View Full Version : Limerick contest

October 8th, 2018, 04:34
There was an old man called Matt from Manitoba
Who went with a guy called Leo from Laos

But along came Barry from Blarney
Who took a fancy to Leo from Laos

So Matt from Manitoba got in a huff
And they all ended up playing Blind Man's Buff

October 8th, 2018, 05:29
There was an old man called Matt from Manitoba
Who went with a guy called Leo from Laos

But along came Barry from Blarney
Who took a fancy to Leo from Laos

So Matt from Manitoba got in a huff
And they all ended up playing Blind Man's BuffIs this an attempt at a limerick? Here's a real limerick by way of example (dedicated to arsenal)

The Bishop of Central Japan
Used to bugger himself with a fan
When taxed with his acts
He explained "It expands and contracts
So much more than a man"

As you can see, a limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines. The first, second, and fifth lines must have seven to ten syllables while rhyming and having the same verbal rhythm. The third and fourth lines only have to have five to seven syllables, and have to rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm.

October 8th, 2018, 06:09
As you can see, a limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines. The first, second, and fifth lines must have seven to ten syllables while rhyming and having the same verbal rhythm. The third and fourth lines only have to have five to seven syllables, and have to rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm.

We can all quote from Yourdictionay.....

October 8th, 2018, 06:38
Let me play.

There once was a member called frequent.
Who thinks all his posts are so piquant.
He trolls from the dawn.
Making everyone yawn.
And is thought of as senile delinquent.

It's fun but good luck ryming 'arsenal'.

October 8th, 2018, 06:52
There is a man here known as Scotty.
Who's obsessed with all things from his botty.
But when he's called scat.
Well he doesn't like that.
So he sniffs and then gets all snotty.

October 8th, 2018, 07:45
Let me play.

There once was a member called frequent.
Who thinks all his posts are so piquant.
He trolls from the dawn.
Making everyone yawn.
And is thought of as senile delinquent.

It's fun but good luck ryming 'arsenal'.Unfortunately as a limerick it’s a fail. It would start to pass muster if the second line was “who thinks all his posts so piquant”. However the most glaring fault is your obsession with putting a "." at the end of each line. A limerick is more often than not a single sentence. In the above attempt there could arguable be a "." at the end of the second line but definitely not otherwise. Consequently 6/10 and “must try harder”

October 8th, 2018, 07:56
There is a man here known as Scotty.
Who's obsessed with all things from his botty.
But when he's called scat.
Well he doesn't like that.
So he sniffs and then gets all snotty.

This one is arguably better but there's still the obsession with the "." This one might get you a 8/10 were it not for the second last line; no educated person uses "Well" in such a way and is almost certainly superfluous. As a limerick the two lines are perfectly acceptable as:

"But when he's called scat
He doesn't like that."

The "So" at the beginning of the last line is also superfluous and again an example of the tendency of uneducated people to begin sentences with "So" when it doesn't add anything to the meaning, as in "So I was reading SGT one day". I don't think we can describe you as having attended Slough Comprehensive, successfully or otherwise. I imagine you as being at some minor prep school like Kings Mead and then god knows where you ended up next but doubtless somewhere that you spent your days not in the classroom but bossing the school cadet corps along the lines made famous by Douglas Neidermeyer in Animal House (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_House)

Again, I think you're back to 6/10 and "must try harder"

October 8th, 2018, 08:00
You can't ryme 'arsenal' can you. Disappointed.

October 8th, 2018, 08:14
You can't ryme 'araenal' can you. Disappointed.Life is full of disappointments if you set yourself up to fail with great expectations. That's why reading SGT is such a delight for me - I have no need to lower my expectations of posters; they're at rock bottom already

October 8th, 2018, 08:26
We can all quote from Yourdictionay.....
http://examples.yourdictionary.com/limerick-examples.htmlBut apparently "we" find it impossible to acknowledge that mine were the only useful posts in your thread about your Will. An inconvenient truth?

