View Full Version : Looking for a nice Asian boy for LTR

October 6th, 2018, 04:41
I'm 49 yo from Russia, single and easy going. I'm looking for a nice boy 18-25 Asian, Thai, Indian, Viet Nam, Philly who loves to visit me, enjoy, stay here, travel round world together and share life (LTR). I can accomodate, help with good job and give you my love and care. You have to be fit, in good shape, love sport, speak English very well, be helpful and have good manners. Contact me: happypavel1968@gmail.com with your pics and further information.

Brad the Impala
October 6th, 2018, 05:58
Is it easy for boys without jobs or money to get visas to visit you in Russia? Being able to accommodate them is very generous, but is presumably the least of their expectations. Will you issue invites based on their pics and "further information"?

October 6th, 2018, 06:05
Is it easy for boys without jobs or money to get visas to visit you in Russia? Being able to accommodate them is very generous, but is presumably the least of their expectations. Will you issue invites based on their pics and "further information"?What will Tsar Vladimir make of this? I thought such perversions are inimical to the great Motherland

October 6th, 2018, 06:34
Any of the guys you seek will hate Russia....He will never make it through the Russian winter and then there are the Russians!

October 6th, 2018, 06:56
Any of the guys you seek will hate Russia....He will never make it through the Russian winter and then there are the Russians!There's an easy way to spot the difference between men and women in Russia - the women plait the hair in their armpits

October 6th, 2018, 10:54
silly old queens...russians are gorgeous...love that slavic look

October 6th, 2018, 13:52
Is it easy for boys without jobs or money to get visas to visit you in Russia?

RU and TH have agreement: Thai don't need visa to Russia (as a tourists). Also it is easy to obtain permission to stay long time since Russia needs low-skilled workers: gardeners, construction workers, nannies, cleaners, nurses in hospitals. Private person can easy obtain permission in police for long stay as a private gardener or chief (only for nation who doesn't need visa)..

October 6th, 2018, 14:08
How many Thai boys read this forum?

October 6th, 2018, 14:14
How many Thai boys read this forum?

Nobody knows. I can tell only: forum has about 20 times more visitors than members daily.

October 6th, 2018, 15:27
Sup Pavel!
I enjoy being accomodated, and I like to travel around the world. My English is pretty good, like sports, and have excellent manners.
Now the bad news, I'm slightly above the age bracket, and I'm not Asian. Would that pose a problem? I'm also super easy going.
I'm thinking now, Pavel, why restrict yourself to just Asians? You know they have small dick, yes? If I was you, I'd reconsider this whole proposition. Cast a wider net, include Europeans in your offer, relax your age restrictions a bit, and you will see that I come on top, on near top.

October 6th, 2018, 18:04
I Always wondered why a 49 year old would want to have a LTR with a boy 18 years old. The age difference is staggering and it is pretty certain the boy would be bored out of his mind with the 49 year old in no time. Why not widen the age gap as suggested by doubledutch ?

you might actually have better sex too.

Nirish guy
October 6th, 2018, 18:26
As a guy with a younger bf i could take slight ( fake) offence at your " it is pretty certain the boy would be bored out of his mind with the 49 year old in no time" as you're automatically assuming there that it's the boy who will get bored with the older guy and not the other way around sometimes !

This I know as my BF can absolutely bore the shit out of me when he's in "instagram selfie" mode and the world is required to stop until he gets exactly the right pic he needs to add to the other 10,000 pics he's already posted of himself in the same place doing the same thing ( this among other moods too including facebook "stories" where he feels the need to share every aspect of his day with no one in particular etc).

But like all relationships I simply suck it up as one learns to take the good with the bad and make compromises - this usually being me saying nothing for a while and then cracking up after his 20th failed pic attempt and threatening to throw his phone in the nearest river if he doesn't quit ! :)

October 7th, 2018, 01:48
it is pretty certain the boy would be bored out of his mind with the 49 year old in no time" as you're automatically assuming there that it's the boy who will get bored with the older guy and not the other way around sometimes !

You see, Pavlik? It seems I am your best (and only) option, no one else seems to be volunteering.

Can we discuss my monthly allowance now? What's your opening offer?

October 7th, 2018, 02:50
There are some Thai boys who seem quite happy to post pics of their trips to Moscow or St Petersburg on their Gay Romeo or Grinder profiles. Not many, but I have seen it.

There may be a few Russian tourists who misbehave in Pattaya. Plus a few farang from other countries. However, the Russians I work with in a professional capacity are polite, efficient and speak almost perfect English.

