialist for advice. No doubt they will tell you to lose weight and stop smoking...if that applies to you!

Nirish guy
December 3rd, 2018, 20:24
Having a high cholesterol level one day doesn't mean you're going to have a heart attack the next day ( but you might), also your levels can go up and down depending on diet etc- HOWEVER having a permanently high level isn't good and as has been said it can lead on to other complications including heart attack etc.

The good news is that getting your cholesterol level down IS something you can address quite easily by means of reasonably simple changes to your diet etc and maybe a little excercise etc. So, in a way it's good that you're able to see your high number now as that should be telling you to do somehting about it and that you can (and should) address that before it DOES becomes a bigger medical issue.

And as Gerefan2 has said - just go see your Doctor as taking medical advice from anyone on the internet is never a good idea - but for stuff like high cholesterol, well, that advice is fairly simple and straightforward and equates to the likes of "hey I'm bleeding should I try to stop the bleeding" etc - so, yes go see someone and maybe try to get your numbers down as simply put it can't do you any harm.

December 3rd, 2018, 20:33
Nirish is absolutely right.
I have checks every 6 months and am amazed that my cholesterol can reduce significantly with just a loss of 2 Kgs since the last check.
I queried this with the quack not beleiving that such a small loss of weight could make that much difference. He assured me it did.

December 4th, 2018, 02:26
I've never seen you telling others here how to carry on. You don't like when you are told what you can say, and what you can't, and rightfully so. But in this instance you are going one step further, you are telling me what I should or shouldn't believe.Oh dear, my Ignore list is getting longer

December 4th, 2018, 21:00
Oh dear, my Ignore list is getting longer

Since you put me on ignore, you won't be reading this. If you did, I would tell you I am very sorry that we won't talk again. I will miss you very much. Does one small disagreement warrant ignore? I'll never know, because you won't be reading this.

December 4th, 2018, 21:14
Well, what? MDMA has been common place for how long now? I think at least 15 years, and it obviously started well before that. Smiles not knowing what MDMA is is about the equivalent of him not knowing what Facebook is.What's a Facebook?

December 4th, 2018, 21:53
Facebook is a site where people voluntarily post information about their whole lives and are then surprised when said info is sold to advertisers.

May 23rd, 2019, 10:00
I completely missed this thread when it was first published. Thanks to the forum member who pointed me in this direction. I like to think of myself as a writer. But honestly, I'm only in the ha'penny place compared to this.

May 23rd, 2019, 10:08
NIrish, I just read your comment about Barry turning up pregnant. So fuckin' funny.

May 23rd, 2019, 10:27
Sorry, I had to stop reading at this point (page 6). Cdnmatt, is this available in paperback? I'd pay cash money for it.

May 23rd, 2019, 12:28
Sorry, I had to stop reading at this point (page 6). Cdnmatt, is this available in paperback? I'd pay cash money for it.Kindle - like yours

Nirish guy
May 23rd, 2019, 15:58
As I basically consider most of Matts threads one long continueous kindle "free fiction ebook offer" anyways I'm thinking its about high time I wrote to Amazon to thank them !

I'm actually quite disappointed though that they didn't encourage the Author to expand on their previous topics that they glanced over as I know I for one was quite looking forward to the "Camping with Matt under the stars in Lao series" as a follow up to his popular "cooking with Matt" title, unlike the very dull "sex but no fucking with Matt" series, which was Im sorry to say both short lived and very boring ( well for at least one of the characters involved anyway) it seemed.

However, the good news is that I believe there may well be a new volume of works being released shortly ! This time not so much involving Leo from Lao but now integrating (non) exciting ( for now) new characters ( but still with no sex) but the new guy being more of a quiet unassuming "geek" type. Mind you considering that Leo from Lao was an "angel" who had in fact been raised by Monks no less I certainly wouldn't let the "quiet home bird geek" description put any short of dampener on the likelihood of a good tale as as we've already read one can ALWAYS depend on this particular Author to come up with lots of exciting twists and turns and new plot lines when they're called for.

I did wonder would there be a physical book signing even for this new edition and was going to suggest perhaps in some back street bar in Khon Kaen may be the likely venue, but after reading I think it was in Chapter 18 where our intrepid traveller was arrested and deported from Thailand no less then I fear we may now have to find a new location....... perhaps we should send suggestions to Barnes and Noble and get them to propose a few new locations for a suitable replacement venue !? :-)