October 8th, 2018, 14:24
You can't ryme 'arsenal' can you. Disappointed.
There is an old codger called arsenal
Also known as our pernicious barnacle
His role carcinogenic
His mien fibrinogenic
His importance most certainly marginal

It doesn't quite trip off the tongue but then, neither do you

October 8th, 2018, 15:04
Excellent. Bloody good effort.

October 8th, 2018, 16:42
If I was asked (I haven't been) I would give the win to Arsenal. Both his attempts are slightly more limericksian than Frequency ... nice try but the sweet smoothness is not quite there. Too many splinters to catch my cashmere.
Gerefan started this, but needs work.

Best single use of wordsmithism : "pernicious barnacle"
Best use of a city name who's claim to fame is 'armpit of the world': "Manitoba"
Best use of the word which is also the handle of a Member here: "Snotty"

October 8th, 2018, 16:56
The "So" at the beginning of the last line is also superfluous and again an example of the tendency of uneducated people to begin sentences with "So" when it doesn't add anything to the meaning, as in "So I was reading SGT one day".

This is why SGT is such a wonderful community, it is fun yet educational, something you don't often see.
I did not know 'so' is one of those parasitic words. I shall try and avoid it, English can be hard. Frequent, you make me want to be a better English speaker!

October 8th, 2018, 17:38
It's irritatingly compulsive when you get started. Like crosswords I suppose.

We smiled at the post made by Smiles.
He said mine was the best and by miles.
So I've penned this short ditty.
Which is really quite shitty.
So Scat Boy can post about piles.

October 8th, 2018, 23:41
Can I enter the limerick contest?

There's a mid-70's codger called Arsenal
Whose outpourings are now beyond farcical.
From morning to night
He invents utter shite
From a brain that's the size of a particle.

October 9th, 2018, 21:28
It's true Scottish Guy ain't well read.
Nor especially bright in the head.
Barging his way in.
And making a din.
So desperate to join in the thread.

October 12th, 2018, 07:11
Our freaky and Scatty are chums.
Sharing Viagra and old saggy bums.
They're both rather thick.
With a limp floppy dick.
And neither can do basic sums.

October 12th, 2018, 13:59
A female sex tourist called Marjorie
Once offed a barboy at a larger fee,
Just to sit and chat
About this and that.
Ha! You thought she wanted him carnally.

October 12th, 2018, 15:44
Sorry Mr S but the idea is to use a limerick to say something about another member. Like this.

Our member called Francois is Gaulish.
Like me he finds Frequent quite ghoulish.
He loves Fruits de Met.
And pommes boulangere.
But his favourite is meatloaf and goulash.

October 12th, 2018, 15:59
Sorry Mr S but the idea is to use a limerick to say something about another member.You don't need me to tell you to take no notice of arsenal, snotface. He fancies himself as a Moderator still. Why does he bother, you ask, given his opinion of the Board. Indeed. To quote something he wrote about SGT earlier today "a little read and ever littler (sic) important gay message board" - https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?20301-Karma&p=251274#post251274

October 12th, 2018, 16:51
Sorry Mr S but the idea is to use a limerick to say something about another member.

Marjorie is a dear friend of mine and very fond of members. Isn't that good enough?

October 12th, 2018, 17:04

October 16th, 2018, 22:17
The members of Sawatdee forum
Are rarely enough for a quorum
But whenever they post
They sure do make the most
Of the chance to abandon decorum

Nirish guy
October 17th, 2018, 01:54
I'm just glad there's no one here from Nantucket !

October 17th, 2018, 05:07
Mini Mee is a cunt and a half
Who never can make people laugh.
He should make some improvements
Obsess less with my movements
Or else just go fuck a giraffe!

October 17th, 2018, 05:09
There was an old man called Matt from Manitoba
Who went with a guy called Leo from Laos

But along came Barry from Blarney
Who took a fancy to Leo from Laos

So Matt from Manitoba got in a huff
And they all ended up playing Blind Man's Buff

That attempt at a limerick is fucking appalling :D

October 17th, 2018, 05:45
Yes Scot it was awful. Do you like this better...?