If looking for a boy to bring home to Russia (or wherever you live now), then the Philippines might be an easier place to look. Go out there. Date as many as possible. Some will want to keep in touch & the country is MUCH poorer than Thailand, so I think they might just be a lot more interested in visiting you at home.

October 7th, 2018, 10:46
Sounds like your really looking for a sex slave, zazdarovje!

October 7th, 2018, 10:49
define sex slave...

October 7th, 2018, 10:59
A sex slave is a Sexy Slav ...

October 7th, 2018, 14:29
u guys are being totally silly...east europeans r sooo sexy...from the looks to the accent...

October 7th, 2018, 14:41
Nah. I love the Asian look and feel as well as the disposition. A Slavie is likely to drink the mini bar dry before coshing you over the head, stealing all your money and nicking your favourite sandals.

October 7th, 2018, 15:03
" ... I love the Asian look and feel as well as the disposition ... "Right on the nailhead: goes for my old man as weĺl as most Thais.

October 7th, 2018, 16:08
oh dont get me all wrong...dont wanna be accused of misspeaking....LOL...I do love Thai guys...but also love to sample south americans and europeans...

Old git
October 7th, 2018, 16:50
The age difference thing is just a western social fixation. Choosing to be in a relationship with someone three decades your senior doesn't generate ridicule in Thailand, and many young Thais find the stability of a mature partner appealing.

Having more money helps of course, but it's not everything - I know one 75yr old guy who's been living in the LoS with his now 38yr old GF for the last ten years - scraping by on little more than his British state pension - they are clearly very happy together.

Could a 49 y.o. Russian form a lasting relationship with an 18 y.o. Thai boy? Yes, probably, although he might get lonely and homesick in Russia - a better chance of success in the LoS I think.

I also think the chances of success are much greater if the older guy is the top and dominant party.

A feminine boy, shopping, cooking, minding the home; having little to worry about and getting gently buggered most nights? Yes, I can see plenty of boys signing up to that - especially those whose families have never really accepted that their lad is gay..

October 7th, 2018, 17:22
The age difference thing is just a western social fixation. Choosing to be in a relationship with someone three decades your senior doesn't generate ridicule in Thailand, and many young Thais find the stability of a mature partner appealing.

Having more money helps of course, but it's not everything...

It's true! Throughout history we have seen young people rejecting people of their own age, and preferring to be with someone older.
This age thing really is a Western construct, in Thailand I never see young gay guys together, usually young Thai guys prefer older men, and more often much older men. Possible explanation, older guys are simply physically more attractive, who needs a 25 year old, when you can catch a 72 yr old stunner.

And we all have seen young, well to do Thais taking care of stay at home older, broke foreigners, happens all the time!

Have you noticed, older guys usually prefer other old guys, you sometimes see older man going out with younger guy, it is only becaue there simply aren't enough old guys to go around for everybody.

October 7th, 2018, 18:26
@DoubleDutch 555 :-))

October 7th, 2018, 22:50
Possible explanation, older guys are simply physically more attractive, who needs a 25 year old, when you can catch a 72 yr old stunner.

Yes, I would like to believe that, but I don't. :devilsh:

October 8th, 2018, 00:05
... I know one 75yr old guy who's been living in the LoS with his now 38yr old GF for the last ten years - scraping by on little more than his British state pension ...

You've omitted to mention he was a millionaire when he arrived.

October 8th, 2018, 02:31
dutchy u must be a lawyer...
...and again..hate to say this...but scotty most probably right about the millionaire thing...

Old git
October 8th, 2018, 18:13
You've omitted to mention he was a millionaire when he arrived.

Actually not - he's a former gardener from Yorkshire who didn't relish having to go begging for extra benefits during his retirement. He took himself to Thailand for a walk on the wild side, met a single mum in her mid twenties in a bar and very quickly settled down with her, becoming a proud stepdad..

Old git
October 8th, 2018, 18:28
It's true! Throughout history we have seen young people rejecting people of their own age, and preferring to be with someone older..

Although you jest - it happens..

There's a bi girl who's been in and out of my life and bed for over eight years now, and is financially self-sufficient. She is 29 years my junior. Her 28 year old sister is making plans to marry her Thai boyfriend - he is 48.

Both girls are very good looking and come from a wealthy family..

October 8th, 2018, 19:28
Perhaps we could take Rupert Murdoch as a role model here - a bit of young rice in Wendi Deng (50 years younger at least) and then a middle-aged slapper 30 years his junior, Jerry Hall

Old git
October 8th, 2018, 20:48
This thread reminds of a Thai guesthouse I was staying at about four years ago. The place was tranquil but the walls were thin.