That Limerick was about Matt
The guy most think of as a Pratt

Some say he is blind
Others just don’t mind

But does he do Scat?

October 17th, 2018, 06:20
He's a scat freak as now named by four.
As time passes on there'll be more.
He can't go a day.
Without having his say.
His fetish is now such a bore.

It was Latin who first called him out.
Then Arsenal and this made him shout.
Then Frequent came too.
Now Getefan2.
His scat love is now not in doubt.

October 17th, 2018, 06:39
He said you can’t rhyme Arsenal
Just shows he is so marginal

Used to moderate
But was too obdurate

Now he thinks he is a Cardinal

October 17th, 2018, 06:55
Where has the Freak gone
He will be missed by none
His lexicon is naueaus
His posts supercilious
Perhaps he went to sign on

October 19th, 2018, 02:29
A brief ditty about our late (un)lamented Forum owner...

A Boyztown bar owner named Neal
Auditioned new boys with a feel.
"You're too small", he opined,
"But quite tasty behind" -
Before parting their cheeks for a meal.

October 19th, 2018, 02:59
Alternatively, and with not-so-fond memories of interminable Boyz, Boyz, Boyz drag acts...

Madame Jim took the stage with a frown -
Had the stitching come loose on her gown?
No - she'd made up her face
And her boobs were in place
But her drawers had come tumbling down

October 19th, 2018, 03:14
Another tribute, this time to a more shadowy personality...

Madame Sunee surveyed her two sois
With the bar fronts all closed and no noise.
"This won't do", she did moan
Before using the phone
To call Isaan to summon more boys.

October 19th, 2018, 03:27
There’s a new poster called Double Dutch
Who knows how to double de-clutch
I think he’s been sussed
But it’s still being discussed
Now he’s been told to get back in his hutch

Captain Swing
October 19th, 2018, 08:41
Marsilius, I'm genuinely impressed. Truly. You're a master of the form. (Such as it is). Gerefan...um...not so much. With all due respect. Thanks for playing.

October 20th, 2018, 02:32
Gerefan means well but he is no poet - it's clear from his efforts so far that he thinks meter is something the household gas runs through


October 27th, 2018, 07:12
Our beautiful Frequent has left.
The community is feeling bereft.
Of his posts, oh so fine.
Often only one line.
His trolling was cunningly deft.

He's gone and will never return.
Three bans but he never did learn.
That time comes around.
By few rules we are bound.
Be a cunt and you'll go to the urn.

November 2nd, 2018, 00:02
I'm sorry, but the Muse is upon me again (oo,er, missus...)

On a dark night in Boyztown Soi 3
A comely young "lad" approached me.
But it wasn't a boy,
Just a grasping kathoi
(I could tell when he sat down to pee).

November 3rd, 2018, 11:56
I'm sorry, but the Muse is upon me again (oo,er, missus...)

On a dark night in Boyztown Soi 3
A comely young "lad" approached me.
But it wasn't a boy,
Just a grasping kathoi
(I could tell when he sat down to pee).Sorry Marsilius, but my Muse whispers "needs skerric of change, says he". (He's a bitch, but ...). A few words with one too many syllables.

Would roll more smoothly off the mouth if that was cleaned up a bit. And sounds more 'musical'. (Line 1 and 2.)

One night in Boyztown Soi 3
A comely young "lad" 'proached me.
But it wasn't a boy,
Just a grasping kathoi
(I could tell when he sat down to pee)

Captain Swing
November 3rd, 2018, 14:34
Sorry Marsilius, but my Muse whispers "needs skerric of change, says he". (He's a bitch, but ...). A few words with one too many syllables.

Would roll more smoothly off the mouth if that was cleaned up a bit. And sounds more 'musical'. (Line 1 and 2.)

One night in Boyztown Soi 3
A comely young "lad" 'proached me.
But it wasn't a boy,
Just a grasping kathoi
(I could tell when he sat down to pee)

Your Muse is drunk. Your new first line is debatable perhaps, but Marsilius's is better. The "on a ," being unstressed, don't disturb the meter and make the line flow better. Your new second line simply doesn't work, unless one comes down hard on the first "A," which isn't the way English is spoken and would also require stress on "young." Or, to make the meter work, one would have to make "comely" three syllables or "'proached" two. All three options are too hideous to contemplate. Miss Titus would roll over in her grave. (She was my third grade teacher, and may she continue to rot in hell, miserable old bitch that she was).

November 3rd, 2018, 15:32
Marsilius' original version scans better - the 'a' in "approached" is totally necessary for the meter

November 3rd, 2018, 17:41
A smitten young farang on holiday
Gave his Thai boy a nice parting bouquet.
The boy took one look,
His head he then shook,
And said, 'With flowers I cannot my bills pay.'

November 4th, 2018, 01:13
Sorry, but that's awful - specifically the second line which neither scans nor rhymes


November 4th, 2018, 06:49
It's high season, time for the boy.
To present himself as our toy.
To pleasure our whim.
And the sex we won't skim.
As the farang relaxes in joy.

And post of here p'raps you might.
Of the day fun and also the night.
Plus all the rest.
It's always the best.
Deciding on Pattaya was right.

Captain Swing
November 4th, 2018, 08:44
It's high season, time for the boy.
To present himself as our toy.
To pleasure our whim.
And the sex we won't skim.
As the farang relaxes in joy.

And post of here p'raps you might.
Of the day fun and also the night.
Plus all the rest.
It's always the best.
Deciding on Pattaya was right.

Bloody fucking horrible. Ghastly. No offense.

November 4th, 2018, 08:59
None taken. In fact I agree with you. Terrible.

November 4th, 2018, 09:35
The tourists who flock to Bangkok
Have a need to be hard as a rock
To have fun in the sack
Just lie on your back
As your "friend" keeps his eye on the clock

Captain Swing
November 4th, 2018, 09:52
With apologies to Arsenal, and everyone else.

In high season it's time for the boy
To offer himself as my toy.
I'm counting on him
To serve at my whim:
His horror--(plus money)--my joy.

All too soon comes the day for "Goodbye."
We'll hug tightly and maybe he'll cry.
I will promise to write,
He'll know better: ( "Yeah, right".)
No matter--here comes the next guy.

November 4th, 2018, 10:50

Here's my second attempt.

My very best friend is a Thai
And is easy to tell you just why
He's got a big heart
And another big part
Which only my money can buy

November 4th, 2018, 11:36
And another big part
Which only my money can buy

Only YOUR money can buy? Delusional till the end.

November 4th, 2018, 12:07
I am bitter, but I'm not a gourd.
Spewing my spite on the board.
My posts are quite vile.
I ain't got no style.
Most of my life I'm quite bored.

Who am I? Any suggestions.

November 4th, 2018, 12:23
Who am I?Arsenal.

November 4th, 2018, 12:31
This thread is great!! I love it. Hope it goes for years ... (although Jelly will probably soon awake with his red magic marker). Thank you Gerefan!
Meanwhile, I'm working on the limerick-of-limericks which will receive at least 100+ likes. The inspiration I need is just around the corner.

Right now a447, the King of Swing, and Marsilius are in front. Snotface has disappointed, although his handle is a limerick in itself.

November 4th, 2018, 12:46
Wrong answer Smiles. I'm as giggly as you are. Nil points.

November 4th, 2018, 13:38
Only YOUR money can buy? Delusional till the end.

Oops! I'll try again.

You looked at the wrong word.

You should have looked at "only."

This is a fun thread and can do without your negative comments and personal attacks.

Keep knocking yourself out, sglad.

November 4th, 2018, 13:55
Here's another one. I'm on a roll!

Was in bed with a guy called Nu
Who promised my dreams would come true
He stopped in mid stream
And ended the dream
He had to go to the loo

November 4th, 2018, 14:33
Oops! I'll try again.
You looked at the wrong word.
You should have looked at "only."
This is a fun thread and can do without your negative comments and personal attacks.
Keep knocking yourself out, sglad.
Shirley you could have made that into a great limerack. Try it ... Sglad is there for easy plucking.
Here, I'll start you off.