In the room next to mine was a guy who could best be described as a fit fifty - not sure of his nationality - we didn't speak much. He had in tow a little cutie who was probably only just legal.

I would hear them talking - then the sound of them manoeuvring on the bed - and then the rhythmic creaks and loud groans, from both of them..

They probably heard my antics as well, but I don't think I've ever been that noisy.. - and then there they were at breakfast the following morning, looking so very ordinary..

October 9th, 2018, 02:59
Old Git...I kinda believed your posts until u mentioned that the girls came from wealthy families....I find it really difficult to believe that a wealthy Thai would associate themselves with a mere farang commoner with hardly 2 cents to rub together...there are a few that met overseas whilst studying when young...but an old sex farang tourist...nah...thats gogo girl/boy/whore territory...

October 9th, 2018, 03:03
...and old git..not sure what u mean " at breakfast looking so normal" ....the way you describe it all activities were carried out in their hotel room..no mention of shrieking with ecstacy..or whips or chains...or chickens...all very vanilla ordinary. Not as if they were doing a scotty scat in a gogo bar totally drunk out of their skulls...

Nirish guy
October 9th, 2018, 08:03
....or chickens...all very vanilla ordinary. ..

Exactly, I mean having sex without at least a bargain bucket of KFC with a jumbo tub of gravy and two corn on the cobs being involved, I mean why would you even bother !

October 9th, 2018, 09:03
For all you know, they could have played a recording of various sex sessions, just to pique the interest of some curious neighbours.

October 9th, 2018, 16:48
...why...like really why...???? why would anyone care what the neighbours think???...why would one want to pique their interest?? I just dont get it...must be a generational thing.

Old git
October 9th, 2018, 18:13
" I find it really difficult to believe that a wealthy Thai would associate themselves with a mere farang commoner with hardly 2 cents to rub together "

Did I say I was poor?

I'm not mega wealthy mind, but comfortable enough. This girl's sister is currently preparing to get married to a guy who is of Thai descent and now Thai resident, but raised in Canada - her dad has set the Sinsod at 5 million baht, which gives you an idea of where the family sits, financially.

Old git
October 9th, 2018, 18:36
" ..not sure what u mean " at breakfast looking so normal" "

OK it was a vanilla encounter as far as I know, but with such energy and gusto that everyone in the building must have heard them loud and clear..

And then there they were, neatly attired and quietly having breakfast, the lad perched on his chair with tight shorts on - covering a butt that we'd all heard being comprehensively sodomised a few hours before..

October 9th, 2018, 18:46
Old Git wrote.
"..not sure what u mean " at breakfast looking so normal"

Well, 'normal' for a farang/Thai boy breakfast is something like this. The farang gorges himself with as much as he can and stuffs a few bread rolls/croissant in his pockets. This means he doesn't have to spend any money on lunch. He attempts smalltalk with the Thai.

Meanwhile the Thai boy nibbles on a little fruit, and plays ever more frantically on his phone. He curses the forced march to breakfast at 9.30 (the middle of the night in Thai boy terms) because the buffet closes at 10.00. He also wishes the farang would not try to eat a whole boiled egg in one go while thinking time must be going backwards.

Old git
October 9th, 2018, 22:38
Old Git wrote.
Meanwhile the Thai boy nibbles on a little fruit, and plays ever more frantically on his phone.

That's the one - chair pushed out a little from the table, legs crossed underneath and phone on his lap - the farang might just as well have left him in the room..

..but he wants to be seen with his young bit of fluff..

October 10th, 2018, 15:17

Why don't you look for a Russian guy? Or guys from central Asian countries? {Guys from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc. could speak Russian and stand the cold weather. Moreover, many have Asiatic features.

October 10th, 2018, 16:33
This is (yet) another of these strange threads where the O.P posts some off the wall request for 'information' and is then never heard of again. Shenanigans are afoot here.

October 10th, 2018, 16:48
He's overwhelmed by the enthusiasm shown by the amiable responders.

October 10th, 2018, 17:18
He's overwhelmed by the enthusiasm shown by the amiable responders.

Yep, he is left speechless with all the valuable advice, and number of new possibilities that never even occured to him. He is probably reevaluating his whole approach to life.

Old git
October 10th, 2018, 22:55
" Guys from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc. could speak Russian and stand the cold weather. Moreover, many have Asiatic features "

Sure, but it's often dangerous to admit to being gay in the 'stans..

October 11th, 2018, 02:17
even better reason to grab the opportunity and move to the relative openess of st peterberg and live a free life as a sex slave/servant/companion....