"Was once in bed with a guy named Sglud,
Who turned out to be an amourous dud,
He had zero rapport,
And spoke like a bore,
And slid away quickly, into the mud."

November 4th, 2018, 14:54
I've given you the first of the expected 100 'likes'. Only 99 to go.

Captain Swing
November 4th, 2018, 15:06
A young man who called himself Pon
Was the talk of the town in Isan.
He had such a lot
Of farang-given baht
From Muhammad and Ivan and Ron.

But such antics ain't thought to be nice.
Sure enough, soon poor Pon paid the price.
First Muhammad caught on,
And then Ivan met Ron,
And now Pon is back harvesting rice.

November 4th, 2018, 15:07
A crusty old English b'stard
Has trouble in getting it hard
Viagra's too pricey, at his age it's quite dicey
So he lubes up his bunghole with lard.

November 4th, 2018, 15:26
A crusty old English b'stard
Has trouble in getting it hard
Viagra's too pricey, at his age it's quite dicey
So he lubes up his bunghole with lard.
How to break every limericky grammatic rule in the books. 'Mein Kampf' rolls off the bunghole more smoothly.

November 4th, 2018, 15:34
That was the politically correct version, my original was:

A crusty old English b'stard
Has trouble in getting it hard
Viagra's too dear for the raddled old queer
So he lubes up his bunghole with lard.

I should have left it as it was


November 4th, 2018, 15:35
Keeping invective out of this thread
Means it's sure to be more widely read
We all should be trying
To stop insults flying
And have a good laugh instead

November 4th, 2018, 15:36
A Scot with a flaccid wee wilie.
Was getting fucked for free by a ghillie.
For once he felt glad.
But still bat shit mad.
When the ghillie said his willie looks silly.

November 4th, 2018, 15:38
Boring a447. As Yoko Ono once said ... "let it be".

In grace to a447 I have a more pithy version of his excellent limerick.

My very best friend is a Thai,
And is easy to tell you just why,
He's got a big heart,
And gives excellent fart,
Which only my money can buy.

Captain Swing
November 4th, 2018, 23:41
A Boyztown star "dancer" named Lek
Has made my poor heart such a wreck.
But he wants quite a lot--
Far more baht than I've got--
Do you think that he might take a cheque?

Captain Swing
November 4th, 2018, 23:50
Keeping invective out of this thread
Means it's sure to be more widely read
We all should be trying
To stop insults flying
And have a good laugh instead

Well where's the fun in that?

An Aussie called a447
Thought last night in Boyztown was heaven.
But the price of those cocks!
Now he's bunked in a box
And dining at 7-11.

Captain Swing
November 5th, 2018, 00:04
He looks at the screen with a sigh.
Could it be?--Yes!--It's old Scottish-Guy!
A Jomtien scene
(Though he's never been)
Brings a Scotch-flavored tear to his eye.

Captain Swing
November 5th, 2018, 00:20
Sorry--"Arsenal" 's too hard to rhyme.
I find myself flummoxed, so I'm
Giving him a free pass
But he's still such an ass
That it's only a matter of time.

November 5th, 2018, 03:43
The go-go boy uttered a moan
As another farang groped his bone -
"I'm already sucked dry
By the previous guy -
Now I'll only get hard with my phone."

November 5th, 2018, 03:47
The board held a limerick contest
To see who could compile the best
Scotty said i cant write
He called it absolute shite
Only because he wanted a slugfest

November 5th, 2018, 03:56
Before choosing a boy for the night
It’s a good thing to turn up the light…
For a thorough inspection
May spot an erection
(Or genital warts – what a fright!)

November 5th, 2018, 04:05
I’ll frequently spot a new face
At the Sattahip Thai Navy base.
When I hand out cheroots
To the handsome recruits
They’re happy to “smoke” at my place

November 5th, 2018, 08:05
The board held a limerick contest
To see who could compile the best
Scotty said i cant write
He called it absolute shite
Only because he wanted a slugfest

Easily your best yet - my critique of your previous efforts is clearly spurring you on to better things.

Note, that doesn't mean it's good - but lines 3 and 4 at least rhyme!

November 5th, 2018, 09:25
A miserly old sadist from Spain
Was a little bit weak in the brain.
It puzzled him so
At bars a-go-go
When the boys muttered 'Not you again'.

Captain Swing
November 5th, 2018, 09:54
The board held a limerick contest
To see who could compile the best
Scotty said i cant write
He called it absolute shite
Only because he wanted a slugfest

Don't know Gerefan--can't say he's my friend,
And I truly don't mean to offend,
But his stabs at light verse
Simply couldn't be worse--
Oh when will this horror-show end!

(PLEASE don't take offense. This is...um...ART. Any resemblance to actual persons is entirely coincidental).

November 5th, 2018, 13:20
Farang with an interest in size
Are advised to steer clear of Thai guys
Who claim loudly “Of course,
I am hung like a horse” -
It’s most often a packet of lies.

November 5th, 2018, 13:20
A German popped into Tawan
In the hope that a show would be on.
But incessant lip-synching
Kathoeys got him thinking
He’d rather be home – he was gone!

November 5th, 2018, 13:21
A farang bought a condo off-plan
As a love-nest to house his Thai man.
But now, just six months later,
It’s home too for pater
And mater and all of the clan.

November 5th, 2018, 13:22
Farang who invite boys to share
Their flash condos high up in the air
Should beware of the failings
Of balcony railings
Especially if he’s the heir.

November 5th, 2018, 13:57
I took a guy from a bar in Soi Twilight
It was a case of love at first sight
But he decided to slouch
On the faux leather couch
And that was the end of my night

True story!

November 5th, 2018, 14:57
I'm stuck with a potential limerick with a LonelyWombat as the main star. Should be a doozy when published. :dirol_mini::))

November 5th, 2018, 15:24
In Praise of Marsilius

From this thread what a wonder appears.
Was he lying in wait all these years?
His poems have wit,
The guidelines they fit.
Just don't blink or you'll be in arrears.

November 5th, 2018, 17:23
After which delightful encouragement to continue...

The farm boys from Isaan, it is said,
Lack a sense of refinement in bed.
When I asked for the reason
I was told in low season
They practice on pigs from the shed.

November 5th, 2018, 17:24
And, continuing on an equally low note...

A Thai go-go boy nicknamed Nut
Was renowned for his explosive gut.
His farts (e’en from afar)
Could clear a whole bar
And cause two sois of Sunnee to shut.

November 5th, 2018, 17:26

Madame Wong, on a trip from Shanghai,
Recommended a boy I should try –
But he only likes fanny
(Or, at worst, a full tranny)
So I won’t be exploring his fly.

November 5th, 2018, 17:29
And, to close for now (though I've plenty more on request - and will also try working Lonely W. into one)...

With a cock of remarkable size,
The Thai boy brought tears to my eyes.
“It needs training”, he said,
“To manoeuvre in bed” –
So he practises daily on guys.

November 5th, 2018, 17:47
I'm stuck with a potential limerick with a LonelyWombat as the main star. Should be a doozy when published. :dirol_mini::))

A bit of basic research reveals some (genuine) Australian creatures that have names capable of offering poetic inspiration (or at least providing some promising rhymes)...

While the Outback is rarely explored
Its fauna’s remarkably broad.
There’s koala – quoll too –
And the cute potoroo,
But the wombat is often ignored.

[With apologies to Lonely W., whom I once met in person and who seemed a very decent chap.]

Captain Swing
November 6th, 2018, 02:55
I must confess I don't often pay much attention to the personalities projected by the posters on this board and even less to relationships between some of them. The following disappointing effort is based solely on the name involved, not on the real person, the persona he projects on the board, or the dynamic between him and anyone else.

A relic who's called LonelyWombat
Once considered himself quite the tomcat
Now alas he's a freak
For his parts "erotique"
Have been reclassified "hors de combat."

I know, I know--the last word doesn't rhyme in French. Sue me. I said it was disappointing.

November 6th, 2018, 07:12
Allow me to add another line :

Et malheureusement plus ludique.

November 6th, 2018, 10:16
A cute dancer on stage met my stare.
In a flash he was sat by my chair.
When he started to scratch,
With coughing to match,
I recalled an appointment elsewhere.

November 6th, 2018, 14:17
For francois.

A French guy I met in Bordeaux
Had a "zizi" which was oh, so "gros"
Mais "Je t'aime" Il m'a dit
Quand nous étions au lit
Je ne me sentais pas bien dans ma peau!

November 6th, 2018, 15:55
As we seem temporarily (I hope) to be in French mode, here's a contribution - though with a bit of basic Anglo-Saxon thrown in...

On hiring new staff for a bar
The owner will need to make sure
They can kiss, they can suck,
They can wank and can fuck –
And he’ll test them by droit de seigneur

November 6th, 2018, 16:00
Back to basics...

Though it’s many years since he was born
My friend Ton claimed he’d never watched porn.
So I showed him a movie
(It was really quite poovy):
Now the skin on his dick is quite worn.

November 6th, 2018, 16:02
An Englishman fresh out of gaol
Heard that Thai boys had asses to sell.
But, too careless with ages,
He’s now on the pages
Of yesterday’s Pattaya Mail.

November 7th, 2018, 12:45
Shall we dance? (dum, dum, dum)

If you travel the world near or far,
Whether Ghana, Peru or Myanmar,
It’s worth adding Air Miles
To include Land of Smiles
(As trailblazed by dear Deborah Kerr)

[Poet's note - of interest, I hope, to advanced scholars of literature: In view of many members' advanced years, I selected Miss Kerr as the subject of this ode. I thus forebore to utilise Miss Jodie Foster - even though she rhymed most promisingly with Gloucester and in spite of her honorary Board membership as a noted tom dee.]

November 8th, 2018, 05:57
...(As trailblazed by dear Deborah Kerr)...

Whether you know it or not
Miss Kerr was a home grown Scot
From the banks of the Clyde
To Yul Brynner's side
And the Hollywood stardom she sought

Just a few months ago I was sitting in the Clyde Bar in Helensburgh where Deborah Kerr was born (born in Helensburgh, not in the bar!) quietly quaffing a couple of pints whilst waiting on my better half coming out the Tattoo Studio along the street. The bar has maybe half a dozen framed letters on the wall from Deborah Kerr to (what is evidently) a lifelong friend in Helensburgh. They are on her personalised headed notepaper and the letters span a period of 30 years or so. They certainly made interesting reading for me , even if (as I suspect) most of the pub customers these days might have no idea who Deborah Kerr was!


November 8th, 2018, 07:51
Scottish Guy's limerick is actually rather good. Excellent in fact.

November 8th, 2018, 09:48
" ... certainly made interesting reading for me , even if (as I suspect) most of the pub customers these days might have no idea who Deborah Kerr was! ... "Loved Deborah Kerr! A killer of an outback Aussie wife in "The Sundowners" ... she got a 1961 Academy award nomination for best actress for it: should have won. Robert Michum and Peter Ustinov were great as well.
Schmaltzy movies I usually run away from, but she was terrific in "The King and I" as well.



November 8th, 2018, 13:12
If Helensburgh boasts Deborah Kerr,
It invites rival bids from afar.
My dear Bristol home town
Will win, surely, hands down
With its own Cary Grant – megastar.

November 8th, 2018, 13:58
Back, for a moment, to that film...

Mrs Anna, it seems, was a fan
Of Thai boys - I've discovered she ran
The first bar in Sunee
(And, to save herself money,
Her son Louis was the mamasan).

November 9th, 2018, 01:26
The thing I associate with Bristol is not so much Cary Grant but the bus station toilets circa 1995

Most interesting

November 9th, 2018, 03:37
I'm afraid that the old Bristol bus station has been redeveloped since then... I, on the other hand, used to use (for legitimate travel purposes!) Gloucester bus station every week some years ago - the cottages there saw, in 1975, the arrest of top TV star of the time Peter Wyngarde (his famous role was Jason King - cited by Mike Myers as the inspiration for the character Austin Powers).

November 9th, 2018, 05:35
Yes I remember the case - and even at my very young age at that time I experienced a certain frisson when I read of it.

For a long time it seemed almost compulsory for our most prominent or popular actors to be caught “importuning” as the newspapers reported it. Sir John Gielgud, Peter Wyngarde, Wilfrid Brambell, and Peter Adamson fron Coronation Street (at least twice), are just a few off the top of my head.

Much later of course it was revealed that future Prime Minister Ted Heath, on ascending to the leadership of the Conservative Party, was warned off his cottaging activities by MI5/MI6

November 9th, 2018, 23:08
You’ll find posts on the main Thailand forum
About bars with a lack of decorum.
Some, it’s said, host nude shows
Where ‘most anything goes –
Hardly anyone’s said they deplore ‘em.

November 9th, 2018, 23:42
...For a long time it seemed almost compulsory for our most prominent or popular actors to be caught “importuning” as the newspapers reported it. Sir John Gielgud, Peter Wyngarde, Wilfrid Brambell, and Peter Adamson fron Coronation Street (at least twice), are just a few off the top of my head. Much later of course it was revealed that future Prime Minister Ted Heath, on ascending to the leadership of the Conservative Party, was warned off his cottaging activities by MI5/MI6

Sir John G. had a lust for young men -
Smooth, muscled and straight was his yen.
So he really felt sick
While he gobbled the prick
Of the occupant of No. 10

November 10th, 2018, 06:58
So wrinkly old frequent's come back.
After waxing his bum crack and sack.
He says he's well now.
And claims he's highbrow.
But sex wise he's just lost the knack.

November 13th, 2018, 17:51
As there hasn’t been a new post here for some days, perhaps this thread is reaching the end of its natural life? I will end (?), therefore, with my magnum opus…

Tomorrow I take a short break
To Prague - might it be a mistake?
I've frequently heard
Rent boys have disappeared...
Where will I find hot trouser snake?

It seems that Escape is no more...
At Club Temple and Monty's - closed door.
And the old railway station's
Now purged for the nation's
Commuters - it's lost every whore.

Villa Mansland with boys for a song
Is also, so sadly, long gone.
Every bar that one enters
No longer has renters -
So where did the Prague scene go wrong?

Perhaps it is time to take stock
And, like thousands of others to flock
To more welcoming places
With cute, pretty faces –
I’m catching a flight to Bangkok!

Captain Swing
November 14th, 2018, 05:13
Brilliant, as usual. Magnum indeed. Except...well...heard/disappeared???? Perhaps a short hiatus is a good idea. Or how about (forgive me) maybe: I've recently heard/ Rent boys? Gone! That's the word.

November 14th, 2018, 05:37
Except it wasn't Magnum at all


November 17th, 2018, 20:21
I am currently in Prague and I can confirm that tales of the disappearance of the rent boys have been somewhat exaggerated.

November 17th, 2018, 22:53
Can we expect more detail?

November 17th, 2018, 23:07
In the form of a limerick maybe?

November 18th, 2018, 02:48
If Marsilius can work bar names or other details into the limerick!

November 18th, 2018, 03:07
If Marsilius can work bar names or other details into the limerick!

Even if he doesnt put on his thinking cap
It it will be better than my crap.

November 18th, 2018, 06:37
Flying home to the UK tomorrow (Sunday) and I will see what I can do for you all.

November 21st, 2018, 23:44
I am currently in Prague and I can confirm that tales of the disappearance of the rent boys have been somewhat exaggerated.

Flying home to the UK tomorrow (Sunday) and I will see what I can do for you all.

Marsilius, I have moved your Prague trip report to the Sawatdee Gay World forum so that members and readers interested in reading trip reports will not miss out on reading your report.

A quick link is below:

December 19th, 2018, 06:41
Will you leave for month asked the Freak.
Now his posts are beginning to reek.
With his body so frail.
Against all does he rail.
His orifices starting to leak.